
Chapter 355 [Bonus Chapter] No Rush

"Do you know what the Black King wants?" I asked, but the demon shook its head.


"Fine, I will come, but I need to clean up the mess you all made first," I said with a sigh as I pulled the pins off the bleeding Demon Bee, letting it get back up.

"The Black King knew this would be so and is in no rush. The girls are also safe, but he will not return them unless you come," The demon said as it gestured for a glowing red hole in the floor to appear. "You know how to get here, but come visit Bellazibub first. She said you will know where to find her.

And with that, the demon jumped into the hole and disappeared, leaving me to my thoughts. This was not what I wanted, but I had little choice in the matter. I needed to at least hear what this Black King had to say before deciding on anything else, but I had a boatload of problems to deal with first here. As long as the girls were fine, then I could worry about them after my business here in Torrain was finished.

I sighed and then caused all the earth about me to collapse around me, lifting me back up to the surface and then spreading out the extra dirt that was left over. One thing that had come good out of this was there would be no more demons or cultists, but there was still Xena. There was also the election or naming of Torrain\'s next leader, so I needed to start fixing up the towns and get everyone voting for Hilda. The cultists, being gone, were going to take most of Carrie\'s stranglehold on Torrian\'s surrounding villages.

I looked around, and the place looked like a ghost town, but according to the single squirrel that was left here in town with me, everyone was inside like I had asked. The other four were already working in the town of Lorient and would soon be moving to take care of the last two. This was perfect now, and my remaining squirrel appeared on my shoulder, chittering excitedly and relaying the town\'s logistics to me mentally as I made a portal to the closest place to the center of Elloria.

Once I was there, I placed my hand down on the ground and closed my eyes as I transmuted the ground to create a miniature copy of the broken-down town. I opened my eyes and looked down at my work before smirking as I started to study it.

"First thing is the walls and towers," I said, and just like in Calham, stones started to rise up to form the walls and towers. I created a few defensive mechanisms while I was at it and some offensive ones, just in case.

This happened around me in the town of Elloria and on the ground before me, so the next part was the houses. I had wanted to get Listenia in on this, but now with the Underworld trouble and my God Powers back, I just wanted to get it all done so I could get back to playing around with the girls. Being helpful and saving people was nice and all, but it was also draining, but complaining wasn\'t getting the job done.

Next, I slowly started a wave of Growth Magic that coursed through the town, causing the buildings to grow and repair themselves. I had considered making them out of stone or brick, but the ground was frozen here, and repairs to the houses would be done easier with lumber. The walls needed to be stone, but I built them to outlast at least five generations of humans before they would need to be replaced.

One other thing that happened as the wave started was a wave of screams of terror that rose from the woman as their houses started to grow, but soon that changed. I was doing much more than just fixing their houses as hundreds of cat spirits started to flow out of my body. Soon, the screams died down, and then there was a murmured silence that fell for a bit before cheering and laughter started to come from everywhere. It became harder to hear as the houses were properly insulated, and ventilation systems and plumbing started to be installed with all sorts of heating and protection glyphs, just like at the greenhouse. This town\'s people would help keep the place alive and warm passively, and it could even generate food infinitely with proper care and development of seeds and switching to plant-based.

I created two greenhouses and then found a water source below the town that was piped up by a ground of my more specialized cat spirits, and soon everyone had not only running water but also hot water. I put filtration and purification systems in the water just to be on the safe side. Doing all of this the first time was a hassle, but creating a usable template now would help me do things much faster in the future.

I wasn\'t sure what these people had been eating before I got here, but now they would have plenty of food with the greenhouses and infestation prevention glyphs that were placed all around the town, preventing anything harmful from getting close. If the monsters were strong enough, then they could get past them, but the people in the towers would be warned. So far, I hadn\'t seen anything too crazy, but my tamed animals had reported a few unidentified larger creatures. Hopefully, my defenses would be enough, but I was getting better at making things.

After the houses were all built and repaired, I moved on to the town hall, which was being repaired as I spoke with a few of the other ladies that came out about voting for Hilda as their leader once things were all sorted out politically in Torrain. My map connected to the murmurings of everyone in the town, so I listened and picked out the Town Elder and got my squirrel to go find her to bring to me.

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