
Chapter 461 Don't Play By The Rules

I flew up and spotted a few thin streams of smoke in the distance, but I hung in the air to think about things. The first Amazon that I had a chance to meet with barely seemed to half two senses to rub together. While this was only one of them, with the way Kalli and even Giantessa had acted, it was starting to feel like a trend.

How was I supposed to deal with women that lacked not only common sense but also limited learning? The fact that most of them talked with broken speech proved this point, but I didn\'t get what I was supposed to do about it?

I opened a portal to bring my Cat-Robin through and sent her off to find out more about the island and how many people were in the area that I was seeing. I didn\'t see any other smoke nearby, so it would be good to have the little bird look around while I tried to figure out what to do.

Scare them? Not likely, since they seemed almost too stupid to be properly scared.

Bribe them? Possible, but with what?

Convince them? How could I do that when half the time, it seemed like they were incapable of understanding how simple things worked.

I sighed and started to use the wind to push myself forward, my wings outstretched from my back, catching the wind as I thought about what I was going to do next. Maybe I should just look for the biggest and toughest amazon and kick the shit out of them? That was sure to get their attention.

I flew to the closest fire, dropped down, noting the other locations, and landed in the middle of a large group of Amazons. Everyone in the area went quiet as they all turned their focus down to me.

Each one of the women was so that I could walk between most of their legs if I ducked. On top of that, more than one woman had braided hair like pigtails coming from the lover part of their bikini... Pussy locks?

"So, you are the Cat that Ku said was sneaking around, but when did Cats start flying?" Asked the largest Amazon, and I knew that I had found who I was looking for.

"You are the leader, then?" I asked, and she nodded, her eyes flashing with amusement.

"Yes, I am! What can I do for you, Cat?" She asked in a voice as rough as any of them, but there was an underlying current of intelligence that gave me pause.

"I am here to talk about helping your people," I began calmly, and the women all laughed at my words, but the leader held up a hand, and they fell silent.

"Why would you want to help us? Better yet, why would we need your help?"The leader asked, and without skipping a beat, I answered.

"Because I believe everyone deserves a chance, even those who may not understand what is going on around them. I don\'t expect you to understand this right now, but give me a chance to explain it to you," I said, and the leader nodded slowly.

"I am listening," she said and leaned back against her tree.

So, I explained my plan to help the Amazon people with education, bettering their lives through basic needs, and how I would open up new opportunities for them with work opportunities and other logistics of running a village that could be beneficial.

The more I spoke, the more the leader seemed to relax, and when I finished, she looked at me with an odd expression on her face.

"That\'s actually not that bad an idea...If the woman actually cared about any of that. A great idea if I cared about any of that! We are warriors, not farmers! We fought, and we built our own homes out of wood and stone. That is how it has always been!" She said, and I nodded slowly before speaking.

"I understand that, but sometimes fighting isn\'t the answer. You aren\'t just warriors; you are people too. Your people deserve the chance to better their lives in ways other than war," I argued calmly, and the leader stared at me for a long moment.

"Are you stupid? Maybe you are just a weakling, and you are scared, is that it?" The leader asked me, making my blood boil. "You seem like you want to fight, but you hold yourself back? Fear? What is it?"

"I am not scared, but I am smart enough to understand when a fight isn\'t necessary," I said evenly, stepping forward. "You need to realize that even if you control the land and your people through fear, it will only make them weaker in the end."

The leader stepped toward me, her giant frame closer. "Do you think you can come here and lecture me about my people?" She asked in a low tone, and I just shook my head.

"Yeah, I did, but I never thought you all would be this fucking stupid. Fine, you want to get your ass kicked by someone half your size?" I asked, and the big woman grinned ferally.

"My name is Gaara of the Sila Tribe, and I am the leader because only Giantessa, my mother, rivals me in strength! Let us fight, and I will prove my strength!" She roared, making the air vibrate as she started to approach me.

I raised my hand and called a storm to the clear skies above us. Stupid muscle heads would get the scare tactics first!

"My name is Galio, Cat God, and I don\'t play by the rules," I said, and then I put my middle finger to my thumb and snapped my fingers.

Suddenly, lightning bolts shot down and struck everyone who was within fifty feet of the fire, thanks to my Cat-Robin, lighting all the Amazons up like Glow Stones. This included Gaara, who fell over with the rest of them, twitching on the ground.

In reality, these people could all be killed without any resistance, and that would be the end of Gaara and the Lancer Tribe. Depending on how the others reacted to me, this might be the most effective way of dealing with a group like this. Still, I would have to see if I could get Gaara to start listening.

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