
Chapter 180

Chapter 180: 180

Just them not minding us one bit gave me both relief and worry. Relief since they don’t seem to care about anything that’s happening outside the People’s Park and worry since I’m not sure what they would be like given a few more days. I was having a debate with myself inside my head but then I just lifted the Tavor up as we’re about to drive away. It’s a few hundred meters before we leave that area and I decided to point my gun at them.

“Bro? I thought we-” Jared said but I started to fire a single shot.


I pulled the trigger and one almost outside the edge dropped on the floor as part of its head has a hole in it. A spray of blood from the back of his head erupted as the bullet exited towards that direction. My aim is slowly getting higher and higher since I needed to be quick to gather information in the short time this moment passes. I’m shooting in almost a zigzag line, slowly creeping into the stadium while watching out if they would react to it or not. I wouldn’t be able to identify the sprinters apart from the normal ones since we’ll only know if it’s them if they reached incredible speeds. The sentry on the other hand is more distinct than the ones we have here.





A few more bullets flew out and I even asked the others with me to do the same. Kaley was quick on the uptake and she started to shoot towards the mass of zombies first. I opened a zipper from one of my pouches just to be ready and we all four finally started to take shots on the mass of zombies near the stadium. Several bodies started to drop from each shot we took and the bullet would sometimes kill a few more since almost all of them are very close to each other. Even if the bullets we are using are not armor penetration rounds, it still goes through them since only their rotting flesh is against a supersonic bullet that could go several thousand feet per second.

When I counted my 30th trigger pull, I changed magazines and started on shooting again. The spent casings are still falling inside the truck since we’re all facing sideways and it is clanging as it hits the truck’s flooring.

I’m waiting for them to react but they seem to be doing nothing. It was only a few seconds but it almost felt like several tens of minutes have already passed from it. Kaley and I were the only ones to shoot several rounds in that few seconds since Lois was slow to react and start shooting while Jared has a bolt action rifle.

“I think I’ll give one of the AR-10s to Jared and make him stop using the M70.” I thought to myself.

We stopped shooting for a moment when we finally saw them move. I felt a sense of dread remembering what happened to the others who came to their territory but my gut feeling is telling me it’s nothing to worry about, yet.

I thought they were about to charge towards us but they did something that is not what I was expecting. My hand is already on my pouch and my finger is on a metal ring but I never got to use it.

What happened was that a decent number of them started going inside the stadium while the other started to disperse away towards us from their original position. There’s still a bit of noise coming from our guns even if they’re suppressed, so some of the normal ones started to approach us even if they’re a fair distance away. Lois made sure that none got close to our vehicles while Kaley kept on shooting towards them. Jared on the other hand is watching out for a sprinter pretending to be a normal one since he hasn’t shot that much and he’s scanning with his rifle around them.

The vehicles started to slow down when the people driving them heard us shooting but I radioed them to continue on and drive a bit faster. The People’s Park and the City hall are now quite far from view and I changed the magazine to my last one.

“Add 90… no 102 from the total. Some of the bullets went through. It’s 624 now.” I thought to myself.

“Bro, I thought we won’t pick off a few from them?” Jared asked.

“Did you just wanted to get the jump on us?” Lois said.

“Hmm, no. I just don’t want to leave here without learning a bit more from that. How far have you guys reached on that part of the stadium?” I said.

“Not so much. I just hovered them a fair distance in case a few tried to reach the drone. The windows are tinted and it is covered by the vinyl-like curtains so we can’t see anything from the outside.” Lois replied.

“What could be inside it?” I thought to myself.

“I wanted to know if they could move away from the stadium or not and leave the People’s Park by luring them outside.” I mentioned.

“Wait, what?! What if they did?! We didn’t bring enough bullets!” Lois was flabbergasted.

“Yeah, but we have these and those. These things could greatly thin their numbers by a huge chunk if I threw all of these at them while keeping on shooting the ones that are still rushing towards us after that. Bodies piling on the road would make them not have a running start and we could definitely break away from them since we could always drive faster. I’m gonna throw these things one at a time so each time they come too close for comfort; they would be in for a surprise.” I replied as I pulled out several grenades from my pouch. I even pointed at the pouch at Kaley’s belt as well.

“WHY DO YOU HAVE GRENADES?!” he was shocked beyond reason.

“I have a couple in my bag too. Why are you so shocked? You’ve seen a few of them at his armory.” Jared mentioned.

“What?! You too?! Of course I’m shocked! I’m the only one here without one! Where’s mine?!” his eyes are almost bloodshot.

“…” Jared and Kaley were speechless.

“Here.” I said as I casually threw him two from the five on my pouch.

“WHAT THE FU-” he was startled but he managed to catch it both with one in each hand.

“I thought you wanted one? I gave you two. Don’t get so scared, forgot how grenades work? Heh.” I smirked as he happily finds a place to hide it in his person.

“Right, right… you need to pull the pin first… but don’t throw them so casually! New Years is always awesome when we go to the provinces.” Lois mentioned. He’s back to his old self now and he’s pretty excited. He started to shoot the zombies we’re passing through with great accuracy even from the ones coming from the side while Jared is shaking his head in amus.e.m.e.nt.

Kaley looked at us three and I told her that we would sometimes let loose when it’s New Years and would actually use grenades or dynamites in the provinces a few times since it is not illegal there or should I say, no one gives a f.u.c.k about there.

“I can’t believe you guys could do that. At least you didn’t cause a fire or something.” Kaley said.

“Oh, we did.” I replied as the two brothers next to me started on laughing.

Kaley was waiting for my story as she knew I would tell it immediately.

“It happened on our land there, someone I will not say who, *pointing at the driver’s side of the truck* got a little drunk and started to fire Dragon’s Breath shells from the shotgun towards some of the brush and it started a fire. We quickly put it out though and that’s one of the reasons my uncle stopped drinking or started regulating his drinks.” I started.

“Why is almost all of your friends or family members being somewhat crazy? And what is that Dragon’s Breath?” she asked.

“Heh, I would never exchange it for anything. A Dragon’s Breath is an incendiary round for a 12-gauge shotgun. We use them mostly for killing a few wasp nests at our land there or sending a signal. My other uncle is also there with his wife and they’re the ones who actually owned the land there we were talking about. I even told one of my workers who left the compound to head there since it would be closer and they would take him in.” I explained.

We eventually reached the compound and the new gate has replaced the chain-link fence we placed there at my old house. The gate is thick and reasonably heavy and it is quite tall. It is almost as tall as the wall from our compound if it weren’t for the space it needed vertically. It has handles for both sides but there’s a huge lock that looks like a bolt action on the other side to prevent people from the other side on casually opening it. Anthony is now installing barbed wires on the top portion of it while he is on top of a ladder.

He went down for a moment then slid the gate all the way and let us in. I’m hearing music from his belt and I noticed a small radio playing a very old song. He looked at me and he smiled.

“Earl decided to fire up the radio station finally and he just started on playing a few songs. I like his taste in music and… Oh yeah! He seems to be looking for you.” Anthony said.

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