
Chapter 205 - The end of the battle

Chapter 205 - The end of the battle

Usually, Niel would\'ve listened to that tiny voice that was telling him to retreat. He didn\'t really like to do anything if he wasn\'t a hundred percent sure, but this time he had no choice. He had used most of his hidden cards in this battle, and a lot of his men have fallen. If he retreats now after using everything he has, then even if he does win the throne his reign would not last. The people of Reschbeauch rever strength above all else. If he retreats and his brother dies in this battle, he would be branded a coward. So the moment he takes the throne, he was sure that a revolt would happen.

So this was his only chance, now that Ren was out of the way he just needed to get rid of Lara and Valdel and victory would be his. Knowing how strong the two were Niel was about to use their bloodlines forbidden technique, but before he could do so he heard a scream.



Valdel was stunned as he saw his best friend disappear before his very eyes. He couldn\'t believe it, he tried to sense Ren\'s mana signature. Yet no matter how hard he tried he couldn\'t sense it. What happened! That was the question that Valdel was screaming in his mind.

"It can\'t be, it\'s not possible." As anger was welling up inside Valdel he heard a scream echo throughout the battlefield.



Hilda who was fighting some soldiers on the walls was also watching the fight between Reynold and Ren. Even against such an opponent, she knew that Ren would emerge the victor. As she continued to battle the enemy forces, in the corner of her eye she saw Ren was about ready to finish his battle. But the moment victory was upon him something unexpected happened and Ren disappeared.

Hilda couldn\'t believe her eyes as she saw Ren was no longer standing smugly in front of his opponent. While she was trying to figure out what was happening, Hilda heard a scream.



Lara was watching Ren\'s battle with excitement. As expected of Ren fighting the opponent with a similar style as if mocking him. Well, she knew the truth, for this was Ren\'s way of showing respect. As the battle was reaching the climax Lara saw Ren summon his scythe.

\'The battle is over.\' The moment Lara thought of that she saw the space surrounding Ren distorted. After that Ren suddenly disappeared. The moment that happened Lara\'s mind blanked out.

"REEEENNNN!!!" Lara suddenly screamed which echoed throughout the battlefield. Lara could no longer feel Ren\'s mighty aura.

\'It can\'t be, Ren can never die! He won\'t die like this! Not against someone like that!\' Lara started shooting arrows at Reynold as she charged forward the gigantic man. Even though Lara\'s arrows were imbued with her mana they weren\'t powerful enough to pierce Reynold\'s thick skin in his giant form.

Lara who was charging without any plan jumped upward and gathered all of her mana into her fist. She was about ready to punch Reynold\'s face with her full power when she saw Reynold\'s forehead coming towards her. Reynold was obviously trying to do a headbutt, unable to move away and evade Lara whose fist was filled with her mana punched the incoming forehead.

The moment the two had contact with each other\'s attacks they were both blown away. Reynold had suffered a major injury and fainted. Lara\'s full power strike was able to crack a bit of his skull and shake his brain. On the other hand, Lara no longer had any mana left and even had her right arm broken. She too had fainted after that clash, but unlike her, Reynold was slowly dying.

Seeing that this was an excellent chance Niel was running as fast as he could towards Lara to finish her off. Valdel who was still stunned in place saw the running Niel and was about to intercept him.

"No matter what block that man!" Niel shouted at his men. Hearing Niel\'s command the mages used the \'Fire Wall\' spell. Layers upon layers of blazing fire stood between Valdel and Niel. Valdel took out his sword and slashed at the wall of fire. Zwei\'s special ability to absorb spells was able to make the wall of fire disappear.

Though that only stopped him for a few seconds, Niel was now closer to Lara and even if Valdel dashes at full speed he won\'t be able to overtake him. With no other choice, Valdel sent a sword wave towards Niel. Seeing the incoming sword wave Niel quickly took out another scroll and activated it.

A wall of wind blocked the sword wave. Valdel gnashed his teeth in frustration, he had to make a choice right now. He could either kill Niel or he would still try to overtake him even though it doesn\'t seem possible at this point. While Valdel was trying to make a decision the space in front of Lara was distorting.

A black tear in space suddenly appeared in front of Lara\'s unconscious body. Niel backed away as he saw the mysterious occurrence. As everyone was confused as to what was happening a person stepped out of the black tear.

"Sorry for the wait, that\'s the first time I ever used that ability." That vicious grin and that massive amount of mana, there was no mistaking who appeared before them. Ren who was forcefully teleported was able to return safely.

"That can\'t be! You know how to use the forgotten spell of true teleportation! That\'s not possible only a Near-Divine Mage can use that spell!" Niel couldn\'t understand what was happening before him. All of his plans were going awry and all because of one person.

"To tell you the truth I can\'t really use such a spell, it\'s all because of this." Ren presented the scythe he was holding. "It\'s one of this weapon\'s abilities. Well, enough about that, how about we end this farce... I actually wanted to fight you as well after beating your brother but based on what I\'m seeing you\'re no better than him. So it would be quite a bore to fight a weaker opponent after I had such a fun battle before. Though I do thank you for the nice little game of siege warfare. But I had enough of that."

Niel didn\'t hear anything else Ren said as the moment he heard Ren tell him that he was no better than his good for nothing brother something inside of him snapped. He was about to scream at Ren and use the forbidden technique of his bloodline, but before he could do anything Ren already killed him.

Niel who saw his body fall and knew that he just died had a few seconds of consciousness left. As his consciousness was slowly disappearing, Niel felt humiliated and was full of regret. He died in such a pathetic way, after all his planning he died in a worse way than his older brother. At least Reynold was able to fight until the end, he, on the other hand, kept on hesitating throughout the ordeal.

\'I see I didn\'t really hate my older brother... I was just jealous of him...\' Those were Niel\'s final thoughts as death came for him.

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