
Chapter 670 - A PitChapter Black Bullet!

Chapter 670: A Pitch Black Bullet!

The relationship between Mu Wu and Feng Luo was different and unique.

Therefore, Feng Luo had allowed for his communication device to accept Mu Wu’s messages automatically.

However, Mu Wu’s recent message had caused Feng Luo to lose focus of his target.


As a result, there was a lack of accuracy in his third shot from the Wings of Death.

Instead of hitting exactly where the previous two bullets had hit, the third bullet hit the rear right wheel of the Gray Bear SUV. The September Guild players were escaping.


A loud noise had come from the rear right wheel of the SUV as the September Guild players felt the entire car shake.

“He switched and hit the tires!?” The Fire Manipulator glanced at the system’s notice on the damage of the vehicle. The tone in his voice revealed that he was joyful instead of shocked.

In War, the SUVs took into account the complex environments that the players drove through. Therefore, the wheels were not made of just rubber. Since they also contained a special alloy material, the tires could not be destroyed by merely one or two shots.

Even if he managed to destroy one of the tires, the SUV would still be able to drive. The driving mechanics of the vehicles in the game had long taken into account these types of situations. Therefore, having one less tire would only affect its stability and speed. However, the September Guild players would still be able to escape by using the car.

Therefore, if Feng Luo continued to shoot at the tires of the vehicle, they would have a chance to escape. The Fire Manipulator let out a huge sigh of relief.

Since the third shot was wasted on a rear tire, the chances of Feng Luo blowing up the engine were quite low. Even if he began to shoot at the engine again, there was not enough time to cause severe damage to it since they would have escaped by then!

However, just when the Fire Manipulator was rejoicing internally, September Night Rain, who had been behind him with a gloomy face, had a huge change in his expression after receiving a message.

“Go faster! That Mu Wu is bringing the people from the Nightless City Club to surround us! Jiao and the rest have no way to hinder them!” Everyone in the car was filled with shock after hearing what September Night Rain said.

When the September Guild players had planned their ambush on Feng Luo and his group, September Night Rain had allocated people to watch the players of the Nightless City Club in Lu Conglomerate City for any movement. After a player is killed, news of the player’s death would quickly spread around in the game. Therefore, it was essential for them to keep an eye on enemy players.

If their original plan had been successful, any actions from the Nightless City Club would be futile because they had no intention of going directly back to Lu Conglomerate City. Furthermore, after they terminated Feng Luo and his group, there would be no way anyone could follow their escape tracks.

However, they had never anticipated how much their original plan would fall apart. Despite how much they focused their attacks on Feng Luo during the ambush, he had still managed to survive and escape. It did not matter that he was a Sniper and that they were attacking him in close range.

After escaping their ambush, Feng Luo had managed to kill seven of their players with seven consecutive shots. If they count the three Light Armored Warriors that he killed in the forest, then that would amount to ten of their players killed.

Fourteen September Guild players attacked five Nightless City Club players. However, ten of the September Guild players were killed. The outcome was quite embarrassing.

Furthermore, if they were to be surrounded by the people of the Nightless City Club, the situation would become even worse for them.

Meanwhile, on top of the cliff, Feng Luo responded to Mu Wu’s message before he hung up the communication device.

“Ok, I understand!”

The communication time between him and Mu Wu was short because all of their words toward one another were straightforward.

Since a group from the September Guild had just ambushed Feng Luo’s group, the Nightless City Club players thought Feng Luo was quite fortunate to escape with his life. They figured that he must be hiding somewhere since there was no way that he could go up against a group of more than ten players. Especially since that group had a superstar player amongst them.

However, Mu Wu was confident that Feng Luo had survived and escaped the ambush. He was even certain that Feng Luo had planned a counter-attack and would have the upper-hand in such a situation. Mu Wu had this much confidence in him.

Therefore, after receiving the news of the ambush, he rushed to the location with backup.

However, Feng Luo had found that the exchange of messages with Mu Wu was a waste of his time.

Even though his mind was still very active, he was unable to focus on his aim while receiving and sending messages. If he would continue to receive messages, he might as well stop shooting at his enemies because his aim would be inaccurate.

During the few seconds he had spent exchanging messages with Mu Wu, the SUV below was able to drive further away from his line of sight.

Therefore, considering his aiming time in manual mode, Feng Luo would have time for no more than three shots.

Actually, to be more precise, he would only have enough time for two more shots because the SUV was driving out of his line of fire rather quickly.

If they were to drive away any faster, September Night Rain and the others would manage to escape to a location outside his shooting range.

Even if Feng Luo directly jumped down the cliff now, he would be unable to catch up to the enemy players on time because he was currently 500 meters away from them and couldn’t access his personal vehicle while in combat.

Even if he had managed to catch up to them on time, he would be at a disadvantage since he did not have adequate protection for close-range combat.

Feng Luo had the opportunity to shoot at the vehicle two more times. However, if these two shots were unable to stop the SUV, then he would only be able to notify the other Nightless City Club players about the vehicle’s route. However, these players would most likely be unable to stop September Night Rain.


However, even though Feng Luo only had enough time to shoot at the SUV with two more shots, he did not move with urgency.

Although he was not shooting at the enemy players yet, his hands had remained moving during the time he was communicating with Mu Wu.

Feng Luo had taken out the magazine on the Wings of Death, which was now in manual mode. After that, he loaded a sniper rifle bullet into the chamber before he loaded the magazine again. This whole process took three seconds.

Although, these actions seemed to be somewhat pointless. The Wings of Death had a total of three magazines, which consisted of three types of 14.5 mm bullets. All three magazines still had rounds within them, so there was no need to remove the magazine to load another round into the chamber. Furthermore, this bullet, based on its shape, was not much different from the B-Grade Deflagration Armor-Piercing Bullet that was initially loaded in the magazine.

However, if you looked at it again, you could see that this particular sniper bullet and the usual Deflagration Armor-Piercing Bullet were undoubtedly different.

The bullet he loaded into the chamber was a Deflagration Armor-Piercing Bullet that was covered by a thin layer of something black. The substance covering the bullet was a black shade that seemed as smooth as a mirror. It seemed like all forms of light, and even “souls,” would be pulled into the darkness of the bullet.

It was a pitch-black sniper bullet!

Within Feng Luo’s sight, the Gray Bear SUV was “running away” at full speed!

Furthermore, the vehicle was moving in a type of “S” shape maneuver, which made the SUV’s movement quite erratic.

The muzzle on the Wings of Death was moving in slight angles, and the finger covered by the Black Eagle gloves was ready to pull the trigger.

The Gray Bear SUV continued to drive away and only needed two more seconds to escape from Feng Luo’s shooting angle completely.

This was actually the last opportunity for Feng Luo to stop the September Guild players from escaping in the SUV.


The Wings of Death finally rang again.

The Deflagration Armor-Piercing Bullet shot out of the muzzle at a speed of 1500 m/s.

However, this time, the bullet’s tail flame was no longer red. Instead, it was a much darker shade of black.

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