
Chapter 579 – CCTV’s report Part 1 of 2

The Qiudu leaders were hosting two CCTV reporters. They had approached CCTV for help, and with their support, they will surely recover from this crisis!

“Reporter Sui, I have already told you everything. I promise I did not hide anything from you. That human remains ham were all accusations. We are framed!”

“Manager Ma, do you know who the one that framed you is? We have investigated. Your local, provincial newspaper was the first to report that Qiudu ham had a weird smell and this smell was similar to the smell of burning human flesh in the crematorium. Are you aware of this?” Sui Junyi asked.

Manager Ma narrowed his eyes. What was this Reporter Sui implying? Was he going to help us hit back at Danhui Company? This was a great opportunity. Danhui Company was the one who framed us first. We should let everyone knows that they were the one behind this!

“Of course. We knew who was the one that framed us, but I will not reveal their names. When their company wanted to start producing ham, they even visited our factories to learn from us. We even shared our experiences with them. But they turn around and spread rumors and tarnished our company’s reputation!” Manager Ma snarled.

“Manager Ma, you knew which company had spread the rumors, but you refuse to reveal their identity? That means both your company and that someone is very close?” Sui Junyi immediately took note of this vital clue.

“That is all in the past. In the future, we will have nothing to do with them. We will be competitors and rivals!” Manager Ma said.

“Are you sure that you do not want to tell the whole nation who was the one that had inflicted these damages to your company?” Sui Junyi continued asking.

Manager Ma hesitated for a while. He remembered that he was due for his promotion. But because of this incident and Danhui Company’s rumors, all his hopes were gone. He should be stagnant at his current rank until he retires.

If it wasn’t for someone taking the blame, he would be the one that was sacked! But the Provincial Leaders had ordered him to not reveal Danhui company, despite he had all the evidence. But what if the reporter found out by himself?

If Danhui company gets into trouble. Then those distributors will return to Qiudu Company. Manager Ma will be able to revive the company. Anyway, there was a high demand for Qiudu ham in the past, and their production could not keep up. Now, even if there was a decline in their sales, they should still be able to get some profits. If the Provincial Government was forced to save one of the two companies, the obvious choice was, of course, the established and reputable company, Qiudu.

When Manager Ma thought about this, he pretended to touch a document file on his desk accidentally. It was a document of Danhui Company coming to Qiudu to learn from them.

Sui Junyi noticed it immediately and asked: “Is the company you mentioned just now Danhui? Because Danhui is also your provincial enterprise, you are unwilling to expose them?”

Manager Ma sighed. Since you already know about this, then I will tell you the truth: “If we were not from the same province, do you think we will let another company learn our operations? Their leaders were the ones who spread the rumors. They were the ones that claim we had used human remains for our ham. They had also bribed a Deputy Editor to publish this rumor on the papers! You can go and investigate.”

Sui Junyi looked at the cameraman behind him. The cameraman nodded, indicating that he got everything on camera.

“Fine. Manager Ma, we will report everything. We will not let you be accused. But I still have one more question. You had used the pork that was contaminated with smoke in your ham. Have you ever thought that this pork might not be safe for consumption?”

“What do you mean by this?” Manager Ma was shocked. This reporter did not seem to be here to help them restore the public confidence in their company.

“Have your ham pass the food safety test before they leave your factory?”

“Of course. All our ham has passed the food safety test! The pork was only smoked. In the south, there is also smoked meat. Why can’t our pork be edible?” Manager Ma asked.

“Okay. Then I do not have any more question. Manager Ma, do you wish to add anything else?” Sui Junyi asked.

“No. I only wish to apologize to the consumers. I had not managed the company well, and this had happened. I promise this will not happen again. Please continue to support our Qiudu ham……”

After Sui Junyi and his crew left, Manager Ma did not feel anything wrong. Although Sui Junyi did not accept his red packet, he was a reporter from CCTV’s . He might be a righteous person.

Furthermore, Manager Ma thought back on the interview. There was nothing out of place. He had prepared his final speech a long time ago. He hopes that his words will help change the consumer\'s opinion of Qiudu ham or get Danhui Company into trouble!


CCTV was very efficient. 3 days after the interview, aired this episode and had informed Manager Ma in advance. Manager Ma arranged for all the leaders in the company to watch this episode in the meeting room. He wants everyone to see this magical moment together!

“A while ago, there were some rumors. Qiudu Ham was made from human flesh. There are also rumors that Qiudu Company had collaborated with the crematorium. So, we sent our reporter to investigate this matter. Today, we will announce the results of our investigations. These rumors are false!”

Manager Ma and the rest clapped and cheered. CCTV’s had helped them cleared up the rumors. What’s there to worry about?

The Provincial Government leaders also watched this program, and they nodded. Seems like this PR effort was just in time. It should be able to save Qiudu’s reputation and recover some of the losses.

“…… you can see from this footage. This cold storage is under repair. This storage caught fire not long ago, and some of the pork stored inside were burnt and smoked. To minimize their losses, Qiudu Company mixed this pork with other pork and make it into their ham. Base on our interview, Qiudu Company’s Manager Ma told us that this smoked pork was safe for consumption. We have sent samples of this batch of test to Beijing Food and Drug Testing Center to conduct a series of test. Next, will be the employees from the test center announcing the test results.”

When this segment was shown, Manager Ma and the rest of the leaders’ face changed. Why did CCTV send those ham for the test? What was this doing? Didn’t the leaders said that CCTV will help them squash those rumors? Why does it look like they were targeting them?

The leaders from Qiudu knew that there will undoubtedly be issues with this batch of ham. But this batch of ham should not be too poisonous to cause fatalities.

When this segment was shown, the leaders from Danhui Company cheered. Seems like the Provincial Government will only support their company in the future. Qiudu Company was finished!

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