
Chapter 258 60.4 - Phantom’s Land

Chapter 258 Chapter 60.4 - Phantom\'s Land

\'It even blocks [Mana Observation] from time to time.\'

Certainly, it was an interesting concept. If possible, I wanted to be able to store some of this mist to analyze its property. If I could create something similar….

\'I am sure the other professors here are working on this as well.\'

Right now, I was here all by myself. After the hectic night in the bungalow with all windows closed, I decided to check something.

And just as I had expected, right at 06.06 A.M., the mist turned brighter once again. It seemed, here, the concept of day and night was determined by the exact time.

Of course, calling this \'day\' wouldn\'t be exactly true since, even now, there aren\'t many lights around. However, compared to the mist before, it is a lot better.

\'Should I start my training.\'

Entering the Phantom\'s Land won\'t be possible this easily in the future, and the atmosphere is certainly a lot better for training both my body and my mana circuits.

Now that the mist had become more translucent, I could also observe my surroundings with increased clarity.

\'This should be enough.\'

Finding a suitable spot, I commenced my training routine, seamlessly blending physical exercises with mana-enhancing techniques.

Moving with purpose, I integrated martial arts forms with bursts of mana manipulation. Phantom\'s Land provided a distinct atmosphere for training, and I seized the opportunity to enhance both my physical and magical capabilities.



Inside the city hall of the Phantom\'s Land town, people had gathered, waiting for Professor Eldorium to arrive.

Most of them were the students of Arcadia Hunter Academy who were here for a short trip of four days. After the notice that was given to them by their instructor, those who were interested in academic hearings immediately filled the seats.

Though seemingly small from the outside, the unique space magic employed by Professor Eldorium expanded the interior, creating an expansive hall with high ceilings adorned with mystical symbols that seemed to shimmer in the ethereal lighting.

As the students settled into their seats, the air in the expanded city hall hummed with subtle energy, a manifestation of the unique mana density that permeated Phantom\'s Land.

And considering the events of yesterday, some of them even had dark circles under their eyes.

"Just what the hell was those noises?"

"Right? I almost even pissed myself. Why didn\'t they tell us about those bastards? I pushed myself to my home at the last second."

"Well, you are lucky. One of my team members thought he could fight them, but then he was knocked down when we found him. Following that, teachers came and got him out."

"I see, so they know our progress, right?"

"Most likely."

While the students were talking amongst themselves, suddenly, the sounds of walking echoed.


Professor Eldorium entered the hall, his imposing presence magnified by the magical ambiance.

"Good day, esteemed scholars," Professor Eldorium greeted a glint of amusement in his sharp, intelligent eyes. His gaze shifted to some students who displayed signs of fatigue from the previous night\'s unsettling events.

"Well, it seems some of you had an encounter with the local inhabitants of Phantom\'s Land," he remarked with a sly grin. "I hope you enjoyed their... nocturnal melodies. It appears they\'ve left their mark on a few of you," he added, gesturing playfully towards the dark circles under some students\' eyes.

A ripple of nervous laughter spread through the students as they realized the professor was well aware of their nighttime encounters.

"Just a friendly reminder," Professor Eldorium continued his tone light, "next time, perhaps bring some earplugs if you plan on having a peaceful night\'s rest. Those phantoms can be quite the enthusiastic musicians, as you\'ve witnessed."


The students chuckled, appreciating the professor\'s ability to lighten the mood. Professor Eldorium himself chuckled along, the warmth in his eyes contrasting with the imposing figure he cut.

"Now, let\'s move on to more serious matters, shall we?" he said, transitioning smoothly. "Today, we delve into the realm of Integrated Magical Circuits. But before we embark on this journey, let me assure you, there will be no phantom-related symphonies involved."

The students laughed again, relieved at the professor\'s humor.

"Integrated Magical Circuits," he continued, his tone becoming more focused, "represent a convergence of magical theory and adaptability. It\'s a concept that requires finesse and an understanding of the dynamic relationships between magical elements and the changing conditions of the environment. And as you can see, Phantom\'s Land is a perfect place for that."

However, at that point, he stopped.

"Let me make it clear, young scholars, that the concept of Integrated Magical Circuits is one typically reserved for advanced magic college-level studies. It requires a depth of understanding and a mastery of magic principles beyond what is usually expected at an academy level."

He paused, allowing the weight of his words to settle on the audience.

"However," he continued a thoughtful expression on his face, "I understand that your presence here in Phantom\'s Land is not just an academic pursuit. It\'s an exploration, an opportunity to push the boundaries of your magic knowledge. While Integrated Magical Circuits may be a challenge, I believe it can also be a valuable insight for each and every one of you."

He advised the students to consider staying and delving into the advanced topic, assuring them that the knowledge gained would be a rare and profound addition to their future insights.

Despite the warning about the complexity of the subject, all of the students, fueled by curiosity and the desire to unravel the mysteries of Phantom\'s Land (getting better grades for the practical exam), unanimously chose to remain.

After all, they were already aware that the concepts talked about here would be at a much higher level compared to others.

"I see..." Professor Eldorium\'s gaze swept across the enthusiastic faces of the students, a pleased smile playing on his lips. He felt kind of proud seeing their collective decision to stay here.

"I am delighted by your enthusiasm, young scholars," he commended, his voice carrying a tone of approval. "Your willingness to delve into such matters, even knowing the challenges, is deserving of praise."

As the professor continued his discourse, elaborating on the Integrated Magical Circuits, he couldn\'t help but notice the focused expressions on the faces of two students seated at the front – Irina Emberheart with her fiery red hair and amber eyes and Seraphina Frostborne with her silver hair and piercing blue eyes.

\'Ho? To think I could see two heirs of future pillars….Am I lucky or unlucky?\'

He inwardly thought to himself. After all, he himself knew the personalities of those two heads firsthand and was sure that their daughters would not be that different.

"In any case, the reason for the change in the formulas and circuits mostly stems from Mana Junctions. In normal concepts, Mana Junctions serve as the points of convergence where different magical elements harmonize, allowing for a seamless flow of mana, but as the conditions change, the properties of the mana junctions change as well."

"Therefore, it is incredibly crucial to understand the dynamics of Mana Junctions in these ever-changing spaces." Professor Eldorium emphasized his words.

He produced diagrams and equations detailing Mana Junctions to the board with a flick of his finger. It was an incredibly good way to control mana as if he was utilizing his other limb.

"These equations," he continued, projecting the diagrams onto the holographic display, "represent the movements of mana psions at these Mana Junctions."

"You see, the properties of these junctions are not static; they adapt and evolve based on the ambient mana and even the subtle fluctuations in Phantom\'s Land itself."

The diagrams on the display shifted, demonstrating the dynamic nature of Mana Junctions.

"Here," he pointed to a particular equation, "we have the Mana Harmonization Coefficient, denoted by Ψ. It quantifies the degree to which different magical elements synchronize at a Mana Junction."

"A higher Ψ indicates a more harmonious convergence, facilitating a smoother flow of mana."

After that, he continued with another bunch of explanations for the new terms he had named.

-Spatial Flux Integration Constant

-Temporal Mana Flux Constant

Just as he had explained, while most of the students looked at the equations with a mix of confusion and awe, a student with purple eyes had a different thing in his mind.


While Professor Eldorium discussed Integrated Magical Circuits, my mind focused on the dynamic nature of Mana Junctions, illuminated by the holographic display\'s diagrams and equations.

Those terms were all familiar to me from college. After all, once I had learned something, it was almost impossible to forget.

As I was going through equations and theoretical discussions, an idea came to my mind.

It was something that had been discussed on Earth as well.

What if I could theoretically reverse the process of Integrated Magical Circuits? Instead of adapting to the environment, what if I could tailor the magical circuits to harness specific characteristics of Phantom\'s Land itself?

During the lecture, my mind wandered ahead, and I started thinking of an innovative way to apply the reverse-engineering concept.

If I could possibly create a series of magical circuits that would improve specific qualities of Phantom\'s Land, such as manipulating the mist, utilizing the distinct mana density, or adapting to its temporal fluctuations…..

That would be….Insanely good.


However, I also knew that I lacked the necessary general magical knowledge and adaptation for it.

At least for the time being. No matter how much of a fast learner I am myself, there was no way I could apply such a complex theory right away.

However, for this purpose, I had the exact individual right beside me.

The girl with her fiery hair and amber eyes.

Irina was already immersed in the lecture, listening to everything attentively, but right now, she was needed for something else.

Feeling a surge of excitement about my idea, I nudged Irina subtly from the side.


Caught off-guard, she let out an involuntary moan, drawing the attention of nearby students.

"You! What was that for?" Irina hissed, her face flushing with a mix of embarrassment and irritation.

I leaned in and whispered, "Irina, I have an idea. Listen to this."

She shot me an annoyed glance but couldn\'t hide the curiosity in her eyes as I explained the concept of reverse-engineering Integrated Magical Circuits for the specific environment of Phantom\'s Land.

As I spoke, her expression shifted from annoyance to a thoughtful frown. It seemed the idea resonated with her, and she began to see the potential applications.

After sharing the idea, I leaned back, waiting for her response. Irina, now intrigued, whispered back, "Well, it\'s not a bad idea. But why did you have to nudge me like that?"

"Just getting your attention. You seemed too engrossed in the lecture."

"Of course. It is not your usual day to listen to such a lecture from a high-ranking professor."


Irina huffed, a glare in her eyes. "Next time, just say something. No need to resort to such tactics."

"My bad."

"Let\'s talk about this after the lecture ends. I think I can do what you want from me."

It seemed the idea sounded plausible to her...

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