
Chapter 564. Having a Discussion (4)

Kang Jin-Ho smiled wryly at Choi Yeon-Ha\'s sharp voice coming from his phone\'s speaker. “As it turns out, some things are well beyond my ability to control.”

-What do you mean by that? You\'re the one who wants to get some rest, so why can\'t you? Is someone preventing you?

“Well, not exactly. But...” Kang Jin-Ho furrowed his brow after not knowing what he should say here.

-Seriously now... I don’t get it. You think you need a rest, so you should take a break. What’s so hard about that? Don\'t you know that failing to get adequate rest when you have the chance will affect the quality of your output?

“No, I know,” Kang Jin-Ho replied while feeling glad about talking to Choi Yeon-Ha on the phone. If they were conversing face-to-face, she would\'ve tried to bite his head for the wry smile currently etched on his face. “Unfortunately, the timing isn\'t optimal for an extended break.”

-Nope. The way I see it, I think it\'s the right time now.”


Even though the man himself said this was how things were, Choi Yeon-Ha didn\'t seem interested in accepting it and backing off.

-When I first met you, you were basically a neighborhood bum, Mister Jin-Ho. An unemployed freeloader.

“T-that\'s a bit harsh...”

-Are you saying I\'m wrong? You opened your pizzeria or whatever shortly afterward, didn\'t you?

“Yes, that\'s... correct.”

That meant Kang Jin-Ho was technically an unemployed bum back then. Even so, he still felt a bit aggrieved by that statement. He had only recently finished serving in the army at the time. Being an employed member of society so soon after his discharge would\'ve been even more weird!

-But now, you look waaaay too busy, even to me. How come you have so many things to do, anyway?

Kang Jin-Ho wryly smiled again. Unfortunately, he couldn\'t come out and say what he was involved in to Choi Yeon-Ha. That\'d be the same as dragging her into this world, after all.

Choi Yeon-Ha had already experienced a deadly crisis. Her price for haphazardly stepping half a foot in the world of martial artists was a close call with a grim reaper. The guilt from that event still haunted Kang Jin-Ho even to this day, so he certainly couldn\'t afford to let something like that happen again.

“Even I\'m not sure, myself. I don\'t know why I\'m so busy, but finding enough time is proving to be quite challenging.”

-That\'s no good!

“I\'m sorry?” Kang Jin-Ho frowned when Choi Yeon-Ha\'s determined voice came from the phone.

-Human beings need rest, Mister Jin-Ho. Even if it’s you, you\'re still no exception to this rule.


-Being able to withstand a high level of stress only means your accumulated fatigue will be just as enormous, too. When it all blows up, it\'s gonna be like a volcanic eruption. I can\'t let that happen.

Kang Jin-Ho frowned slightly in suspicion.

\'Something about her sounds different...?\'

The usual Choi Yeon-Ha would\'ve said, \'You\'re simply wrong, okay? So, just do as I say, okay?!\' right to Kang Jin-Ho\'s face. Accurately pointing out something and logically persuading someone had never been Choi Yeon-Ha\'s forte.

-The thing is, I almost experienced something similar, you see?

“Mm? Did something happen?”

-I think the problem was me pushing myself too hard all the time. I kept forcing myself even though my body couldn\'t cope, and I eventually got sick for a few days. The entire filming schedule would\'ve gone out of whack if I had taken a day longer to recover. Mister Jin-Ho, can you guarantee that something similar won\'t happen to you?


-If you keep pushing yourself like this, you might not be able to bring out your full potential when you need it the most. That\'s not what you want, now is it?

“Of course not,” said Kang Jin-Ho. That was absolutely the last thing he wanted to happen.

-That means you need to recharge your battery. But things keep happening whenever you want to take a break, right? Things that you have no choice but to get involved in.

“Yes. For sure, you\'re…”

Kang Jin-Ho had to admit that Choi Yeon-Ha was right. Things happening to him recently were all like that. For instance, that day out in the skincare boutique. Whether he got to relax or not was secondary to the issue of Vator showing up at the location. How was he supposed to enjoy a relaxing break with that variable thrown into the mix? Kang Jin-Ho had no choice but to jump straight back to work.

-In that case, the answer is pretty straightforward, isn\'t it? What you need is a vacation free from all outside interference. In that case, you should just go for it.

Kang Jin-Ho tilted his head. “Mm? But that\'s not as easy as it sounds, though?”

-Why not? You can just vacate Korea for a while, and no one can stop you, am I right?


-I know a perfect place for a getaway, actually. It\'s a bit hot, but you\'re not the type to care about such a thing, anyway. And you\'re not bothered by humidity, either. If you can overlook those two factors, you\'re gonna have a blast in the place I\'m talking about. The scenery is pretty good, and the food... Well, the food can get a bit annoyingly spicy, but I think you can handle it fine, so...

“Oh, so you\'re talking about Sichuan, then?”

-You got it.

Kang Jin-Ho couldn\'t help but chuckle softly since Choi Yeon-Ha was in Sichuan to film her TV show. She was basically telling him to come and see her. “Yes, your idea doesn\'t sound so bad.”

-I knew you were a reasonable man! Come to Sichuan. Take it from someone who\'s staying here, okay? It\'s a nice place.

“Hmm...? Didn\'t you tell me it\'s like Hell on Earth the last time we spoke on the phone?”

-Did I? E-eii~, there\'s no way. I wouldn\'t do that~. I\'m not lying, you know? It\'s really nice here.

Choi Yeon-Ha\'s somewhat panicky voice came from the other side of the line. Kang Jin-Ho couldn\'t hold it anymore and laughed audibly.

\'Why is this enjoyable, though?\'

For some reason, the first thing Kang Jin-Ho reached out to when fatigue set in was his phone. Listening to Choi Yeon-Ha\'s naive voice put his mind at ease. And then, well...

“Wait. Instead of China, wouldn\'t it be better to go somewhere more tropical? Like, a well-known holiday destination in South-East Asia?”

-O-of course that might be true. However! There\'s nothing to do in places like those, you know?

“Mm? But, I want to go there to do nothing...?”

-Y-yes, that is also true. But... Uh, but... Eiii~, I\'ve been to those places plenty of times, you know? But they are absolutely no fun. Like, at all! Sichuan is so much better. I\'m telling you the truth!

What should Kang Jin-Ho do about his new-found pastime of gently teasing Choi Yeon-Ha like this when it was so much fun? He chuckled and replied to her. “Got it. I\'ll take up your offer. After I find some time in my schedule, of course.”


“I thought everyone knew by now that I\'m not a lying type?”

-Well, yes. That\'s very true.

Choi Yeon-Ha sounded excited just then. And her happy-sounding voice improved Kang Jin-Ho\'s mood, too.

-Okay! So, when can I see you?

“I\'ll have to make some time first.”

-Don\'t try to brush it aside, alright? My filming schedule might end first before you make up your mind, you know! If that happens... I\'m really gonna yank at your hair, Mister Jin-Ho.

Kang Jin-Ho reflexively touched his scalp. “...Kuh-hum. I\'ll try to find time as soon as possible.”

-This guy... I don\'t know if I can believe you.

“I\'m almost at my destination now. I\'ll call you again later.”

-Okay. Call me in the evening, too. I\'m bored, you know?

“I\'ll think about it.”

-So cold!

Kang Jin-Ho ended the call there, and then focused on driving. The security guards now recognized Kang Jin-Ho\'s car, so they let him through the gates to the company\'s parking lot without asking any questions.

After parking the car in a suitably quiet spot, Kang Jin-Ho entered the elevator and headed to the top floor of Jaegyeong HQ. He stepped off the elevator and into the corridor, then entered the Office of Secretaries to receive greetings from the now-familiar faces. While greeting back, Kang Jin-Ho knocked on the door to Jo Gyu-Min\'s private office.

“Come in,” said a tired voice from beyond the doorway. Kang Jin-Ho pushed the door open and entered, only to be greeted by a man with a gloomy and wane complexion sitting behind a desk. “Nice to see you again, Mister Jin-Ho.”

“...Mm?” Kang Jin-Ho was momentarily left speechless at Jo Gyu-Min\'s dark circles below his eyes drooping all the way down to his chin. After recovering from his surprise, Kang Jin-Ho cautiously asked, “Did a war break out somewhere?”

“I\'d have preferred a war, actually,” Jo Gyu-Min groaned, then pointed at the couch. “All I need to do is pick up a gun and follow orders, which is so much more straightforward, you see? Anyways, please take a seat.”

“Thank you,” Kang Jin-Ho settled down on the couch without saying anything else.

Jo Gyu-Min also didn\'t say anything and headed straight to the coffee maker. While turning the device on, he looked back at Kang Jin-Ho. “Want some ice?”

“Yes, please.”

Jo Gyu-Min added a few ice cubes into their coffee cups, then placed one in front of Kang Jin-Ho before sitting down. “Things are more complicated than I initially thought, Mister Jin-Ho.”

“Really?” Kang Jin-Ho narrowed his eyes.

“Yes. Creating a simple foundation isn\'t difficult, but something like that is pointless, in my opinion. We need to receive assistance from the government, you see?”

“Mm? From the government?”

“Yes. We need to, Mister Jin-Ho.”

Kang Jin-Ho frowned slightly. “Do we really?”

“Yes, it\'s a must,” Jo Gyu-Min replied in a firm voice.

“But wouldn\'t it be better to rely on our own funding for this project?”

“I did consider that, but this isn\'t simply about our finances, Mister Jin-Ho. Receiving government support means our foundation has been recognized by the government, which in turn will help us deal with several legal hurdles. Private foundations without such recognition are bound to run into various issues.”

Kang Jin-Ho tilted his head. Since he knew nothing about the legal side of things, comprehending Jo Gyu-Min\'s words was a bit too much for Kang Jin-Ho.

“For instance, let\'s say you\'re setting up an orphanage. That will come with several legal headaches to overcome. To bring in new orphans, you need to receive various approvals first. Eventually, you\'d have to get a government-issued certificate, and that means you will end up receiving some assistance from the government, anyway. Even if you want to avoid this process, you can\'t.”

“Mm, I see…” Kang Jin-Ho sheepishly scratched his cheek. Even if he didn\'t want this, he should consider taking the plunge since it was unavoidable. The important point to remember here was not worrying about making his job easier, but ensuring that more people would receive help in the long run.

Jo Gyu-Min sighed loudly. “That\'s what\'s been holding us up, unfortunately.”

“Mm? But why would we be delayed?”

“Mister Jin-Ho, you must not underestimate South Korean bureaucrats. If all you did was submit the documents and wait... The permit might only be granted next year.”


“Submitting documents is only the beginning, Mister Jin-Ho. The next part of the process is screening, so we can\'t unreasonably demand the government department to hurry up either. And that has been stressing me out lately. I even entertained the idea of greasing some palms when my irritation nearly got the better of me, but…”

“No, you mustn\'t,” Kang Jin-Ho unhesitantly cut Jo Gyu-Min off. “We can\'t create skeletons in the closet just to get a quicker result.”

“That\'s a surprise,” Jo Gyu-Min chuckled helplessly. “I thought you were a result-at-any-cost type of a person.”

“I admit I do have a tendency to do that. But this is a matter of the surface world, and that\'s why we need to be above board at all times on this one. If we can help it, I\'d like to meet all legal requirements.”

“Yes, I know. That\'s why I didn\'t go through with the bribery idea. I had a feeling you\'d be like this,” Jo Gyu-Min ruefully licked his lips. “But there isn\'t much I can do about this situation, no matter how talented I am. Which leaves us with only one option...”

Kang Jin-Ho was even more confused. “What option?”

“Well, since you don\'t want to break the rules, how about bending them a bit?”

Kang Jin-Ho stared at Jo Gyu-Min, his eyes full of questions. He grew curious about what kind of bending rules could expedite the process.

“Mister Jin-Ho... You don\'t need to sit in the foundation\'s chief director position, yes?”

“Yes,” Kang Jin-Ho nodded.

“Then, you don\'t mind if we give the position to Chairman Hwang, do you?”

“No, I don\'t. It doesn\'t matter to me,” Kang Jin-Ho replied with a casual shrug. He never cared about the title of \'chief director\' or whatever, to begin with, anyway.

“Then, can you persuade Chairman Hwang, as we discussed earlier? That would greatly speed up the process, you see?”

“Mm? Having Chairman Hwang in the chief director position will do that?”

“Of course! The media will pay us a lot of attention if Chairman Hwang is the foundation\'s chief director. And the public\'s interest will go through the roof, too. So, if the story about how the bureaucratic red tape has delayed the screening and the foundation can\'t open its doors just yet goes around... You can bet your bottom dollar that a bomb will go off in the related government department,” said Jo Gyu-Min, an evil smirk spreading on his face. “This is not breaking the rules, Mister Jin-Ho. Just bending it a lot. I\'m sure you approve of this course of action?”

Kang Jin-Ho wordlessly got up. One of the things he realized recently was how he needed to deal with certain things as soon as possible. Since he had so much on his plate right now, postponing something could mean he might not get around to it again before it was too late.

So, he should finish what needed to be done as quickly as possible!

“Chairman Hwang is in his office, yes?” Kang Jin-Ho asked Jo Gyu-Min.

“Let me come with you,” said Jo Gyu-Min while getting up. He smiled brightly as Kang Jin-Ho took the lead, then quietly muttered to himself. “Two of us getting chewed out will be more bearable, after all...”

Those were some meaningful words, indeed.

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