
Chapter 593. In Battle (3)

It wasn\'t because he was experiencing a problem there. Actually it was too late to experience a new problem at this point. After all, a problem had already manifested a long time ago!

Besides, Lee Seong-Taek\'s heart had been beating this way for a long time, too. As for exactly when? When he thought about it...

Didn\'t it start around the second get-together? No, he should be honest with himself here. His heart was already beyond his control around the first get-together of the elders and directors. That was when it started beating so fast.

He hadn\'t felt this way for such a long time. Since his heart had been beating so lazily for so long, Lee Seong-Taek was worried about it forgetting how to beat faster. But now, his heart was racing with the same vigor as his youth.

Unfortunately, Lee Seong-Taek couldn\'t just be happy about this change. That was because he knew. He knew that the source of his racing heart was not excitement but nervousness!

“Mm? Are you feeling alright? You don\'t look so good, sir.”

“O-oh, really?” Lee Seong-Taek mumbled something as his reply to the chauffeur\'s question, then sneakily turned his head to look outside the car\'s window.

He was uncomfortable about his nervousness showing up on his face. Even though his chauffeur was trustworthy, it was still unwise to reveal his innermost thoughts to another person.

“Sir? Is there something worrying you?”

“Something worrying me, is it...?” Lee Seong-Taek smirked softly. “No, it\'s not that. I\'m... done worrying, after all.”

“Then, why...?”

Lee Seong-Taek replied, a tinge of remorse audible in his voice. “Not worrying about it doesn\'t mean I\'ve stopped having regrets about it. After all, people always look back and wonder if we\'ve made the right choice. Even if it\'s impossible to go back and change our choices. Isn\'t that how everyone is like?”

“Yes, sir. You\'re right.”

\'I\'m right, you say...?\'

Lee Seong-Taek\'s mouth felt dry. It tasted bitter.

What about this whole thing seemed right, anyway? Since he made his choice, the correct thing to do was to not question himself and forcefully push forward. Second-guessing himself like this while letting regret make a mess out of his resolution would only ruin everything.

Obviously, Lee Seong-Taek was well aware of all this. However, knowing it and putting it to practice were two different things. If he was capable of remaining true to his choices and seeing them through till the end, why would Lee Seong-Taek even allow someone else to make decisions for him in the first place?

\'Are we... doing the right thing here?\'

The source of Lee Seong-Taek\'s nervousness was crystal clear. It was Kang Jin-Ho.

Kang Jin-Ho\'s figure, as he raided the Yeongnam Group on that fateful night, was still vividly etched in Lee Seong-Taek\'s memories. That figure of a devil cutting people apart like tofu as dark-crimson demonic qi gushed out of him like ominous clouds!

\'Can we... really defeat someone like that?\'

Lee Seong-Taek was not confident. If someone other than Lee Jung-Geol had come up with this idea, Lee Seong-Taek would\'ve run for the hills without even bothering to look back once. His desire to keep breathing was too strong for him to participate in some foolish scheme to take down a grim reaper with an army of mere mortal men!

However, the man behind this plan was none other than Lee Jung-Geol.

\'Lee Jung-Geol...\'

Lee Seong-Taek quietly closed his eyes. He knew he had no choice but to accept it now. The history of South Korea\'s martial society was also Lee Jung-Geol\'s history.

Every martial society found in the world had to go through untold pain during their attempt at modernization. Even then, not many of them had to experience the utter and complete devastation that befell South Korea.

Lee Jung-Geol managed to survive the war\'s destruction, then built up this country\'s martial society again amidst the crumbling rubble. Kim Seok-Il might argue he was Lee Jung-Geol\'s direct opposite, but he wouldn\'t even be able to say that without the former Assembly Master\'s hard work in the first place!

And then...

Lee Seong-Taek quietly muttered, “The level of influence, is it...?”

“Sorry, sir?” The chauffeur looked through the mirror at his passenger.

“No, it\'s nothing,” Lee Seong-Taek shook his head.

Influence? That word didn\'t seem adequate enough to describe the emotions Lee Seong-Taek and his peers felt toward Lee Jung-Geol. The more apt expression would be... absolute faith?

The unwavering faith that Lee Jung-Geol could resolve any situation, no matter how difficult or insane it was! That must be it.

And no, this faith didn\'t stem from Lee Jung-Geol\'s capabilities. They simply believed him.

So, when Lee Seong-Taek heard about Kang Jin-Ho ousting Lee Jung-Geol and that brat named Bang Jin-Hun taking over the Assembly Master position... No words in the existing vocabulary were good enough to express the level of dismay and outrage he felt at that moment.

The first emotion to visit Lee Seong-Taek was denial, then it was suspicion. Eventually, it became resignation.

However, Lee Seong-Taek still suppressed his erupting anger and accepted the situation. Because he believed the one-and-only Lee Jung-Geol would not give up so easily. That was why...!

Lee Seong-Taek remained patient. That was why he quietly bid his time. He waited for the day Lee Jung-Geol would call for them once more!

And that moment had finally arrived. So why...

\'Why am I so nervous?\'

Lee Seong-Taek silently massaged the bridge of his nose.

Obviously he was aware of how obsessive and unrelenting Lee Jung-Geol could get.

Abilities alone weren\'t enough to secure a role as a director on the Assembly\'s board. Actually, those with excellent abilities couldn\'t survive in the post. Those who showed off too much would eventually get into conflict with Lee Jung-Geol sooner or later. And Lee Jung-Geol wasn\'t kind enough to accept anyone daring to rebel against his rule.

All the folks who proudly yap on about being the Assembly\'s elders and directors had to dirty their hands carrying out Lee Jung-Geol\'s orders. Every single one of them had blood on their hands, in other words. The deciding factor in how fast one moved up the career ladder was how much of a loyal dog you were to Lee Jung-Geol.

That was the type of person Lee Jung-Geol was. If he had unsheathed his blade, it could only mean his preparations were finished some time ago. Besides, didn\'t Lee Jung-Geol once say that a swinging sword before one\'s eyes wasn\'t as terrifying as a silent arrow flying in toward one\'s back?

No matter how strong Kang Jin-Ho was, he should not be able to deal with a sneaky arrow fired toward his unsuspecting rear by the hidden Lee Jung-Geol.

Even so...!

"Are we not there yet?" Lee Seong-Taek impatiently asked.

“We\'re almost there, sir,” said the chauffeur.

Lee Seong-Taek did his best to suppress his nervously-pounding heart.

\'No, calm down!\'

It shouldn\'t be too long from now. Whether they died or Lee Jung-Geol was killed off... There should be some kind of resolution for them sooner or later. And Lee Seong-Taek wouldn\'t need to feel nervous from that moment on. Either he\'d continue living with peace in his heart or die while making peace with his fate... One of those two possible ends waited for him. That was all.

Soon, the imposingly-large traditional tile-roofed mansion revealed itself in the distance through the rain-blurred view.

\'It\'s like watching a movie...\'

The creaky noises coming from this now-ancient car, combined with the falling rain, then the headlights cutting through the rain and fog...

Lee Seong-Taek watched all these things play out and felt like he was in a black-and-white noir film. A hollow chuckle leaked out of his mouth at that silly thought.

\'It seems... What I want to regain isn\'t power.\'

Who cared about regaining that power at this stage in life? Did it ultimately matter if he had it or not? In that case, what about honor? Prestige?

They were all the same. He didn\'t care about honor either. Would living an honorable life improve the quality of his gravesite or something? Of course not. He wanted to be cremated after death, anyway. That would mean nothing of him would remain other than some ashes. Honor and prestige were worth nothing to the dead.

What Lee Seong-Taek wanted to regain was... verification. Proof that his life had not been in vain.

His life had been lived alongside Lee Jung-Geol\'s. So, what would it mean if Lee Jung-Geol\'s everything was rejected? What would Lee Seong-Taek\'s life mean in that case? Where would he regain his pride of rebuilding South Korea\'s martial society in the post-war rubble until it was as good as it could get?

How many times did Lee Seong-Taek feel his blood boil over and flow backwards at the sight of the younger generation brats rejecting Lee Jung-Geol\'s achievements... and even his life!

\'And you all know nothing, too!\'

Lee Seong-Taek quietly chewed his lip. The current generation of youngsters knew nothing! People like Lee Seong-Taek used nothing but their bare fists to rebuild this world from devastation. During those desperately-poor days when people resorted to eating wild grass to survive, Lee Seong-Taek\'s generation had to beg the US Army stationed in Korea to receive bags of cheap flour. That was how they managed to endure and survive those horrible days.

All their efforts and dedication finally bore sweet, sweet-tasting fruits, but then... These brats showed up and tried to take away everything as if the fruits were gifts from mother nature!

And their excuse for denying and rejecting the achievement of the older generation? The trees would\'ve bore fruits on their own even if no one tended to them! That\'s what they were implying!

And they wanted Lee Seong-Taek to behave himself and let it go? And he was supposed to grin and bear it?!


In that case, he must show them. He must show these punks how the older generation had built the martial society as it was now! If these old men, including Lee Seong-Taek, kept their mouths shut and behaved... In less than a decade, they would be forgotten from everyone\'s memories. Instead of the names of Lee Jung-Geol and his peers, Kang Jin-Ho and Bang Jin-Hun would show up in the history books.

Either that, or South Korea\'s martial society would disappear first!


The worn-out brakes produced unpleasant screeching noises as the car came to a halt.

The chauffeur looked back at Lee Seong-Taek. “Sir, please wait until I get the umbrella and...”

“No, it\'s fine. Stay in the car and get some rest.”

“But, director, sir...”

“I said, it\'s fine!” Lee Seong-Taek growled, then roughly shoved the car\'s door open.


The rain roared down with vicious intensity. As the water soaked him to the bone, Lee Seong-Taek strode toward the traditional mansion.

\'We\'ve all become too complacent...!\'

An umbrella? Really? It seemed he had been living a charmed life. A chauffeur was driving him around, after all. And he even had someone to fetch him an umbrella, too!

Never mind damn umbrellas, Lee Seong-Taek used to live in an era where finding scraps of fabric to wear would be considered lucky. He used to think that was his badge of honor, yet here he was, completely tainted by status and modern conveniences!

Lee Seong-Taek\'s expression hardened as he stepped inside the mansion\'s front gate. Employees of this establishment discovered him and hurriedly ran toward him with an umbrella, but Lee Seong-Taek curtly waved his hand to reject the gesture. Instead, he gruffly asked, “Where is everyone?”

“Sir! The guests are in the separate building in the courtyard.”

Without saying anything else, Lee Seong-Taek headed to the building in question. However, when he threw open the door and stepped inside, he couldn\'t help but chuckle hollowly at the sight greeting him.

“What... do you think you\'re doing?”

The commotion instantly died down with his entrance, allowing the sounds of Korean zithers to sharply dig into his hearing. Directors and elders drinking booze in the company of half-naked young women turned their flushed faces toward Lee Seong-Taek.

“Aha! Director Lee! Welcome, welcome!”

“You\'ve finally arrived!”

Despite the hearty welcome, Lee Seong-Taek still gritted his teeth. “I asked you what you think you\'re doing, gentlemen!”

“What do you mean, what? It\'s as you can see. We\'re enjoying ourselves for the first time in a while.”

Lee Seong-Taek grimaced deeply while chewing his lips.

One of the elders present ushered Lee Seong-Taek in. “Come, come! Come inside, Director Lee.”

“...Who exactly summoned us here?” Lee Seong-Taek asked.

“It must be the Assembly Master.”

Lee Seong-Taek scanned the crowd in anger. He noticed that not everyone here was drunk out of their mind. At least half were merely fidgeting with their booze while looking supremely uncomfortable. Unfortunately, the other half was definitely drunk.

“Stop standing there like a statue, Director Lee! Come and sit here. What are you doing, girls! Go and guide the director to his seat! Now!” Another elder yelled out that order.

That prompted one of the young women to gently grab and tug at Lee Seong-Taek\'s arm. “We have prepared your spot here, Director.”

However, Lee Seong-Taek curtly pushed the woman away. He silently scanned everyone in this place, then walked over to his spot. Since he wasn\'t going to leave right away, sitting down for the time being seemed like the only option left.

\'Is this how people trying to achieve big things are supposed to behave...?\'

It seemed everyone here was the same as Lee Seong-Taek. They were all too deeply stained. Stained by the lifestyle of now.

Whining about brats not recognizing their achievements seemed totally misguided when looking at this sorry spectacle. Who would acknowledge their achievements or whatever after witnessing this degeneracy!

Nice cars, well-established wealth, and gazes of respect from everyone... All those things conspired to corrupt them to this extent!

“Everyone, I...”

“No, no.” Just as Lee Seong-Taek tried to say something, one of the elders raised his hand and stopped him. “Don\'t be too harsh on others, Director Lee. After all, this is a special get-together arranged by the Assembly Master.”

“...Is that so?”

“Indeed! We\'re about to take on a significant challenge, now aren\'t we! So, too much stress will only get in the way. He has personally arranged this session so that we\'d vent some steam together!”

Lee Seong-Taek chuckled in dismay. What kind of dogsh*t nonsense was this?

Before entering a war zone, a general would try to keep his body and mind as pure and focused as possible. But now, these men were drinking themselves to stupor in the company of women to... vent steam?

That was when Lee Seong-Taek sensed something was off.

This... was wrong. This was not how Lee Jung-Geol operated.

Lee Seong-Taek\'s head shot up when that thought entered his mind. He urgently cried out to his peers.

“Who was contacted by the Assembly Master?!”

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