
Chapter 651. Racing Along (1)

Chapter 651. Racing Along (1)

“You\'re right, Mister Lee,” Jo Gyu-Min smiled gently while observing Lee Hyeon-Su taking a seat in front of him. He couldn\'t help but feel this inexplicable kinship with this man.

Out of everyone in Kang Jin-Ho\'s circle of acquaintances, Jo Gyu-Min and Lee Hyeon-Su most closely \'resembled\' each other—in terms of what they did and in their personal styles, too.

Jo Gyu-Min instinctively knew from the first sighting that Lee Hyeon-Su was from the same breed as him. Since their necks of the woods didn\'t overlap, these two men didn\'t have many opportunities to interact with each other. However, Kang Jin-Ho\'s trip to China meant the two had to officially get in touch and work together.

Using that opportunity as the catalyst he was searching for, Jo Gyu-Min finally set up this meeting with Lee Hyeon-Su.

Lee Hyeon-Su got the conversation going first. “I\'ve been meaning to get together with you and shoot the breeze some time, but you beat me to it, Mister Jo. I\'m sorry, I should\'ve called you earlier.”

“Eii, don\'t say that. We both know how mindlessly busy each other is, anyway. Let\'s not worry about such things between us.”

“Hahaha...” Lee Hyeon-Su chuckled, although he sounded a little awkward while doing that. \'Well, he\'s right. Things have been really crazy-busy until recently...\'

He wasn\'t being hyperbolic here, either! Lee Hyeon-Su was technically a martial artist. His stamina was at a level that no regular, powerless people could measure up to. Even then, his workload had been so intense that he was worried about dying from overwork!

\'Yup, I\'ve learned my lesson, alright.\'

Lee Hyeon-Su realized something recently. In the past, when he was working for Kim Seok-Il, he was always kept in check by his boss. Actually, it\'d be more correct to say the two of them always kept each other in check!

Back then, Lee Hyeon-Su was frustrated by this... arrangement. But now? He actually missed those days!

\'How could I have known back then?\'

The synergy between Kang Jin-Ho and Lee Hyeon-Su was tremendous. If Lee Hyeon-Su came up with a plan, Kang Jin-Ho charged ahead like an unstoppable bulldozer and took care of everything. The problem with this setup was that the speed of \'taking care of everything\' was much faster than what Lee Hyeon-Su had bargained for!

To be more specific, Lee Hyeon-Su was happy with how quickly things got resolved. The actual problem came after that. The job of dealing with the aftermaths and other sundry chores would always be left to him, and that was what he took issue with!

Back when people saw him as the Yeongnam Group\'s real brain of the operations, work constantly landed on his desk. Even then, he never thought he was being overworked to death. However, he genuinely thought the Hell\'s Gate was opening right in front of his nose this time!

After getting a painful lesson on where his physical and mental limitations lie, Lee Hyeon-Su figured out what the Martial Assembly desperately needed right now. And that was a sturdy braking system!

This organization needed someone to put the brakes on Kang Jin-Ho and Lee Hyeon-Su, also known as two runaway trains! If not that, at the very least...! Lee Hyeon-Su wanted someone to tell him if he was overworking himself to death or not!

In that regard...

\'I found the perfect man for the job.\'

Lee Hyeon-Su\'s gaze sharply zeroed in on Jo Gyu-Min. Indeed, the Chief Secretary of the Jaegyeong Corporation was just the right candidate for the job!

Lee Hyeon-Su\'s radar had told him that Kang Jin-Ho\'s surroundings could only be described as abnormal. People who could freely voice their minds to Kang Jin-Ho had zero relations with the Martial Assembly, while those who did have connections to South Korea\'s premier martial arts organization were all suppressed by him.

Simply put, no one among the Assembly members could come out and brazenly shout \'Aigoo! Mister Driver! If you drive too fast like that, we will get into a huge accident!\' to Kang Jin-Ho when he stomped on the accelerator without a care in the world!

The qualifications for the person Lee Hyeon-Su was searching for were pretty straightforward. As long as the candidate had some interest in the ongoings of the Martial Assembly and could speak unreservedly to Kang Jin-Ho... That was all Lee Hyeon-Su could ask for! And the man fitting that criteria was right before his eyes.

\'What a strange position to be in...\'

Jo Gyu-Min didn\'t owe Kang Jin-Ho anything. Actually, it\'d be more correct to say he assisted Kang Jin-Ho without receiving any noteworthy compensation in return. It was true that Jo Gyu-Min\'s life had changed a great deal after getting involved in Kang Jin-Ho\'s affairs, but would anyone call that a favor? A blessing?

Perhaps because of that, Jo Gyu-Min was the only person who could speak directly and unreservedly to Kang Jin-Ho. That was why Lee Hyeon-Su wanted to give Jo Gyu-Min a call and arrange a meeting, so he was pleasantly surprised when the Chief Secretary contacted him first.

Lee Hyeon-Su smiled while looking around the cafe. “Should we order our coffee first?”

“Good idea. Allow me. What would you like?” Jo Gyu-Min asked.

“No, no. Let me. My treat.”

The two exchanged a couple of meaningless but good-natured banter before Lee Hyeon-Su went to fetch their coffee from the cafe\'s counter. The thick aroma of the coffee wafting from their cups resting on the table did wonders in improving the atmosphere even further.

After taking a sip of the aromatic coffee, Jo Gyu-Min sat forward and addressed Lee Hyeon-Su. “Do you mind if we get right to the topic?”

“That\'s fine with me,” said Lee Hyeon-Su while grinning away. He preferred this straightforwardness of Jo Gyu-Min. Other people would\'ve tried small talk and wasted valuable time, but Jo Gyu-Min chose to dive straight into the topic at hand. As expected of a busy-as-bee administrator!

“I\'m sure you\'re also busy as hell, anyway,” said Lee Hyeon-Su in a jovial manner.

Jo Gyu-Min chuckled and slowly shook his head. “Actually, things have considerably calmed down now. The worst of the storm has already blown past us, you see.”

“Oh. That\'s the same story for me, too...”

The two men suddenly groaned loudly in perfect sync.

“You know, I went home the other day and... I thought it was a stranger\'s house for a second there.”

“I know that feeling. All the potted plants in my place have already died, too...”

“I didn\'t know that one day, I\'d start regretting paying the rent on time. It\'s not my home anymore but more like a clothes storage these days...”

“How about relying on your local laundromat? If I take my clothes back to my place, I won\'t be able to remember where I used to put them, you see? You should seriously consider the laundromat idea. It\'s more convenient than you think.”

“Oh, really?”

And just like that, the competition to find out who was the world\'s greatest slave had begun. Although this particular boast-off was somewhat unique compared to other, more \'normal\' competitions! While people would inevitably exaggerate the hardship they faced, these two men were not faking or lying about anything!

If they decided to report Kang Jin-Ho to the labor department, it\'d be treated like a criminal case, not a civil one!

“Still, I don\'t mind the work being harsh and back-breaking, you know? It\'s just that...”

“Yes, this time, it\'s... China...!”

“Yes, that!”

Anger simultaneously dyed the expressions of these two men. What an evil employer Kang Jin-Ho was!

It was fine to saddle people with work. They could handle that much. However, how could he nonchalantly fly off to China after dumping all that work on his subordinates?!

Of course, Kang Jin-Ho wouldn\'t be much of a help on the administrative side of things even if he remained. Even so, shouldn\'t he give the impression of contributing to the team effort, at the very least!

“You know what? With everything that\'s happened to us, I think I can now write a best-selling self-help book.”

Lee Hyeon-Su tilted his head. “A self-help book?”

Jo Gyu-Min weightily nodded away. “Yes. And it will be called... Leader: What Not To Do To Succeed.”

“...I\'d love to read that, actually. No, hang on. I would like to contribute to its creation if you don\'t mind.”

“Thank you. I know you will be a great help,” said Jo Gyu-Min before a soulless sigh escaped from his lips.

Just how long had it been since the leadership trend had changed to favor the leaders who worked side-by-side with their subordinates?! How could Kang Jin-Ho be such an old-fashioned boomer in this day and age!

Still, Jo Gyu-Min felt a little more composed, perhaps a little more relaxed, knowing that another man going through the same hardship as him was sitting before his eyes. This was why the popular term, comrades in arms, had been invented for, now wasn\'t it!

Jo Gyu-Min took a sip of his coffee, then asked Lee Hyeon-Su. “How are things going on your side?”

“I\'m not sure what to tell you, really. The best description I can offer is a series of chaos, but... Well, we\'re handling it, one by one.”

“Mm...” Jo Gyu-Min slowly nodded. “Well, the reason why I wanted to treat you to a cup of coffee today was because... If it\'s okay with you, I was wondering if you could let me know what the situation is like on your end. Focusing only on dealing with my side has resulted in a mess like the recent China incident, you see?”

“Yes, for sure. That\'s the possible danger.”

Jo Gyu-Min tried to use a \'regular\' visa for Kang Jin-Ho\'s overseas trip, but Lee Hyeon-Su urgently stopped that. That didn\'t make Jo Gyu-Min unhappy, though. It was his mistake for failing to realize what it meant for Kang Jin-Ho to be in China, after all.

However, if he wanted to prevent another mistake like that in the future, Jo Gyu-Min needed information.

“Well, I knew that Mister Jin-Ho tends to create various incidents wherever he goes, but this is...” Jo Gyu-Min smiled wryly. This particular situation\'s scale was far too grand to be filed under \'various incidents\'. Kang Jin-Ho had gone and done things that would decide the fate of South Korea, after all! “In any case, I didn\'t expect the ripples to reach China, as well.”

Lee Hyeon-Su contemplatively nodded. “That\'s understandable. Most people can\'t even imagine such a thing, anyway. If I\'m being honest, I also didn\'t think this matter would blow up so much.”

Indeed, Lee Hyeon-Su expected things would end on the level of a power struggle confined within the borders of South Korea. Never in his wildest dreams did he think the Crimson King\'s faction, the Japanese, and even the Europeans would get involved in this chaos!

At the time of Lee Hyeon-Su joining the Martial Assembly, such a thing was only in the realm of a distant possibility. But that possibility had become an undeniable reality!

\'That still won\'t change things much, though...\'

Lee Hyeon-Su would\'ve still chosen to follow Kang Jin-Ho even if he knew things would turn out this way. It\'d be like a mountain climber challenging a mountain because it was there, waiting. What was the point of hesitating and weighing his options? Unless he was thinking of hiding in a remote rural village in the middle of nowhere and washing his hands clean off of the martial world, Lee Hyeon-Su would\'ve inevitably run into Kang Jin-Ho sooner or later, anyway.

Besides, wasn\'t Lee Hyeon-Su supposed to die that night, anyway? So the prospect of getting killed after the proverbial crap hit the fan didn\'t really faze him. But now...

Lee Hyeon-Su sighed deeply. “If only Mister Jin-Ho\'s a bit more careful...”

Jo Gyu-Min helplessly shook his head. “That\'s not gonna happen, unfortunately. I\'ve been around him since his teen years, and trust me when I say this... He just doesn\'t have it in him.”


“If he notices something, Mister Jin-Ho\'s the type to doggedly take care of that first. One of the things people get wrong about Mister Jin-Ho is that they think he\'s a cautious, prudent man because of how quiet he usually is. But that\'s unequivocally wrong. If he delays doing something that he would\'ve normally finished off right away, he\'s not taking his time carefully weighing his options. No, it\'s more like...” Jo Gyu-Min rubbed his chin while furrowing his brow. “...Yes, more like he\'s thinking about how to make things worse by several folds! As a human being, he\'s a... What\'s the word I\'m looking for...”

“...A scumbag?”

“Yes, that one. I couldn\'t bring myself to say that, so thank you.”

The banter between the two men didn\'t seem to know when to end. Then again, one of the most entertaining things in the world was badmouthing one\'s superiors from work behind their backs. If they were given permission, both Lee Hyeon-Su and Jo Gyu-Min were confident of spending the next three days and nights insulting and disparaging Kang Jin-Ho!

“Unfortunately, the problem is...” Lee Hyeon-Su muttered in a slightly pained voice, prompting Jo Gyu-Min to sigh softly.

“Until now, our territories have been clearly defined, but it seems we must start cooperating more from now on. However, what I\'m asking for is tantamount to demanding inside information on the Martial Assembly, so... Since I wasn\'t sure if I\'m qualified to be included in the loop, I wanted to hear your opinion first,” said Jo Gyu-Min.

Lee Hyeon-Su nodded and acknowledged that this was a delicate issue, indeed. “Mm... Couldn\'t you have asked for the info through Mister Jin-Ho?”

“Yes. That is the simplest and also the dumbest way. I figured no one else besides me and Mister Jin-Ho would be happy with that arrangement.”

“As expected...!” Lee Hyeon-Su smirked deeply. As he thought, he and Jo Gyu-Min were operating on the same wavelength.

People insisting on finding the simplest, least-involved solutions to every issue would inevitably fall into traps. Through this conversation, Jo Gyu-Min had proven that he at least understood how \'relationships\' worked.

“This is not something someone in my paygrade can decide, unfortunately. However, I\'ll try to bring this matter up with the brass during the next meeting. They could come around to the idea if they acknowledge the necessity.”

“I can\'t ask anything more than that. Thank you.”

Jo Gyu-Min tried to bow his head, but Lee Hyeon-Su quickly stopped him. “I think you should thank me after listening to what I have to say first. You see, what I want from you is a bit bigger in scope than what you want from me.”

“I\'m sorry?” Jo Gyu-Min tilted his head. He shouldn\'t have anything Lee Hyeon-Su particularly wanted, though? \'I mean... There\'s a big difference in our status, isn\'t there?\'

The more Jo Gyu-Min learned about the Martial Assembly, the more he realized how enormously powerful that organization was. He had only scratched the surface, yet the scale of its operation was still so impressive to behold, so it wouldn\'t be an exaggeration to say the Martial Assembly\'s true depth of power should be well beyond his ability to estimate.

Jaegyeong was in the middle of diligently preparing to compete on the global stage, but it still couldn\'t compare to the mighty scale of the Martial Assembly. Even the strong point of a corporation like Jaegyeong, its available financial muscle, would mean little against the Assembly\'s unfathomably deep pockets.

Obviously, a direct comparison was impossible since the Assembly wasn\'t a corporation listed on the stock exchange. Even so, Jaegyeong still couldn\'t even dream of rivaling the Martial Assembly in terms of influence. And Lee Hyeon-Su should rank at least within the top ten on such an organization\'s pecking order.

In other words, he was not someone the likes of Jo Gyu-Min could talk to or approach casually. Especially when Jo Gyu-Min couldn\'t even creep into the top one hundredth in Jaegyeong\'s hierarchy!

Knowing all this, he couldn\'t figure out what Lee Hyeon-Su could\'ve possibly wanted from him.

Jo Gyu-Min sighed deeply. “I see. You want something, and it seems I\'m the only one who can do it.”

A meaningful smile floated up on Lee Hyeon-Su\'s face.

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