
Chapter 786: Conceiving (1)

“I’m sure you can tell. I’m in the middle of my research.”

Of course Kang Jin-Ho knew that. Even so…!

“What are all these?” Kang Jin-Ho asked while scanning Bang Jin-Hun’s office.

Bang Jin-Hun shrugged his shoulders. “As you can see… They are secret manuals.”

“Huh. Mm…”

Old tomes of varying sizes and conditions were strewn about everywhere in the office. The dusty, moldy smell coming from these books, combined with the odor of ink, mercilessly stabbed Kang Jin-Ho’s olfactory senses.

Kang Jin-Ho frowned deeply. “...Are those bamboo and wooden slips?”[1]

“Yes, sir. Some people must’ve thought they were preserving antiques or something, because they have been keeping their secret manuals as-is. How nice it would’ve been if only they had copied it onto something more modern before sending it over… Tsk.”

Kang Jin-Ho could spot actual bamboo slips with ancient letters inked on the surface in this office, too. With how things were, maybe he had stumbled inside a museum by accident?

“...And you were reading these until now?” Kang Jin-Ho incredulously asked.

“Yes, sir. I was thinking of copying all these texts to a word processor, but it’s… How should I say it? Not as easy as I hoped?”

“Mm? Why not?”

Bang Jin-Hun intensely stared at Kang Jin-Ho before breaking his silence. “Assembly Master?”


“You’re fluent in Chinese, yes?”

“Well, more or less.”

“Does that mean you can type in Chinese, though?”


Of course Kang Jin-Ho couldn\'t do it. Well, how could he? That was something only the Chinese could do.

“After typing each and every word and converting it into Hanja… I think I’ve finally reached the state of the famed sage mode, Assembly Master. I couldn’t tell if I was trying to conceive a new martial art or slaving away as a badly-paid translator, you see? So, I decided I’d just rely on my naked eyes. It’s not like things will change for the better just because I’ve transferred everything to computer files, anyway…”

Of course Kang Jin-Ho fully sympathized with Bang Jin-Hun’s stance. He’d have reached the same decision eventually while doing this thankless job, too!

What Kang Jin-Ho found ‘odd’ in this situation wasn’t that, though!

“...I see. But what’s up with your attire, Director Bang?”

Kang Jin-Ho\'s gaze was firmly fixed on Bang Jin-Hun\'s choice of duds. Unlike his usual clothes, Bang Jin-Hun was fully kitted out in Hanbok, the traditional Korean attire. The problem with this get-up was that…

Well, since Bang Jin-Hun had a well-developed physique, which was topped off by his thuggish countenance, Kang Jin-Ho couldn\'t help but think that he was staring at a well-dressed bandit!

Bang Jin-Hun sheepishly explained himself. “I, uh, got this strangely insistent feeling that I should put on the appropriate attire for the occasion, you see…?”

“...Oh.” Kang Jin-Ho slowly shook his head, his expression stupefied.

‘This dude is not normal in the head, either…’

Was Kang Jin-Ho\'s surroundings only populated by weirdos? Or did Kang Jin-Ho subconsciously only pick weirdos to surround himself with? He couldn\'t figure this mystery out. However, what was the point? The end result would not change, anyway!

Kang Jin-Ho was dropping by at Bang Jin-Hun\'s office today to see what the situation was like before lending his assistance in this venture. And just one look was enough for him to know everything there was to know!

Kang Jin-Ho coughed to clear his throat. “So? How is it going?”

“...I’m dying here, sir.” Bang Jin-Hun groaned painfully and held his head. He must’ve thought that was a gesture of a man in deep agony, but he still looked like a mountain bandit who failed to catch a juicy prey just now.

“I’m trying my best to get this done since it needs to be done, you know? But it’s just not working out for some reason, Assembly Master. I think I’ve bitten off more than I can chew.”

Kang Jin-Ho slowly nodded. He was not in the least surprised by that confession.

Conceiving and creating martial arts was an extraordinary challenge. If such an endeavor was easy, every random Tom, Dick, and Harry would’ve invented their own styles instead of getting beaten up by eccentric masters and taken to the cleaners by their sects in the pursuit of the so-called Dao.

Even those who had mastered what their school of martial arts had to offer couldn’t produce their own unique martial art that exceeded the best their sect could offer.

As an example… Shaolin’s history was over a thousand years long, but not a single monk claimed to have created a cultivation technique that transcended what Bodhidharma had cooked up. And it was true that no martial art surpassing Bodhidharma’s Yijin Jing had appeared until now.

“What brings you here, though?” Bang Jin-Hun asked again.

“I’m here to help you,” said Kang Jin-Ho.

“...I’m sorry?”

“I said, I’m going to help you.”

That was when Bang Jin-Hun furrowed his brows to indicate how unfair and bitter the world was before scanning Kang Jin-Ho from top to bottom.

‘Stop looking at me that way, will you?’

Kang Jin-Ho frowned slightly when Bang Jin-Hun used nothing but the light in his eyes to say, ‘Did this dude fall out of his bed this morning and hit his head? What bullsh*t is he yapping on about now?’

“Assembly Master, listen.”


“I\'m really grateful for your sentiments. My head was about to blow up from all this workload, you know? But I feel recharged knowing that you want to help. It\'s just that, uh, this job isn\'t something you can help me with.”

Bang Jin-Hun grew very serious as he sat up straight in his chair.

“The martial path you pursue is different from what I… No, what the Martial Assembly wishes to pursue, you see? Please don’t take it the wrong way. I’m not rejecting your cultivation methods or anything like that. It’s just the difference in the… direction we must choose. If I wanted your help, I would’ve requested you to lend me a suitable demonic cultivation method by now.

“However, demonic arts can’t help with what I’m doing, Assembly Master. This is about creating the Martial Assembly’s martial arts. That’s why I must do this alone, sir. However, I’m still grateful for your sentiments.”

Kang Jin-Ho patiently listened before shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. “Good to hear. Because I wasn’t planning to use demonic arts, you see?”

“…?” Bang Jin-Hun grew stupefied just then. “Eh? Aren’t you a demonic cultivator?”

“I am.”

“But… You want to create orthodox martial arts?”

“I do.”


The skin around Bang Jin-Hun’s eyes began twitching nonstop. “What is this?! Isn’t this the same as a Patissier cooking doenjang?! Don’t you know this isn’t your specialty?!”

“All rivers lead to the great ocean, Director Bang.”


“Besides, it’s not like I’ve only cultivated in demonic arts. My foundation is pretty much based on an orthodox method, you see?”


“Why would I lie to you?”

“Well, you don’t, sure, but it’s still hard to believe you, you see? How should I put this… It’s like a dude who got his certificate as a pastry chef barging his way into the kitchen of a traditional Korean cuisine restaurant with three Michelin stars and claiming it as his own…”

Today, Kang Jin-Ho learned something new. Bang Jin-Hun loved food, it seemed!

“N-no, hang on a sec. That should sound like nonsense, but maybe it’s not really…? Since the dude before me is saying it’s all true, who am I to argue…?” Bang Jin-Hun muttered to himself as if his confusion had gotten too much to keep down.

Kang Jin-Ho patiently waited for Bang Jin-Hun to finish organizing his thoughts. Despite all the mulling, though, it seemed Bang Jin-Hun couldn’t reach a firm conclusion.

“C-can you really do this, Assembly Master? Can it be done?”

Kang Jin-Ho crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Regardless of what, I can be certain of one thing.”

“What would that be?”

“You can’t do this alone.”

Bang Jin-Hun subtly clamped his mouth shut. Kang Jin-Ho noticed that reaction and thought that the former Assembly Master must have realized the unfortunate truth by now. And that was... This task was well beyond Bang Jin-Hun\'s capabilities.

Sometimes, one’s grit and hard work were enough to solve certain matters. At other times, one needed something more. Unfortunately, Bang Jin-Hun’s current task fell into the latter category.

“I… wanted to give everyone something to be proud of,” Bang Jin-Hun quietly said, his attitude sincere but somber. “We were being swept away, you see?”

Kang Jin-Ho slightly nodded, thinking he actually understood what Bang Jin-Hun meant to say just then.

“When I first met you during my confrontation against the former Assembly Master Lee Jung-Geol, I never imagined things would snowball into the current situation. But, here we are. And now we don’t have a choice but to become stronger.

“I know that requires more effort than ever from us. However, don’t you agree that it’s too frustrating and sad… If the only method of gaining strength is to forget our old ways and go with something else?”

Kang Jin-Ho silently nodded.

He had never been the type to feel a sense of belonging to an organization. However, there must be plenty of people in this world who were the same as him.

If the same thing had been happening to Kang Jin-Ho\'s family members or friends, not the Assembly, would he be able to stay composed? Definitely not.

“It’s not the case of me feeling unhappy or dissatisfied with Sir Vator or Wiggins joining us. Not at all. And I’m also not dissatisfied by you teaching our younger generation demonic arts. I can recognize how wonderful this opportunity is. As a proud member of the Martial Assembly, I should welcome it with open arms, but… I’m a bit peeved that that’s all there is.”

Bang Jin-Hun looked up and stared directly and unflinchingly at Kang Jin-Ho.

“That\'s why I wanted to give this gift to our younger generation, this option to become stronger without relying on demonic arts or stuff from other countries. Tell me, Assembly Master. Do you think I\'ve been running a fool\'s errand like a naive idiot?”

“No, of course not.” Kang Jin-Ho shook his head. “Others in your shoes would’ve thought about the same thing as you. You are deserving of praise.”

In terms of affection and loyalty toward the Martial Assembly, Kang Jin-Ho or Lee Hyeon-Su shouldn\'t even open their mouths in Bang Jin-Hun\'s presence. The man who cared about the Assembly the most was now speaking from his heart. Regardless of what he had chosen to do… He deserved acknowledgment, at the very least.

“Assembly Master, if you help me… Can it be done?”


“Can we create a martial art that is uniquely our own? One that doesn’t borrow from others and is overflowing with the Martial Assembly’s distinctive characteristics?”

Kang Jin-Ho didn’t say anything and studied Bang Jin-Hun’s expression.

Everyone… was the same. Vator wished to become stronger, even if that meant mastering demonic arts. Wiggins was using his prosthetic arm as the foundation to create new ways to fight. And here was Bang Jin-Hun, desperately working hard to find another way to become stronger.

Despite looking relaxed and lazy… No one was slacking off. To survive, everyone knew they had to keep trying. To keep working harder… to become stronger!

Kang Jin-Ho slowly nodded. “I can’t give you any assurances.”

“...Really? That’s a bit disappointing.”

“However, at the very least, I promise you will reach a higher realm than what you managed to achieve.”

“Huh. That’s rather vague, isn’t it?”

“That’s the way things are.”

Bang Jin-Hun chuckled slightly. “No way that’s good enough, sir. If there’s an empty hole, we gotta fill it up, you know what I mean?”


“You can’t get drunk with your first glass of booze. That’s why you keep advancing forward bit by bit until you look behind and think, wow, I’ve come so far. That’s how humans operate, no? If something’s missing or lacking, I’ll try my hardest to fix it. That’s why… Please help me, Assembly Master.”

Kang Jin-Ho didn’t immediately reply, instead choosing to stand still in utter silence.

“…? Assembly Master?”

Bang Jin-Hun could tell Kang Jin-Ho hadn\'t been distracted by something. And it wasn\'t as if Kang Jin-Ho was dissatisfied with what Bang Jin-Hun told him either.

Kang Jin-Ho\'s unmoving gaze was fixed in the distant \'somewhere\' just past Bang Jin-Hun.

Those eyes were not staring at Bang Jin-Hun but at something else.

Bang Jin-Hun hurriedly clamped his mouth shut. Then, he tensed his entire body and cautiously backed off while making sure not to disturb even a single molecule of air.

‘Holy cow. He\'s actually experiencing enlightenment right now?\'

Bang Jin-Hun was utterly flabbergasted. And just a bit jealous, too. However, his awe superseded them all almost right away.

As it turned out, this returner, who seemed to be charging ahead without being restricted by anything… had been facing a wall in his path, too. And now, he was finding a new way to overcome this wall. Which meant Bang Jin-Hun must not interfere or let anything disrupt this moment.

Bang Jin-Hun cautiously but quickly roused his qi and scanned the surroundings of his office. After confirming that no one was headed this way, Bang Jin-Hun stood right behind the doorway to stop anyone from unintentionally opening the door.

Kang Jin-Ho stood motionlessly for what seemed like an eternity, then his lips slowly parted. “If something\'s lacking, all we have to do is… fix it.”

Bang Jin-Hun silently witnessed this scene in anticipation.

“By moving forward bit by bit, we will one day reach our destination…”

Just as those words left Kang Jin-Ho\'s mouth, the corners of his lips curled up into a grin.

‘It’s not regaining anything, but… Advancing forward!’

Kang Jin-Ho couldn’t surpass Heavenly Crimson Demon Emperor. That wasn’t going to happen.

Heavenly Crimson Demon Emperor\'s martial arts were… completed, for the lack of a better description. By retracing the steps left behind by Heavenly Crimson Demon Emperor, Kang Jin-Ho\'s journey would end at where his former self had reached back in ancient Zhongyuan. However, it\'d be no better than that.

Even so, Kang Jin-Ho used to think that alone would be a feat worthy of all the praise in the world. However…!

‘It\'s not chasing after something but advancing forward!\'

Despite enjoying a span of over a thousand years to improve themselves, Shaolin failed to produce martial arts surpassing Yijin Jing. Even as other sects and clans were busy conceiving new martial arts and soaring through the heavens, Shaolin failed to surpass Bodhidharma\'s efforts. Even though Shaolin used to boast higher-than-average strength compared to everybody else!

Why was that?

‘...Because they were chasing, not advancing!’

Indeed, they were only chasing after the humongous shadow left behind by their ancestors. They believed they could not surpass anyone through new paths and doggedly walked on the singular path laid out by the previous generations. That was why!

That was the same story for Kang Jin-Ho, too.

Even though he saw himself as a different person from Heavenly Crimson Demon Emperor, Kang Jin-Ho never once thought about separating his martial art from his old self. To him, Heavenly Crimson Demon Emperor was the end of his martial journey. Regaining his former strength was Kang Jin-Ho\'s ultimate goal as a martial artist!

‘Hah… How laughable.’

Only now did Kang Jin-Ho figure something out. Why did Heavenly Crimson Demon Emperor say Kang Jin-Ho could never be ‘Kang Jin-Ho’? Now he knew. And he had to acknowledge that Heavenly Crimson Demon Emperor was right.

For Kang Jin-Ho to escape from the Crimson Heaven\'s shadows and be Kang Jin-Ho… He must tread a different path altogether. A path that could be unforgiving and challenging but also guide him toward an even higher realm…!

“Assembly Master…? Are you okay?” Bang Jin-Hun cautiously asked, obviously still curious.

Kang Jin-Ho looked back at him and smiled brightly. “It might take longer than expected, but…”

“...Eh? Sorry?”

“We might get something much more amazing than what we bargained for.”

“…?” Bang Jin-Hun tilted his head as his confusion deepened.

‘A new path. A new martial art. And… a new life.’

Kang Jin-Ho slowly nodded.

From now on, he would forge ahead.

Even if his steps were faltering and slow, by constantly moving forward and forward… He should reach his new destination one day.

A destination where he could proudly stand as Kang Jin-Ho.

One day…!

1. Bamboo and wooden slips were the main media for writing documents in ancient China before the widespread adoption of paper in the first two centuries AD. ☜

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