
Chapter 842. Beaten Up (2)

Chapter 842. Beaten Up (2)

“Isn’t this...”

Bang Jin-Hun was no dummy and could tell how incredible this situation was.

Of course, all the energy flowing through him would never completely become Bang Jin-Hun\'s. It was the same concept as muscles built up after hitting the gym eventually "deflating" if one didn\'t constantly work out.

This type of "training" wasn’t possible without Kang Jin-Ho’s acupoint stimulation. After all, Bang Jin-Hun didn’t know the method, and even if he did know... Would he be able to attempt it in the first place?

However! If only half of the qi coursing through his meridians remained, Bang Jin-Hun would see a significant boost to his overall strength.

“This is almost on the level of a cheat key...” Wiggins muttered while helplessly shaking his head.

He had fully understood now how miraculous the effect of this \'training\' was. Actually, it\'d not be wrong to assume that he understood it even better than Bang Jin-Hun or Vator ever could. After all, analyzing something was his specialty.

Wiggins looked up at Vator. “If such a method exists, why did my lord...?”

Vator tutted. “Didn\'t I tell you already? This method is difficult to attempt, even if you know how to. Even the expert at the peak realm would collapse in exhaustion after using this method on one person. I\'ve never heard of a case of one expert stimulating acupoints of multiple people. Even the legendary martial artists in history books could only do one person a day.”

‘...! Ah, I see. So that was it.’

Wiggins suddenly remembered something. And that would be all the external qi getting rapidly sucked into Kang Jin-Ho!

The incredible amount of qi was being constantly hoovered up into Kang Jin-Ho\'s body during that so-called sparring earlier. That was how he got to refill his qi reserve!


Even a peak expert could only help out one person? Although that claim sounded a bit too far-fetched, Wiggins thought it was also probably true. Regardless of what, though... That limitation clearly didn\'t apply to Kang Jin-Ho.

In a way, a martial artist’s qi reserve was like fuel powering automobiles.

At the start of a cultivation journey, a martial artist’s dantian would be as tiny as a pinkie nail. But they would enlarge it through repeated training and cultivation.

By breathing in external qi, more "fuel" would be accumulated in one\'s dantian—fuel tank in an automobile—and participating in a battle would drain this fuel reserve. And the empty tank would get refilled by breathing in some more qi. That was the usual way accepted by everyone.

Like how an automobile needed to stop at a gas station to refuel, martial artists breathed in external qi when their reserves got depleted. And they couldn\'t fight while breathing in external qi, much like you couldn\'t drive and refuel at the same time!

However, Kang Jin-Ho could do this impossible feat.

‘The more I think about it, the more incredible this ability sounds.’

If Kang Jin-Ho really was an automobile, it\'d be like he was speeding along with a gas pump attached to him. Even as his "engine" was crazily burning fuel to create forward motion, his tank was continuously being filled right back up.

No wonder Kang Jin-Ho could do things most people couldn’t even imagine. Since his fuel tank size was still fixed, and his engine still produced the same amount of power, he hadn’t gotten faster or more powerful. But now, he wouldn’t run out of juice even after three days and nights of constant driving!

‘And that’s why it doesn’t matter whether it’s three or four people, he can stimulate all of their acupoints!’

His exhausted qi reserve was being replenished in real-time, after all!

“My master wanted to increase our strength even at the cost of exhausting his qi reserve. Do you all understand what this means?” Vator grunted loudly.

“Well, I... Mm...” Wiggins was about to respond a little stiffly, but then...

Vator frowned deeply and interrupted him first. “It means our master thinks we are roadblocks in the Martial Assembly\'s development! Since our master\'s plans cannot be realized with our current strength, he\'s now attempting to improve our realms one step at a time.”

Vator bared his fangs in an unhappy growl.

“Simply put, we’re dragging our master down.”

Wiggins clamped his mouth shut.

Indeed, it was possible to interpret this situation that way. Kang Jin-Ho seemed ready to comprehensively flip the Martial Assembly inside out, yet he didn\'t do that and instead started beating up the organization\'s top brass first. Didn\'t that imply they were the biggest issues the Martial Assembly faced?

Vator tutted, but much louder this time. “That\'s why our master went to such trouble to stimulate our acupressure points. But you two are whining like little kids without even knowing the truth. What fools you are.”

Wiggins\' head faltered slightly. He usually would never display such a sight in front of Vator, but his shame was too much for him to hide this time. If there was a hole nearby, even if it was a rathole... He\'d have crawled in there to hide!

“So, do not ever forget our master\'s generosity and favor. No one else would have granted you lot such a favor at their own expense! Whether it\'s you or I, we all know an expert will not be so generous toward his junior. The stronger we get as experts, the less we are willing to share what\'s ours.”


As Bang Jin-Hun and Wiggins stewed in the silence of shame and self-reflection, the door to the office slowly opened again.


The gazes of the three men gradually shifted over to the open doorway. After it oh-so-agonizingly slowly opened, Chang Min’s figure revealed itself. And...


...Everyone briefly forgot how to speak.

The usual Chang Min with his white hair in the flashy regent hairstyle was nowhere to be found. Instead, the trio was greeted by a battered-and-bruised old man, whose white hair was messily clinging to his face like some kind of bleached seaweed.

That sight alone confirmed the severity of the beating Chang Min had to endure!

“Y-you made it out alive, old fart!” Vator gasped out loud.

The other two men also chimed in. “Good job surviving that!”

Even Vator, who held an unspoken rivalry against Chang Min, was stunned to see this old man’s wretched state.

Chang Min barely managed to lift his shivering head and held Vator’s gaze. Then, he forced his lips to part. “Va... Vator.”

“Old fart, how are you feeling? Are you alright? You don’t look good at all. How about lying down somewhere first, and...”

“He... wants to... see you.”


The corners of Chang Min\'s lips laboriously curled up. That expression hinted at what Chang Min could be thinking about right now, and it... largely matched Vator\'s thought process from earlier!

“My liege... said you’re... next. Kekeke.”


And then, Chang Min collapsed to the floor with a loud thud.

A truly shocking event of an old fart passing out after getting bullied by a young man had unfolded right before the trio’s eyes, but none of them could criticize the young man or pity the old fart!

‘Wait. It wasn’t over?’

‘Again?! We gotta go through this crap again?’

The eyes of Wiggins and Bang Jin-Hun powerfully quaked.

They were supposed to go through with this insane thing two times a day?! Seriously? Just once was almost enough to grind their bones into powder, yet they had to do it all over again?!

The two men’s disbelieving gazes hurriedly locked on Vator next. It was as if they were cows staring at their fellow cow about to get dragged into an abattoir ahead of them. Their expressions were filled with pity, sorrow, and even relief at knowing it wasn’t their turn yet!

All those emotions contained in the two men’s gazes uncomfortably tickled Vator’s skin.

The big man coughed to clear his throat and glanced at the others. “Kuh-hum. Wiggins?”

“Yes, Sir Vator.”

Vator stood tall and imposing like the proud man that he was. “...Please deliver a message to my master that I\'m too unwell to join him.”


Vator was putting up a futile resistance.


Life is Choice (C) in-between Birth (B) and Death. (D)[1]

It meant a human life consisted of a series of seemingly never-ending choices. And throughout one\'s life, one would constantly encounter moments that forced them to make tough decisions. The choices made during those moments determined how the rest of one\'s life would pan out.

And right now, Lee Hyeon-Su... got to appreciate how smart and forward-looking his previous decision had been!

‘Dear Lord, thank you. Thank you very much! Praise be to Jesus!’

Lee Hyeon-Su never was a religious man, but did that matter now? He was in a mood to thank a Heavenly Deity and didn\'t care whether that was the Christian God, Allah, or Buddha. His newfound religious streak made sense in this situation, though.

Not too long ago, Lee Hyeon-Su had to choose between focusing on mastering demonic arts or sticking to what he did best, which was administrative work.

Of course he felt sad and miserable for having such low attainment in martial arts compared to his peers. And his weakness also inconvenienced him in various ways, too. If he still had his old mindset, Lee Hyeon-Su would\'ve unhesitantly chosen demonic arts.

Lee Hyeon-Su with a confidence-inspiring cultivation realm? Wasn’t that basically a synonym for Superman? That version of Lee Hyeon-Su could have achieved any feat he set his mind to.

However, Lee Hyeon-Su chose the second option. He believed that, rather than spend who knows how long to improve his cultivation and become ‘perfect’ in his eyes, it was better to focus on administrative work and let others handle the physical stuff.

The past Lee Hyeon-Su, when he placed his interests above all else, would’ve never made such a choice. This change in mindset could only be possible because of his faith in Kang Jin-Ho and the Martial Assembly.

At the very least, Lee Hyeon-Su knew he didn\'t face the danger of being cast aside or purged out of existence the minute his usefulness ran out... Like how it was back in the Yeongnam Group.

That decision had saved Lee Hyeon-Su’s life this time!

‘Yup. I would’ve gotten killed today!’

What would’ve happened if Lee Hyeon-Su chose to go all-in with demonic cultivation... Only to be included as Kang Jin-Ho’s sparring partner today?

He didn’t even want to imagine it!

Only someone on the level of Vator or Wiggins was capable of withstanding Kang Jin-Ho\'s abuse. If it had been Lee Hyeon-Su... The first punch to his face would\'ve helped him reunite with his long-deceased grandfather in the netherworld!

Or, maybe his soul would\'ve been crushed to bits!

For proof, just look at the execution unfolding before his eyes.


“Too slow.”



Kang Jin-Ho’s fist accurately slammed into Vator’s Adam’s apple. For a moment there, the big man’s torso curled up.

“Curling up because it hurts is a death sentence,” said Kang Jin-Ho, as his fist casually smashed into Vator\'s chin. That big body of the Mongolian warrior floated up in the air like a balloon!

“You\'ve gotten worse, Vator. Has all the peace turned you into a sloth?”

Lee Hyeon-Su almost blurted out, No, sir. I don’t think that’s true at all? Peace hasn’t turned anyone into a sloth, you know?!

Lee Hyeon-Su seriously pondered if there had been any moment worthy of being called peaceful after Vator joined the Martial Assembly. He eventually concluded that Kang Jin-Ho’s idea of ‘peace’ was totally and unequivocally wrong!

It was not too long ago that they were busy fighting, killing and almost dying at the hands of the Crimson King, so how could Kang Jin-Ho even mutter some nonsense about peace!

Obviously, Vator must be thinking the same thing as Lee Hyeon-Su. Unfortunately for him, though, voicing his grievances was out of the question for the big man. If he opened his mouth at the wrong time... His tongue could get sliced right off!

“Still so slow,” Kang Jin-Ho muttered.


If a sound like that was produced by a person kicking someone’s gut, something must be terribly wrong somewhere!

Vator demonstrated how wrong it was with his entire body. He clutched his gut while rolling around ungainly on the ground, his large frame shivering uncontrollably.

“You seem to be mistaken about something, Vator. Improving your physical strength isn’t everything. No matter how strong you are, it’s all meaningless if you can’t land a hit. Being strong doesn’t just mean you’re physically powerful. It must be an aggregate of everything.”

Vator, his expression deeply crumpled by pain, barely managed to nod a couple of times.

“Simply mastering demonic arts won’t answer all of your questions. Think about how you’ll utilize all the demonic arts you’ve mastered. You already possess the most optimum human physique. As a result, you carelessly overlooked things other people would’ve paid a lot of attention to.”

Kang Jin-Ho explained in a calm yet cold voice.

“Stop trying to take the hits and endure the impact. Learn to dodge and deflect. Also, don’t try to attack at your 100% every single time. Stop using your strongest attack only to miss your target and try to land your weakest attacks more consistently. That will be your first assignment.”

“I... I shall... engrave...” Vator muttered up to there before hurriedly covering his mouth.

Lee Hyeon-Su grimaced slightly.

‘Oh, boy... Are you going to throw up now, too?’

An icky noise of a person swallowing something back briefly resounded in the air before Vator urgently nodded away.

Kang Jin-Ho cheerily smiled while observing this scene. “Good. We’ll stop here for the day.”

“T-thank you...”


Vator crashed into the ground with a loud boom and kicked up a bit of a dust storm. While staring at this scene, Lee Hyeon-Su thanked the heavens and himself for not having any gifts related to martial arts!

“I-is this it for today, sir?” Lee Hyeon-Su asked with a huge smile on his face after hurriedly approaching Kang Jin-Ho. Despite his smile, though, something about the way he held and wrung his hands seemed a bit awkward. Even though he was trying to be so natural about it!

“Mm... Yes, I should stop.” Kang Jin-Ho casually shrugged. “It’s only the first day, so I should take it easy, right? The real thing will only begin tomorrow, so I shouldn’t discourage them so soon.”

...Taking it easy? This?

‘Sir? What are you even planning for tomorrow!’

Lee Hyeon-Su dearly wanted to ask that question. However, he just couldn’t bring himself to do it.

Kang Jin-Ho leisurely stretched his limbs like a yawning cat, then lightly patted Lee Hyeon-Su on the shoulder. “Okay, I’ll leave the mop-up to you.”

“Yes, sir...”

“Remember, things will get much more serious tomorrow.”

Sir, don\'t you think it\'ll be much faster to just execute them now?!

Lee Hyeon-Su was unable to ask that question until the very end.

1. This line is straight from the raw. I didn’t mess with it in any shape or form... ☜

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