
Chapter 111 Does It Still Seem Like A Joke?

Was he trying to trick them into killing him quick so that he could escape a miserable death?

Dreven felt it was the latter as he let out a burst of growl-like laughter, "Who do you think you are talking to, puny fool? No matter what you say or do, there is no escaping a very painful death for being who you are. You should have stayed in your little castle, not waking up at all. We of the Darkmoon Clan have some pride, unlike you and your people. We do not fight those beneath us, especially when even the weakest in my pack can break you like a twig."

Asher scoffed and asked, "Don\'t tell me you are scared?"

Dreven\'s expression didn\'t change as he said with a subtle snarl, "Don\'t bother trying to provoke us because the words of a weakling will only seem like a joke to us."

Asher realized that he misunderstood the mentality of these werewolves. They surely had huge egos and pride, but not in the way he expected it to be. However, that didn\'t deter him as he suddenly wrapped his right arm around Merina\'s waist and pulled her towards him, making her let out a startled gasp.

Without even wasting a second, he grabbed her face and sucked her lips while using his other hand to slip into her dress and squeeze her juicy breasts.

Merina had her thoughts thrown all over and had no idea what her Master was doing by kissing her all of a sudden. Surely, he must know that this place and situation weren\'t exactly suitable for doing something like this, right? But being kissed like this in a situation like this made her heart thump against her chest, her face red as a cherry. Her body was completely frozen, and she had no idea what to do other than get swept away by his intense kiss.

All the werewolves standing around had their eyes go wide as saucers, especially Dreven\'s, who felt a multitude of intense emotions wrecking chaos in his chest, making him feel like something was burning in the bottom of his chest.

"Mmmsmcha!" Asher sucked the lips of a confused and red-faced Merina before breaking the kiss with a loud echo of her lips escaping from his ravenous mouth.

"So what does it mean when a weakling like me laid hands on one of your women like this? Does it still seem like a joke? Or maybe not since she is technically not a part of your clan anymore, right?" Asher asked with a smirk while looking at Dreven, whose dark blue eyes were glowing with fury, his fur standing on end.

The other werewolves let out subtle growls since they clearly felt insulted by the actions of Asher. But by feeling the growing tension in the air, they knew the one who got most pissed off was none other than their leader.

"Sigh, I am amazed by how soft and tasty her lips were in my mouth. It\'s a good thing I get to fuck her every day," Asher said with a sigh of pleasure as he rubbed his lips.

Merina covered her reddened face with her hands, feeling too embarrassed by his raunchy words, and didn\'t know what he was planning to achieve by saying such things.

"ENOUGH!!" Dreven could no longer hold it in as every drop of blood in his body was boiling with anger and jealousy. With a ferocious roar, he lunged at Asher, his claws fully extended and connected with Asher\'s midsection.


The sound of dozens of bones cracking and piercing into flesh echoed as the force of the thunderous impact sent Asher\'s body flying like a broken kit till his body slammed into a nearby tree with a loud thud.

Branches snapped, and leaves rustled as Asher\'s bloodied body hit the ground.

"No! Master!" Merina felt something sinking in her chest as she cried out and rushed towards him, her face washed over with fear and panic.

"Merina…you…" Dreven had his eyes shaking in disbelief upon seeing Merina rushing towards Asher with such an expression. It was as if she really cared about him. Why would she care so much for someone who is an enemy of her race and also treats her like a lowly servant? Someone with a background like hers should never have stooped to such a lowly position. It was not only a disgrace to them but also a disgrace to her, especially when she has to address him as \'Master.\' He felt his nerves sting just by hearing her call him like that.

But what strung his heart was how he had been so good to her in the past, and yet never did she once show such a face of concern towards him.

Even after meeting her again after so many years, he always felt somewhere inside that she was just a poor woman who did what she had to do to protect her family. So despite the anger he had, he had been planning to take her in and beg the elders to grant her mercy by promising them to make sure he won\'t let her do any more harm to the clan.

But now his heart was completely engulfed in rage and indignation, especially upon seeing her shedding tears for an enemy.

"M-Master, why…" Merina didn\'t know why her eyes were becoming so warm. She had reached Asher\'s side and saw deep gashes across his chest and the pool of blood spreading around him.

She couldn\'t understand why he would provoke Dreven, but what she couldn\'t understand even more was why he tried to protect a slave like her?

She dropped to her knees, feeling something gripping her heart tight after seeing his breathing was very shallow. She could see he was going to die any second now.

But her eyes blinked in shock as a dark green light fell on her face. With her brows fully raised, she saw his skin and the flesh underneath disintegrating into ashes as dark green flames engulfed his entire body till nothing but his skeleton remained.

Merina unconsciously smiled with an astonished and relieved look as she saw his bony hands digging into the muddy ground before raising his body up.

She knew his Immortal Bloodline was very special, which also allowed him to magically transform into this skeleton form with flames shrouding his charred bones.

She felt like she was not looking at just the royal consort but a being whose existence couldn\'t be comprehended by a mortal like her.

In fact, not only her but the ten werewolves gathered around, especially Dreven, couldn\'t make sense of what they were seeing.

Dreven unconsciously lashed out with almost his entire strength. Even if, by some miracle, Asher didn\'t die immediately, there was no way he would survive a few seconds more.

But he rapidly blinked in disbelief upon seeing a charred black skeleton getting up with hellish-looking dark green flames engulfing it entirely, casting an eerie light in the dark forest.

He had never seen anything like it before, and for some reason, he felt his instincts scratching the ends of his spine.

"Master, you…you are…" Merina wanted to ask if he was really alright, but she just was feeling too overwhelmed to voice her words completely. Just a moment ago, he was on the verge of death, and now he was already standing on his feet without any problem. She never thought he could recover from such a fatal blow and get back up as if he was completely alright. She was confounded, to say the least.

"Hide somewhere while I take care of these neutered mutts," Asher said in a deep, menacing tone as he looked at Dreven and the werewolves behind him.

Dreven couldn\'t believe the rumors of the royal consort being able to turn into a blazing skeleton were actually true, which he originally believed to be bogus, just like anyone else.

The past few days, most of the demons in this realm had been startled by the rumors of the previously soulless consort of the Bloodburn Queen suddenly awakening with an Immortal Bloodline.

Most of them outside the kingdom, just like him and the people in his clan, discarded it as a stupid tactic employed by the fools in the kingdom to make them think that the Bloodburn Kingdom was not getting weaker, unlike what it seemed.

But now…Dreven felt as if they maybe have to rethink the truth behind these rumors.

This was the first time him and his pack members had seen anyone shrug off a deadly attack as if never happened in the first place.

However, for now, he was fully determined to crush this maggot before he could become a threat in the future. It didn\'t matter how great his bloodline was if his current strength was too weak, just like how weak any newborn of even a powerful race would be.

And so he looked at his brethren and growled out an order, "Crush some of his debile bones to a paste and bring them to me. Don\'t kill him though. I don\'t want him to go out easy," Dreven said with a irate look, especially after seeing him touch Merina with his filthy hands.

"What will make you fight me yourself? Should I fuck your mother next?" Asher asked with a shrug as if he was genuinely curious.

Asher\'s words were like a spark that set off a dynamite in Dreven\'s head, "I WILL TEAR YOU APART!!" Dreven let out an earth-shaking roar as he charged towards Asher before any of his pack members could, his beastly eyes radiating with strong killing intent.

Seeing how rightfully angry Dreven was, they decided to step back to not come in his way.

It was only better for their leader to crush Asher on his own, especially after all the humiliating insults were thrown at him.

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