
Chapter 195: Ive Become Quite Bad

Chapter 195: I\'ve Become Quite Bad

They had decided to rest here as Cui Yuanyang had ended up staying outside the carriage together with Zhao Changhe, talking amongst themselves in front of all of the people that the Cui Clan had sent with her. Because of that, the little girl was eager to find a place to rest.

Vermillion Bird, who was similarly staying in this city, was stunned when she got the report from her subordinates.

Are they staying here to provoke us? Do they really think that our Four Idols Cult is just here to play around? They know we’re here, yet they still chose to settle nearby?!

Xia Chichi was punished to kneel by the side and hold her head with her hands. Seeing Vermillion Bird’s annoyed look, she smiled apologetically and tried to persuade her. “That little girl isn’t stupid. She knows that we won’t go all out to kill her. There’s no need for this, is there?”

“Isn’t this all because of you?” Vermillion Bird did not know where her temper was coming from. Nevertheless, she grabbed a feather duster and smacked Xia Chichi on the butt. “I asked you to wait for an opportunity to assassinate her, yet you were smiling and walking alongside her. Now, others are going to start thinking that the White Tiger is a mere housecat, while the Vermillion Bird is nothing but a chicken.”

Xia Chichi shouted, “Although I had the chance to assassinate her, I would not have been able to escape if I did. Do you really want me to exchange my life for hers? She’s just a waste...”

Vermillion Bird knew that her pupil’s words were reasonable. She did not really know why she was so angry, but if there was one moment that had annoyed her significantly, it was when Zhao Changhe held the little girl tightly in his arms, while treating her as a major threat.

One moment, I was trying to recruit you with nice words, and the next, you’re guarding against me so intensely. How am I supposed to control my temper when you treat me so horribly? To think that you even said you were afraid of me.... I should have taught you a lesson by slapping your back to make you cough up blood for ten days straight!

It appeared that Vermillion Bird did not realize that when it came to recruiting people into the cult, she would never really say anything nice. She always carried herself proudly and indifferently, and her demonic flames flared menacingly, intimidating everyone in her presence... It was completely normal for someone to be wary of her. After all, she was not actually the Fire Serpent of Yi.

However, Vermillion Bird felt that as if her good intentions were taken for granted, which was why she was filled with dissatisfaction. These emotions were further magnified when it saw the look on Xia Chichi’s face that seemed to say that she hadn’t done anything wrong and that she would have done the same thing given the chance. Seeing that unapologetic face, she almost broke the feather duster in her anger.

She sneered and said, “Let’s not talk about Cui Yuanyang for the time being. You dare say you’ve already left behind your old feelings, yet this is how you act? Do you take me for a fool?”

Xia Chichi’s eyes darted around. She knew that it would be difficult to argue with Vermillion Bird when it came to this. Although she could spout all kinds of things to try and justify herself, Vermillion Bird was not stupid.

As such, she simply decided to speak with part-truths, “Well, it’s only been about half a year. If I were to have completely cut off all the feelings I had back then, I bet even you would find such a heartless person too much, right? I admit that I still do have some feelings left, just a little. I think it’ll go away in time...”

Vermillion Bird glanced at her pitiful appearance, as she was kneeling there with her hands holding her head. She ultimately just sighed and said, “As you said before, his relationships with other women aren’t even clear. Shouldn’t you hate him more if you still have some feelings for him? Why are you so soft-hearted toward the other women he’s involved with? This... This is why we, women, can’t become too emotional. It will only bring us heartache in the end.”

Xia Chichi nibbled on her lips, inwardly cursing, If it wasn’t for the holy cult having such stupid rules, I could have been with him openly. Which woman would have dared to approach him? If any of them dared, I would have fought them. I would definitely have torn apart that little bitch that’s pretending to be cute!

But now? I don’t have the confidence, no, more like I don’t feel like I have the right to do such things. After all, since I’m the one who can’t be with him, then what right do I even have to make him wait for me? Honestly, this is all unfair, both for him and myself...

Vermillion Bird could actually somewhat understand what Xia Chichi was thinking, and she paced back and forth a few times, feeling somewhat awkward herself.

After getting to know him a little, she had actually come to appreciate his ideals, philosophy, combat skills, and character. In addition, his unique identity made her genuinely interested in recruiting him into the cult. However, Zhao Changhe seemed to have slightly misunderstood things. If he were to be recruited into the cult, they could not just let his and Xia Chichi’s relationship flourish. On the contrary, having feelings for one another actually made it less appropriate for them to be under the same roof. After all, they could not just let them desecrate the altar.

Therefore, it was impossible for things to turn out as Zhao Changhe was imagining. They would never have Xia Chichi seduce him into joining the cult.

At the same time, Vermillion Bird could not help but admit that since she appreciated Zhao Changhe, she would not just go and kill him because of the old flame he shared with Xia Chichi. Killing him was out of the question, and what was giving her such a headache was figuring out how to reconcile everything.

Then, she realized that Xia Chichi’s own ideas were actually most correct.

As long as they let him find another woman, then their relationship would naturally end. At that time, they would have really gotten the best of both worlds.

However, due to Cui Yuanyang’s young age, as well as the three-year agreement that Cui Wenjing and Zhao Changh had agreed upon and released to the public, the Cui Clan could not just retract their statement even if they regretted it now. They could not just go back on their word in front of everyone. But then, so should they just wait for three years and see what happens?

There were still two and a half years until the agreed-upon date...

Xia Chichi observed Vermillion Bird’s expression and asked, “Venerable, are you interested in recruiting Zhao Changhe?”

Vermillion Bird’s face stiffened, and she said, “Don’t even think about seducing him or anything like that. There’s no way that I will allow it. Regardless of whether I want Zhao Changhe to join the cult or not, I cannot allow our saintess to behave wantonly. Forget about it.”

Xia Chichi’s joy got stuck in her stomach, almost causing her to whimper.

How old-fashioned!

“The saintess serves the gods. If you continue acting like this, my punishment won’t just be limited to smacking you with a feather duster. Don’t think that you can keep having it easy.”


Vermillion Bird paced back and forth, muttering to herself, “While the saintess is off-limits, that might not be the case for others. It looks like I can choose someone to make an attempt...”

Xia Chichi muttered, “What were you saying about the Fire Serpent of Yi earlier, has someone new appeared? I recall that there was a vacancy in the spot for the mansion of Yi.”

“That’s right. We have someone new. Why are you asking?”

“What does she look like? I think that we can let her try,” Xia Chichi said. “Since she’s a serpent, then she must be pretty good at flirting. Also, she’s new, so... Owwwww...”

Xia Chichi had no idea why she was getting beaten again. She felt that she was clearly already sacrificing herself by making this suggestion. Afterward, she would even have to prepare a new little bitch into pieces, and it was someone of her own proposal.

She could not understand why the venerable was so unpredictable and quick to anger today.


While Xia Chichi was being beaten, in another part of the city, Cui Yuanyang was happily leaning on Zhao Changhe’s chest. The two of them were in the courtyard, admiring the flowers.

Such intimacy was not uncommon back at the riverside by the Cui Clan’s horse pasture. Cui Yuanyang had always found it comfortable to lean on Zhao Changhe in this manner. His broad chest was like a spacious seat where she could nestle her entire self.

This just goes to show that big brother Zhao’s chest was made for me to lie on. It’s a pity that big brother Zhao was in a hurry back then and he leaving soon after he learned to ride a horse properly. He seems to have changed a bit. He seems a little quieter, and it doesn’t feel like he’s in as much of a rush as before. He’s a lot gentler and calmer.

Girls were indeed quite sensitive to these things.

“Big brother Zhao...” Cui Yuanyang nestled in his embrace. She then asked in a soft voice, “Why aren’t you talking much? Is it because you just saw sister Xia?”

“Hm?” Zhao Changhe snapped out of his daze.

He had not actually been thinking about Chichi much. Chichi herself had repeatedly told him to just do whatever he pleased and stop holding himself back. She would probably even think that he was being over-dramatic or pretentious if he kept hesitating.

When he was in Jiangnan, he made his intentions clear to Yue Hongling, and he also acquired an interest in Tang Wanzhuang, although he had not voiced that one out. He knew that they were already past merely sharing idle talk... Regardless, the once pure Zhao Changhe was long gone, and he had truly and fully turned into a scumbag. He did not even feel awkward while holding Yangyang. In fact, he was even feeling quite happy as he discovered that she had not forgotten about him.

The real reason for his silence was actually Yangyang herself. He used to think that her feelings were just temporary and not true love, but upon seeing her again, he saw that her feelings for him were still strong. In fact, it appeared as if her feelings grew even more intense from the separation. This touched up deeply.

Where else could he find such a wonderful girl?

“Yangyang, you haven’t changed at all. Of course I’m a little awkward when I see you again so suddenly. Don’t you feel a little awkward seeing me? I’ve changed quite a bit since back then, and it’s not just in appearance.”

“A little bit,” Cui Yuanyang smiled and said. “But it’s mostly because your hair was all over the place before, like a lion’s mane. Now that it’s grown longer and you tie it properly, you look a lot more elegant. At first, I almost didn’t recognize you. But then I realized that the person I had in my heart was never a scoundrel or bandit to begin with. Especially...”

She paused and whispered, “Especially when you held me tightly and protected me from Vermillion Bird. At that moment, all the anxiety that I’d been feeling over these past few months disappeared. That was the kind of reunion I was looking forward to, and it was even more joyful than I expected.”

Zhao Changhe could not help but laugh. “Just how many kinds of scenarios had you pictured in your mind?”

“Don’t laugh when I tell you.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve gotten professional training. No matter how funny it is, I promise not to laugh.”

“Then I’ll tell you,” Cui Yuanyang said hesitantly. “Since the Wang Clan was inviting figures on the Ranking of Hidden Dragons to spar with, I was just thinking that when they challenged you, I could just burst in from outside and say, ’Who do you think you are to challenge my big brother Zhao?! If you want to challenge him, beat me first!’ Then, you would turn around and see me all heroic and dazzling, and you would be so amazed. Then, while looking at me, you’d think about how heroic I’ve become. Then, you would be filled with admiration for me and fall for me.”

“Pfft...” Without those last few sentences, he would have probably been fine. It could still have been considered a scene from a teenage girl’s imagination. But when he heard the last part, Zhao Changhe nearly laughed his stomach out. “No wonder your brother said you did not admire First Seat Tang’s elegance at all. It turns out that you want to imitate Yue Hongling.”

“I told you not to laugh!”

“Alright, alright, I’ll stop laughing,” Zhao Changhe said coaxingly, as if he were comforting a child. “There’s no need for such a dramatic scene. I’ve always admired you.”

Cui Yuanyang said softly, “But... I know that... I know that the person you truly admire has always been Yue Hongling...”

Zhao Changhe was stunned and fell silent.

He lowered his head and looked at her flushed face. She was looking up at him, her eyes flashing with complex emotions. “Otherwise, why do you always hold me like you’re holding a little sister... You’ve never seen me as a grown woman, right?”

Zhao Changhe took a deep breath, then suddenly whispered, “Little girl, do you know what I was worried about these past few days?”

“Huh?” Cui Yuanyang blinked, puzzled.

“That I haven’t sealed the deal in advance.” Zhao Changhe slowly lowered his head and leaned over her. “While you haven’t changed, I’ve become quite bad... Back then, I was afraid that you would end up regretting it, since you were too young and ignorant. But now, I just want to take advantage of your youth and ignorance to ensure that you will never have the chance to regret it.”

Cui Yuanyang’s heart skipped a beat.

But her mind suddenly went blank. She watched as he pulled her closer, lowered his head, then kissed her tender lips.

Cui Yuanyang instinctively grabbed his arm. Her eyes were still wide open, and she was completely at a loss as to what to think at the moment.

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