
Chapter 123: Branding the Otherworld Sword Empress as a Slave (2)

“Please have a seat. I’ll explain the mark on your lower abdomen.”


Perhaps deciding to hear the explanation first, she sat on the sofa, still clad in her lingerie.

“I assume it has something to do with why you took my clothes off.”

“It’s a slave brand.”


“I had it engraved as insurance, just in case.”

“…You can’t just remove it!”

“I told you, I saved you because I wanted something from you, didn’t I?”

I sat down opposite Gayeon.

She glared at me, arms crossed over her chest.

“A despicable tactic. Don’t you realize that this act is no different from rape?”

“It’s different. I didn’t have sex with you, Sword Empress. But if it weren’t for that slave brand, I would’ve done whatever it took to make you listen.”

“I’ve seen how all sorts of human depravity is justified in this city. You admit to being a slave to your desires.”

“I may not be a good person, but those who were chasing you wouldn’t have stopped there.”

I’d never heard what the Emperor did to the captured Collapsers, but if they weren’t on his side, they wouldn’t die peacefully.

I could imagine that much.

I could turn the Sword Empress in front of me into a helpless, cumming slut whenever I wanted if I activated the brand…

But if I did, she would become my enemy, so I’m carefully gauging the right time.

In the first place…

I’m not even sure if I can stop this woman with a forced orgasm.

She might just try to kill me without hesitation.

It’s too risky to just rely on the branding and go for it.

This is insurance…

Whether she becomes a useful pawn depends on her.

And I have to persuade her without lying. Is that even possible?

“…What do you want from me?”

“Help me get to the Devil District. That’s where I want to go.”

“Devil District? I don’t know any place like that.”

“It’s where you came from.”


The Sword Empress falls into deep thought.

She must have her reasons, but she doesn’t pry.

If I touch a nerve and she decides not to tell me anything, it’s over.

“You have the means to live comfortably in this city, so why risk it?”

“Because there’s a woman I care about there.”

“Unexpected. For such a pure reason…”

“I’d appreciate your help. I’ll remove the brand once I achieve my goal.”


“Just protect me until I meet her.”

“Are you saying she doesn’t want to meet you?”

“Yes. But… if I bring you, she’ll have to meet me.”

“Good. I have business there as well.”

“In the Devil District?”

Gayeon nods.

“I didn’t cross that suspicious gate alone. My husband was with me.”


Aren’t you a virgin?

As if reading my mind, Gayeon lets out a small laugh.

“It’s understandable that you find it strange for someone with such a young face to have a husband.

I’m older than I look. Let’s just say that.”

Then how are you going to explain being a virgin?

I can’t ask her that.

Because it’s a fact I learned through the monologue. If she narrows her eyes and asks me how I know she’s a virgin, I wouldn’t be able to maintain my composure, let alone my erection.

“We got separated while escaping. He must be looking for me as well.”

“So our goals align, don’t they, Sword Empress?”

“It’s such a well-crafted story that it makes me suspicious, but I’ll accept your proposal. I’ll protect you until you meet the woman you desire.”

“Can I trust you?”

“What do you take me for…! Ah…”

The Sword Empress trails off, then looks me straight in the eye.

“My name holds no weight in this world. Don’t worry.

I’ve never failed to protect someone I swore to protect.”


What confidence.

It wasn’t just empty words, the pure energy radiating from her entire being made her presence even more imposing.

Even though she was sitting in front of me in that slutty outfit…

I could clearly picture her in my mind, clad in elegant robes, wielding a sword like a celestial being.

Ah, I want to get her pregnant.

“However. My goal takes priority.”

“Excuse me?”

“Even if you’re in danger, I won’t prioritize saving you over finding my husband.”

“You mean…”

“If my husband appears, I’ll abandon you and leave.”

“…I thought you were going to protect me?”

“Only until my husband appears.”


“If you’re okay with that, I’ll go with you. And when the time comes, promise me you’ll remove this unpleasant drawing.”

…Does she think the brand on her womb is just a drawing?

“I promise.”

It’s an unsettling condition, but I don’t need her to promise to stay until the very end.

She can’t remove the brand without my help anyway.

“Let’s leave right away.”

“We can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Cecil and I were injured while fighting off the pursuers. We need time to recover.”


That’s a flimsy excuse.

Cecil was injured fighting the Beast King, and even then, she recovered with a High Potion…

I need to check if there are any lingering effects, but she wasn’t seriously injured.

Me neither, I just have some aftereffects from 50 internal ejaculations…

I’m fine now. My balls are high-performance.

I just wanted to buy some time.

“We’ll recover in two days. I’ll teach you about this world during that time. What do you say?”

“If it’s just two days, I can stay. Do you have a room?”

“Yes, we have a nice room. And… while you’re staying here, I have a favor to ask.”

“Now that I’m indebted to you, I can’t refuse a simple request.”

“Teach me and Cecil how to fight.”


“Be our teacher.”

“How dare…”

Once again, the Sword Empress trailed off.

“Ha… In your world, do they ask for teachings so lightly…?

“What’s wrong with that?”

“…At least in my world, you would risk your life just by uttering those words.”

“Wow, cool.”

This is practically a martial arts novel, isn’t it?

“But that’s not how it works in this world. Just teach us.”

“…Such childish insistence.”

“I come from a world where we do things comfortably.”

“I’m sorry, but my school is only for women. It’s not suitable for teaching men.”

“What about Cecil?”

“It takes more than a day or two.”

“Then… Just teach us the basics. I heard some strange things from the enemy I fought recently, like I don’t know how to read the flow of mana…”

“The flow of mana? Come to think of it… This world has a strange atmospheric flow.”


As expected of the Sword Empress.

It seems she already has a hunch about the flow of mana, something I didn’t even know existed.

“Could this strange atmospheric flow be the reason why my internal energy is not flowing smoothly…?”

“Is there a problem?”

“No, if the environment has changed, then I just have to find a way to adapt.

You two have given me some ideas to test.”

“Thank you, Master!”

“…Calling me Master is a bit much. I’m not going to teach you anything extraordinary. Just guide you in the right direction.”


A while later…

After confirming that Cecil and Peridot, who had fainted, were safe, I explained the situation to Cecil.

“Let’s learn from the Sword Empress together. You have talent, Cecil. You’ll become incredibly strong in no time.”

Was that too one-sided?

Even though we’re master and slave, it feels like I decided everything on my own…

I was a little worried that Cecil might feel slighted.

“Training with Oppa!”

…I was worried for nothing.

Cecil’s face lit up with a bright smile.

“I’ll get stronger and beat up all the bad guys!”

“That’s a bit harsh, don’t you think?”

Shadowboxing Cecil!

“Viscal said I have talent too, so maybe from now on, instead of being a master who’s always protected…

How about we become comrades who fight together?”

I thought I saw the starry sky in Cecil’s eyes.

Twinkle twinkle!

“We get to fight side-by-side, watching each other’s backs…!?”

“You like that idea that much?”

“I love it!”

Cecil clung to me so tightly that I could barely breathe, rubbing her body all over mine.

I stroked her fluffy cat ears and kissed her forehead.

“Even if we train together, I’ll still be much weaker than you…”

“That doesn’t matter. I’ll protect you when you’re in trouble!”

“Let’s do our best, Cecil.”


I have no desire to throw myself into a bloody battle.

But if this world demands that I fight to obtain worthy milfs…

Then I’ll gladly accept the challenge.

I’ll become strong enough to not hold Cecil back.

Didn’t Master say it?

Fighting skills are essential for a trainer.

One day, I’ll need the ability to train slaves stronger than me.

And now, I have the opportunity to develop that ability.

“Then I’ll go prepare dinner.”

“Are you okay to move now?”

“Yes, I just felt a little dizzy.”

It was a situation where it wouldn’t have been strange if we had all died, but Peridot was as calm as ever.

I’m not sure how much will change with this training…

But it’s quite exciting to learn from a master swordsman.

After finishing the meal Peridot prepared, we gathered in the empty lot.

This is also my private property.

An empty lot where I haven’t decided what to plant yet.

It would hurt to fall here because of the rough ground, but it’s spacious enough for training.

Gayeon stood before us, wearing the same white cheongsam as when we first met.

Nothing seemed out of place…

Except for her gaze.

She was looking at the distant mountains.

“Excuse me, Master.”

“Tsk. Don’t interrupt me. I’m meditating.”

“We’re here for our lesson.”

“This atmosphere… is strange.”

I don’t know what she finds strange.

Cecil tilted her head in confusion as well.

“Don’t you sense it? It’s so full…”

“Sense what, Master?”

“I don’t know either, Master!”

“Ha… To think I’d be teaching those who don’t even know the basics.”

Gayeon seemed greatly disappointed in us.

“You stand there.”


“Yes, you. The one next to you, come at me. Let’s see how well you can fight.”

“Yes, ma’am!”

Cecil lowered her stance.

“Show me your full strength if you don’t want to get hurt!”


Cecil lunged forward with a shout. However…

Without even drawing her sword, Gayeon shifted her weight and effortlessly dodged Cecil’s attack, sending her tumbling to the ground.

“Your movements are too straightforward.”


Cecil threw her throwing knives, trying to outflank her.

As if it were nothing, Gayeon caught all the knives and tossed them aside before tripping Cecil again.



Cecil landed face-first on the ground, her expression on the verge of tears.

“Oppa… Nothing’s working…”


“Sword Empress, please go easy on her. She’s our house cat, don’t abuse her.”

“…House cat.”

Gayeon’s expression changed.

She stared intently at Cecil’s twitching cat ears, then…


She reached out and grabbed them!

“They’re… real…”

“…Hey!? Only Oppa… is allowed to touch my precious ears…”

“Come closer. Let me have a feel.”

Gayeon ignored Cecil’s feeble resistance as if she were handling a newborn baby and started gently kneading her cat ears.

Ah, I can’t resist that…

“Mmm… Mmhmm.”

“Purr… Purr… Is this part of the training, Master?”


Cecil’s cuteness has subdued the Sword Empress.

Once you’ve tasted that fluffiness… there’s no going back.

“Forget about those clumsy tactics and trust your instincts. You’re strongest when you fight like that.”


“You there.”

It makes me sad that she keeps calling me “you” even though she knows my name.

“Yes, Master.”

“You said the enemy you fought recently mentioned the flow of mana?”

“Yes. He said that if you can’t even read the flow of mana, you’re no better than a newborn baby…”

Those were Cecil’s words, but I’ve heard similar things.

“The atmosphere in this world is filled with an energy called mana, and it flows like air. Keep that in mind and think carefully.”


I moved my hand quickly.

“Are you saying that mana moves along with my hand movements?”

“You catch on quickly. You already know this instinctively.”


Viscal said something similar.

That I’m reading mana, but I’m not aware of it.

“It wouldn’t be strange for those who have lived in this world for a long time to be able to see the flow with their own eyes.”

“So you can’t see it either, Master?”

“I can feel it. I’ll be able to see it after a day or so.”


Are you sure you’re not the one who arrived here later?

“If you can’t move in harmony with the flow of mana, no matter how fast you are, your movements will be easy to read. Understand?”

Cecil shook her head timidly.

“I don’t quite understand.”

“It’s okay, you don’t have to understand. You’re cute.”

Pat, pat.

Cecil slipped out of Gayeon’s embrace and exclaimed,

“E-Even if I don’t understand now, I’ll work hard to learn! I want to be helpful to Oppa!”

Gayeon looked at me and grinned.

“W-What is it?”

“You’re quite popular. The women around you have good character.”

“Does that include Peridot?”

“Of course. Anyone who can cook delicious food for others can’t be a bad person.”

Those were words that gave me a glimpse into the way the Sword Empress lived her life.

“Then what about me?”

“You’re a good student when you want to learn. But what about you? You have a huge hole in your heart.”


I never expected such a philosophical answer, and let out a dumb sound.

“It will take a lot of effort to fill it.”

“I don’t understand what you mean, but I’ll keep that in mind.”

“You wouldn’t understand even if I told you. Now, come at me together this time.”

“You’re not just going to play fight with us and call it a lesson, are you?”

Gayeon closed her eyes.

“You wouldn’t be able to comprehend even if I told you to read the flow of mana. You’ve never felt or seen it before.

Attack me while I focus all my senses on the flow of mana.”

Cecil and I understood Gayeon’s intentions at once.

“Don’t you see? If you can move without going against the flow of mana, you’ll naturally touch me.”

Training where we have to touch the Sword Empress?

Does that mean it’s okay to touch her?

“Don’t regret this, Master.”

I sheathed Dawn Moon and glared at her.

When the target is a milf’s boobs and a firm ass…

I become a “God”!

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