
Chapter 315: Dispatch of Team J

Chapter 315: Dispatch of Team J

Given that we’ve sent the subordinates to other sectors, the number of subordinates defending this place is low, but they’re still advancing through the floors at an astounding pace. Going by my analysis of the enemy’s strength, they’re above B-Rank. Even if we sent some random subordinates to stop them, they’d only become experience points for the enemy.

The objective is to quickly eliminate them while keeping the casualties among my leaders and their fostered subordinates――aka Team J――to zero. Personally I think heading out myself is the most optimal means to keep the damage to my leaders and their subordinates to the minimum, but…it’s impossible to foresee how the tides of war turn. Because of that, it’s indispensable to quickly kill these invaders and return to the control room…

We clearly excel in raw strength, including the equipment, but our opponents are very likely more experienced in battle. Them having reached such a high level despite being humans means they’ve accumulated quite a significant amount of combat experience.

Combat experience can sometimes overturn a simple difference in stats.

“Shion-sama, you’re not going there?” Izayoi called out to me as I had stopped, although I had previously announced that I’d head out to defense full of eagerness.

“Wait a moment.”

“Yes, Milord. Forgive my audacity!”

Izayoi lowered his head deeply and took a step backwards.

We’re at a critical juncture for the whole defensive battle. Don’t panic, me. Think…move your brain cells to survive this…

I brooded, searching for the best way to handle this matter. If I made a single mistake with my orders, there would be the danger of losing the crazily loyal Izayoi, not to mention Saburou who’s very very flexible with the former demon kings.


If Izayoi’s――created subordinates’――special trait lies in being loyal to a sick degree, what’s the special trait of humans?

Most recently we’ve succeeded in brute-forcing our hand through battles, be it while on the defense or offense, so it looks like my way of handling things has become slightly sloppy.

“Yataro! Will it be okay for us to be away for around 12 hours?”

“Hoh hoh, leave it to me. It might lead to the enemy reaching deeper floors, but if it’s 12 hours, they won’t reach the last floor, no matter what they do.”

“A well-known strategist like me is on his side as well! Don’t worry! Rather than minding us, please be careful!”

“True. It’s just as Kanon-jou says. Shion…please take care of Izayoi and Saburou,” Yataro told me the last words with a serious look after smiling gently before.

“No need to tell me. I’ll take care of it. Izayoi, Saburou, Team J, we’re heading in!”


――《Transfer B》!

I teleported while taking my defense team with me.

After arriving at the designated floor, I sat down on the spot. Izayoi positioned himself diagonally behind me, standing on attention. The members of Team J suspiciously eyed the vicinity.

“Shion-sama, where are we…”

“The 13th floor.”

“I see…hmm? 13th, you say?”


“If I remember correctly…the enemy is on…”

“The 11th floor, I suppose.”

There’s still plenty of time until we carry out the operation. I started to enjoy the conversation with Saburou as it also serves as a nice way to kill some time.

“Oh, I see, I see…nothing less of you, Shion-sama! Your keen insight is as deep and penetrating as ever!”


Saburou nodded frequently, expressing his admiration.

D-Don’t tell me…Saburou actually realized my strategy!?

If it’s a strategy someone like Saburou can see through, it won’t be strange at all for the enemy to see through it as well. Do I have to adjust my plans…?

“Saburou, let me confirm. Explain the plan I’ve set up this time.”

“――!? V-Very well… B-But, I have one suggestion…”

“A suggestion?”

Is Saburou even going to propose a correction of my plan?

“I-It would be fine for me to e-explain it, but…education…y-yes, education! Would it be alright for me to have our team’s strategist, First Calamity, to explain the plan? It will serve as an educational measure at the same time.”


The slime on Saburou’s shoulder jolted so badly that I thought it might burst.

“First Calamity?”

“Yes! This person here!”



The slime pointed out by Saburou was trembling furiously. The former Elf Demon King behind them was holding her head. Is she okay?

“Alright! The stage is set! Oh, strategist――First Calamity! Reveal your ingenuity to us!

(sHIoN-sAMa MAde…a mIsTAkE wiTh ThE trANSfEr)

The atmosphere immediately changed, now being dominated by deadly silence.

“I see…I got it.”

“――Wh-! Wai-!? S-Shion-sama, t-That’s not i-it! He didn――”

――《Fire Lance》!


The flame spear fired by me struck Saburou.

“Saburou, let me ask you: Who should take responsibility if a pet acts carelessly, the pet itself…or the owner?”

“The pe――”

――《Fire Lance》!


“I think it’s the owner. You think so as well, don’t you Saburou?”


(i SAbuROu-saMa’s pet. I nO bAD SLimE)

First Calamity wobbled around in a cute manner while asserting his own position.

“――Wh-!? You tricked me once agaaaaaaaaaiiin!?”

“Now then, with that settled, Saburou…let’s have you take responsibility as the owner, okay?”

“――!? T-The fire la――”

――《Fire Lance》!


“Hmm? Did you say something? I’m currently punishing you.”

“H-Hot…it’s hot…Shion-sama, your love because you expect so mu――”

――《Fire Lance》!


For a while, the 13th floor was filled with Saburou’s screams.

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