
Chapter 27: U.E. C.27: Dress Dilemma

Chapter 27: U.E. C.27: Dress Dilemma

Krische is dressed in pale blue and Bery is staring at her with a dazed look on her face.

10 days until they depart for the capital.

They face a problem with the victory ceremony coming up next month, Krische’s dress.

Unlike Selene, Krische had no plans of showing her face in high society, so she still does not own a single dress.

The Christand family is wealthy but Bogan does not spend unnecessarily.

He decided to put it off until Krische’s growth stopped.

Of course he did order a few casual one-piece dresses for her which can be used for greeting guests, but such simple clothes are not suitable for a dinner party at the palace.

So they sent for the tailor and ordered a dress for Krische urgently.

Like Bogan, Krische also dislikes unnecessary expenditure (cooking-related things are excluded) and had proposed altering Selene’s dress from last year since it fits her, but Selene and Bery opposed this.

Many nobles pay attention to minute details.

The younger sister wearing a hand-me-down from the older sister would not be good for their reputation.

Especially since Christand is a margrave of the Kingdom――an upper-class noble.

Krische’s growth seems to have stopped, so Bery and Selene decided to take this chance to make two, three dresses for her, asking the impossible of their usual tailor.

The tailor readily agreed.

The tailor had visited them multiple times and was infatuated with Krische, he makes repeated offers to make a dress for Krische every time he has the chance.

Large amethyst eyes, clear skin, long and fine silver hair.

Krische’s fairy-like appearance seems to have been great inspiration for the tailor. When he received the commission and came to take measurements, he brought along countless rough sketches of the many ideas he had already thought of for Krische.

It took half a day to choose three from those.

Bery had explained that they only needed one by the deadline, but the tailor must have been really motivated.

The tailor finished the three dresses with ten days to spare and has come to the estate today to present them.

The first is a simple white dress bordered with black and has a red rose at the chest.

The second is black emphasised with red, creating a calm but vibrant look.

The third is pale blue, a dress that gives the image of purity.

Despite the bold off-shoulder design and large slit in the back, the pale blue colour made it look chaste. Coupled with the opera gloves that reach past her elbows, it made her look sophisticated.

Compared to how many of the current dresses expose the chest and emphasise the breasts to create a sexy look, this dress is chaste to the point of looking plain.

This dress definitely would not suit most, but the pure look fit Krische’s fairy-like charm extremely well.

“……do I look good?”

“Yes, very good! You are very pretty, Krische-sama!”

“It really fits you.”

“I see.”

Krische smiled as she felt the dress’ fabric.

As long as you take care of your clothes and wear them neatly, anything can look relatively good.

Krische had grown up in a village without many things and that was what Grace had taught her, so Krische had never felt like spending money on clothes.

But she does enjoy wearing pretty and comfortable clothes, being praised for looking good also makes her happy.

Bery, Selene and the tailor all seemed delighted and praised Krische, so Krische did not feel any dissatisfaction with becoming a dress-up doll.

“I had always thought that this colour would be perfect for Krische-sama…… and it seems my judgement was correct. It must be her silver hair. Match it with pale blue cloth and she really looks like a fairy from a story.”

“Yes, wonderful work. Thank you so much for finishing three dresses so quickly despite the sudden request.”

“No no, do not mention it. In fact, please let me thank you. As an artisan, it was like a dream when I heard I could make clothing for Krische ojou-sama.”

The tailor, a man dressed in a suit, looked over Krische once again and nodded.

“Seems like there are no problems. When you need another dress, please call for me. Not just for ojou-samas’ dresses, but if there is an opportunity, I would love to make a dress for Argan-sama too.”

“Fufu, if that time comes, please do. Thank you very much.”

“Yes, then please excuse me.”

Krische and Selene also said their thanks as Bery sent him off.

Including Bery, all of them are nobles and the tailor is a commoner.

Although the Christand family only grew large recently, they are indisputably upper-class nobles, there is no need for them to thank commoners.

It is natural for nobles to receive the services of commoners, the payment is simply business.

In fact, it is normal for nobles to consider thanking commoners insulting, but Bogan and the three of them do not care about that at all, they treat commoners politely despite being nobles.

――The Christand family is a family of humble heroes.

Their attitude is well liked by the town people and is also why the tailor was willing to work day and night to create three wonderful dresses.

Krische and Bery are often seen going to the trouble of visiting stores themselves to do their shopping. Because of Krische’s appearance and how often she appears in public, in a certain sense she is more popular than Selene among the town people.

That is why to the tailor, it was a genuine honour to make a dress for her.

“……muu, feels like I lost. You seem very popular.”


Selene accurately picked up on that and pinched Krische’s cheek, sulking a little.

Selene is no less beautiful than Krische.

But her dignified beauty and the strong light in her eyes gives the opposite impression from Krische’s ephemeral beauty――a powerful kind of beauty.

Throughout history it is the frail and adorable types that are fawned over. Krische’s appearance will make most people want to protect her, giving her an edge over Selene.

Krische is aware that her appearance is good, but that is it.

She does not feel anything in particular about it nor does she care. Selene knows there is no point getting competitive with Krische, but it still annoyed her.

Selene satisfied herself by pinching and toying with both of Krische’s cheeks.

“But it really does suit you. You look lovely.”

“Ehehe, really?”

Selene is dressed as normal, in a simple, white one-piece dress.

Selene dug through her memories, considering which of her dresses would match Krische’s――when something soft touched her lips, making her stiffen.

“Selene is always pretty.”

Krische smiled as she told Selene that, showing no qualms about the kiss.

Krische’s kissing habits are only getting worse.

Selene thought of saying something about it, but she is also too soft on Krische, unable to say anything harsh.

“Uuu, jeeks again……”

Selene let go of Krische’s cheek and sighed, turning to the other two dresses lying on the bed.

The current dress looks good. But the other two are also hard to give up on.

Selene would prefer the red and black dress, but it seems like Bery has taken a liking to this dress.

This will be an intense battle again, Selene thought as she remembered their dispute the day they had seen the rough sketches.

――The tailor had brought too many rough sketches.

――And Krische took no initiative to choose.

So the task of choosing the dress naturally fell to Selene and Bery, but Selene prefers elegance and style while Bery prefers cuteness and purity.

They could only choose three from dozens of rough sketches.

The result was a heated argument lasting half the day.

Krische brewed tea while Bery was busy arguing and watched them with the tailor. The tailor was also listening to their argument intently, taking notes.

They skipped lunch.

Of course, there were no snacks either. The fight continued until Krische lost to her hunger and tearfully asked if they could prepare dinner.

Selene dreaded another similar battle.

But Selene cannot lose.

Selene had given in the previous time and Bery chose two dresses.

Selene is determined to get this black and red dress through this time.

This dress is the one that was originally meant to be rushed in time for the dinner party.

The door opened and Bery entered, staring at Krische with a raptured look.

“……it really, is cute. Ojou-sama, this has to be the one――”

“Wait a moment. I will admit it is very cute, but Krische is a general’s daughter and will be going to the capital to be granted the rank of senior knight. Krische’s personality is childish enough, she should at least appear smarter with this black dress.”

“That makes sense……but Krische-sama is a child. There is no need to for her to act older. And the victory ceremony is to be conducted in military dress attire right? Then I believe it is fine for the dress to be the cute one here.”

Bery had a smile on her face, but her eyes were not smiling.

Selene also smiled as she countered.

“Hey, Bery. Don’t you remember that I gave in last time? I let you choose that pale blue dress and white dress already.”

“Gave in? Did ojou-sama forget that we let Krische-sama choose whether she preferred red or white? We decided on white because Krische-sama said she liked it. It is just that as a result, Krische-sama chose the one I wanted, ojou-sama did not give in.”

“That’s because you asked her that way! I remember that you threatened her by saying ‘Krische-sama, don’t you think this white dress is better? We cannot prepare dinner unless we decide……’! You coward!”

“Oh my, that is saying too much.”

――‘then the white one, the white one is fine.’

Krische could not endure her hunger any longer and just said that.

Krische stood around helplessly as the two of them suddenly started arguing, then recalled what had happened the other day. She took off the gloves to avoid dirtying them and reached for the cookies.

Survival instinct.

Krische’s brilliant mind has calculated that the chances of skipping lunch is high.

So she decided she had to make up for it with cookies.

But Selene caught her hand.


“After using such a cowardly move, if you still refuse to bend, then I will have to crush you thoroughly. Krische, change into the black dress again.”


“……even if you do that, my decision will not change.”

“Why are you talking like you have the right to decide!?”

“Why? it is obvious. I am Krische-sama’s teacher and caretaker. It is my role to choose her dress.”

“That’s self-proclaimed! If you are using that, then you are a servant and I am the next master! Know your place――”

And the battle begun.

If she stays quiet, Krische looks mature despite her adorable appearance.

This is because she does not show her emotions and is expressionless most of the time.

The black-red dress has more exposure than the pale blue dress and it emphasises Krische’s modest breasts, but the gap with her young appearance creates a sexual charm.

Her young appearance and adult expression are both brought out well by the red in the black dress, making her look stylish and beautiful.

‘This is the only dress that can fully bring out Krische’s charm.

The pale blue dress is certainly cute. It suits her very well. Only Krische could wear it so well.

But since she is going to the capital to receive the rank of senior knight, she should wear this vibrant black and red dress.’

Was Selene’s argument.

Krische was nodding at Selene’s praise of her, but Bery disapproved.

‘I can understand ojou-sama’s opinion. But.’


Accepting the other party’s views but showing no sign of backing off.

Bery made Krische change into the white dress.

The white dress looked even more pure than the pale blue dress, but the black accent also made it look stylish.

The red rose at the chest stood out, a point of vibrancy in an otherwise simple outift.

Bery argued that Krische’s true charm is in her innocence and if Krische needs to be stylish, this dress would be a good compromise.

‘It is true that the cool, sexy black and red dress also suits Kirsche well.

But since Krische-sama is not looking for a partner, that dress would be unsuitable.

It might be okay if Krische-sama is good at deflecting men, but she is not and is quite shy.

We should emphasise the adorable general’s daughter side of her.’

“That’s just your tastes! You’re overprotective! She needs the experience.”

“It is not just my tastes. This is for Krische-sama’s sake…… Krische-sama, there will be a lot of dishes at the dinner party, would you want your meal to be interrupted?”

“Eh? No……”

“This black dress will make a lot of men come talk to you, giving you no time to eat. So this time, let’s go with either the white or pale blue dress――”


Selene pulled Krische away as she was about to be ensnared by Bery.

“Bery, that’s cowardly! Krische, you would not give in to food during such an important event right? Krische is a splendid lady right?”

“Uu,, uuu……yes……”

“The dinner party is a social gathering among nobles. Even though there is food, you cannot be eating the entire time. In fact, you will be thought of as an embarrassing and greedy girl if you do not restrain yourself. Do you want to be seen that way?”

“Krische does not……”

“That’s right, rather than ‘Glutton Krische’, Krische prefers ‘Lady Krische’ right? Then you must not listen to Bery’s stupid words.”

“Oh my”, Bery frowned.

“Stupid? Even if our opinions differ, ojou-sama resorts to insults?”

“That’s because you tried to ensnare Krische with cowardly methods! Not just once but twice……those methods will not work every time.”

“Ensnare is such an exaggeration. I am simply offering my opinions for Krische-sama to consider when choosing her dress. Krische-sama, you poor thing……it is okay. Even if Krische-sama is a glutton, I love Krische-sama and everyone will think it is cute. It is a dinner party in the royal palace, there will be many dishes Krische-sama has never seen before……do you want to enjoy those dishes with me?”


Selene appealed to her reason.

Bery appealed to her desires.

This match was already more of who can convince Krische rather than choosing the dress.

Noon had already passed, it is the usual time for teatime.

“……what are you arguing about?”

“Oh my, master, welcome home.”

About two and a half hours after the sun was at the highest point in the sky, Bogan came in.

Bogan had finally finished cleaning up after the war and had come home yesterday.

He had left early this morning to participate in a meeting regarding the army’s reorganisation, but when he came home after finishing his work for the day, he had heard noisy voices from Krische’s room.

He recalled that the dresses were to be delivered today and came to take a look, only to walk in on Selene and Bery’s argument.

He stopped them and listened to what each had to say,

Either one is fine, he thought as he felt the fatigue weighing down his tired body grow heavier.

“――is my opinion, master.”

“Bery just won’t listen. Doesn’t otou-sama also think that this black dress is nicer?”

“Aah……any, anyway, I understand both of your views, but calm down first.”

It was a pointless argument, but Bogan felt relieved by it.

He had been fighting with honour and lives on the line. He felt the tension from that heavy responsibility relax, he is home now.

His stern features relaxed.

After Krische had come, the two of them had become a little noisier, but it is a good change.

Selene had been too serious after he had lost his wife and now she had mellowed a little. Bery also seems to be enjoying herself more than before.

The person being fought over is uncomfortably glancing between the two of them, looking to Bogan for help.

Seems like Krische is just a dress-up doll here.

Bogan smiled wryly and compared the two dresses, then answered.

“Military dress is the standard for a victory ceremony, but there is no problems with women wearing dresses. Can’t she just wear that black dress for the victory ceremony than wear Bery’s one for the dinner party?”

“……hm? Really?”

“Yeah. You should also wear a dress. It will be a hot topic if both of you wear dresses. There are already songs of you two on the battlefield.”

Songs? Bery tilted her head in question as Selene blushed.

“The heroes protecting the two beautiful Christand princesses――throw yourselves into the whirlwind of battle, two beautiful princesses dance for us, the twin eagles share a pair of wings, guiding us through the storm――what was the rest? I don’t remember, but it’s a song about Selene and Krische.”

(T/N: pain. Anyone who can think of better lyrics, always welcome. 戦の嵐に身を委ね、されど我らに舞うは美姫二人、羽を分け合う番いの鷲は、嵐にあっても我らを導き.)

“Oh my, there was such a song? Ojou-sama, why did you not tell me about this?”

“There’s no way I could. That’s too embarassing.”

Bogan laughed.

“It’s a good thing. You know that many commanders wish for the love of their soldiers, but not many can obtain it. On the battlefield, this is something to celebrate.”

On the battlefield.

Bogan saw Bery lower her eyes a little.

“I know that Bery still cannot accept it but……”

“That is……true. But, I can understand.”

“Krische helped us a lot. Without her, the Kingdom would still be at war. Of course, I will do the most that I can……but I am not the hero that the public thinks I am. I have limits. Having her at my back at those times is most reassuring……please understand this.”


Selene clenched her fist as she watched Bery nod, then glanced towards Krische.

Krische was staring at the cookies with stiff expression.

Her limit must be close after skipping lunch.

“Er, then……are we done, choosing the dress?”

“Yes. If ojou-sama agrees.”

“Nnn……well, fine. I will accept this.”

Krische breathed a sigh of relief at finally being released and took off her gloves.

She can finally eat the cookies.

But――a voice stopped her

“Ah, oh yeah. Selene, once Krische is done changing, bring her to my room. I need to quickly run through the ceremony procedures with you two. I will be going to Kokys’ estate tonight, so I don’t have much time.”

“Okay, otou-sama.”

Krische froze.


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