
Chapter 99: Woman of Matchless Beauty Part 1

Chapter 99: Woman of Matchless Beauty Part 1

“How do you use this?” Ye Wuchen picked up a small black ball. If he was not worried of the danger, he might have already pulled it apart to see what it was made of.

“Use your hand to break off its cover, then your throw it with all your might.” Hua Shuirou answered.


With a light pop, the outer shell of the small black ball was easily broken. Ye Wuchen kicked the door open, waved two fingers towards a direction and the small black ball flew out. Hua Shuirou cried out in surprise, subconsciously throwing herself onto Ye Wuchen’s chest and covered her ears.

After a brief silence, there was a lack of explosion. Looking at the mine which had sunk to the bottom of the pond, Ye Wuchen’s expression revealed that it had been as he had expected. After breaking the outer cover of the mine, it needed to hit something in order to explode.

“Well, nevermind. I’ve already thrown it in the water. Look at how scared you are.” Ye Wuchen said, laughing ridiculously. He kept the remaining four mines and the single Heaven-Shaking Mine.

When Hua Zhentian and Hua Shuirou left the Ye residence, the sky was already dark. Before departing, Hua Zhentian’s face radiated happiness, and so did Ye Wei and Ye Nu’s faces. As they bid their farewells, they were all reluctant to part, practically wishing they could hold onto each other and cry out loud. Their irreconcilable attitude during the competition a few days before were long forgotten. If the two families were to become relatives through marriage, they would need to advance or retreat together and assist each other. How could these cunning old men not be cordial to each other with their utmost efforts?

Hua Shuirou, on the contrary, did not utter a single word. She had the impatient look of wishing she could drag Hua Zhentian and escape from that place at once. The light yellow dress that she was now wearing was brought to her by Ning Xue from Ye Shuiyao’s place. Her original clothing had been ruined by Ye Wuchen who had placed her under a very shameful situation. Ye Shuiyao’s figure was more developed compared to Hua Shuirou’s, so the long dress appeared too loose on her, and the skirt fully covered her legs. If she did not secretly hold it up while walking, it might even pool on the floor. Hua Zhentian had not noticed, but Wang Wenshu knew with just a glimpse, her eyes continually glanced between Hua Shuirou and Ye Wuchen with a bewildered gaze.

After sending off the father and daughter of the Hua Family, Wang Wenshu became completely out of her character as her footsteps headed straight for Ye Wuchen’s courtyard. She carefully searched the entire area with her eyes and nose, but was not able find any suspicious liquids or smells. She felt both suspicious and relieved at the same time...... and a little bit of disappointment. When she left, Ye Wuchen was speechless for a very long time.

The news of Hua Zhentian and Hua Shuirou paying a visit to the Ye Family quickly reached the ears of the Lin Family, causing a great shock to them. Of the many times Hua Zhentian visited the Lin Family, he had never brought along Hua Shuirou. What did this signify? What really happened is such a short period of time?

Everything had its reasons; reasons they did not truly understand. The Lin Family was starting to become apprehensive of Ye Wuchen’s strategy. In just a period of two days, he had already reached this extent without any prior indications.

If the Hua Family and Lin Family were to become connected by marriage, it would surely not bode well for the Ye Family. Being connected to the Hua Family would prove to be better all around for the Ye Family. It would surely be the best thing for the Ye Family. Based on Hua Zhentian’s behavior, this seemed like a possibility that was as solid as an iron bar, leaving no chance for the Ye Family to back out. Ye Wei and Ye Nu’s mood was now free from worries, but they would surely question Ye Wuchen to get to the heart of the matter. Ye Wuchen would naturally respond in an ambiguous way, relaying nothing but his affinity with Hua Shuirou, and him being congenial to Hua Zhentian, or something like that. They would have no other alternatives but to roll their eyes and show no further interest on the matter.

That night, Leng Qiu moved in to Wang Wenshu’s courtyard with two servant girls to take care of her. While Leng Ya......

“I remember.”

“Well, you should go now. Don’t stop, or even look back. For the next two days, you should make all efforts to hide your whereabouts, because if it gets out that you are no longer here in the Ye residence, the Emperor will track you down by any means. As for your mother, you don’t have to worry about anything. If you find out that she has met with any accidents when you return, you may take my life at any time. I will not say anything further. You go ahead, after three years, I want to see a completely different Leng Ya!”

Leng Ya was dressed in full black, carrying a package that was neither large nor small on his back. His sharp eyes flashed brilliant rays that elicited terror from others. He emotionlessly nodded and leaped up, climbing over the perimeter walls at the back of the Ye residence. For a moment, he halted and reluctantly gazed towards the distance—the direction where his mother resided. Shifting his gaze, he strove forward and his body quickly disappeared in the darkness.

Ye Wuchen still stood there, but after few seconds, he suddenly leaped, running in the direction Leng Ya headed to, his white figure elusive under the dark night sky. The two shadows that followed Leng Ya felt a white shadow flash past them, when an energetic force hit the back of their heads simultaneously, causing them to pass out.

“Truly magnificent, worthy of being called...... the King of the Southern Empire.” Looking at the two men collapsed before his feet, Ye Wuchen snorted coldly. There was no such thing as ordinary skills among those of the Southern Empire. Even if one of the two men fought him face to face, Ye Wuchen would win but he might have used up a huge portion of his powers. Though if these men were to mount a sneak attack against him with the speed they had shown, even ten folds of their powers were still not his match.

The darkness of the night was as cold as the sea. Leng Qiu could not sleep the entire night. To help Leng Ya make up his mind, she put the package on his shoulders herself and made the effort to push him out of the door, and tightly shut it behind him. She restrained herself and the countless urges to rush out in order to look at her son once more. Since the sky started getting dark, she had shut herself inside the room...... Leng Ya was her hope and attachment to life; she could truly say that he was her everything. Three years...... they had never been parted for such a long period of time.

“Xiao Feng, you need to have your own future and your own path. Do not be forever burdened by me on your side...... mother will wait for your return......”

The next day, at Tian Long’s Meng Yan House.

“...... the day before yesterday proceeded with the Imperial Court receiving rewards at fifth hour and third quarter, and came out at the sixth hour and second quarter. In the morning at the eighth hour, he proceeded towards the black forest in the northern side of the city on foot with Leng Ya and were out by noon. Our men haven’t penetrated deep enough to investigate. In the afternoon, they entered the black forest again with Leng Ya, in the fifth hour of the afternoon, they headed home. At night, he went out with the lady named Ye Ning Xue, bought three candies, three pairs of shoes and socks for the lady, then headed back by the third quarter.”

In a calm and elegant room full of the smell of incense, aside from the voice of a woman, no other sound could be heard. A pink veil hung from the middle of the room and behind it was the shadow of matchless beauty. A young woman in red knelt down on one knee. Her head was bowed towards the shadow behind the veil as she described everything in detail.

“Yesterday morning he went to the black forest for a third time with Leng Ya, and..... And brought along a bucket of feces. The purpose is yet unknown. At second hour and a quarter in the afternoon, he stole into the Hua residence, after some drinks with Hua Zhentian, he came out at the fourth hour and happened to bump into Lin Xiao of Lin Family with which he had a round of argument.......At midnight and a quarter, Leng Ya leaped out of the walls, whereabouts unknown. Our men desired to follow him, but was struck unconscious by a mysterious person.

“Struck and passed out? With their level of perception, they didn’t even notice the approach of another person?” The woman behind the veil finally opened her mouth, her voice was like the sound of nature. When heard through one’s ears, it was like a cool breeze brush over the water surface, causing the center to ripple.

“Yes.” The young woman bent down lower and answered.

“Rumor has it that this Ye Wuchen has the ability to conceal his breath. Nobody can detect the presence of his energy. The only one who could protect Leng Ya, is him. That person, could it have been him?”

“I, your subordinate also thought this way.”

“Apparently, he was already aware that there’s someone monitoring his every move, but he concealed nothing; unafraid of what people may have learned about him. His origins, have you find out about it?” The woman behind the veil unhurriedly asked.

“Not yet. Only that he came from the northern side of Tian Long Nation. He originally formed a companionship with Long Zhenyang in the town of Tian Lie before he returned. They became very close with each other.” The young woman answered.

“My father would like me to closely observe this person’s whereabouts. If you don’t have anything else, you may take your leave. Remember to report to me his whereabouts at all times.”

“Yes...... I also found out that someone has tried to contact the number one mercenary, Tao BaiBai of the Thousand Murders Pavilion to take Ye Wuchen’s life. After investigating, we learned that the person behind it is the Emperor, Long Yin.”

“Oh?” The woman behind the veil sounded astonished and immediately said, “It is not strange if he did. Approximately, what time will Tao BaiBai arrive?”

“At the latest would be five days.”

“No one can narrowly or luckily escape the hands of Tao BaiBai. If he is not killed by Tao BaiBai, then that means Tao BaiBai will be the one who dies, else he will forever be fleeing from the unrelenting Tao BaiBai. Let’s see if he can escape this calamity. If he can, then he would be worth meeting him head on.”

“However, rumor has it that he can paint a worm that can lure a bird to peck on it, and a flower that blooms after it has been painted. His <> caused thousands of people to drop their tears. Are these true?” The woman’s voice slowly changed, as she worriedly asked.

“Yes. The rumors were not exaggerated.” The young woman answered seriously.

“He’s such a strange man, if I wasn’t required to stay here, I would like to witness them all”



For Ye Wuchen, no matter what kind of painting, he merely stretches a hand to grab it, easy as a pie. Teaching other people to paint is similar, as he had many methods to teach one with no knowledge in painting and turn them into an expert within a short period of time. For someone like Ye Shuiyao who already had the innate skill and artistic attainment, it would be extremely easy.


“Teach me to play a flute.” Ye Shuiyao took out a long, white, jade flute. The tune he played that one time had stirred up so many tears. Every time, before she went to sleep, the tune would play in her mind, reminding her of the lonely and painful face Ye Wuchen had while played the tune.

His face always wore a smiling expression but his expression this time could be classified as extremely wonderful. His gaze fixed onto her pretty and flirtatious pink lips, and caused Ye Shuiyao to feel a sense of doubt. After quite a while, Ye Wuchen mumbled, “Sister, flute playing is a very profound knowledge. Your brother isn’t very good at teaching it, let’s just paint.”

“You’re not willing?” Ye Shuiyao asked.

“No..... My teacher had said before, skills like playing a flute is suitable to teach my own wife, but to my own sister.....”

Translated by: Fatty_Uncle

Edited by: seriouspotato and patrick_father_of_dragons

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