
Chapter 075: ...To The Land Of The Myriad Kings III & IV

Chapter 075: ...To The Land Of The Myriad Kings III & IV

Translator: Solo

< ...To The Land Of The Myriad Kings III >

「So, who are you?」

His Majesty asked.

The old man and the beastkin were pointing lances at me.

His Majesty was bathing completely naked without any reservations. He wasn’t bothered by the cold of dusk, and was washing off the blood that had splashed on him. Steam was rising from his skin.

「I work as an adventurer in the Kingdom of Lemuria on the right continent. My name is Souya」

「Right continent, huh? That sure is far away. What brought you to a place like this?」

「Umm, I think it may be hard to believe, but when I was relaxing at my camp, I was swallowed by light, and then dropped into the royal castle here」

Well, I think it\'s more believable than the earlier battle though.

Also, I’ll omit the thing about the A.I.s because it’s complicated.

「………Who in the royal castle did that to you?」

「A young queen. She’s a beautiful-looking person」

Her personality is the worst though.

「How did she look? Did she look unwell? How was her complexion? Was she stricken with illness?」

He fired off a volley of questions at me.

「She was very much the picture of health」

「That’s good then. There’s one thing I don’t understand though. Why was the person summoned by Amelia looting?」

That queen, she’s called Amelia, huh?

「Due to some kind of mistake, I was summoned as a Brave, but when she found out that I’m inept, I was thrown out. In this cold weather, I had no one to rely on and only had the clothes on my back, so I had no choice but to loot an empty house to get supplies」


His Majesty frowned as he wiped his body with a towel.

I watched silently and waited for him to finish putting on his clothes.

「It’s fine」

The two of them lowered the lances at His Majesty’s words.

「Souya, as her father, I apologize for my daughter\'s atrocious act」

Ehh, she’s his daughter?

No matter how I look at him, His Majesty looks in his early thirties at most. Did he have a child at a really young age?

「There isn’t much I can do, but tell me what you wish」

「I would like you to arrange for a ship to take me to the right continent」

I’ve been saved by someone reasonable, but……

「That\'s difficult. The northern port is now blockaded by the armies of the black elf’s Myriad Kings. I’ve driven off three flags today, but that bunch still has more stained flags. Even if we get into the port and steal a ship, it’s unclear if the sailors will obey us. At any rate, arranging a ship will be difficult」

That\'s right.

I had a feeling it would be like this.

「Aside from the northern port, is there no other way to go to the right continent?」

「There is another port if you head south to the edge of the continent. But that’s also difficult. The Myriad Kings who have sided with Elysium have set up camp in the south. In other words, my country of Ashtalia is surrounded by the flags of those who are shameless and foolish, and is in the midst of dying」

「That is………I see」

That must be why they crossed their fingers and turned to a Brave for help.

「Your Majesty, can I say something?」

The old man took a step forward and asked for permission.

「Speak if you have an idea, Zamonglass」

What did he just say?

「I have an old connection with Elysium. If it’s just one man, I believe I can get them to let him through. I’ll need some time though」

「Hmm. Is that okay with you, Souya?」

「Oh, thank you very much. I\'m sorry, umm, err——」

「If you’re a man, speak clearly」

I got scolded.

「I\'m sorry」

「Don\'t apologize indiscriminately」


I got scolded again.

「So, what is it?」

「If I didn’t hear wrongly, is your companion the Scarlet Knight, Zamonglass-sama?」

「None other. I met him by chance in Elysium. He has pledged his fealty to me. It’s the same for Regure over there」

You’ve got to be kidding me. Another name that I know has come out.

The old man, Zamonglass, drew closer and questioned me.

「Where did you learn of my nickname? Are you really an adventurer from the right continent?」

He has a piercing gaze. How scary.

「Zamonglass-sama, do you know a man called Irvin?Foz?Gasim? He should be one of your disciples. He and I were fellow adventurers in the Kingdom of Lemuria」

His Majesty stepped in between us and interrupted our conversation.

「…………Zamonglass, why do you have a connection with someone with the Gasim name?」

He has a really menacing look on his face.

That’s not a look a person directs at someone who fought alongside him on the battlefield just a while ago.

「Your Majesty, I didn\'t mean to hide it. It’s just that I didn\'t have a chance to speak of it」

「It’s fine then. I’ll take it as my own lack of caliber」

「No, such a thing is definitely not——」

「It’s alright」

His Majesty stood in front of me.

He’s huge. He’s a head taller than me.

「Souya, I have a history with the Gasim family」

Irvin\'s grandfather was an executioner. There must be people who hold grudges against him.

「I had two daughters. One is Amelia, who summoned you, and the other was Amelia\'s younger sister by five years, Irisetta. Irisetta had married into the Gasim main family, where she was embroiled in a plot and was sentenced to death」

Gasim\'s blood relative had conspired with the black elf and had plotted to assassinate a Pope. However, it was foiled in advance, and the entire family was executed, leaving only a pair of siblings.

「I went to Elysium to save Irisetta. However, Irisetta herself refused my help. “It doesn\'t matter whether the sentence is just or not. It’s the wife\'s duty to accompany her husband,” she said to me」

Irisetta-san was probably in her early teens. To be able to accept her fate despite that…… That’s courage befitting this person’s daughter.

「But, however, what do you think Elysium, the executioners did to my daughter? They didn’t allow those who were prepared for death to die, and made my daughter go through all the humiliation and indignity in the world. It was done not for justice, not for the atonement of sins, but simply for the sake of satisfying the desires of those beasts.

If Zamonglass hadn’t helped me meet my daughter, I wouldn’t have heard my daughter’s last words, or even know of their evil deeds. I’m truly foolish.1 Because of my foolishness, my punishment was to see my country in this state upon my return. From what I heard, it was attacked by a beast that was wrapped in flames. The four generals and the soldiers of Ashtalia laid down their lives to defeat the beast, but most of the country was burned to ashes along with its people」

A beast of fire. One strong enough to destroy a country at that. Only one thing comes to mind. It was probably a beast of abominable blood of St. Lyridias.

What surprised me the most is His Majesty’s generals and soldiers, who had defeated that beast. The strong attracted the strong, I suppose.

「Amelia buried her younger sister’s remains and exiled me. “Live and kill as you like,” she said. I wanted to attack Elysium, but the black elf brought the surrounding Myriad Kings and invaded Ashtalia. And then, we fought battles like the earlier one………Zamonglass, how many times?」

「Six times, Your Majesty」

「Is it already six times? Because they’re boring battles, they don’t leave an impression on me. That damned black elf, only bringing weak soldiers to the fight. It smells like a ruse, but I can’t think of any other way aside from going out and driving them off」

「A normal person would have died the first time though」

Regure said lightly.

In the first place, a normal person won’t fight an army of 5,000 head-on.

「Oh, I’ve strayed from the main subject. Souya, can you tell me about that man called Irvin? I’ve heard that he was the only Gasim to be let off with exile. It has been on my mind」

「He was a good man. He had dauntless courage, a strong sense of responsibility, and wasn’t afraid to die for his party’s sake. To me, he was an irreplaceable friend. He defeated a giant beast that was attacking Lemuria, and died as the hero who saved the country」

「What, he died?」

I nodded and answered Zamonglass.

「Until the moment of his death, he was concerned about us and his imprisoned sister. He met an admirable end」

It\'s not a lie. So long as I, the person who survived, continue to say it, it’ll become the truth.

「An admirable end, huh?」

Zamonglass stared at me.

Somehow, his eyes look sad. This person probably knows everything. Then at the very least, for the sake of your disciple\'s honor, keep your mouth shut for now.

「That’s good then. If he met an end that doesn’t disgrace the Gasim name, or my daughter, then it’s alright」

The sun had set completely.

A white sigh escaped into the darkness.

「Well, Souya. My country is dying, but as my guest, I’ll treat you as well as I can」

「There’s no need for that」

I refused His Majesty\'s generosity.

He scratched his head with a slightly troubled expression on his face.

「Well, but as the monarch, if I fail to treat guests well, it’ll tarnish the reputation of Ashtalia」

Umm, your daughter threw me away carelessly though.

Leaving that aside,

「In that case, Your Majesty, would you please take me in as a vassal? It’s fine if it’s only until the arrangements for me to go south are done」

In this situation, I’ll feel ill at ease at being treated as a guest among people who are fighting.

「What an eccentric thing to say. There’s nothing to gain from serving a king who is searching for a place to die, you know?」

「That doesn’t matter. For adventurers, the things we experience are our treasures. I want to watch over your battles as one of your vassals」

To tell the truth, it\'s just my preference.

Is it because of Rana that I’ve become so greedy, I wonder?

「Your Majesty, I want a subordinate. If he gets in the way or tries to betray us, I\'ll kill him. Or rather, just like me, this guy simply wants to become your vassal because Your Majesty is strong」

Regure gave her support.

「Your Majesty, I’m against it. If this guy wants to become your vassal, then he’ll have to work. I don\'t think he\'s good for anything」

Zamonglass opposed.

「Hmm, it’s divided, I see. Then, I’ll give you my reply. Souya, I’ll take you in as a vassal. Since the sword for swearing oaths is in the royal castle, it cannot be done officially. Like the other two, there is nothing to prove your identity or your position other than my words. Therefore, until the moment of my death, I’ll allow you to serve me as a vassal」

His Majesty pulled out his great-sword.

It was a thick, long, and large sword with a width of 30 cm and a total length of 150 cm. Its blade was made of a blackish material that was unmistakably Rmir steel.

I knelt and a sword that would be priced at 4,000 gold coins in Lemuria was placed on my shoulder.

「The sixteenth monarch of the Kingdom of Ashtalia, one of the Myriad Kings, Ra?Dainsleif?Riog?Ashtalia appoints you. Adventurer Souya, I’m the foolish king of a dying country, but I’ll allow you to serve me」

「I’ll gladly lay down my life in service to you」

「I won\'t allow that」

I was rejected for an unexpected reason.

「From this point forward, I won\'t allow you to die before me. If you die, I’ll kill the god of the netherworld and bring you back to this world. That’s really quite a hassle. It would make things difficult in a lot of ways. Therefore, don\'t die」

Ahh, I see. It’s because he’s this kind of person that I’m enthralled by him. He’s got me beat, he fits perfectly.

「Understood. I’ll be sure to follow that order」

「That’s good」

He lifted the sword off my shoulders and the oath was made right there.

<...To The Land Of The Myriad Kings IV>

A long way from my party members, in this land of the Myriad Kings, I became the vassal of my ideal king.

For some reason, I didn’t feel despair.

It was probably due to the mythical battle that I had witnessed. My body was trembling. My insides felt hot, like I had drank fire.

However, that heat had cooled by the time I lay down to sleep in the small tent that I had borrowed. It wasn’t just cold, the temperature was probably below zero.

I might not survive the night with just one blanket. Freezing to death would be such a pathetic way to kick the bucket.

My teeth chattered from the cold.

「Hey~, are you asleep?」

「I, I\'m awa, wake」

After calling out to me, Regure opened the tent flap unreservedly. The cold air that rushed into the tent cut like a knife.

「His Majesty told me to check in on you」

A blanket-wrapped Regure came into the tent. She slipped under my blanket.

「What are you doing?」

「His Majesty said that someone from the right continent probably can’t stand the cold of this land. Be grateful」

She slid one hand under my shirt.

「You\'re really cold」

「You’re really warm」

Regure’s body was as warm as a hot water bottle. Despite the fact that it was this cold, she was even sweating lightly.

「That’s because I drank fire liquor that’s meant for beastkin. I’ll be hot until morning」

「Can you give me some of that too?」

「I can, but a normal Hemu will pass out after drinking it, you know? You’ll have a headache so bad that you’ll be unable to move for three days」

「Alright, I don’t want any after all」

「It\'s a custom in this land to give a beastkin woman this liquor and use her for warmth」

「What a wonderful custom」

To all the forefathers of the left continent, thank you very much.

「Take off your clothes yourself. I can’t move my dominant hand very well」

「Oh, okay」

I took off my shirt and pants and threw them outside the blanket. She drew close and entwined her naked body around mine. She was very hot. Even though it was an emergency, I felt a little guilty.

I think Rana probably won\'t get angry, but Lanseal might be scary.

「So, how do you like it?」

Regure put her arms around my neck.

「What do you mean?」

「What are you, a virgin?」

「I, I\'m not」

I’m not!

「Then do you prefer guys?」

「I don’t. I\'m a married man, after a fashion」

「Could it be that you’re one of those social outcasts who marry beastkin?」

「No, my wife is an elf」

「Married to an elf, you say? It’s not a delusion? You’re serious?」

「I\'m serious」

「In that case, one or two beastkin is even less of a problem, isn’t it?」

Elves practice polygamy after all.

「After watching His Majesty\'s battle, I’ve become so stirred up that I can’t stand it, so don’t give it a second thought. Men shouldn’t kick up a fuss. Once it goes in and out, a person’s character will be revealed. Let’s just do it once first」2

She straddled me.

With a predatory look, she licked her lips.

「Umm, I’ll feel guilty towards Shuna, so becoming any more intimate than this is a bit……」

「Huh……………… What?」

Regure’s face tensed up.

If she’s the kind of person Shuna thinks she is, then I don’t think she’s a bad person at heart. Just this situation alone is already something I can’t let Shuna know about though.

Regure lay down next to me, and then pressed up against me.

「Why do you know his name? Did you hear it from the old man?」

「Shuna is a member of my party. I’ve heard a lot about you from him」


Regure murmured something in a barely audible voice.

Which suddenly became a very loud voice.

「You can never tell him! Forget everything! I’ll do anything if you do!」

Her face was bright red and she was close to tears.

「No, I won’t say a word. If I say something like, “I slept with the person who taught you the sword,” the party will break apart」

「NOOOooooo! I mean, that guy! With extremely sparkly eyes, he said, “I’ll raise your fame, teacher!” and left on a journey! And then, for that very teacher to straddle such a cheap guy in a place like this, oh, it’s no good, I can never tell him. I’d rather die than have him find out! Or better yet, I’ll kill you!」

It looked to me like a scene of a wife being caught cheating.

「I told you I won’t say anything. Shuna is important to me too. Just the current situation where the teacher he admires and I are hugging each other naked may get me cut down」

「I’m going back」

Literally running off like a hare3, Regure went out of the tent.

She immediately returned and slid back under the blanket.

「No, I’ll bind you to secrecy after all」

「Like I said, I won’t say a word」

「Wait, wait, wait」

Regure pressed her hot body against mine.

「On second thought, you’ll also be troubled if he finds out, won’t you? Hmm? If you don’t want me to tell Shuna, then do it with me. ………Ah, let’s forget it after all. Somehow, I’ve cooled off and lost interest. What am I doing with such an insignificant man, I wonder? I’m going to sleep」

Regure curled up, laying her head near my ribs. Her ears were also completely covered by the blanket. I changed posture and hugged her from the side.

Even though her hot body is so small, she’s probably several hundred times stronger than me.

First off, I’ll be careful to not let Shuna grow up to become like her…….

Frankly, I don\'t feel sleepy at all because of the time difference. It’s late at night on the left continent, but it’s only four o\'clock in the afternoon on the right continent.

When I close my eyes, His Majesty\'s battle comes to my mind. I remember it vividly. I can feel the excitement in my body. This is a fever that makes a person forgets everything.

But I’m definitely going home. To the right continent, to the camp, to Rana. As long as I don’t forget that, I’m still, no――

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