
Chapter 212 Mind Link

"It\'s alright, my dear. You\'re back, and everything will be okay. Daddy\'s here," Kevin whispered with a trembling voice, trying to comfort Erina as if she were still a small child.

"Dad... please, it\'s embarrassing," Erina replied, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment at her father\'s exuberance. She found it slightly awkward that he still treated her like a little girl.

Meanwhile, Daniel approached Michaela, who had been gently placed on a hover patient bed brought by the medic. This innovative patient bed, created by his researchers and artificers in the base, offered superior support by negating all impact and vibrations during movement.

On the hover patient bed, Michaela lay motionless. Her eyes, once vibrant with celestial light, now seemed dull and distant. Daniel leaned in, his concern evident in his eyes, as he gently placed a hand on her forehead to check her condition.

The medic standing nearby monitored Michaela\'s vital signs, ready to assist at a moment\'s notice. They exchanged a few hushed words with Daniel.

"How is she?" Daniel asked, his voice filled with concern.

"It\'s hard to say, sir," the medic began. "Physically, she\'s stable, but mentally... She\'s been through something traumatic. We didn\'t detect any lingering magic, curses, or enchantments. I\'m afraid she might be suffering from PTSD after this."

Daniel nodded, his brow furrowing with worry. He knew that whatever had transpired had deeply affected Michaela, an archangel who had always radiated strength and grace.

"Immediately send her to the medical center," Daniel said, his voice filled with determination. "Spare no expense, try stabilizing her mind first. I\'ll follow you shortly." His tone was laden with worry; seeing Michaela in this condition pained him deeply.

Daniel couldn\'t help but think about Eisenhart\'s demise. If the mage were still alive, he might have pursued him relentlessly, no matter how far he had to go or how deep into the abyss he had to delve, just to teach him a lesson. But there was a nagging doubt.

Many prominent mages in high positions had arrangements with the Alchemont Clan for insurance. It was possible that Eisenhart had returned, taking on a new form, possibly that of a homunculus. As these thoughts swirled in Daniel\'s mind, a cold smirk with malicious intent curled on his lips.

He hoped that the Alchemont Clan\'s insurance would hold up for as long as possible. The prospect of ending Eisenhart\'s life brought him a sense of satisfaction. The more times Eisenhart returned to life, the greater his enjoyment would be in finally putting down that piece of shit.

Daniel watched as the medical team hurriedly transported Michaela to the Medical Center, and a faint sense of relief washed over him. He then turned his attention to Kevin, who was catching up to his daughter. The two shared smiles, a moment of unspoken gratitude passing between them.

"Ms. Sun, I\'m Daniel Emberweave. I owe your father a great debt. If there\'s anything specific you\'d like me to arrange for you, please feel free to ask," Daniel said, extending his hand in a friendly gesture.

"Erina Sun, nice to meet you. You can just call me Erina," she replied with a warm smile, shaking Daniel\'s hand. She continued, "I must say, your rescue operation is really high profile. I never thought in my life that I\'d be rescued by an archangel and a werewolf." Erina commented on her extraordinary rescue, then turned to her father.

"I believe my dad will have a lot of explanations to provide for me to comprehend all of this..." Erina trailed off, her gaze sweeping across the high-tech hangar and the advanced technology that even the most technologically advanced countries couldn\'t produce.

"All of these... sci-fi fantasy things," Erina concluded, her words tinged with a sense of wonder and confusion as she struggled to find the right words to describe her surroundings.

"Then, please register at the booth first so that my team can arrange accommodation for you. Afterward, we\'ll discuss how to get you settled in," Daniel said, gesturing toward the registration booth. It was now less crowded, with only a few people left, as most had already registered and been led by receptionists and Atlantean Vanguard to their accommodations.

"Thank you again, Mr. Emberweave," Erina Sun expressed her gratitude before heading towards the registration booth.

In the depths of the medical center\'s psychiatric ward, a room stood apart from the clinical sterility that permeated the facility. The walls were adorned with cutting-edge augmented reality technology, casting an illusory tapestry of a tranquil forest bathed in gentle, ethereal light.

The digital foliage seemed to sway in a breeze that only existed within the confines of the room, creating a serene ambiance that aimed to soothe troubled minds. The simulated reality was astonishingly lifelike, capturing 80% of the sensory experience, from the rustling of leaves in a light wind to the subtle scent of fresh grass and leaves.

In the center of this arboreal illusion, an experienced female psychiatrist sat beside a reclined Michaela. The psychiatrist\'s voice was calm and reassuring as she gently attempted to breach the formidable wall that separated Michaela from the world.

"Michaela, I\'m here to help you," the psychiatrist said, her tone filled with compassion. "You\'re safe now. Can you hear me?"

But Michaela remained unresponsive, her gaze fixed on some distant, intangible point beyond the confines of the artificial forest. Her silence was deafening, a testament to the profound trauma she had endured.

The psychiatrist persisted, her words a lifeline cast into the abyss of Michaela\'s mind. "You don\'t have to face this alone, Michaela. We can work through this together. Please, let me in. Talk to me."

Still, the archangel remained silent, her inner turmoil an impenetrable fortress. The room, with its tranquil woodland visage and the psychiatrist\'s determined but concerned demeanor, presented a stark contrast to the storm that raged within Michaela\'s psyche.

As the psychiatrist continued her attempts to reach Michaela\'s troubled mind, a soft knock echoed through the tranquil forest within the room. Startled, the doctor turned her attention to the door, which materialized seamlessly amidst the illusion of the forest.

With a gentle gesture, she opened the door to reveal Daniel standing on the threshold. The entry, blending seamlessly into the forest, led from the real world into this artificial sanctuary designed to aid in the healing process.



Daniel\'s brow furrowed deeper with concern. He glanced at Michaela, lying still amidst the illusion of "Mr. Emberweave," the doctor acknowledged with a nod. "Please, come in."

Daniel stepped into the serene illusion, the door vanishing behind him, leaving no trace of its presence. He approached the psychiatrist, concern etched on his features.

"How is she?" Daniel inquired, his voice a mixture of worry and hope.

The psychiatrist, her gaze briefly shifting from Daniel back to Michaela, wore a solemn expression. "I\'m afraid there has been no change," she replied softly. "She remains unresponsive, lost within herself."

Daniel\'s brow furrowed deeper with concern. He glanced at Michaela, lying still amidst the illusion of the forest, seemingly detached from the world.

"Is there anything we can do?" he asked, his voice tinged with frustration. He couldn\'t bear to see Michaela like this, her vibrant spirit overshadowed by the darkness that had gripped her.

The doctor sighed, her eyes returning to Michaela. "We\'ll continue our efforts, Mr. Emberweave. Sometimes, it just takes time for the mind to heal itself. Your presence here might help in ways we can\'t predict."

Daniel nodded, though his worry remained unabated. He approached Michaela and knelt beside her, his hand gently brushing a strand of her hair.

"Please leave us for the time being, doctor," Daniel requested, gesturing towards the exit. He settled into a comfortable reclining chair beside Michaela.

The doctor nodded and bid farewell, leaving the room.

With the doctor gone, Daniel gently took hold of Michaela\'s hand. The moment his fingers touched hers, Michaela responded with a slight tremor that coursed through her body.

Daniel then sank his mind into the mindscape. Within the mindscape, Daniel visualized an array of ethereal card decks, each representing a different aspect of the mind. He carefully selected a deck tailored to mind-reading spells and the manipulation of thoughts. Drawing several cards, he channeled the innate powers of his archmage profession to search for the specific card he required.

Card: Mind link

Picture: The picture depict the two man with a share thought.

Rarity: Uncommon

Type: Enchantment

Mana Cost: 1 Dark, 1 Water


All player need to play while revealing their hand. The owner of this enchantment may pay 1 non-element to prevent this effect at the started of each turn, until the start of your next turn.

Flavor text: Twi mind link but with a sleigh of trick, all of the secret revealed to the only one.

Daniel then turned his gaze towards Michaela casting the \'Mind Link\' spell on her, his focus shifting to the depths of her mindscape. He delved into the intricate labyrinth of her consciousness, seeking the mental constructs that would allow him to navigate her thoughts.


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