
Chapter 100: Forewarning

Chapter 100: Forewarning

"Yes. He was an assistant manager for three years. We brought him in at a higher position as a team lead."

Kang Gam-Chan\'s eyes narrowed slightly as he reviewed the personnel document.

"So, are you going to send Ju Ho-Sung to Actor Division 3 as well?"

Following the collapse of Louis and Stepping Stone Entertainment and the subsequent recruitment of six actors recruited by Kim Dong-Soo, Actor Division 3 was facing a severe staff shortage.

"Yes, sir. Actor Division 3 didn\'t seem too crowded when Assistant Manager Jung was there, but gaps started to appear as soon as he left. So we’ll have to deploy all the other new hires to Actor Division 3, except one person who will be assigned to Assistant Manager Jung."

"Sigh. If only everyone were like Yoon-Ho, then I\'d have no worries."

Kang Ji-Yung smiled at Kang Gam-Chan\'s complaint. "Well, Assistant Manager Jung is exceptional. Where else would you find someone like him in the entire industry?"

"Right. Then assign Jung Sang-Bong to Yoon-Ho and send the rest to Actor Division 3."

"Understood. I\'ll inform them accordingly."

Then Kang Gam-Chan stopped Kang Ji-Yung as she was about to leave. "Oh, and ask Yoon-Ho to come to the president\'s office."

At that moment, Kang Ji-Yung frowned slightly. "Are you going to mention that?"

Kang Gam-Chan wore a bitter expression. "Yes. I need to let him know."

Kang Ji-Yung nodded gravely to the fact that Kang Gam-Chan would have to leave Hoop Entertainment for a few months. "Alright. I\'ll bring him up later."

Kang Gam-Chan nodded.

After all, the matter he needed to discuss with Jung Yoon-Ho wasn\'t just about his temporary absence.


I headed to the meeting room as soon as I arrived at work.

In the meeting room of Actor Division 2, Gu Seong-Cheol, Oh Deok-Gu, and Ju Yung-Hoon were gathered.

I stood in front of them and reported in detail about what happened with Lee Tae-Poong yesterday.

"Dealing with the vice president of Daechon Inc. will definitely be troublesome. Mr. Gu, wouldn\'t it be better to leak some articles to block her approach completely?"

But Gu Seong-Cheol firmly shook his head. "It\'s not just any chaebols but a scandal involving the actual owner of Daechon Inc. No newspaper company would take it anyway. We have no choice but to smooth things over with this issue."

Despite brainstorming together, we found no other solution.

"Alright, let\'s end the meeting here. Assistant Manager Jung, the new employees will be assigned after lunch so greet them when they come."

"Yes, sir."

I returned to my office to work until lunchtime after the meeting. As I was heading to the lobby with the Actor Division 2 staff to go to the local restaurant, I saw Kang Myung-Gil leading four people.

Three were the new employees expected today, but one person walking beside Kang Myung-Gil was someone who shouldn\'t be here—it was Ju Ho-Sung.

\'What? Why is he here?\'

In my past life, he was known as the man of action who worked for Kim Dong-Soo at Top Entertainment. My heart began to race. Ju Ho-Sung was someone who would do anything Kim Dong-Soo asked, not out of loyalty but because what he desired were women and money.

Kim Dong-Soo didn\'t interfere with Ju Ho-Sung as long as he did his job well even if he harassed the female trainees in the company. He even encouraged it as Ju Ho-Sung was great at getting kickbacks from various places.

But now, Ju Ho-Sung was in Hoop Entertainment.

\'What\'s going on? It\'s not the time for him to show up yet.\'


Ju Ho-Sung spent the morning mingling with the new employees and only came up to Actor Division 3 after lunch. He glanced around and headed toward Kim Dong-Soo\'s office. Kim Dong-Soo was alone, waiting for him.

After exchanging friendly greetings and sitting down, Kim Dong-Soo started with a smile, "I’m sorry for calling you in earlier than expected."

"It\'s fine, Mr. Kim. But please keep the promise you made to me."

"I know, I know. I\'ll cover your outstanding salary, so just do as you\'ve always done."

"Of course."

Kim Dong-Soo had recruited Ju Ho-Sung from Ace Entertainment and promoted him to team lead. They had shared a close sunbae and hoobae relationship ever since their time at the Seoul National University of Arts, and it had been long agreed that they would work together if Kim Dong-Soo became independent.

With Jung Yoon-Ho messing around, especially over the past month, Kim Dong-Soo felt that it was necessary to bring Ju Ho-Sung into Hoop Entertainment a little earlier than planned so that he could manage the situation. With more than half of the money-making routes blocked, Ju Ho-Sung\'s knack for generating revenue was urgently needed.

"It\'s going to take a lot of effort to cover the shortfall."

Ju Ho-Sung nodded. "Don\'t worry, Mr. Kim. You know what I’m capable of."

Kim Dong-Soo burst into laughter because he knew Ju Ho-Sung was even more ruthless in making money than himself.

"And take care of that Jung Yoon-Ho guy too. You know that our plan has been delayed by at least six months because of him, right?"

Ju Ho-Sung chuckled and smiled. "Leave it to me, sunbae-nim."

Kim Dong-Soo\'s face brightened. "Alright, then shall we go and greet the director?"

"Sure. He\'s a big sunbae in the Suhyaejong line. I need to make a good impression~."

Kim Dong-Soo smiled slyly.


When Kang Ji-Yung and I entered the president’s office, Lee Gi-Cheol and Kim Dong-Soo were having a serious conversation with Kang Gam-Chan. Even Ju Ho-Sung, whom I had passed in the hallway, was also there.

Lee Gi-Cheol and Kim Dong-Soo frowned upon seeing me. I bowed, but they hardly acknowledged it.

But then Ju Ho-Sung, who was seated on the far left, looked at me and licked his lips as if he were eyeing a prey. Despite his kind and innocent appearance, I knew his dark intentions all too well.

Thanks to his suspicious expression, I realized Kim Dong-Soo and Ju Ho-Sung must have discussed something. After all, Ju Ho-Sung was also from the Seoul National University of Arts line.

"Oh, you’re here. Take a seat."

Kang Gam-Chan directed Kang Ji-Yung and me to the sofa on his left.

It felt like I was sitting on pins and needles.

"Then Director Lee, please do as I have instructed—you need to handle it well especially since Actor Division 3 now manages many more staff."

The conversation seemed to be wrapping up.

But at that moment, Kang Gam-Chan said something unexpected. "I\'ll mention this again in the chief-level meeting, but I plan to take a break for three months starting at the end of this month. Those of you here should be aware of this."

A three-month vacation? This isn\'t some European company.

Without Kang Gam-Chan, the Seoul National University of Arts line would surely cause chaos with Lee Gi-Cheol becoming the top decision-maker.

This is happening right when Yoo-Jin is starting to be properly recognized and Cherry Blossom is making a comeback?

I got a headache from thinking about all the possible scenarios that could unfold in the near future. I had a mountain of questions, but I forced myself to wait until Kang Gam-Chan finished speaking.

I glanced over and noticed a peculiar change in Lee Gi-Cheol\'s expression. He seemed to be struggling to hold back a laugh.

"Oh, and don\'t worry about the shareholders—I\'ll explain it to them myself. And I trust you to manage the company well in my absence, Director Lee."

Lee Gi-Cheol forced a worried expression and asked, "Mr. Kang, may I ask why you are taking a break?"

Kang Gam-Chan chuckled. "Why? Because I\'m old, that\'s why. I\'m taking a break to recharge. What\'s the matter? Can\'t you handle things for just three months?"

Lee Gi-Cheol looked concerned upon hearing Kang Gam-Chan’s answer, but amusement twinkled in his eyes. "You can leave it to me, sir. I can only aspire to follow in your footsteps, but I\'ll do my best to lead the company until you return."

During the exchange of a few more pleasantries, I was wrapped in a whirlwind of thoughts and worries. The absence of Kang Gam-Chan, who had always been a solid backing, felt like going into battle without armor.

Once the conversation concluded, Kang Gam-Chan dismissed Lee Gi-Cheol, Kim Dong-Soo, and Ju Ho-Sung.

"You all can leave. I have matters to discuss with these two."

"Understood, sir."

At Kang Gam-Chan\'s gesture, Lee Gi-Cheol suppressed his smile and led the two out of the room.

Kang Gam-Chan slowly leaned back on the sofa and the luxurious leather enveloped him comfortably. After taking a few deep breaths, he casually asked, "Director Kang, do you think you can handle things while I\'m gone?"

Kang Ji-Yung sitting beside me responded, "I\'ll... have to."

"And Yoon-Ho?"

But no matter how much I thought about it, this situation made no sense to me. Because the event of Kang Gam-Chan\'s funeral had been deleted from my planner, I couldn’t understand the reason for his sudden break.

‘Could it be that the symptoms of a stroke which occurred to him in my past life are already showing?’

At that moment, I stiffened my expression and asked Kang Gam-Chan, "Mr. Kang, is there a problem with your health?"

Kang Gam-Chan laughed heartily at my alarmed demeanor. "Come on, someone might think I\'m dying."

"Mr. Kang!"

"Woah, why are you shouting? You’re not Lee Gi-Cheol. Don\'t worry. The doctor said I\'d recover quickly with surgery."

"Surgery? What surgery?"

Kang Gam-Chan looked at me intently before saying, "Director Kang, could you give us a moment alone?"

"Yes, Sir."

Kang Ji-Yung left the office with a concerned expression.


In a private conversation with Kang Gam-Chan, he looked at me earnestly and began to speak.


"Yes, Mr. Kang."

"Is it tough working here?"

"I can manage it."

"That\'s good to hear. It’s nice being young, huh?"

Returning to a younger body after traveling back ten years in time, I could pull all-nighters without any issue.

But then Kang Gam-Chan dropped a bombshell.

"It\'s a brain tumor."

My heart sank as if it had plummeted to the ground. This revelation hit me like a bolt from the blue.

‘So this was the cause of the future stroke.’

I had thought it was due to hypertension caused by overworking, but urging for a health check-up was indeed a good decision.

However, fear crept in because brain tumor was no trivial matter.

"Don\'t look so shocked. It\'s in the very early stages so it’s not very dangerous at all."

"How can that be? You said it\'s a brain tumor. Of course it’s dangerous!"

Kang Gam-Chan smiled. "Don\'t worry. The doctor said it was incredibly fortunate to be found so early. I should be back to normal within a month after the surgery without any complications."

Only then did my racing heart begin to calm down slightly.

‘It\'s a relief that it\'s in the very early stages.’

But of course, it was hard to be completely at ease given his condition.

"I\'m thinking of taking about three months off for rehabilitation. That\'s why I made up the excuse of a vacation."

Kang Gam-Chan finished speaking and took my hand. A gentle warmth emanated from his thick hands.

"While I\'m away, please help Ji-Yung out."

I could feel a slight tremor in his voice.

"What could I possibly help with? She manages well on her own."

"No, not that. I’m telling you it\'s time to choose sides now."

Kang Gam-Chan\'s message was clear—it was about choosing a line within Hoop Entertainment.

"Now that Lee Gi-Cheol and Kim Dong-Soo have set their sights on you, you\'re already part of a line whether you like it or not."

"...That\'s true."

"Can you imagine how badly Lee Gi-Cheol will stir things up while I\'m gone? Ji-Yung can\'t handle it alone, so I\'m asking for your help."

The war had long been underway. There was no turning back now—it would end up with my defeat or that of Actor Division 3. Moreover, I needed to win over the company\'s core—Actor Division 1— to achieve my goals.

After all, they would end up supporting Kim Dong-Soo\'s side once the balance began to tilt to one side.

I eventually nodded and accepted Kang Gam-Chan\'s plea.

"I\'ll do my best though I may fall short."

Only then did Kang Gam-Chan release my hand.

"Don\'t worry. I\'ll be around at least until the end of this month when Cherry Blossom makes their comeback."

"That\'s not what\'s important right now."

"Haha. You worry more than my wife and daughter."

I grumbled and took a sip of the sujeonggwa on the table. Having chosen a side, there was one thing I definitely wanted to know.

"But Mr. Kang, why are you leaving the Suhyaejong line as is? Is it because you\'re significantly outvoted in shares?"

Kang Gam-Chan smirked. "You\'ve hit the nail on the head. The shares held by Lee Gi-Cheol and the shareholders backing him far exceed mine."

The current share structure of Hoop Entertainment was 29% for Kang Gam-Chan, 6% for Lee Gi-Cheol, and the remaining 65% for other shareholders who were naturally aligned with the Seoul National University of Arts line.

However, Kang Gam-Chan was entrusted with the management of the company due to his competence and reputation in the industry.

"It\'s embarrassing to say it myself, but the company\'s value will plummet if I step down from this position. So they can\'t just push me out until the company goes public."

It was, in essence, sleeping with the enemy.

"Then it might be best to keep your surgery schedule a secret. There’s a chance it could be used against you."

Kang Gam-Chan nodded. "Right. But there’s no need to overthink it. Just focus on making the celebrities you\'re responsible for successful. That will naturally strengthen Ji-Yung and me."

"That’s true. But still..."

Now I could fully understand why Kang Gam-Chan couldn\'t just get rid of Lee Gi-Cheol and the Seoul National University of Arts line—the company was essentially owned by the Seoul National University of Arts line even though Kang Gam-Chan was holding it together with his experience, wisdom, and achievements.

"Do you have a plan?"

At that moment, a meaningful smile spread across Kang Gam-Chan\'s lips.

"Of course, I do."

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