
Chapter 11

Yu Lingyun looked at the back of her hands and then at her face that was looking at him brimming with impatience.

” Your majesty there is no evidence–” began Yu Lingyun, the maid of Concubine Shen confessed so how was it possible for them to pursue the matter? What was more the evidence was hard to refute. Everything was written in black and white, from asking for the abortion medicine to asking the maid to frame the Empress everything was written on paper. With such conclusive evidence was there any way to still prove that the Empress was the one who caused the abortion?

” Oh then it means that I wasn’t the culprit at all from the beginning, so how in the world will I be granted amnesty when I am not even the culprit?” With her head tilted to the side, Liu Hui Ying questioned once again looking at the man in front of her with a point-blank stare. ” Tell me?” With her hands crossed behind her back, she retreated. ” How can one pardon someone when they are not even proven criminal?”

Her questions were valid but that didn’t mean that she could question the Emperor like that, she might be the Empress but even she has to bow in front of the Emperor. How can she say such things?

“Your majesty, I know that you are angry but–”

” I am angry?” Liu Hui Ying questioned back interrupting Yu Lingyun again causing him to grind his teeth in anger. ‘ Will you just let me finish?’


Seeing his face turning red, Liu Hui Ying’s lips curled up.

This was so easy, just ask a few rational questions and men like him will get angry.

At times like this, she couldn’t help but remember her senior who was different from others, he always treated women with kindness and respect–was attentive to what they said, in fact, it was better to say that he was the only man who didn’t flare her allergies.

With her lips curled, she sighed and added, ” I am not angry at all, if I was angry then I can assure you General even the heavens would have felt my wrath.” As she said that the temperature of the room dropped to freezing point causing everyone inside along with those who were standing outside shiver with cold, Yu Lingyun looked at the Empress and then looked over his shoulders– it was the middle of summer how in the world the room got so cold?

But if he was surprised by this much, then he was in for a lot of trouble because someone went ahead behind his back caught his hand and raised it before bringing it down as a heavy slap that landed on the face of the soldier’s face.

Both Yu Lingyun and the soldier were stunned as they looked at each other before the soldier said, ” General why did you hit me? Did I do something wrong?”

What can Yu Lingyun say? He didn’t know what just happened either — all he knew was that he was standing silently on the side but then all of a sudden his hand moved and struck the soldier.

Liu Hui Ying stared at the General in front of her before she nodded her head Li Gang who was standing behind Yu Lingyun raised his hand and this time instead of striking the face of either the soldier, he slapped Yu Lingyun on the face causing a sudden hush to fall all over the courtyard.

Once Li Gang was done, he let go of Yu Lingyun as the latter brought his hand down and stared at the palm that was supposed to be in his control. What was happening? Hitting his soldier was one thing but hitting himself? Was he no longer in control of his limbs?

” Oh look even the heavens are angry about you spouting nonsense,” said Liu Hui Ying causing the entire crowd to turn silent at once. Yu Lingyun raised his head to look at the Empress, he wanted to think that this thing had something to do with the Empress but when he took a look at his hand, he didn’t find any invisible string or anything attached to it– it was as if he really hit himself in the face but why will he hit himself? Did that even make sense?

” Maybe you should have phrased it like this....” Liu Hui Ying took a step closer to Yu Lingyun as she continued, ” Your majesty, even though you were innocent neither the Emperor nor I could be bothered with an innocent life being lost so we ignored you. No, in fact we were more than happy to do so ...because we didn’t want you to make it out alive of this place, that’s why we did that but now that there is a conclusive piece of evidence that we cannot deny, we have no other choice but to let you go but our ego is too big for us to ignore, so that’s why we’re going to act as if you were in the wrong and we were the bigger person here...oh my, a bit impulsive aren’t you?” She said with a sudden sharp intake of breath as she took a step back when he aimed the sword right at her neck.

” Please do not make me force my hand, your majesty,” said Yu Lingyun with his sword at Liu Hui Ying’s neck. ” The Emperor is a great ruler–”

” Oh, he is such a great ruler that he cannot even apologise when he is in the wrong?” Liu Hui Ying blurted out before she could stop herself, behind her Jia Li and the other winced.

” She really can never let a man have one up over her can she?” said Jia Li with a grimace.

“And this habit of hers is going to get us all killed,” Li Gang already had his hands over his eyes as he said, ” Anyway it was good knowing you all... I will miss our time together.”

Just as he said that Yu Lingyun moved and so did Liu Hui Ying, she wasn’t going to stand still and let that man make bloody holes in her body but what she didn’t expect was that even though she was in a completely different body– her brute strength was still with her! With a quick snap she dodged the sword that was aiming at her, caught Yu Lingyun’s wrist, and with her hand on his waist she did a spectacular body throw!


” General!”

” Your majesty!”

At once three people moved the commander of the army, Yu Lingyun who slumped on the floor and Liu Hui Ying who screamed in pain. ” I touched a man! I touched a man! Qui Ai bring a vat of water as soon as you can!” As soon as she said that red dots started to appear on her skin causing Qui Ai and Yu Lingyun to get startled.

” Your majesty, I will bring the royal physician at once,” Qui Ai shrieked in panic but before she could run away, she was stopped by Liu Hui Ying who blew on her rashes and said, ” I don’t need the royal physician, I need a bath and kick these men out of my room! They are the ones who made my skin become like this..”

” You mean to say your majesty...” before Qui Ai could say anything, Yu Lingyun shrieked. ” You are allergic to men?”

Liu Hui Ying was already in bad mood because of the allergic reaction and now that Yu Lingyun shouted all of a sudden, she got even more furious as she glared at him with such a cold gaze that Yu Lingyun swallowed in a gulp. ” Your majesty...”

“It’s you ...you are the one who flared my allergies up...” she was furious enough to chop Yu Lingyun up as she approached him and pulled him by his corner. Yu Lingyun was six feet tall with sturdy muscles and a powerful build but as Liu Hui Ying picked him up like he was a weak chicken, Yu Lingyun’s eyes popped but before he could even stomach the shock– he was thrown out of the room with a bang.

” General are you okay?” The soldiers that came with Yu Lingyun were only three to four and when they saw the brute strength of the Empress they didn’t dare to say anything much less make a move. But they didn’t need to make any move as Liu Hui Ying was already on move, scratching her face she glared at Yu Lingyun and his soldiers as she said, ” I don’t want to see any men ever in this courtyard, as long as I am here, you all stay away and...” with her eyes coldly sweeping at their group she added, ” If either of you let a word about my allergy then let me warn you, if I find out that the information is leaked then I will find you all five of you, I have burned our faces in my mind and when I find you ...” her gaze skimmed to a certain part of their body before she raised her hand and stomped on the floor heavily causing the wooden platform to break.

Almost at once Yu Lingyun and his soldiers closed their legs in fear.

” You understood right?” asked Liu Hui Ying with a sharp grin.

Did they have any other choice other than nodding?

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