
Chapter 41

” Take it off, take it off!” Liu Hui Ying groaned as she shouted in pain, she wanted to silently go along with this torture but the second she sat down on the stool in front of the mirror, she couldn’t take it anymore and shouted at her maids to move their hands as fast as they could.

” Just wait for a second, your majesty,” Nanny Gong coaxingly said as she untied the straps of the crown that Liu Hui Ying was wearing and then with the help of Qui Ai set it aside, only then did Liu Hui Ying heaved a sigh of relief as she rubbed her nape and let out a low painful moan. ” Damn, I really thought that I was going to die, then and there... if only...” she paused before turning to look at the line of maids that were standing beside her with nanny Gong and Qui Ai in lead, their eyes brimming with tears.

Oh god, she didn’t have the power or energy to deal with them at the moment, she heaved a breath and then turned her head to look at Qui Ai and Nanny Gong before saying with a smile, ” I want to be left alone for a while, if you all don’t mind it can you please ....” She tilted her head to the entrance door hoping that Nanny Gong and Qui Ai will get her message.

They did get what she was trying to tell them but unfortunately for her, they got it on the price of Qui Ai bursting into tears as she cried and sobbed, ” Your majesty, how scared you must have been... wahhhh”

” There, there leave the empress to take a break, there is no need for you to cry so inappropriately, have you forgotten where you are standing,” Nanny Gong half coaxed and half chided Qui Ai as she took her out of the room. In their eyes, Liu Hui Ying was now a broken-hearted woman who has to suffer through an assassin attempt yet her husband went to save his childhood sweetheart instead of her.

Of course, she would suffer from shock and heartache.

It was true that Liu Hui Ying was indeed suffering but it was neither heartache nor shock, the only thing she was suffering from at the moment was anger!

Once the maids left her room, she slapped her palm on the armrest of the chair in which she was sitting and snarled, ” Aish that Emperor, he is bent on killing me,” she pulled one of her legs up and placed it on the chair as she leaned on her hand that was resting on its elbow on the other armrest, the leg on the floor continued to shake as she bit on her thumb. ” Two attempts were made on my life in just a day, if this goes on then it wouldn’t be long before that man severe my head from my neck.”


She shook her head as she pushed herself off the chair and started pacing around the room, ” No, I cannot allow that to happen... we have to look for a way out of this place, if we were dragged into this place then surely we can go back to our world as well, there is no way we can stay here for long... we need to find the link that caused us to be entangled into this mess.”

” But we would not be able to find it so soon,” said Li Gang with a frown. ” You have already seen the entire palace is bigger than an entire city, who knows where the portal or whatever that dragged us here is, it might take months for us to get close to it...why don’t you try to get along with the Emperor till then?”

” Shii!” Liu Hui Ying scrunched up her nose in disgust as she let out an annoyed hiss and looked at Li Gang with a furious expression. ” Why don’t you ask me to dress up as a psychiatrist, put on my glasses and start taking sessions with the Emperor and tell him, how he should not kill anyone without any rhyme or reason?”

” You can try maybe it will work?” Li Gang said with a playful glint in his eyes and Liu Hui Ying picked up the teacup from the stand to throw it at him. ” Why don’t I send you to the grim reaper before you can make up for all the wrongs you have done, I bet he will have a great time boiling you in hot oil.”

Li Gang shivered as he turned around and looked at Grandma Lan Fen who sighed in tiredness.

” And how long will you be following me?” Liu Hui Ying asked as she looked at the ghost woman who has followed her out of the Grand Dowager Empress’s palace, she thought that she would leave if she continued to ignore her but the ghost woman was more stubborn than she expected her, even after being ignored like she never existed, she continued to follow her from start to end without even so much as showing any sign of deterrence.

The ghost woman winced before she looked at Liu Hui Ying with a slightly hesitant expression and said, “I need your help, you are the only one who can help me.”

” Of course, you need my help,” sneered Liu Hui Ying with a scoff as she turned her gaze away from the ghost woman and sat back down on her chair and leaned her cheek against her clenched knuckles and said, ” Every ghost roaming on the surface of the earth needs my help but do you think I will help them just because they ask me to do so?”

Titling her head back she smiled at the ghost woman, Liu Hui Ying delivered one last blow, ” And maybe you have forgotten your mother humiliated me just now in her own territory, you want me to help you despite knowing that you are her daughter? What do you take me for a god? Angel?” She turned her face away and waved her hand. ” Get lost, I do not wish to help you, do what you have been doing till now, either move on or keep haunting your mother.”

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