
Chapter 143

When she agreed to become the royal concubine, Zhai Tianyu promised her that she will be the only one in his harem as for other women, he will not even look in their way and yet here he was going to the queen’s palace every now and then, what was going on? Why was Zhai Tianyu suddenly interested in the queen out of nowhere?

As she thought about it, the brush in her hand that was being used to draw on white paper paused. The brush has been dipped in black ink, with the tip of the brush hanging an inch over the paper, the drop at the end quivered and then finally fell on the blank white paper destroying it with a stain of black ink.

Xiaolin who was putting the dishes on the dining table saw that her mistress was sitting like a stone statue and then couldn’t help but look at her with pity. She rose from the floor and then walked to where her mistress was and then caught her hand in hers.

Feeling a subtle warmth spreading through her limbs, Ji Yu snapped out of her daze and looked at Xiaolin who was smiling at her with a sympathetic glint in her eyes. ” Xiaolin?”

” Your highness, I know that you are scared but you need to understand that his majesty and you have been together for a very long time, he will never let you down, so don’t worry,” Xiaolin consoled her miss, she knew that when the Emperor was not married to anyone even then her missy worried that he will fall for someone.

In Ji Yu’s head as long as she was working hard she will be able to reach Zhai Tianyu’s heart after all one never falls in love at first sight with anyone. If they did then it was simply a fatal attraction and nothing more for one to fall in love they will have to know about someone and see if they are compatible for them because attraction will fade what will stay was the true feelings that they have nurtured after careful understanding.

That was what Ji Yu thought but now that Zhai Tianyu was getting close to the queen, she could not help but feel worried. She was thankful to the Queen for saving her and helping her find out that she was poisoned but the feeling of her gratitude was not so much in her heart that she would want to see the man she loved for the queen.

” Did the Emperor stay back in the palace for a long time?” Ji Yu asked feeling a bit troubled when she thought about how the queen was slowly attracting the Emperor.


” No, your majesty, his majesty left just as soon as the others did,” Xiaolin knew that her mistress was worried that the Emperor was falling for the queen was she was willing to console her mistress who was like a sister to her. ” You do not need to worry about anything your highness.”

” I hope that you are right, Xiaolin,” Ji Yu muttered as she looked at the window that was showing the setting sun.


” Your majesty, what is going on?” Qui Ai unlike Xiaolin was feeling rather happy, today not only the Emperor but even the grand dowager Empress came to see her mistress, she was feeling rather happy about this sudden visit. At first, she thought that they were in mistake but then the grand dowager empress and the Emperor left the courtyard and nothing happened to them meaning that they came here not to punish them but for something else.

Now that she was sure that they were no longer in danger, she could not help but ask the queen about the reasons why the three prominent members of the imperial family came to see Liu Hui Ying.

” Nothing too much,” Liu Hui Ying let Qui Ai comb her hair since she was feeling too lazy as she thought about what the Emperor has told her, though she did not see the reason as to why Qui Ai and Nanny Gong will betray her she knew that they were the servants of the Liu family, ultimately there was a chance that they will support the Liu family would they not?

And she did not like the idea of becoming someone else puppet.

Qui Ai did not think much when she heard Liu Hui Ying answer like this and continued to comb Liu Hui Ying’s hair. Once she was done, she placed the comb on the cabinet that was in front of Liu Hui Ying and then turned to look at her mistress before saying, ” If you do not wish to tell me then I will not say anything, your majesty but I will let you know that I am always by your side. No matter what you do.”

Liu Hui Ying felt a bit bad when she heard Qui Ai say this, she wanted to let her know what she discussed with the Grand dowager Empress and the Emperor but then again, it was better to keep this to herself for she was yet to solve the case. In case something went wrong at least she will be able to keep Qui Ai and Nanny Gong safe given that the person who was behind Zhai Chenguang’s murder was able to hide themselves for so long, there was a possibility that she will not be safe while investigating this case in the incoming days.

” I know, you don’t have to tell me,” Liu Hui Ying rose from her seat and then placed her hand on Qui Ai’s. ” You just have to wait for the right time, then you will know it soon as well.”

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