
Chapter 362 - 362 I will shoot you dead nanny —-2

Ji Yu bit her lips, she was aggrieved by the threat that her grandaunt gave her but she could not say anything, she knew that other than the reason of her being the childhood best friend of the Emperor, the only reason she could become the imperial concubine was because of her family if they were to take their support away from her then Ji Yu was worried that she will soon fall from the glory since it did not take long for abandoned pieces to fall into an abyss.

” I will work hard, your majesty,” Ji Yu could only lower her stance, she knew that there was no point in trying to drag this matter for long because the Grand Dowager Empress will not listen to anything that she has to say anyway.

” You better do that, Ji Yu,” huffed the elderly woman as she turned to look at the stage, the sight in front of her seemed to be stinging the eyes of the Grand Dowager Empress who despised the Liu family with everything that she had, they killed her son and threw over the throne and pulled Zhai Tianyu to the throne.

Though she loved her grandson, she still could not forgive the Liu family for killing her beloved son for something that he was not at fault for!

Grand Dowager Empress turned to look at Ji Yu and then asked, ” Did you bring the poison with you ?” Her voice was exceptionally quiet and no one was able to hear her over the loud noises of the soldiers who were excited to hunt together with the officials.

Ji Yu’s face turned pale, a part of her wanted to say that she did not bring the poison with her but then she heard the Grand Dowager Empress lower her voice and sternly call her by her full name, ” Ji Yu, do not disappoint me right now.”

Her words caused Ji Yu to shiver as she nodded and said, ” I...I have brought it with me, your majesty. Do not worry.” She was afraid to be abandoned, she did not want to be left behind in the shadows by her family. This was why even though she knew it was wrong, even though the thought scared her, she still answered the Grand Dowager Empress honestly.


The Grand Dowager Empress nodded and then said, ” Very well, make sure that you put it to good use,” she turned to look at Liu Hui Ying who was trying to balance the crown on top of her head and sneered, ” I wish to hear the good news as soon as I can.”

With that, she pushed herself off the chair and then walked away leaving Ji Yu behind to keep on sitting on the small stage that was set up for her and the Grand Dowager Empress.

She really wanted to ask the Grand Dowager Empress whether she forgot the fact that the Queen helped her a bit too soon because how can a woman smile while looking forward to the death of her benefactor?


Liu Hui Ying returned to the small camp where she was going to live for the rest of the hunt and then barged right in as she ordered the maids who were following her, ” Hurry take this thing off me, as soon as you can or else I am afraid that I will die of suffocation.”

” You seemed to be exaggerating, your majesty,” said Nanny Gong who was following after Liu Hui Ying, she noticed several maids working on the crown while helping Liu Hui Ying to take the crown off her head and the robe that was clinging to her body and could not help but speak at the impatient actions of the Queen.

” Exaggerating?” Liu Hui Ying scoffed as she turned to look at Nanny Gong and sneered, ” The only one who is exaggerating here was you, nanny. What did you tell me? That the Emperor is gallant and his huntings skills are top-notch—— you even went as far as picking the dress that is the heaviest one of all saying that I need to match with the vibe of his majesty who will be looking like an Asura on the battlefield when he will be hunting on the grounds. What happened to that?”

Nanny Gong blushed upon hearing the words of Liu Hui Ying, she was indeed a bit just as shocked as the Queen but as a servant, she could not comment on the Emperor and his lousy shooting skills which was why she lowered her head and cleared her throat before saying, ” It was indeed gallant your majesty. You did not see it carefully but the way and the posture with which his majesty shot the arrow was brilliant. Out of this world, I am telling you.”

Liu Hui Ying heard the praises that Nanny Gong was singing for the Emperor and then mimicked the old woman in a mocking voice, ” Out of this world, blah blah bleh.” Liu Hui Ying shrugged her shoulders as soon as the crown came off her shoulders and then turned to look at Nanny Gong and said in a stern voice, ” The next time you make a fool of me like this, Nanny… I swear. I will be standing where his majesty was standing and you will be tied up and on the ground like the deer and unfortunately for you, I do not have the out-of-the-world posture, if I shoot at you, then you will surely get hit, got it?”

Her words caused Nanny Gong to shiver as the latter nodded and agreed, ” I understand your majesty. I will keep it in my mind.”

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