
Chapter 60 The Treasure

Chapter 60 The Treasure

After dinner, shower and a bedtime story, Zero was passed out like a light. Truen snatched the opportunity to take a picture of the treasure and send it to the group chat.

Gaia received the message and squinted at the picture. It looked really familiar. She was sure that it was an egg of a magical beast.

"Many magical beasts lay eggs but it’s been a while since I’ve seen an egg as big as this."

Truen’s heart fell. "It could put Zero in danger and I can’t defeat a magical beast just yet."

Gaia frowned. She knew that magical beasts can be dangerous. However, like all babies, they won’t attack anyone just after they were born. Animals had a strong sense of imprinting and it was highly possible for them to see Zero as their parent.

"Truen, it might not be a bad thing. Magical beasts are hard to tame. If raised right, this beast can become Zero’s strongest ally in times of need. In fact, this is a very rare find. Solely from the picture, I can tell that it is at least an S rank magical beast."

After hearing it, Truen felt like fainting.

"S rank?!"

The elf was hardly a B rank adventurer with his skills. If it weren’t for his nearly indestructible body, he wouldn’t have survived Zero’s teleportation earlier. For all of Freya’s training, Truen couldn’t shoot to save his life. Without Sureshot and the blessing of accuracy, the elf was a combat deadweight.

"Don’t worry too much, I’m sure things will work out. This is Zero after all."

Hearing this, Truen paled. How were the Great Gods so confident in Zero’s skill? He was a child who’d nearly drowned when he fell into a deep hole while jumping in puddles. He was a child who got stuck in a bush with his butt out like an easy meal for any wild animals. He was the child who would put any unknown thing into his mouth and risked consuming something poisonous at the drop of a hat.

"But you’re forgetting that he is also the child who teleported thousands of kilometers effortlessly in a day. He is the child who’d created Gods and Divine Entities. He is the child who cannot die."

Truen kept silent. Maybe he was just being overprotective at this point. Everything that Gaia mentioned was true. In terms of strength, Zero was a lot stronger than he was. In terms of existence, Zero was definitely a lot older. What as there to worry about?

"But you are right. Zero still doesn’t know many things about the world. There are many ugly things and people who want to hurt him. Although he is unable to die, he can still feel pain like the rest of us. Your duty is to protect his heart. We cannot do that because of our duties and that is why you need to be strong. Don’t hesitate to guide him when you see him going down the wrong road. While you are his bodyguard, you are also part of his family."

Understanding reflected in Truen’s eyes as well as gratitude. He’d sometimes feel excluded from Zero’s life with the involvement of the Great Gods. However, after hearing Gaia’s words, he was touched. More than a friend, Truen wanted to be part of Zero’s big family. His greedy heart was no longer satisfied with being friends. During their travels, he’d come to see Zero as his little brother.

Unknowingly, Truen had come to love the overpowered but adorable brunet with all his heart.

"I understand. Please help me grow stronger so that I can stand beside him. I am in your care."

Gaia laughed. "With pleasure! However, it is still Freya’s turn tonight. You better not keep her waiting for too long."

The elf grinned and hung up the call. He couldn’t keep Freya waiting after all.

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