
Chapter 92 His Fate

Chapter 92 His Fate

Merlin and Hua Tuo gave their students a few days together before commencing their individual training. During this period, Merlin decided to pay Buddha a visit.

"How can I help you?" the deceptively calm Sage God greeted the Merlin.

Unimpressed with the greeting, Merlin cut to the chase. He wasn’t going to take on a disciple without knowing everything he should know about them. The wood elf had traces of Gaia’s magic and Merlin had some guesses. However, Zero was a completely unknown entity. Any living creature would possess some form of life in them. Even rocks and water held mana in them which is a form of life. It was close to impossible for anything to not hold life in this newly created world. Everything was dependent on mana.

"I see you’ve found out. Very well, I suppose it’s only right for the Great Gods to explain this."

Several phone calls later, they decided to meet Buddha and Merlin in the purgatory. En was surprised when he received a phone call from his father but agreed to ready a meeting room for them.

It took several hours before everyone was gathered and Merlin felt slightly nervous. It was rare for Great Gods to gather in one place at any time and even if they did, it wasn’t common knowledge. Buddha was one of the Sage Gods closer with the Great Gods and it was no secret that he had dealings with them and knew more secrets about the universe. What Merlin didn’t know was how Zero got to know the Great Gods and Goddesses that many feared and revered.

Zeus was first to speak.

"Do you have what it takes to be Zero’s mentor? That child is no ordinary child. One wrong move and the universe can be destroyed by him."

Merlin felt sweat drops form at the back of his neck. In the face of the titan, Merlin was like a cat in front of a tiger. He knew that Zero was not an ordinary child, at least not an ordinary human no matter how much he resembled one. His display of magic control was something unheard of. Also, Merlin had never seen anyone or anything that absorbed everything like a void. Zero didn’t seem to have any limits and it worried the old wizard when Zeus mentioned that Zero was capable of destroying the universe.

"Zero’s control over magic is impressive and even I am not his match. However, I sensed that he is unable to produce mana on his own and Truen is not exactly a wood elf. Gaia’s magic is strong on the bodyguard but Zero is something beyond my understanding. How can any living creature or creation not possess life?"

Mother Nature sighed. "Zero is neither dead nor alive. He is merely a consciousness left behind by the Great One who created everything. Even we do not understand this."

Merlin was confused. Every God knew about the one and only creator - the Great One. However, it was said that the Great One went into eternal slumber in the void, never to be found again. How was Zero a consciousness formed after the Great One? It didn’t make sense. Besides, how could a consciousness gain a material form? Did that mean Zero was the Great One?

Hades sensed Merlin’s questions. "Zero is Great One in a way. However, he is not the same Great One who created the universe. When we first met him, he didn’t remember anything about us or how the universe was created. He had no memories except for being awakened by some light. He inherited Great One’s memories but he isn’t the Great One we knew."

That didn’t answer Merlin’s questions but at least some of the doubts he had were clarified. "How is he able to use magic but not produce mana of his own?"

At that, even the stone-faced En felt uneasy. Freya once guessed it but nobody could be sure about the reason for Zero’s existence. Only Isis had the courage to speak what was on everyone’s minds.

"Great One was the creator of everything. We assume that Zero’s existence is the exact opposite. Going by this logic, it is only natural that Zero cannot produce mana of his own, he needs to take it from something. Sedna’s seed planet Amarania has been destroyed to a crucial extent when Zero first landed. Zero didn’t possess a physical body so with the magic of the Great Gods, we managed to create one. Great One wished to travel and observe the beauty of his creations with his own eyes however he fell into slumber before he could manage. Zero now wishes to do the same but he is intrigued by humans. The new God birthed from humans of the old world woke Zero up. We do not know if it is a blessing or a curse. Zero possesses both the power of a destroyer and a creator. We do not know which path he would walk."

Merlin paled. His hands shook and his knees gave way. Feeling weak, he had to lean on the table for support. Buddha watched the old wizard with visible concern. Of course, they understood the pressure Merlin was feeling now that he knew the truth. Being responsible for the universe’s fate wasn’t something anyone could handle easily.

To lighten the weight of the truth, Sedna smiled. "Don’t worry too much. Zero is good-natured at heart. If taught correctly, he would never choose the path of a destroyer. He’s proven himself at La Boutique when he chose to help Truen. Zero is both a wise and naive child. He’s lived longer than most of us and understand many things that we might never come to know. However, he is unfamiliar with the ways of our lives. We sent Truen to protect Zero’s heart but we can’t stop Zero from knowing the cruel reality of the world. If you and Hua Tuo are to become their teachers, please guide them well."

Zeus frowned. "We’ve spoilt Zero too much in the beginning. I’m starting to fear if that was a bad decision on our part. Please teach him all that he needs to know to be strong but kind. Don’t mollycoddle them too much. A seed will never sprout without some struggles."

Freya walked over to Merlin and passed him an amulet. "We’ve heard about the troubles about mana recovery from Truen. It’s still a prototype but it should help gather mana from the surroundings constantly as long as Zero wears it. Steve worked hard but we’ll need you to test it out. I’m assuming a year is sufficient to get this device perfected?"

Merlin took the amulet and immediately felt the device draining mana from him. "It’s draining my mana..."

Gaia chuckled and her hair swayed. "It’s made only for Zero after all. The device, according to Steve, will absorb mana from the purest form in a ten-kilometer radius. Here in hell, there is nothing purer than the mana of the Wizard God."

Merlin didn’t know if he should be flattered or insulted. Although the device was draining his mana, it wasn’t fast enough to deplete his reserves. Merlin held on to the amulet and thanked the Great Gods. Before they left, En passed Merlin something that the wizard would never have expected.

"Pass this to Zero when he graduates."

Merlin looked at the ring on his palm and appraised it. It was very well made and screamed of dwarven craft with ancient elf magic. The wizard didn’t know how En got this but he assured King Yama that it will be taken care of. Zero was already proficient in magic control. Merlin didn’t know how much faster the young boy could cast with this magic equipment. Zero might very well surpass him and Freya with it. The ring was like a wand that aided magic practitioners to channel their mana outwards. Merlin had a wand of his own and was going to have on forged for both Truen and Zero when they graduated but with the ring, Zero wouldn’t need one. Freya mentioned that Truen’s bow was enchanted and didn’t need one either so the wizard left it at that.

Bidding the Great Gods goodbye, Merlin and Buddha left. The God of Magic sighed. It was quite the meeting and Buddha pitied his fellow Sage God.

"How is Hua Tuo?"

"Fuming. He said he needed your magic circlet for the trouble those brats caused."

Buddha smiled and pretended he never heard anything. "I know that you and Hua Tuo are not on the best of terms but for Zero and Truen’s sake, please avoid confrontation. Magic affects the chakra network and qi affects the meridian network. Please don’t teach them anything that will block their meridian paths, I assume he would want them to learn the art of cultivating with qi."

Merlin sighed. A living wood spirit in a false elf’s body and an existence related to the Great One if not the Great One with severe amnesia himself... what was he agreeing to? Merlin didn’t know but he couldn’t leave them in a lurch. After all, the Great Gods might not know it yet but Zero has acquired quite the troublesome pet.

"Don’t worry too much," he told Buddha. "We’re on a truce for now. However, I will have you know that I expect compensation for the two years I have to take off from my research! I heard that Freya is tutoring Truen in the dream dimension. If possible I would like to borrow it. Truen should travel in advance while training in his sleep. Without experience, he can’t guide Zero. I’m very sure once the brat learns about adventurers he will insist on becoming one."

Buddha didn’t say anything. Secretly, he was glad. Isis, Gaia and Hades had a short meeting with Truen before and Buddha was certain that if given the opportunity, the elf will take his time to establish an unshakable foundation for Zero. He didn’t know the details but he knew that the wood elf had a plan. After all, sending out a recruitment post for the strongest and most influential creatures in existence using the name of the Great Gods wasn’t something that could be done without careful consideration. The consequences were much too dire and failure isn’t an option.

Still, he bade Merlin a silent goodbye and watched as the wizard teleported back to Hua Tuo’s tiny home.

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