
Chapter 103 Forked Paths

Chapter 103 Forked Paths

In the blink of an eye, a week passed by. They were making good progress and Hua Tuo noticed the significant changes in his young student.

Firstly, it was Zero’s physical growth. Yes, it came as a huge surprise because the physician didn’t think that Zero’s body was capable of growing. The boy had been short before even though Gaia said that he was physically twelve years of human age. Zero had grown five centimetres within the week of their travels and Hua Tuo immediately reported the astonishing discovery.

At once, the Great Gods called for an emergency meeting. Many theories surfaced but nobody could confirm the reason or Zero’s sudden accelerated growth. Hua Tuo also noticed how Zero’s meridians and chakra channels were almost ready. In a few more days, Zero would be able to start absorbing mana from the surroundings and start learning how to cultivate the qi in him. It was both good news and bad news for the Gods - especially the Goddesses who couldn’t bear to see Zero grow up.

Secondly, Hua Tuo noticed how the young boy became calmer. He was silent for longer periods of time now as compared to before. With the meditation process becoming easier, Zero often entered a strange state of trance. There was an unfocused look in his eyes whenever it happened and Hua Tuo observed how Zero was walking on autopilot. He didn’t seem to breathe during his trance and sometimes things around Zero became strange.

How strange? So far, Hua Tuo had witnessed animals gathering around Zero. That happened once when Hua Tuo left the boy to meditate while he refilled their water skins. The physician came back to see birds sitting on the boy and some small squirrels curled up in his lap. They seemed reluctant to part with Zero and Hua Tuo had to chase them off before the boy became buried under the pile of cute animals.

Also, Hua Tuo noticed how Zero didn’t need sleep whenever he meditated for long periods of time. In fact, Zero looked healthier. Gaia was similarly puzzled by this. They decided to continue observing Zero for further changes.

Next, whenever Zero meditated, he would speak in a strange language unknown to Hua Tuo. The old doctor recorded Zero’s mumbling during the state of trance and sent it to the Great Gods for identification. Last he heard, they were still working on it. Freya thought the language sounded familiar but couldn’t pinpoint where she heard it. Merlin didn’t know the language much to everyone’s surprise. As a wizard, he had to be the most well-read Sage God but for him to not know it... Hua Tuo didn’t know what to think. Where had Zero learnt such an ancient language? Merlin knew many languages, even those of the ancients. For Zero to speak in a language that only Freya knew and could barely recall, where did he learn that from?

Lastly, the strangest of all observations... Zero’s eye colour changed when he entered the trance. Yes, only a single eye. Zero’s left eye would flicker a different colour during meditation sessions. Sometimes it was green, sometimes it was black. Other times, it could be icy blue or even yellow but Hua Tuo was sure there were more colours than those mentioned. Sometimes it would only be a split of a second. Other times, the change lasted for as long as hours. It didn’t always happen but it occurred enough times for Hua Tuo to be concerned.

Nobody could figure out what was happening to Zero while he meditated. They were worried, puzzled and slightly frightened but Zero seemed to be happier after the sessions so Hua Tuo didn’t stop the boy.

"Zero," Hua Tuo began. He wasn’t sure how to phrase it but it has been bothering him for a while.


"Why are there birds and animals following behind you?"

It was the first time that Hua Tuo had interrupted his student during a trance. Usually, Hua Tuo observed silently and waited until Zero stopped meditating to speak to him. However, he couldn’t do that today.

Zero blinked. His green left eye returned to hazel and the trance broke. He looked behind him and blinked at the sight of twenty pairs of eyes looking at him.

"When did they appear?" Zero asked, much to Hua Tuo’s lament. He’d been trying to understand why Zero was such an animal charmer when he meditated. However, from Zero’s reaction, it looked like he had no clue how he did it either.

The animals dispersed quickly when Zero tried to touch them. They scattered so quickly that even Hua Tuo was surprised. Weren’t they extremely friendly just a moment ago?

"Zero... could you tell me what you experienced when meditating?"

The brunet cocked his head to a side. "I didn’t experience anything. It’s just shutting down the mind to hibernate for a while, right?"

Hua Tuo frowned. Technically, that was correct. However, Zero’s reactions weren’t ordinary. Still, Hua Tuo kept it to himself. He would find out later. For now, it would be great to have Zero learn something more.

"That’s good. We can start training at the next level now that you have mastered it."

At this, Zero perked up and Hua Tuo smiled as the energetic boy returned. The physician was secretly relieved to see the old and familiar Zero back. He’d almost forgotten the reason for introducing meditation to Zero when he saw that brilliant smile and had to reel his mind back.

"Well, you should be able to feel something different about your body now. This time, I want you to feel the changes in your body as you meditate, keeping in mind to maintain that same breathing pattern from our morning exercises."

Zero nodded and did as he was told. Initially, nothing felt different and he wondered if he was doing it correctly. Then, he felt a tug from somewhere in his stomach and the heat spiralled rapidly as he counted his breaths. Hua Tuo couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Although it was incomplete, Zero was able to gather qi into his body in the first try. It wasn’t weak either and the physician felt the excitement boil in his blood.

Talent in cultivation came once every few hundred years. Even so, many couldn’t achieve this sort of quality. Zero was a gem, there was no doubt about it. Should he pursue the path of a pugilist, Hua Tuo would have to recommend an old friend of his to teach Zero. Unfortunately for the doctor, he only knew the basics. Qi cultivation was one thing. Combat skills were another. He could only give Zero the basics of self-defence but more than that was something beyond Hua Tuo’s repertoire.

Zero felt something burn from inside of him. It wasn’t painful but it wasn’t pleasant either. The young boy didn’t know what to do with the heat spreading throughout his body as he breathed. Walking became a difficult task and Zero almost broke the breathing pattern. By now, his feet were burning as if he was walking on hot stones without shoes. His lungs ached with the need for more air and sweat had drenched his entire shirt. Yet, Zero continued. Hua Tuo hasn’t stopped him so Zero would persevere for as long he could.

Behind him, Hua Tuo observed nervously. What were Zero’s limits? By now, Zero’s display was enough to let him reach intermediate levels of cultivation. However, the young apprentice didn’t seem to show any signs of slowing down. The qi was able to break out of the dantian and started circulating. That was an advanced level of cultivation that Zero broke through within minutes of his initialisation. Zero was trying to keep the qi from spiralling out of control and Hua Tuo prepared to step in anytime. This was one of the most dangerous stages of cultivation – the stage that separated masters and the truly gifted who could walk the road of immortality and the mortals with only ordinary talent.

Hua Tuo watched as his student battled against the yin and yang energy clashing violently against each other in Zero’s fragile body. The meridians were not fully developed and any more clashing, Zero would probably be severely injured forever.

"Stop!" he told Zero who immediately dropped it like some overly heavy weights.

The moment Zero allowed his concentration over his control to break, all the strength left his body. Hua Tuo was just in time to catch Zero’s falling figure and frowned. Zero was a really serious child. Sometimes he worried because Zero was just as reckless as Truen when it came to learning new things. The word impossible and unknown was non-existent in Zero’s dictionary. He would keep trying until he found an answer or achieved the results he wanted. It could be considered both a strength and weakness. In this instance, it was a weakness. Zero ignored his physical signs and pushed his body almost to the brink of destruction. That was something Hua Tuo couldn’t encourage. As a doctor, if Zero wanted to walk the path of medicine, he must always prioritise himself over others. The doctor cannot die first. It was the golden rule on any battlefield. After all, who will save the injured if the doctor is dead?

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