
Chapter 394: Agent for Peace

Chapter 394: Agent for Peace


Suhle rushed forward and threw her arms around him. He pulled her close and squeezed her. She trembled slightly, but made no sound.

When she took a deep breath and stepped back, Reth caught Charyn\'s concerned gaze. But he spoke to Suhle first.

"What kept you so long? I was convinced they\'d discovered you."

She shook her head. "It has been… difficult," she said quietly, her bright eyes peering up at him through her lashes as she kept her chin low. "I almost couldn\'t stay. There were… evils at work. But Lucine took me in first. Then, after her death, Lerrin."

Reth blinked. "You\'ve been the wolf\'s handmaid?" his eyebrows climbed almost to his hairline. He\'d always known she was brave, but… "Suhle," he breathed. "Are you hurt? Do you need—"

"No, no. I am well. And safe. I have been kept safe. He is an honorable male," she said softly.

Reth growled in his throat, but she just gave him a look, then continued. "He has sent me to relay to you. I have a message for you. Just for you, Reth."

Reth eyed the guards at the door and jerked his chin up for them to step outside and close the door behind them. Then he looked at Charyn, then to Suhle. She nodded. "My cousin can be trusted."

"Then all who are here are safe to hear it," he said.

Suhle blew out a breath, then clasped her hands in front of her. "Lerrin sends that… he has finally understood what you meant that day at the river."

Behryn gasped, but Reth raised a hand to keep him from talking and didn\'t take his eyes off the female wolf.

She swallowed hard. "The difficulty is that he has only recently discovered the evil within his ranks. And most of the wolves and their allies remain unaware. They believe these leaders to be freeing them from oppression, not bringing them under it. He does not know how to steer the good among his people away from this course. His leg is in a trap. No matter which way he turns, he will have to chew off a limb. So he sends me to you with… with the plan. The attack that is coming. He… he offers you the opportunity to thwart them, to meet it, and to take him. The attack will come tomorrow night, or the night after. Lerrin would ask for mercy, and the opportunity to speak with you directly to make a plan for peace."

"You arranged the message I received earlier?"

She nodded. "I couldn\'t make it through the city during the daylight hours without being spotted, so I had Charyn bring you the warning so you could prepare. But I bring much?more than that. I bring you locations, numbers, and strategies."

Behryn blew a long, low whistle.

But Reth only ground his teeth. His hands were shaking, so he fisted them at his sides and began to pace. He looked at Behryn, whose eyes and mouth were wide with shock.

"I can\'t believe it," his Second said quietly, "it worked."

"What worked?" Aymora snapped.

Behryn turned to her while Reth paced on. "When we were trying to get back from the portal, we had escaped the fist that were chasing us, but Lerrin came along, alone, and caught us before we could hide. He… he couldn\'t reach us, so Reth was able to speak with him. I thought he was wrong to do so, but he offered Lerrin mercy—tried to get him to see… tried to offer a chance for peace talks. Lerrin… was not open to that idea."

Reth growled. "And he did not shift in his heart for a very long time. I do not know whether to trust this at all. Suhle, is there any chance he has discovered your subterfuge and—"

"None," she said, quiet but firm. "He has put his trust in me. I could have fed him to you for weeks, and he knows that. I had him out of the encampment more than once. He knows I work for the good of all. He knows I do not hate you. He just… he does not know that you and I are… personally connected. He knows I wish for peace. He does not know that I have been working to bring the two groups back together, even without him."

Reth measured her, scented her, but she believed what she said was true. And of all Anima, the only judgment he would question less was his own. Suhle had the Creator\'s soul. She sought peace in all things. He\'d seen her take harm to herself to save others. He knew she was not easily manipulated, or deceived.

As far as she knew, she had been successful in hiding her former alliance with Reth.

"I did not know you were a spy, Suhle," Behryn said dryly. "Apparently my brother holds more secrets than even I realized."

Reth opened his mouth, but Suhle beat him to it. "I am not a spy. I am… a friend. I am a servant to whom I choose. But I know Reth to be good and I support him and his mate. I went to the wolves of my own accord."

"And I wished you hadn\'t," Reth broke in. "But in this moment, I am grateful that you did."

Her face softened then. "It was not nearly as bad as I expected," she said. "Lucine, of all people, saved me from unwanted attentions—which opened the door for me to serve her and be close. I know her death was necessary, but I will tell you, she was not evil in all ways."

Aymora and Behryn snorted, but Hollhye nodded. Reth took a deep breath. It was too late for any of this to matter. They had to get into the details of what Suhle knew and could provide, then determine whether they were going to believe it.

He gestured to the table and muttered, "This is going to be a long night. I think we should all sit down."

They all moved toward the dining table, except Aymora, who turned to put on a pot for tea. Then Reth caught sight of Charyn, looking back and forth between him and the chairs.

"You have done well, brother," Reth said to reassure him. "I know you were kept in the dark. Thank you for remaining loyal."

"I thought she went because of her work," he said, swallowing hard. "I didn\'t realize that work was for you."

"As you know, your sister serves the Creator before all—including me. She will be remembered for her courage and the role she plays here. And so will you. But, I\'m afraid I must ask you to take your leave now, Charyn. But I do thank you for your assistance today."

Charyn nodded once, then turned, squeezing his sister\'s hand as he passed her. She smiled at him gratefully, but didn\'t speak. None of them did until he was out of the cave and the door closed behind him.

Then Reth turned to Behryn. "Is he—"

"We already have surveillance on him. They haven\'t found any issues yet."

Reth nodded, blowing out a breath.

"My brother is a wolf to his core," Suhle said quietly. "But he is a male of his word. If he helped you, he has made his allegiance known. He will not sway from it."

Reth wasn\'t as sure, but he didn\'t want to say, so he only nodded and pulled back a chair from the table. "Let\'s begin," he said. "I suspect there is much to get done this night."

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