
Chapter 350: Dusting Old Pages-III

Chapter 350: Dusting Old Pages-III

"Luci," said the Demon and Elise that had been watching everything as if she was on a theater widened her eyes, in surprise as to what she had heard. A Demon with a name Luci, was this man Lucifer who was possibly her father? Yet the way he had talked doesn\'t sound very much like a father would and he seemed to have enough of fill after teasing her. "Good name, right?" and little Elise who always took care of other\'s feelings before hers nodded in all agreement having the man laughed with his shoulders raised.

"What is the important thing that I will bring, Mister Luci?" Little Elise asked. At that time she had been the careful girl who never missed any details.

"Someone," Lucifer said and having enough he waved his hand, "That\'s it go back, shoo, shoo," but then Lucifer thought he needed to say something else and added, "You will have much better life if you withstand everything that you are going through with a stronger heart. I advise you that all humans hurt each other. It is in their nature. They have done deeds that even Demons won\'t do and the only way for you not to get hurt is to stop trusting people, begin by doubting them."

"But the Fathers in the Church said we need to trust our neighbors," little Elise said.

"Little runt, my words weigh more than that father which isn\'t your real father," Lucifer denied her from having other thoughts. "Well you can\'t help it. I doubt you will put my advise to practice seeing how you are very hard-headed when it comes to being a good girl. Then just listen to this: when another adult got angry to you, don\'t cry. Adults hate children\'s cry and it would be much better for you if you do that. At the least that won\'t get you to be beaten up."

Elise who stood afar, remembered that there was once someone who told her this but it was Lucifer and she could never expected that. Thanks to him, she had followed his words when she was living in her uncles and aunts houses which did help her from getting beaten by them. Her guts told her and from the exchange, she believes Lucifer wasn\'t her father. When little Elise had went after waving her hand, she wondered if she would soon wake up but she didn\'t, instead she seem to be spending another time there.

She was about to follow her little self when Lucifer wiped his hand that was see through and had a frown between his brows as if he had notice something very out of place, "Is that little runt\'s ability is to attract things she shouldn\'t? Tch, Malphas!"

Within time sound of wings flapping could be heard, and Elise looked around the sky following the line of sound which she heard it came from, wondering if it was another demon. A black bird came from afar which had a mixed feather of both black and white which make it seemed like a pigeon but upon closer look, Elise noticed that it was a crow.

The crow flew near Lucifer but before it landed on any branches or the ground, it turned into a human and his feet dropped on the ground. "Please, Milord, don\'t disappear that way! I was so worried seeing your soul disappear," said the servant who was utterly distress when he noticed Lucifer was gone. "You can\'t be in mortal\'s world, Milord. What if the Angels come? The punishment shackles-"

"Oh Shush! Shut up, enough of your chattering," Lucifer raised his hand and pinched his index finger with his thumb beneath, that instantly had Malphas\' mouth to pursed tight. "Look at this," Lucifer brought his hand forward, showing a lone strand of golden thread.

Malphas stared at the golden thread and with more time his frown grew more severe, having Elise to wonder if it was bad, her thought was immediately crushed when the Demonic servant replied, "It\'s a thread? Milord, are you thinking of making a tailoring shop?" asked Maplhas as he didn\'t get what was so important about a golden thread.

Lucifer looked at Malphas with an expression that asked \'How is there anyone as foolish as you\', and finding that expression from his master, Malphas pursed his lips.

"Yes and I will make sure to use your skin to tailor some clothes for myself. How can you be so ignorant when you\'ve been staying beside me for centuries? By now I expected you to have some wisdom which you get from seeing me, but you remain as foolish as you are," sighed Lucifer seeing Malphas shyly rub his face and he rolled his eyes. He then snapped his finger and let the fire turn the thread to be burn. "Someone who shouldn\'t poke their business have come and follow that girl. Kill those people." Lucifer said with his chin tipped.

Malphas narrowed his eyes, being a Demon their eyes were sharper and he could see only one girl who was running down the foothill, "The red-headed girl?"

Lucifer only gave a nod, "Kill them without any evidence." he ordered.

"Yes, Milord! Right away," Malphas obliged, running away that instead have him fell face first as he tripped to a small bump of rock. Lucifer had lost his expectation on Maplhas, therefore lacking the zeal to mock the Demon servant who instead of feeling down from his word would become rather shy as if he was praising him. However, as long as Malphas could do his work, he was much better than the other Demons as he was loyal, and loyalty weigh more than his clumsiness, or perhaps not, thought Lucifer when he saw his servants falling and this time rolled all the way down from the top of the slope to the end of the village.

When the nighttime came, a few people dressed in humans\' clothes sneakily came to the village, avoiding people\'s gazes by walking through the alley. Elise\'s house was placed far then the rest and had only few neighbors which helped the people from being find out.

"That\'s the house," said the first person whose eyes were glowing in golden. "We have discuss what we need to do. Don\'t make a single mistake. Bring the small child and see whether she is the one we are searching of. If there are any hitch, make sure not to kill them but erase their memories."

The rest of the men nodded and was about to reply when Maplhas who had suddenly appeared from behind said, "My Lord told me to tell you all that you shouldn\'t be here and disturb people at night."

The six men all was startled as they didn\'t know who that voice belongs to someone who they shouldn\'t be in their group. All attention snapped at Malphas at once, surprised and shocked at the man who had came out of nowhere, "Y-You! Who are you!" asked one of the men alarmed. They were beings that humans don\'t often see and this man somehow had managed to lurk between them!

Malphas was ready to exchange greeting when someone out of the six men said, "That\'s Malphas! Lucifer\'s loyal servant!"

"What is he doing here?!" questioned another and they all took few steps back in a semi circle with stances ready to charge the Demon at any time.

"It must be the Demon\'s Bride, that\'s what he want!" yelled the third man. "Don\'t let him get what he wants. Lucifer had always been up to no good and beads wicked intention. Kill him!"

"No, no, I am-" Malphas hadn\'t finished his words when he saw one of the men pulled out a silver spear out of nowhere. "No, Sir, Angels. We can talk about this. Well I can\'t actually talk about it as I was ordered to kill. But it would be great if we can have a tal-"

"Who would have a talk with a Demon. It\'s a blasphemy for us Angels to lend ears to people like you," scoffed the first Angel who then pulled out the same spear to charge forward in movement to turn Malphas into a human skewer.

Malphas bent only his waist to dodged the blow and with a careful expression he said, "It would have been nicer if you all could lend an ear without segregation between Angels and Demons. Milord says we are not that much different from each other,"? said Malphas but no one wanted to hear him. With a sigh of disappointment, he avoided the following attacks the angels drives toward him. When he caught a single Angel and plunged his hand through the flesh, pulling the heart out before placing? the same heart on top of the Angel\'s body, wanting to be polite that instead got the rest of the angels angered.

"You son of a bitch!" One of the Angel who cursed attacked, and following him another came but none of them were able to get a single scratch on him. While Malphas was an extremely clumsy Demon, he was still Lucifer\'s closest servant and was taught personally on how to kill by Lucifer. He had also became Lucifer\'s personal servant through a pact which was the reason for his strength that was enormous compared to the angels.

Prior for the fourth minutes to pass, the angels had all laid on the ground. Lucifer who stood from afar nodded, "Good. You managed to make one of them curse, that\'s a new reward but there is still room for you to learn,"? And Malphas came back to his Master\'s side with a shy smile as he was praised once after a very long time.

Elise who looked at afar wondered what had happened. The killings surprised her and so was the Angels that had came as she never knew there had been angels who were searching for her. There were angels who was searching for her but Lucifer had killed them. Why? While she had one question answered and clue there were still more things that she wondered about. She wondered if she would be able to find more but somewhere she felt the dream was ending soon.

From afar, Elise could hear voices and she wondered if it was her mother but later it came to her that the voice didn\'t come from the dream but somewhere far away. With the voice growing closer, the images she saw quivered like how a still water would quake under a touch of a water drop.

When she woke up, Elise opened her eyes to see a pair of red eyes looking at her with concern. Ian\'s hair had ruffled wildly, not enough to ever make his handsome face ugly and instead did the opposite by making him more charming, as no matter how much dirt or blood had come to him, he would always look the best, "Ian." And in response, Ian took her hand closer, placing it on his cheek that felt hotter or perhaps it was because her body had dropped temperature.


A/N: Don\'t forget to vote~

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