
Chapter 161: The Python Counterattack

Chapter 161: The Python Counterattack

Translator: Yamir Moon


Fang Yun’s speed was very fast, in just a few seconds, he sank more than 100 meters.

After reaching this depth, he didn’t continue sinking but swam straight forward.

A few seconds later, he heard the sound of water breaking from above. He knew that this is the sound of that warship’s weapon penetrating the water surface.

Based on this loud sound and the danger he felt. Fang Yun guessed that the other side should have attacked him with a torpedo.

Torpedos have a large explosive power. Just one can easily sink a warship. If it lands on him, he will be seriously injured if not dead.

”damn bastards.”

Fang Yun cursed them in his heart. He hadn’t provoked anyone, why are they attacking him? Thinking back, he remembered the flag drawn on the helicopter he destroyed before. If he remembers correctly, it seems to be the same one drawn on the warship.

”The ‘bald eagle’ flag? damn it, do they think that I’m a pushover?”

He gnashed his teeth in anger. He is really angry at the fact that these guys attacked him two times, without any reason. They really don’t care about his life or death, he is just an animal to them.

”I will remember this.”

Fang Yun quickly swam forward, leaving a long line.

However, despite his mad galloping, his mind remained clear.

He carefully listened to the movement behind him, roughly estimating the distance between him and the torpedo.

Judging by the sound of the current, the distance between him and the torpedo is constantly increasing.

This is normal. Fang Yun’s current speed is more than 400km/h. It’s very difficult for torpedos to reach this speed in the water.

The reason that torpedos can track targets is because of the positioning device on them. As long as the distance between the tracked object and the torpedo is far away. The positioning device will stop working.

Fang Yun just happened to know a torpedo’s average tracking range, which is about 10km.

With his current speed, it’s not difficult to shake the torpedo off.

”What?! The torpedo hasn’t hit the target yet?”

In the cockpit, McGonagall frowned, he is wondering why didn’t the torpedo blast that giant python yet.


The young soldier next to McGonagall immediately said.

”Sir, although it’s unbelievable, our torpedo can’t catch up with the giant python!”

He pointed at the display in front of him with an astonished look on his face.

Two red dots were very conspicuous on the screen in front of them. At first, they were quite close, but the distance between them is widening as time passes.

”How could this be?!”

McGonagall looked in disbelief at the two dots on the screen.

He was really frustrated. How can they kill the giant python now? That speed is really ridiculous.

Having spent so much time and effort, can they only end up with failure?

”damn it!”

McGonagall cursed loudly. At present, only torpedos can kill the giant python, but this weapon has a fatal shortcoming. That is speed and range.

Now that the torpedo can’t catch up with the python. He can only hope that the giant python gets exhausted quickly.

Five minutes later. The situation remains the same, the distance between the giant python and the torpedo is still increasing.

After another three minutes, the red dot belonging to the torpedo stopped and started flashing.


McGonagall clenched his hands, veins popped on his head. After a while, both red dots disappeared.

This means that the torpedo has initiated the self-destruct procedure. It has exploded in the sea.

Naturally, there is no way to transmit the giant python’s location to them.

More than 20 kilometers away, Fang Yun stopped moving. He looked in the direction of the warship, thinking deeply.

After a short while, a look of determination emerged on his face. He swam to the depth of the ocean.

He isn’t a saint. Since these guys keep attacking him, then he will certainly attack back.

Fang Yun stopped at a depth of 400 meters, then swam straight towards the warship.

About ten minutes later, he came back to his previous place.

Within his field of view, the warship is constantly moving forward.

It doesn’t look like they gave up.

Sinking even deeper, he slowly swam towards the warship.

Soon, he reached the place below the warship, at the depth of 500 meters.

Immediately after, he started to rise quickly.

He swam upward at an incredible speed. In just a few seconds, he was just 100 meters away from the warship.

Just at this moment, a soldier in the command room of the warship suddenly yelled.

”Sir! The python appeared!”


A stunned look appeared on McGonagall’s face. He asked the soldier with an eager look on his face.

”Where is it?”

”It…it’s under our warship!”

The look on the young soldier’s face suddenly changed.

”Its position is rising rapidly!”

”Hurry up, launch the torpedo and blast it to pieces!”

McGonagall roared, an excited look on his face.

”Sir, it’s too late!”

McGonagall looked slightly puzzled. Just as he was about to ask. The sound of water breaking sounded.


The sound of the water breaking was so loud that they could hear it even in the command room.

”what happened?”

McGonagall was surprised, thinking of something, he quickly walked out of the room.

Once outside, he saw a huge monster bursting out from the water, standing parallel to the warship, staring right at them.


There are many soldiers on the warship. Once they saw this monster, their faces changed. Screams and curses filled the warship.

”Damn, what is this thing?”

”Python! It’s the Giant Sea Serpent!”

”How did this beast get here!”

Panic and fear were filling the soldiers’ hearts.

McGonagall who just ran out from the command room saw this and immediately yelled at them.

”Hurry up, quickly attack this monster! Shells, machine guns, anything!”

While yelling loudly, McGonagall looked at the giant python with an astonished look.

”Was this python this big before?”

He had also seen pictures of this python before, and he is pretty sure that it wasn’t this big.

However, it’s not the time to think of this right now. He left this question behind and focused on the situation in front of him.

The soldiers on the deck, after hearing the voice of McGonagall, seemed to have found their backbone. They quickly hid behind bunkers and madly attacked the giant python.

”Da da da!”

”Da da da!”

With the sound of gunfire, countless bullets landed on the giant python’s scales. However, unlike the expected scene of flesh and blood. There was only the scene of sparks bursting and the sound of metal colliding.

Seeing this scene, all the soldiers, including McGonagall, were frightened.

What kind of monster is this?


Fang Yun, who climbed onto the deck, was angry after getting hit by all these bullets. He opened his mouth and let out a loud roar.

His roar, of course, didn’t result in any sound. It was a silent roar.

However, his momentum and fierce appearance still frightened the group of soldiers opposite to him.

His look is very scary after all. Few people can stay calm in front of a 40 meters long python with a diameter of 1.5 meters. That’s without mentioning that this python is opening his mouth, exposing his scary teeth.

After that silent roar, Fang Yun slithered on the warship, throwing all the people on it in the sea.

After that, he coiled his tail on the side of the ship, then exerting his powerful muscles. He yanked the warship to the side, overturning it.

The ship lost its center of gravity, tilted to the side, and finally fell onto the water.

Fang Yun just overturned a warship relying purely on his physical strength.

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