
Chapter 922 - Let The Second War Begin!

He tolerated her harassment as he pondered quietly to himself. “She’s occupying a human body. By right, she’s not supposed to be this cold. Why then does she become a block of ice whenever we come into contact? Had I triggered some reaction from her? Does it work like the two magnetic poles? Like when we’re far apart nothing much happens but when we’re in proximity we’ll stick to each other? If that really is the case, why so?”

The man continued to think about the weird question, ignoring the woman’s relentless cheek rubs against his broad chest. “This feels nice, Uncle Xia. I really want to stay with you forever and never leave your side.”

“But what if you get hungry?” asked Xia Lei.

“Then I’ll go out and hunt for food. Don’t you go to the kitchen when you’re hungry?” said Zhu Xuanyue as she climbed on top of Xia Lei. The posture was suggestively weird.

Xia Lei felt his heart leapt in anxiety. “What are you trying to do?”

“I’m trying to sleep, of course. Sleeping on top of you like this is the most comfortable,” mumbled Zhu Xuanyue as her eyes closed slowly.

Her mental age was not more than a few years old. The woman had no idea about the little things between opposite sexes. No matter how suggestive her actions and posture was, she truly meant nothing else. She only wanted to sleep.

While she enjoyed her wonderful slumber, Xia Lei was in agony. The man had to grit his teeth and force his body control to suppress his dangerous erection. To effectively distract himself, he began to avert his gaze to a closet in the bedroom. It wasn’t long until the blank sight of the furniture began to bore him, to which Xia Lei decided to activate his X-ray vision to study its contents.

The wooden boards disappeared from his line of view. Other than a pile of clothes, a doll entered his sight.

Upon studying it closer, the doll happened to be a very high-end doll. It was made using silicone of the highest grade. Every part of its form was done realistically.

Something clicked in Xia Lei’s mind. “Once Hattori Mei wakes up, she’d definitely describe our faces to the police and CIA. Maybe our pictures will be in the wanted network within half an hour after her wake. A mask is a must, I need to make one for Zhu Xuanyue too. She needs to alter her appearance.”

Silicone was the key ingredient to create a human face mask and the high-quality doll inside the closet would help solve his problem.

“After I’m done with the masks, what should I do next?” He resumed his thought. “I’ve achieved my first goal with Folsom’s death, which is also an answer to the American government. I probably should get to the AE Research Centre next or should I seek revenge at the FA Organization?”

Based on my current information, the AE Research Centre was situated in the heavily-guarded Area 51. That place was built to be impenetrable. From its establishment till this day, no spies or special agents had ever succeeded in obtaining any information from Area 51.

“Wait a second...” The thought of Area 51 made Xia Lei think of his father, Xia Changhe. “Didn’t my father infiltrate the research centre and steal the capsules? How did he manage that?”

Xia Changhe had always kept a tight lip on past memories, so there was no hope for Xia Lei to learn how his father had managed to achieve that feat.

“Entering Area 51 is insane. How America got their hands on the AE capsule is also an interesting secret to be uncovered. But I guess not knowing won’t do much harm to me. I don’t think I can afford to put myself through such risks too. The most pressing concern now is the alliance of the four military aces and their associations with the nasty FA Organization. Lockheed Martin had promised to provide them with drones and precision-guided missiles. Folsom and Franco are both dead but it’s safe to say that it would be carried out anyway. However, knowing what I know, I think I could beat them at their own game.” A rough plan began to take form in his mind, eliciting a smirk from the curls of Xia Lei’s lips.

Snore... Snore...

While Xia Lei occupied himself with devising a plan, Zhu Xuanyue was already sound asleep on top of him. There was a trickle of drool at the edge of her mouth, slowly dripping itself onto Xia Lei’s neck.

Nonchalantly, Xia Lei extended an arm to push her off. But as he was about to sit up from his position to get working on the human face masks, Zhu Xuanyue did a quick flip and returned herself on top of him. This time, her embrace was tighter. The woman was not even half awake.

Xia Lei repeated his movements, placing her down onto the mattress. Before she could grab him again, Xia Lei stuffed a pillow into her arms.

Zhu Xuanyue took the bait and squeezed the soft pillow tightly. Following that, she continued to sleep on top of the pillow.

Sneakily, Xia Lei made his quiet escape. The sight of Zhu Xuanyue’s highly perched buttocks was enticing. He suddenly felt the urge to slap it.

But as his palms hovered over her behind in an attempt to pretend to play pretend some spanking, Zhu Xuanyue’s eyes blinked open. “Uncle Xia, what are you trying to do?”

Xia Lei froze, quickly putting his arms down. “Why are you awake?”

“Why are you not on the bed? Come back.” Zhu Xuanyue prided herself away from the pillow to stare at Xia Lei innocently.

“Uh, I need to make you a human face mask and make some changes to mine. We need to alter our appearance or we’ll be in trouble. I’ll be back soon,” said Xia Lei.

Zhu Xuanyue gave it a slight thought. “Sure, but you need to sleep with me tomorrow night.”

“Promise me that, please.” Zhu Xuanyue flailed his arm around.

Xia Lei felt helpless, figuring that it was best to give in. “Alright, alright. I promise you that.”

“Okay! Then I’ll wait for you in bed. Come sleep with me when you’re done with the masks.” Zhu Xuanyue grinned happily then nestled herself in the sheets.

Was sleeping the only important thing to her?

Xia Lei chuckled bitterly with a shake of his head, making his approach to the closet. He retrieved the doll from its interior and entered the study. There was an abundance of better quality face mask chemicals and materials that Xia Lei carried along in his bag. The owner’s doll had provided him with enough resources to achieve his goal. Other than masks, he even had the means to create a desirable skin colour.

Two hours later, two Hispanic masks were completed. It was a man and a woman’s face, both made to appear in their twenties. He purposely made them rather plain-looking as a pretty face would only attract unwanted attention.

Other than the two masks, Xia Lei created a bunch of brown and tan shaded skin. Mexicans were a fusion of indigenous pre-Columbian origins and European, which resulted in their tanner skin tone. It was incredibly helpful that Hispanic hair colours tend to be within the same range as that of Asians, making it much convenient for both Xia Lei and Zhu Xuanyue.

Finishing off the mask, Xia Lei tried putting it on. He skillfully pulled on the silicone mask and began to stick necessary skin parts onto his body. Glancing at his reflection from the glass windows in the study, he studied his new appearance.

The reflection that returned was that of a slightly pudgy Mexican youth.

It delighted him. “Looks like I better make changes to my body when I use face masks next time. That way, people won’t be able to tell my identity by studying my body shape.”

There was still time before morning arrived but Xia Lei felt repulsed by the idea of returning to bed with Zhu Xuanyue. The woman, on the other hand, was more than happy for him to return.

Instead, he sat himself down at the table and booted the owner’s computer. With a few hits and taps, Xia Lei helped himself into the interface after hacking through the password.

The owner was a manager for a financial securities company on Wall Street, there were client information and stock trading updates stored in his device. Xia Lei glanced through the influx of data, storing it diligently in his brain. The new knowledge seemed to have triggered something, causing his mind to come up with an idea.

“My brain works like a computer and I can hack the system. I know the trading rules of the American stock market. I can instantly calculate the trend of the market and the multiple trends of a single stock. I can do less or do more and still be able to make money at any time of entry. America’s financial predators had once shorted Hong Kong’s stock market. They’ve been trying to do the same to china for the past few years. Why haven’t I thought of doing this? The money I extort from America will help me expand Thunder Horse faster and play a part in dealing with my opponents!” Xia Lei exclaimed excitedly in his heart, eager to try.

In the past, wars were won by aggression and violence as evident from World War I and World War II. Anyone who possessed stronger forces could afford to wage war on weaker countries, occupying their land and stealing their resources. However, things were different now. This was an era of financial wars. Europe and America had never once stopped waging financial wars against third world countries, continuing to plunder their capitals from the third world.

The law of the world laid in America’s palm. The nation deemed what was justice and what was evil. America had successfully made its currency the strongest trading currency globally, which played an irreplaceable part in world finances. Anyone who dared to shake their status shall be bestowed with problems.

The European and American capital entered the third world that played by their rules, buying away minerals and forest resources that could be found. Their capital built foundries in third world countries, enslaving locals as their labourers and polluting their environment in the process.

They enjoyed the best benefits but had they once realized who had made it possible for them? Their indulgence and daily necessities had come from the hard labours of African slaves and yellow faces in factories located in developing countries.

No one had ever dared to touch America’s trade market because no one had the ability to do so. But things were about to change now that someone with the ability to have entered.

Nimble fingers danced a fiery tango on the keyboard. Xia Lei made four new accounts in the owner’s company database.

Four accounts were that of four Italians which were none other than his female knights, Giovanna, Stella, Rosa and Theresa.

Very soon, forty million US dollars were transferred from the Bank of Switzerland to these four accounts.

“My dear knights, it’s time to fight for me! Full speed ahead!” Xia Lei smirked evilly.

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