
Chapter 149 - Smoothie Time

After talking with Amare Jason went back to the spot where the van was parked. Gathered around were the guys on the team and all the parents.

Jason\'s mom saw him walking up and pulled him into a hug "Great game out there Jaya." Jason\'s dad joined the hug "That was incredible to watch son."

Jason pulled away from the hug and smiled as he looked at the two of them "Thanks mom. Thanks dad.

Thank you guys for everything. I know it can\'t be easy calling off work or finding someone to take over just so that you can watch my games."

Jason\'s dad chuckled before patting him gently on the head "For a kid that gets perfect grades you say some silly stuff you know that?

You don\'t need to thank us Jason. Being here to support you is part of being family. But you can thank us for dinner because tonight we\'ll be having some Korean BBQ.

And we made sure that it was all you can eat just for you." Jason laughed after hearing his dad say that.

Jason and the rest of the guys got on the van along with Ms. Yuller as they followed the parents to the restaurant that they would be celebrating at.

The smell of meat grilling and the sound of an assortment of sizzles assaulted Jason as soon as they had opened the door.

Since their party was fairly large they needed two tables and the worker had told them that it would take ten to fifteen minutes to get ready.

As they were standing outside waiting for their tables to be prepared a few fans came up to Jason to congratulate him and to ask for a picture and autographs.

There weren\'t as many people as the last time Jason had taken pictures. By the time that he had finished the worker had walked outside to tell them that their table was ready.

Jason and the group walked to their tables. Jason knew that none of the guys on the team had ever had Korean BBQ before so he helped them order.

After a few minutes the different meats that they had ordered arrived and Jason took the initiative to start cooking them.

After their grill was all set and ready Jason noticed that Amare and three other guys were sitting at a table in the corner.

Jason smiled after seeing that they were looking at their menus with confused expressions \'These guys like to act tough but I guess they have their cute sides too.\'

"Keep an eye on the meat okay guys? Don\'t let it burn. I\'ll be right back." Jason left his table and made his way to Amare and the other guys.

Jason extended his fist out "Sup Amare, G-Fresh, Herbo, Bam. I saw Amare earlier but I didn\'t know that you guys came along too."

Amare and the rest of the guys smiled as they fist bumped Jason. Amare chuckled "We just wanted to make sure that you had your folks had a nice night out."

Jason nodded his head "Thanks man. Why don\'t you let me order the first round for you guys. If you like what you get you can order it again.

If not just change it up for the next round." Amare and the rest of the guys nodded their heads in agreement.

Jason raised his hand to a waiter. The waiter saw Jason and walked over. He tried to get Jason\'s order but he spoke in Korean.

Jason didn\'t say anything about it but he gave his order in English "We\'ll have two orders of pork belly, one order of the beef belly, two orders of brisket and one order of bulgogi." 

The waiter smiled "Alright sir. There are a lot of orders so it will take a few minutes for the meat. Did you want to order any drinks while you wait?"

Jason looked back at Amare and the guys "Who\'s driving?" Herbo raised his hand "I got the keys."

Jason asked "So besides him, you guys down for some drinking?" Amare shook his head "I like keeping my head clear. But I know these two clowns love gettin buzzed."

G-Fresh and Bam smiled as they nodded. Jason turned back around to the waiter "Get these guys two lychee soju slushes."

The waiter had a confused expression on his face after seeing a little kid like Jason ordering alcohol \'I guess it\'s okay since he\'s not the one drinkin?\' 

After checking G-Fresh and Bam\'s IDs to make sure that they were old enough to drink he added the two lychee soju slushes to the order.

The drinks came out quickly. As soon as G-Fresh and Bam took a sip they were smiling. Jason chuckled at their reactions.

The meat came out shortly after that and Jason began to grill. After everything was cooked Jason cut the pork belly up and put it on their plates.

"Alright guys hope you enjoy the food. If you got any questions just hit me up on my phone or walk over to the table."

Jason went back and started eating with the guys from Jefferson. Seeing Jason put away so much meat the dinner became a battle of pride as all of the guys tried their best to eat more than they usually did.

Unfortunately for them they were going against Jason who was still casually enjoying the flavor of the brisket despite it being his sixth serving.

Everyone else had a bad case of the meat sweats as they leaned back into the cushion of their booth.

After twenty minutes of being the only one left eating Jason let out a satisfied burp as he covered his mouth with his hand.

"I\'ll go wash my hands and then we can dip." Jason stood up and walked over to the restroom.

After seeing Jason walk over the the restroom one of the guys from a different table took his phone out and started recording a video.

He then got up along with a few of the guys from his table. They were all dressed up in name brand designer clothes and they all had the same shit eating grin on their faces.

Just as they were about to step into the restroom they were stopped at the entrance. Amare grabbed the guy with his cellphone out by the shoulder.

"Ay bro nice phone you got. Mind me askin why you got yo camera on and recordin?" The guy took one quick look at Amare.

After seeing him wearing generic clothes without any designer name on them he scoffed as he tried to push Amare\'s hand away.

"None of your business broke boy. Now get your hands off of my jacket before you scuff it up. This shit is worth more than you-"

He was interrupted by Amare who had grabbed him by the throat. Amare took a quick look around and smiled.

"Nice. Looks like were in a blind spot for the cameras." Amare gave the guy a quick punch to the gut.

The guy crumpled up after getting hit. He then fell to his knees but Amare pulled him back up "Listen here bruh.

You lucky me and my boys are in a good mood. If we wasn\'t in the middle of celebratin somethin important we\'d be draggin y\'all to the parkin lot using the emergency exit.

Now I ain\'t about to repeat myself. What the hell was y\'all about to do walkin into the restroom with yo camera recording?"

- - -

The next day. Jason and the rest of the guys from the team were hanging out at the living room of Jason\'s apartment.

They had some popcorn, burgers, fries, and milkshakes from the diner that Jason\'s dad runs. They all had their eyes on the TV.

- - -

Tucker had a huge smile on his face as he looked at the camera "Hello and thank you for tuning in to another episode of Foul Mouths.

I\'m your host Tucker Winston along with my co host Jeffrey Lautner" Jeff was sitting next to Tucker with a helpless expression on his face.

He pleaded with Tucker "Are we really doing this Tucker?" Tucker laughed as he nodded his head "A bet is a bet Jeff.

In case you missed the last episode me and Jeffy boy here made a bet. If he won then I would have to eat a slice of ghost pepper pie.

But if I won then Jeff would have to drink a homemade smoothie made by yours truly while wearing a Jefferson Middle School Tee shirt.

And although I had some trouble getting my hands on a Jefferson Middle School Tee shirt after a small post on social media I got some help from an unexpected source."

Tucker pulled out a box and passed it to Jeff. Jeff pulled out a shirt from the box. Tucker was all smiles.

"That right there Jeff is a Jefferson Middle School Tee shirt signed by all of the boys from Jefferson\'s basketball team. That includes Jason."

All of the signatures on the shirt were clear and distinct with their own personal messages. Jason had signed the shirt \'To my biggest fan. Hope you enjoy your smoothie Jeff.\'

Tucker began laughing evily "Let\'s get the party started hahaha!" From underneath the table he pulled out a blender followed by some onions, garlic, ginger, and some spicy looking peppers.

Jeff was trembling in his chair as he had a scared expression on his face while he watched on in horror "Is that really necessary Tucker? Where did you find snails?!"

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