
Chapter 451 - A Sneak to the Mist

Chapter 451: A Sneak to the Mist

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Fei Si, my lady, here are the carcasses of other creatures in the field. Hope to hear your impeccable analysis soon," said Sang Jing courteously with a bow towards Fei Si.

Fei Si first took a look at this fine-looking young man, then the pile of carcasses behind. "Alright, take them in," she nodded and muttered numbly.

Sang Qing ordered his men to move all the dead unidentified creatures that they had obtained from the frontline to Fei Si\'s lab. Fei Si was the expert of virology and she was provided with a well-facilitated laboratory under Mu\'s advice. It was not a spacious laboratory but it was certainly equipped with the most advanced models thanks to Mu/Shang.

Ye Chong would sometimes carry out a few alchemy experiments inside the lab but the lab had become Fei Si\'s home ever since she got the key. She had become the top virologist on Planet Yi Ju and had been spending the time on studying the content of the few microchips Ye Chong gave her back then.

The Sangs were utterly stupefied by the advanced technologies placed in the lab. They had been staying in Archipelago, away from the avant-garde decade for long, so they could not help but to show tremendous respect towards any knowledgeable figure like Fei Si.

"Place all of them here," said Fei Si, pointing at the vacuum container.

"Yes, ma\'am." The Sangs then hurriedly placed all the dead creatures into the container. Well if the carcasses still qualified as "creatures" visually, that is. Most of the carcasses arrived dismembered as the result of the last laser mass fire. Sang Qing, the experienced fighter, also could not help but to draw his breath the moment he saw the pile which defined the intensity of the frontline.

"Alright, you may leave now," muttered Fei Si as she began investigating the minced fleshes in the container.

Sang Qing exchanged glances with his men, "Yes my lady." And they left, with Sang Qing gently closing up the door last.

The moment Fei Si heard the door closing, she lifted her head, with her eyes looking a little dazed.

She then quickly regained herself and gave a sigh, as she fiddled with the body parts.

Her brows furrowed very soon after. She knew the carcasses had been dismembered into an indistinguishable state, yet she could simply tell the variety of creatures involved in the pile. At one glance this far, she could already identify at least 11 different types of creatures.

Most of these creatures had a dark purplish skin… with another similarity - they all had metallic glow. She took out the laser dagger, sliced one piece of the skin and placed in her hand for close inspection. Fei Si was feeling fascinated as no way she would have been convinced that it was a layer of epidermal tissue if she was not the one who sliced the piece off herself. It simply felt like a piece of metal. The texture felt like a piece of dark purplish metal film somehow…

Fei Si carefully put the piece into the processor. It took a while for her to ponder the correct setting on the analysis mechanism. Well, she had never seen the creature before, only pure instinct of experience could guide her a little.

And here came the report.

There was one particular section that caught Fei Si\'s complete attention. The skin actually consisted of metallic component, up to 40%! And the component was new to Fei Si, she could only name it as a type of metallic component of a particular organism.

She then extracted more pieces from the limbs of the other animals, which appeared to be distinct from each other. The conclusion? It intrigued her a lot. All these pieces consisted of at least 40% metallic component.

These were probably the animal with tissues of the highest amount of metallic component she had ever seen. She then picked up a few strands of muscular structures for analysis. The report showed that the muscles also contained a higher amount of metallic component than most identified lifeforms in the world, the skin still had a far higher amount nevertheless.

Hmmm, these lifeforms apparently had strong reliance on metallic components.

That was Fei Si\'s first conclusion.

"Oh, look at the time." It was already time to eat. She was so indulged in her research that she had lost the sense of time.

Even though it was mealtime, she would remain in her lab, which as if became her dining room. One of the storage in the lab had been renovated into her own kitchen, while the ingredients would be sent by the people according to the schedule.

As she was going to have her meal, at one glance she caught an anomaly in a transparent container that caused her to have goosebumps. She held her steps, as her eyes disbelievingly fixed upon the vacuum container.

"W…what is that…?"

…(Meanwhile at the outside)…

The purple mist reached its surrounding wildly, and it grew into an uncontrollable size in no time which thousand mechs looked pea-sized upon it. Sang Pu glanced at his mates around him, the voidness of the space somehow bewitched him, reminding him of the scenery back in Archipelago and the Red Sea, the beast stampede phenomena and darkness.

Sang Pu was a little bewildered of his thoughts. Those were distractions he supposed, as he took a deep breath and kept focused, with his voice rang profoundly, "Charge!"

5000 Collisions were in battle position, as they tumbled their ways towards the growing purple mist.

It would need no caution if it was destruction they aimed in the first place. All units had been accelerated to the maximum, with their sodium lamps at the front switched on at once, forming steam of shooting stars into the purplish entity.

"Attack!" In the meantime, Ye Chong had also prompted his combat order.

100 Collision units had built a diagonal formation with Han Jia at the center as they charged towards the purple mist.

Entry succeeded, but Ye Chong realized something. The misty region was a challenging environment to fight. All communication channels were down, the mens\' rapport was solely their channel while only the light beams could converse the mens\' thoughts. And Ye Chong had aced none of those.

Mollusks… there were mollusks everywhere, forming a jungle as if when Ye Chong made his venture. A jungle of mollusks veiled by purple mist.

It was a sad development when Ye Chong realized there was no more glow around him.

He had lost the 100 alliance units.

Unlike the Red Sea, this place was more complicated with the lower visibility, even Sangs were facing issues on putting all men under the supposed rapport.

Fortunately, Ye Chong did mention one simple goal of their run - destruction, utter destruction.

Whenever they encountered these mollusks, they would charge without hesitation as long as these strands did not look oversized to them. In no time, the mollusks would squirt a kind of fluid as somehow they lost their firm texture. So the Sangs rolled on, raising the blades of Collision and sliced through everything.

It was simple to fight the thinner strands - just roll, no technique. Regarding the thicker ones, they would give a careful slide across the edge of the strand, to cause leakage through the cut on its body which would eject moisture, turning into a flaccid, withered dark purplish film. Ye Chong joined the scene much later, so he saw all these films hovering in space.

Well, Ye Chong was feeling an easier time without the theatrical formation by his men. Han Jia was enjoying a quick glide in the sea.

It was hard to tell directions in the mist. Ye Chong could only know friends or foes by the lamps. He did not employ that tactic anyway. Han Jia would just travel silently in the dark.

He was well-aware of the insignificance of one or two mechs in this operation. And he was also very much informed of his incapability of giving impromptu commands. It was a salvation for him to not lead the operation this time or he could imagine a total mess when he made commands in such a complex surrounding.

Intuitively he was still a lone wolf. Ventured into the purple mist, he had his own aim, that would be, to find the leader of these strange creatures! He reminisced the time he fought in the pathway back then. The bristleworm he struck in the end must be the leader, the queen of all bristleworms. Applying that premise, there must be also a queen somewhere here.

"Mu, have you found anything?" whispered Ye Chong as his eyes were glued upon the visual.

"This is a very peculiar group of creatures. No related resources could be identified in my databank," stated Mu calmly.

A flash then lustered in Ye Chong\'s visual, which shocked him to make a drastic evasion.

It was one of the Collisions, which slid by Han Jia.

No, it was not an accident of incompetent piloting.

The pilot of the Collision had been attacked!

Ye Chong could see it, a giant scratch across the entire body of Collision, passing by the cabin. Ye Chong could also discern the splash of blood in the purple mist. The pilot was a goner.

And there must already be a conflict ahead!

Han Jia was given the command to accelerate, as it zoomed ahead.

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