
Chapter 832 Dathrohan

Lu Li had worked very hard and had stalled for quite some time. Any other player wouldn’t have lasted for nearly as long.

"My son, my son!" Old Fordring cried out as he climbed down from his warhorse and ran across the battlefield to his son’s side.

Fordring wasn’t young anymore, but constant exposure to the Light gave him a youthful appearance. Lu Li never thought of this character as an old man.

However, in this moment, he appeared just like an old man, an old man who had lost his son.

His hair was white and he sobbed as he clutched his son’s body. The father and son couldn’t even see each other for one last time.

When Tyran was born, Tirion was fighting a bloody battle with the Silver Hand Paladins.

After he returned from battle, he couldn’t wait to see his son. His wife scolded him for not tidying up the house, but he grinned when he saw Tyran smile at him.

He wasn’t at home often, but every time he returned, he would always hold his son.

Every time he was in danger on the battlefield, Tirion Fordring always told himself that he had to return to see Tyran. He was still too young to be without his father.

And thus, with this belief, he always found a way to survive.

Tirion Fordring still remembered what little Tyran had innocently asked him when he was five years old.

"Daddy, are all the Orcs as mean and as cruel as everyone says?"

"Well, son, this is a very difficult question to answer. I think some Orcs are good people, but they are just harder to find. That’s it."

"Really dad?"

"I think so. Sometimes, we shouldn’t be too hasty about judging whether people are good or bad son."

Unfortunately, he had failed to fulfil his responsibility as a father. Because of his own philosophy, his son had lost his father at a very early age.

He could imagine Tyran burying his beloved little hammer in front of his grave. No one told him that his father was still alive, watching him from a distance. In order to prevent breaking his mother’s heart, he could only hide and cry in secret.

"My father is a great man; he is a real Paladin," he would say, defending his dad when he was bullied by others.

"I want to be a Paladin like my father and protect our homeland!"

With this determination, he was sent to receive the way of the Light with other children who were much older than him.

Old Fording watched his son grow up a little at a time. His secluded life was simple and poor, but it was extremely peaceful.

"Ah – what have I done!?"

Old Fordring’s cry of desperation and resentment resounded through the valley and shook the earth around him.

The Grand Prosecutor realized that a powerful enemy had arrived, so he and the Scarlet Crusaders gave up on trying to kill Lu Li and turned to old Fordring.

"You lowly traitor – why couldn’t you just quietly stay in your corner? Have you come out to die?" Grand Prosecutor Isillien asked contemptuously as he looked at the old Paladin.

He had once witnessed Uther taking away Tirion Fordring’s Holy Light. Although he later heard that Fordring had regained the Holy Light, he never took this old Paladin’s faith seriously again.

It would be better if he just died here, since Uther, who protected him, was already dead.

"Thank you for teaching my son, Isillien, but now I will show you the strength you once believed in!" old Fordring shouted as he set his son aside.

A Holy Light shot out of him, forming a giant beam.

This light was stronger than the one at Uther’s Tomb. Old Fordring had been set off like a deity, but this didn’t mean that he was more powerful than Uther.

Regardless, this was enough to make Isillien’s face fall.

"Attack! Kill this despicable traitor!"

"You once fought for the people and for your faith Isillien. Now, you desecrate your own past. In the name of the Holy Light, I now declare your crimes," Tirion Fordring said fearlessly, raising the huge sword in his hands.

The wrath of the Holy Light exploded and covered the Scarlet Crusade, including Isilien...

All of them had disappeared!

"Tyran, my child," the old Paladin sighed as he once again returned to his son’s side. He was filled with grief and couldn’t help but begin to cry.

He did not shed tears when he was surrounded by strong enemies. He had not cried when he was accused of being a traitor. This Paladin was not weak by any means, but before his beloved son, all of his strength had been sucked dry.

Tirion Fordring had not arrived in time; he must have had a reason.

Looking at the sad old man, Lu Li couldn’t say anything. He didn’t even know how to comfort him.

Tirion Fordring cried for a long time as he recounted the brief past that he had shared with his son, though it wasn’t clear whether this was for Lu Li or just for himself.

Even Lu Li began to tear up after listening to him.

"Someone stopped me and I couldn’t get here in time," Tirion Fordring finally explained.

"Who was it?" Lu Li was suddenly paying attention.

"Dathrohan. He led a squad of troops towards me, but I eventually rode away," Tirion Fordring said with a heavy heart.

Sadan Dathrohan was one of the proud disciples of Archbishop Alonsus Faol. After the outbreak of the second war, Faol created the Silver Hand Paladins. Dathrohan, Uther Lightbringer, Tirion Fordring and Turalyon, among others, became the first Paladins to resist the Orc invasion.

During the second war, Dathrohan served as general commander of the Silver Hand and was second only to Uther in the Paladin group.

After the war, and after learning about the relationship between Tirion and Orc Warrior Eitrigg, Dathrohan led his troops to pursue Eitrigg and accused Fordring of treason in court.

Due to Dathrohan’s insistence, Tirion Fordring was finally convicted.

Even so, Tirion Fordring never thought that Dathrohan had done anything wrong. He was just a devout and overly pious Paladin that refused to look past his beliefs.

When Dathronhan stopped Tirion Fordring, he had no intention of killing him.

But who would have thought that this would prevent the rescue of his son? Tirion Fordring was remorseful and blamed himself, but he didn’t ignore the part that Dathronhan had played.

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