
Chapter 679 die for me

phantom blade Kathleen stood calmly in the middle of the crowd, letting the blood bottle gang in the warehouse make a noise:

"Is he killing our people?"

"Second Prince? The savage prince who came back from the north?"

"The guy who **** the king of the north and the princess of the north at the same time?"

"How come? How did we get involved with such a big man?"

"Didn\'t he become a duke? Shouldn\'t he just stay in the palace and let eighteen maids massage him? What do we ordinary people do?"

"Which blind man in the gang offends this great evil star?"

"No, then let\'s take revenge?"

"This is the Emerald City, he\'s just a guest, shouldn\'t he dare to do this?"

"He is the son of the king, the future king, he just launched tens of thousands of troops into the city and wiped out us together with the black silks, no one dared to say anything..."

"How are we going to fight such a big man?"

"Do you want to rebel?"

"Is it too late to retire now to ensure safety?"

"Well, please let me go, let me go out for a while, I\'m in a hurry to urinate... Oh, you\'re in a hurry too? Let\'s go together..."

There was a lot of talk in the warehouse for a while, and people panicked.

Frango, Jaga, Gutierrez, Gamandia... The bosses of various industries and areas looked at each other, shocked, doubtful, and with a touch of fear.


Behind Duro, Glover gritted his teeth and observed the expressions of those present.

Why, why did she say it was His Royal Highness Thales?

Is there someone behind it, someone intends to use the power of these gangs to the detriment of the prince?

Or is this crazy woman talking nonsense to reveal the loss of the Blood Bottle Gang?

"I knew it! I knew that the bully prince is not a good person! Boss Douro is right, all nobles with titles are bastards!"

Zimikas around the zombie was furious:

"Fatty duner, let me tell you, on the first day that Polaris entered the city, I went to watch, paralyzed circles of bodyguards, three layers inside and three layers outside, I poked my head, and was slapped by the guards! Fuck! , What kind of dog pushes the prince, who is so arrogant, he has never seen him benefit the country and the people, but only sees the power and blessing! How can our Duke be humble and kind, and understand the feelings of the people?"

Glover forced himself to nod, barely raising the corner of his mouth.

"By the way, his bodyguards are full of vicious hooligans! I remember, there was a super fierce big man in full armor. He was almost as strong as you, and he didn\'t kill many people at a glance! There was also a guy wearing a half mask. The mouth is covered, if the paralyzed person is not ugly, who is a normal person wearing a mask? Looking at it now, ha, the dog looks like its owner, this prince is really a villain!"

Rolf behind Tsimikas clenched his fists and exhaled heavily.

Glover had to turn around and hold his shoulders, pulling him away from the angry crowd.


Fog\'s voice overwhelmed the audience, forcing the entire warehouse to quiet down.

The local boss of the Emerald City turned around, with a cautious tone:

"Catherine, are you telling the truth? It was Prince Thales\' hand? But it\'s too bad..."

"Too unrealistic?"

Catherine took the conversation loudly, she snorted coldly, and looked around:

"Yes, maybe you don\'t care, but the truth is: on Queen\'s Day, when the Emerald Celebration was at its busiest, in the Kongming Palace, the big figures in the upper echelons of the kingdom were fighting to the death for power and status, even the air of breathing, It can create a storm in the lower layers of the city!"

The leaders present looked at each other, some were indignant, some were worried.

"The big men are you alive and dead? Bah! The ones who are really struggling in the mud and bleed and lose their lives are us! We!"

In the field, Roger \'Dunge\' patted his chest angrily:

"Polaris? When they were sitting in the palace drinking tea and **** the maid\'s **** in the study, they didn\'t see half a hair missing!"

His words received a large echo.

Tarimi, who was on the streets of the Glory District, gritted his teeth and raised his hand: "Then let them see the ability of our Blood Bottle Gang and see what a hundred-year-old \'gang noble\' is!"

Franco said calmly: "Sister, we are all here, what do you say, what do we do?"

The voices in the warehouse are becoming more and more unified.

"It\'s not good, she definitely came prepared, the purpose is to lead all hatred to His Highness," Glover whispered to Rolf in the corner, "After the first two cases, we have lost the Emerald City. The upper-class and middle-class officials of the high-level society, now, if even the lower-level market streets are lost..."

Rolfe didn\'t respond, he just stared at Kathleen, enduring the emotional agitation in his chest and the dull pain under his knees.

"That\'s right, we, we are just the grass on the side of the road when the storm comes," Kathleen\'s voice dropped in the warehouse, but her tone became colder, "Weak and humble, drifting with the wind, but don\'t forget, small The grass is also solid and strong, unshakable."

In the next second, the phantom blade raised his arm claw high:

"So, brethren, since the storm has come, we have no time to blame each other, no room to blame others, no chance to hide our heads!"

she roared:

"We have only one choice: unity, or destruction!"

An enthusiastic and angry response erupted from the warehouse.

Glover watched this scene in disbelief.

Could it be that these are all within the expectations and instructions of Duke Iris, and the purpose is to make it difficult for the Star Lake Castle to move in the Emerald City from top to bottom?

What are they going to do next? To ruin the reputation of Starlake Castle? Or simply attack the prince\'s team at the tacit consent of the Emerald City?

Anyway, this is too bad.

No, no, the prince and Mallos must know about it immediately, and they will make the safest decision.

The more he thought about it, the more worried he became. He patted Rolfe: "It\'s time to go."

But Rolfe shook his head. He squinted his eyes, took the appearance of the magic blade and other leaders into his eyes, and tried his best to express the meaning with the simplest gesture:

[Wait, some, not right. 】

Glover frowned: he didn\'t understand the other\'s gestures, he only recognized that the mute was refusing.

"Hey, I know you have something to do with the Blood Bottle Gang," Glover said in a low voice, "Maybe you have friends in this warehouse."

Sure enough, Rolfe froze.

"But don\'t forget who you are now," Glover\'s tone became cold, "and who you are loyal to."

Rolfe subconsciously held his knees, his eyes locked on Catherine.

Until a strange rhythm of applause rang out from the crowd, especially harsh:

"Crack, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap..."

The voices of the people in the warehouse gradually faded, and everyone turned their eyes to the people who were applauding.

"Nice speech, knife bitch, as always."

In the corner of the warehouse, Nekra stood in front of a few men and said lazily:

"I\'m almost touched."

Catherine narrowed her eyes.

"Nekra, red viper," Phantom Blade said faintly, "How about you, unity, or destruction?"

The red pit viper smiled slightly.

"Before this, I had only one problem, a small problem."

Nekra tutted:

"Knife bitch, those big people you just mentioned, whether it\'s Polaris, Duke Iris, or some little power guy in a corner... How much money did they give you, and how many men they promised you? For you to tell this bullshit?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the warehouse became stagnant.

Wanderer Fogg sighed: "Good guy."

Catherine remained silent, she just stretched out her hand to stop several indignant subordinates:

"It seems that some people are unwilling to unite."

Behind her, most of the people looked at Nekra with more and more bad eyes.

"Bah, you bitch!"

Nekra\'s complexion changed, and he said:

"Every time, every time you make a mess that can\'t be cleaned up because of incompetence, you make up an excuse that\'s too big, and you bring out an imaginary, high-ranking enemy to fool everyone, \'It\'s all their doing\',\' It\'s not my fault, \'they should be responsible\', \'this is the overall situation\', and then put on a look of one heart and one mind, forcing the brothers to \'unite as one\' with you..."

The red viper swept over the people behind the magic blade one by one, and said with hatred:

"Let\'s say \'Unity or Destruction\' again loudly, and find a few nurses to shout, making it sound like it\'s loud..."

Behind Kathleen, Tarimi, Franco and the others frowned at the same time.

"Then find someone to \'talk\' openly or secretly, and ask them to \'consider the overall situation\'. As for those who \'disregard the overall situation\', they will cover their mouths, or even let them disappear until the remaining people -- out of profit Or fear, out of stupidity or badness, or just stupidity and badness at all - stop objecting, and call you the boss of the Blood Bottle Gang again..."

Nekra snorted angrily:

"Fuck, it\'s been so many years, playing like this again and again, don\'t you find it annoying, bitch?"

He fiercely peeled off his signature dark red coat and pointed to others:

"Do you really think that the people below are stupid fish in Fergie\'s tank, let you go back and forth, and you can put on all kinds of poses?"

After the call, there was silence in the warehouse.

The original warm atmosphere seemed to be poured into a basin of cold water. Everyone no longer shouted and responded, but looked at each other.

Catherine did not speak, her face was so gloomy that it seemed to freeze.

Until Fergie coughed, breaking the eerie silence.

"Perhaps you\'re right, Fergie," Kathleen said slowly, "some people are not suitable for a sideshow."

"Red Viper," Roger, who was behind him, glanced at everyone, "In front of the enemy, maybe you should wake up—"

"No, you should wake up!"

The red pit viper roared and interrupted him:

"It\'s you, it\'s you, it\'s all you stupid fish, you should wake up! The enemy is now? Who is the real enemy of our Blood Bottle Gang? Who?"

Catherine looked at him grimly:

"That\'s it, Xiaohong, then I\'ll take it as your answer."

She waved her hand, and the men behind her got the signal, moved slowly, and surrounded the red viper.

And although Nekra\'s manpower is not many, they are not to be outdone, and they are all on the front line.

The atmosphere in the warehouse became tense again.

"Oh no, didn\'t you say you don\'t want to fight? Fatty..." Zimikas went to La Glover subconsciously, but found nothing. "What about you, Fatty?"

"We really should go," in another corner, Glover pressed Rolfe\'s shoulder in a stern tone, "You don\'t want to be involved, do you?"

But Rolfe took a deep breath and shook his head at him.

His past experience with gangs made him instinctively feel that it was not the time.

"Nekra, in the face of such a big man, our situation is already very bad, we can\'t fight anymore," Seeing that the two gangs were about to fight in his field, Fergie sighed, and had to stand in the field, separated by The two gangs, "Don\'t be impulsive, think about it before you talk."

"I think very well!"

Nekra seemed to be fighting, he ignored the bad situation in front of him, and pointed at everyone through gritted teeth:

"Seven or eight years ago in Yongxing City, Hongfang Street, and the one-night war, we suffered heavy losses, five of the eight cadres died! I don\'t understand, we should have been ready to ambush the Brotherhood! You must know that they even had a black sword at that time. not present..."

He said angrily:

"And we, how did the Blood Bottle Gang lose? How did we lose!"

These words helped the audience to be confused for a while.

Nekra hummed: "But then I understood that the question should not be how we lost, but: why did we lose?"

Catherine and Fergie frowned, the latter asked:

"Isn\'t that the same question?"

The red viper smiled.

"Ah," Nekra shook his head, his eyes sharp, "because we have to lose, we have to lose."

He pointed sharply at Kathleen:

"Because if we don\'t lose, we don\'t turn the mighty Blood Bottle Gang into a torn mess, and we don\'t take the top-notch members of the gang, including \'Joker\' Cox, \'Wolf Warrior\' Khalkha, and \'Crazy God Soldier\'. \'Song\', as well as \'Clothing Scissors\' Solo, \'Robber\' Roubaix, the bosses and their staff, one by one, they were sent to the Black Silk to be killed, and they were all wiped out and buried in Hongfang Street..."

As soon as these words came out, Catherine\'s eyes flashed!

The red pit viper bit the most vicious tone from its teeth:

"Then how would a boss who didn\'t even have qualifications at that time, wanted strength but no strength, wanted fame but no fame, and even didn\'t even have a few guns, how would he be in the top position?"

Glover, who was quietly looking for a way out, suddenly felt that Rolf in front of him trembled slightly.

In the field, the red pit viper laughed:

"Then how can someone - like today - use \'the enemy is too strong\' as an excuse to get through the relationship with the big people, and Bei Er has the face to negotiate with the black silk - by the way, accept those killed in action The bosses\' turf, annexing dead people\'s businesses, unifying the entire gang, and transforming the Blood Bottle Gang left by Boss Turnbull into her Blood Bottle Gang?"

"Look, the Blood Bottle Gang was crushed, and Kathleen the Magic Blade turned the tide—tm how nice it sounds!"

The entire warehouse exploded with a bang.

The people on Catherine’s side shouted curses, and the people from the Red Viper responded with foul language, but more people didn’t dare to speak and were at a loss.

"The red pit viper is crazy," Jaga, the bad shoemaker who was standing on Kathleen\'s side, turned back and sighed, "He was suppressed by the big sister for too long, he couldn\'t bear it any longer, he was going to fight."

"I admire his courage," said Franco, the field reporter, "I am willing to give him an extra coffin money."

On the other side, Gutierrez and Sangare stared at the two of them with displeased eyes.

The scene was chaotic, until someone couldn\'t help but want to do it, and Fogg had to come out again to maintain order.

"No matter what you are implying, Red Viper," Kathleen was not annoyed at all, but surprisingly calm, "Who, who taught you this trick of splashing dirty water?"

The red viper\'s expression stiffened.

"Dirty water?"

Nekra avoided talking about her question, he laughed wildly at first, then broke out.

"Seven years ago, Kathleen, you were the first to hear rumors that Hei Suzi was going to rob Hongfang Street, so you asked us to prepare an ambush circle and give the black silks a slap in the face," he said resentfully. "But you didn\'t show up for the opportunity to make a name for yourself by beating black silk like this?"

"I wasn\'t in the capital at the time," Kathleen smiled slightly, "and don\'t forget, you weren\'t there either."

As she spoke slowly, she carefully checked the cuffs and laces inch by inch, as did the thugs behind her, uncomfortably calm.

"So I dispatched the most capable people!"

Seeing that the other party was unmoved, Nekra became more and more impatient:

"Including the Leiden brothers and sisters, Gorensky, Numeno, Spin, Dorno - most of the people I left in the capital! After the overnight war, I couldn\'t get enough people to **** the goods and sweep the streets!"

He said coldly:

"And you? Is there any guy who can remember the name of the person you sent to the capital that night?"

As soon as these words came out, Catherine\'s expression turned cold.

"Me too," a cold light flashed across her sleeves. "That night, I also lost the most trusted and promising leader, right on Hongfang Street."

That night……

The most trusted and promising go-getter...

Red Square Street…

In the corner, Rolfe only felt his breathing stagnate.

Nekra\'s eyes rolled:

"Oh, that\'s right, that kid with a bad mouth, the guy who uses his abilities to play with the wind, what do you call him, the wind chaser?"

"It\'s the \'Ghost with the Wind\'." Phantom Blade said lightly.

A guy with tattoos on his face who uses his abilities to play the wind...

Hearing this, Glover finally understood, and his expression changed!

"Also, his name is Rolfe - Midira Rolfe."

Catherine lowered her head, unable to distinguish her expression.

Glover couldn\'t take it any longer, and he looked at Rolf subconsciously.

But the latter just turned his head away, refusing to face the unbelievable gaze of the zombie.

Only a pair of shoulders trembled slightly.

"Really? That\'s it, when everyone in the gang fell into the hands of Black Silk, everyone was hurt by the one-night war, and everyone was worried about the pensions for the deceased\'s family, you, \'Phantom Blade\' Kathleen lost some playful arrogant street kid? Ha, it\'s really a heavy loss." Nekra sneered disdainfully.

Catherine raised her head, her eyes became more and more gloomy:

"Xiaohong, don\'t say I didn\'t give you a chance."

But the red pit viper looked up to the sky and laughed:

"Chance? Hahaha! Tell me, knife bitch, that playful Rolf, did you give him a chance?"

Rolfe\'s eyes trembled.

In the next second, Nekra spoke word by word:

"When you take your so-called \'most trusted and promising subordinate general\' as an abandoned son, as a sacrifice, as a bait to win the trust of other bosses, send him to a one-night war to die in vain, and send him to Hongfang Street to pre-order sacrifice, So that when you rise from the post-war mess of the Blood Bottle Gang and the Brotherhood, step by step, you will rise..."

The red viper\'s words are understated, but extremely vicious:

"Did you give him a chance?"

At that moment, Rolfe trembled, as if something exploded in his ear, buzzing.

【As an abandoned child. 】

【As a sacrifice. 】

【As a bait to win the trust of other bosses. 】



Rolfe was breathing hard, and his breath was as violent as a hurricane, raging back and forth in his ears, obscuring all other sounds.

【Send death in vain. 】

【Scheduled sacrifice. 】

【Rise up one inch, step by step to the top...】


Rolf was shocked!

He raised his head sharply: Glover grabbed his arm tightly, preventing him from continuing to scratch his prosthetic limb.

Glover shook his head, his eyes full of indescribable meaning.

Rolfe withdrew his arm subconsciously.

Glover spoke in a low voice, his expression slightly anxious.

But about what he said, Rolfe couldn\'t hear.

Not even a single word could be heard.

Now he can only hear voices from one direction:

"How did you tell him, huh? Huh?"

The words of ?? the red viper and the phantom blade continued, scraping through his ears like an inescapable hurricane:

"Tell me, how did you deceive that playful poor **** into going to Hongfang Street to die?"

Poor idiot playing with the wind...

Rolfe resisted the trembling of his body.

In the field, Catherine was silent, she just stared at the red viper coldly, as if staring at a dead man.

Just listen to Nekra sneer:

"What kind of rhetoric did you say to him, knife bitch? Was it \'Wind-chaser, Miss Catherine likes you the most\'? Or \'I don\'t trust anyone else, only you\'? The powerful one\'? Or \'Go, you top ten, you must play my \'phantom blade\' majesty\'?"

Catherine stared at him, frowning slowly.

Rolfe\'s breathing stagnated, and he subconsciously wanted to bow his head.

But there is no way, the memories that were deliberately forgotten in the past are still irreversible and irresistible, rushing back into his mind.

[This action was arranged by the magician, and it is very crucial. The other bosses have sent a lot of people... But I don\'t believe other people, Midira, I don\'t believe it. 】

【I only believe in you. 】

I only trust you.

And he, the ghost of the wind, Midira Rolfe had nowhere to escape.

【I know, they call you the \'Twelve Xeons\' among young people, but I want you to know that if you are satisfied and complacent, then you will die! Don\'t need anyone else to do it, I\'ll tear you apart first! 】

【In my eyes, that name is shit! You can\'t be tied with the other eleven, you can\'t! You must be the strongest one! Got it, because you are mine, mine! Do you understand, you **** Conmas supernatural kid! 】

【So go ahead, take my manpower and name to Hongfang Street, find the strongest opponent, pick a few famous heads and come back! Even if you have to face the black sword, you are not allowed to step back! Because you are my person, the ghost of the wind who survived my Kathleen\'s knife wind! 】


Rolfe held the wall beside him in a trance.

Why is that **** red viper talking?

Why does this **** Nekra have a long mouth?

Why is he listening to this here?


【When I come back to the capital, I don\'t want to see you now! Instead, I\'m going to meet a man! When people talk about him, they say, \'See? That\'s him! It is the real blade of the "phantom blade"! This is the reason why Kathleen can dominate the Blood Bottle Gang! ’]

Rolfe closed his eyes.

He swallowed his throat fiercely, feeling the blood in his throat that was no longer smooth since Hongfang Street was injured.

But Nekra\'s vicious words continued:

"Is it, hehe: \'Go, as long as you come back after winning this battle, I will condescend to marry you, eldest sister\'?"

In the warehouse, no one dared to speak.

And Kathleen observed the red viper in front of her, the disgust and hatred in her eyes gradually disappeared and turned into pure killing intent.

"That\'s it, when you send out your most \'favorite\' pawns, along with my sturdy centaurs, clowns and warrior wolves, after they were all killed by the black silk in the one-night war," Nekra said indifferently to the murderous intention of the magic blade. Jue, continued to sneer maliciously, "The most powerful person in the Blood Bottle Gang, the one who can clean up the mess, isn\'t you the only one left - Miss Catherine?"

Big sister head.

In a trance, Rolfe slowly opened his eyes.

[Listen, the robbery gangster kid, you messed up the wrong person today--my name is Kathleen, the "phantom blade" of the Blood Bottle Gang. 】

In his eyes, the head of Catherine, who was standing in the field, gradually overlapped with the image in his memory.

indistinguishable from each other.

[Ha, let’s put it this way, if I spare your life today, kid, then from now on…]

【Are you willing to die for me? 】

(end of this chapter)

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