
idle talk 11 – Under the Legendary Tree

「Please, somehow!」

「...... Eh......」

「If it’s now, I will give you another freebie!」


「We will burden the handling and shipping fees!」


「It even comes with a cute fairy now!」


「How about it!?」

A small fairy that appeared with a faint magical power paper blizzard was spilling a smile and doing a certain commercial with explosions in the background.

「Explosions is romance, huh」

「You understand!? Explosions are nice, aren’t they...... after all, I think that a signature pose is necessary for explosions! Recently, I think I have started preferring magical girls that are overflowing with manliness rather than the weak magical girls! That’s why! I think that magical girl with mainly explosions is super cool!」

「Please, wait a moment」

「As for the signature po...... fue?」

「What is a magical girl?」

「Magical girl is a magical girl, you know?」

「In the first place, magic is supposed to be a fictitious thing found only in stories」

「Ugh...... as expected of my Lily...... smart......!」

「I do not belong to anyone but myself」

「I, it’s philosophical!」

「It’s the truth」

「It’s like the heart’s owner!」

「I will keep the ownership rights」



「I will proceed to the Supreme Court!」

「Our Christophe House has enough money and connections」

「W, we can finish the settlement right now, you know!?」

「Then, please face your right and leave from that window」

「What do you want me to do!?」



「...... Haa. It can’t be helped, I will hear you out for a little longer」

「As expected of my Lily!」

「...... May I ask you to continue?」

「Of course you can! Leave it to huhh?」

「Why did it turn into a question there?」

「Seriously~ Today’s Lily is so stiff~ Let’s get more comfortable! Humans are the most carefree!」

「You seem like a fairy no matter what, though......」

「I’m the magical fairy girl from the Forest next to the world, Kulestilt-chan dessu!」

「I’m the third child of the 2nd Rank Royal Sorceress Claireteal La Christophe, Lilianne La Christophe」

「...... So stiff! That’s too stiff! Stiff, stiff, stiiiiiff!」

「Please don’t act so violently」

「I’m shorry」

「As long as you understand. Please, reflect on that」

「As expected of Lily! That’s why you were chosen as a magical girl!」

「Is that so? I’m honored to be praised」

「I will get embarrassed if you are so polite~...... Ehehe~」

「...... So, may I request you to continue?」

「Leave it to huhh!」

「It’s not a question this time, is it?」

「I will take it out here~」

「...... Are you ignoring me?」

「Magically magical girl is magically entrusted with magical magic huhh!」

「...... It’s pretty, isn’t it? Only the looks, though」

「Isn’t it~! No matter what, this is a magic item necessary for becoming a magical girl! 『Lady Shaver 2058 Kutispecial』!」


「It shaves hair」

「Hair? Head hair?」

「N~n. Things like shin hair or underarm hair」

「Shin......? They indeed grow on Otousama’s shin, but...... I don’t have any?」

「...... How about underarm?」

「...... Not growing」

「Which reminds me...... Lily looks about twelve years old to me」

「I will be twelve this year, I’m still eleven」



「Oh, well!」

「I don’t really understand, but is that fine?」

「It’s fine, it’s fine! Anyhow, a pattern like this is my dream!」

「I see. A dream, huh」

「A dream! Yume desu! Somewhat, a huge delusion!」

「It seems unreasonably realistic, though......」

「You must not min~d it! Leave it to huhh!」

「Is that your signature line on which you decided a while ago or something?」

「Leave it to huhh!」

「...... Not listening」

「Leave it to huhh!」

「...... The continuation」

「Leave it to!」


「This Lady Shaver 20...... it’s too long, so let’s go with just a shaver. The shaving~」

「On top of being ignored, you are going to shave me!?」

「You can transform into magical girl by shaving your hair!」

「What hair?」

「I think shin hair is the standard?」


「The runner-up is the underarm hair~」


「Do your best...... moustache」

「Moustachse...... do I have it? Rustle, rustle」

「Let me see for a bit~ Yes, don’t move~」


「Plump and juicy, glossy lips...... I’m getting attracted almost as if it’s sucking me up~ ...... Nchu~」




「Ppuha~! Thanks for the meal~!」

「...... Uu...... I was tainted......」

「As expected of Lily! A softness just like a marshmallow and not lemony, but refreshingly Lily-tasting mellow taste, with intensity and severity of the sun’s heat, the world’s best lips!」

「...... My first kiss has......」

「I snatched it! Tehepero」

「I can’t marry anymore......」

「I will receive you! Leave it to huhh!」

「...... Do you promise?」

「Leave it to huhh!」

「Then, let’s seal it here. Ah, if not a thumb print is also fine」

「Yes, yes, over here, alright~」

「Yes, indeed. Then, the betrothal money in full by tomorrow...... I will leave it to you」

「......!? Li, Lily!? This is four times the amount of the yearly national budget of the Ovent Kingdom, you know!?」

「...... Am I not worth four times the national budget?」

「Uu! What is that super effective technique of upturned and teary eyes!? I have confidence in myself, but anyone else would faint, you know!?」

「Is that...... no good?」

「Uu!? It’s not no good! It’s not no good, okay! I won’t get disheartened by this meager amount of money! I will do anything if it’s for Lily, you know!」

「I’m glad to hear that. As expected of Kuti」

「Hahaha! It’s a piece of cake if I set my mind on it! Leave it to huhh!」

「How reliable. As expected of a person who will become my husband」

「Husband! Yeah...... what a sweet ring it has! But, I’m a woman if we go by gender! But, Lily is a girl! Ahh, it sounds sweet, but...... however!」

「Is that...... no good......?」

「It’s not no good at all! Husband, bring it on! Leave it to huhh!」

「As expected. Kuti-sama!」

「-sama! She attached -sama! Attached it! A, a, a, a, a, attaching -sama to someone like me!」

「It’s only natural, Kuti-sama. I’m yours after all......」

「Ahh, amazing! Incredible, Lily! That slight blush, that head hanged down in embarrasement, those glances you peek with at me, what an expression of a demoness! It’s so like you the nose bleed is alreadyyyyyyy!」

「Ara, ara, a disaster. Now, please rest your head on top of my lap」

「Happiness~ It’s the prime time of my life~」

「Fufu...... I’m happy as well......」

「...... Ha!? The magical girl is!?」

「It’s almost morning, so let’s continue another time」

「A...... mor...... ning you say!?」

「Now, it’s time to wake up, you know...... Kuti」


「Will you wake up or not-!」


【Kuti...... I don’t think that’s a shriek a girl should let out, you know?】

「Seriously, when do you plan to start waking up without my help!」

「...... H, huh...... my Lily is?」

【I am here?】

「I, I didn’t mean that...... my twelve or not, my eleven years old Lily!」

「Are you still half-asleep......」

【Kuti...... quickly wake up~】

「M, my prime time of life~」

「Why is this fellow crying......」

【Kuti, don’t cry. I will become sad as well】


「Even so, there was no need for the kiss, even if it was the cheek」





「The prime time of my life has cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooome!!!!」

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