
Chapter 399

It\'s dangerous for you to have such a big stomach. What do you want to buy is on my account. "

Fang\'s enthusiasm for Gu Jin is the same as that of the two people beside him, which makes them very embarrassed.

When Gu Qingping saw this big man, he also had to call this young woman in a proper manner. Her surname was Gu. Could it be that

As soon as the brain changes, Gu Qingping responds that she will not be one of the top ten families!

It is said that women are in charge of the family. Is she the head of the family?

I have been in Singapore for a long time. Although Singapore is not bad, it is far from them.

Gu Jin took off the scarf, "general manager Fang, long time no see. I didn\'t expect that you still know me when I wrapped up like this. It\'s amazing."

"I was lucky to see Mr. Gu in China last month. As soon as I saw it, I knew it was you. Did Mr. Gu buy clothes for the baby?" Mr. Fang looks flattered.

"I like it very much, but someone has to rob me."

General manager Fang looked at Gu Qingping beside him and said, "Oh, who was I at that time? This is not Lao Gu. What\'s the matter? A big man and a pregnant woman rob things?"

General Fang\'s tone immediately becomes high, where there is flattery in front of Gu Jin.

Gu Jin has long been surprised. She was often bullied when she was su Jinxi, but now it is impossible for these people to bully her.

Xiao San knew that both of them were surnamed Gu. It turned out that there was a misunderstanding. The key was that the man was very low on Gu Jin and was domineering over them.

Seeing Gu Jin\'s face, she knew that she had made a big accident and that she was too stupid.

"Mr. Gu, you like this dress. Can I give it to you? Don\'t mind what happened just now. I\'m just kidding you

Xiao San changed his face faster than he opened a book. After he knew his identity, he immediately looked like a changed man.

How could Fang miss such an opportunity to flatter, "I\'ll pay for it."

In order to please Gu Jin, people on both sides scrambled to pay, and almost all of them wanted to fight.

The shop assistant came quickly, "madam, all the things in our house are yours. Do you need me to wrap them up for you and send them home?"

Gu Jin is at a loss. She hasn\'t paid for it. The two people have been fighting for this dress, but they haven\'t come up with a result. How come all the clothes are their own?

"I haven\'t paid yet."

"Well, in five minutes, someone bought the store and told her that everything in the store was given to you, including our shop.

Madam, when is convenient for you to come and sign the transfer agreement and other procedures with us. "

Gu Jin was even more stunned. He looked at a child\'s clothes, and someone bought a shop for her.

She looked around and saw no one else. "Are you wrong?"

"May I ask if your wife\'s surname is Gu?"

"Yes, I\'m Gu."

"Then there will be no mistake. It\'s for you. What else does your wife like besides this dress? I\'ll wrap it up for you."

In the face of the smile of the salesman, Gu Jin is a little dizzy. She is not just at home and has nothing to do, but someone sent her a shop. Is there any mistake!

This is a shop, not a flower. You can send it as you like.

"Who sent me to the store?"

"Ma\'am, I don\'t know about this either. It was the store manager who informed me. You just need to go through the formalities."

With that, the salesman took the small clothes from the two people who were fighting for the bill.

"I\'m sorry, some guests. This shop is closed for the time being. Please look elsewhere."

When she said this, she looked at Xiao San and made it clear that she was speaking to her.

Before she ridiculed Gu Jin, now people directly ask you to go out, but little three has nothing to say.

As for that small dress, no one has to pay for it. Even the whole store is Gu Jin\'s.

Fang Zong touched his nose, a little embarrassed: "the pursuer of general manager Gu is really big."

People familiar with Gu Jin know that her fiance had an accident on the day of her engagement, when she was already pregnant.

Even so, there are no less pursuers around her, some for the sake of family property, and some for Gu Jin.

Gu Jin has some helplessness. She doesn\'t even know who the other party is. Even if she pursues it, she has to show her face. How can she send a shop at will.

"I\'ll buy it at the original price. As for this shop, I\'ll give it back to whoever bought it. I don\'t want it."

Although she was not short of money to buy the shop, she was not paid for her work.

"Ma\'am, the other party said that if you don\'t want the goods in the store, they will be packed and sent to your home, and the store will not be operated."Damn it, she was forced to accept it.

Gu Jin wants to cry without tears. Can\'t she!

"Ma\'am, we have a lot of beautiful clothes here. It seems that your stomach will be born in a few months. Now it is suitable for baby preparation.

First of all, what you need when you are in labor, and after you have a baby, our family is very complete. "

Gu Jin is a mother to be, but she doesn\'t know what she needs.

"What do you need?"

"Let me introduce you."

The salesman pulls Gu Jin to introduce carefully, and the other three look at each other and have to leave.

Xiaosan left indignantly, after a long distance, he took Gu Qingping\'s hand and said: "husband, do you think others will send a shop if you can\'t move it? What about me?"

"You? Do you know how much the store costs? Are you worth it? " The man is in a bad mood because he lost his face in Gu Jin.

"Honey, don\'t walk so fast, wait for me..." The woman had to leave in dismay.

The man in the distance looks at Gu Jin carefully selecting things, and the most lovely woman is the serious one.

He wanted to be close to her, but he could only look at her from a distance, even if he could not hold her in the past.

"Young master, it\'s time to go. There\'s an important meeting in the afternoon."

The man reluctantly looked at the little woman, and finally had to leave.

Gu Jin always feels that a person\'s sight falls on her, is it an illusion?

She looked across the window, where there was only one model and no one else.

Are you hallucinating again?

After selecting the things, she left the address and left the mall.

On the way back, she had been wondering who gave her a shop. Was it Nangong Xun? That man sometimes does things that are incredible.

In addition to him, Gu Jin can\'t think of a second person. Gu Jin dials Nangong Xun\'s phone.

"It\'s rare that you should call me on your own initiative." Nangong Xun\'s voice is cold.

Since then, Gu Jin has cooperated with Nangong Xun several times, and has a good relationship with Nangong family. His relationship with Nangong Xun tends to be more friends.

"Where is it?"

Some time ago, he sent his children\'s things to himself from Europe. Gu Jin said that his children had not been born yet. He bought these things too early, but they could not hold people\'s money.

"What, miss me?" It\'s rare that the cold man would joke.

"No, it\'s just a courtesy question back to America."

"What a cold woman. I\'m in Europe and I\'ll be back about the day after tomorrow."

He\'s still in Europe, so it\'s not him. Who else is there besides him?

"And your brother?"

"He? It\'s like shooting in Greece. Why, miss him again? He already has that little actor, you don\'t have his idea, I\'m single

Gu Jin is speechless. How can Nangong Xun become so unsophisticated? It\'s probably because I\'ve been too familiar for a long time.

"When you come back, remember to come to my house for dinner. The old man has been talking about you several times."

"I see."

Gu Jin hangs up the phone. It\'s not Nangong Xun and Nangong mo. Tang Ming is still in China. So who is going to write so much?

All the way home, Gu Jin was in a muddled state, and Gu Nancang met him.

"What\'s that look like? The wind blows you dumb? "

Gu Jin glared at him and told him what had happened before.

"What? Someone gave you a children\'s clothing store? My sister, you are really lucky. You have such a crazy pursuer with a big belly. "

"Brother, don\'t be kidding. Can you help me think about the possibility?"

"Maybe? I think only Si Li Ting can do this kind of abnormal thing. He doesn\'t care about anything for you, but he... "

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