
Chapter 241 - It Doesn’t Matter If She’s A Crippled Now, The Yan Family Doesn’t Care.

“I think that when a woman wants to be a mother and is willing to bear a child with her loved one, they won’t be afraid of the pain of pregnancy. Nor will they be afraid of the puffiness either. They’ll mostly be afraid of becoming unattractive, and that their bodies will never be the same again, which might cause them to be abandoned by their husbands.” Lin Chu raised her hand and straightened his tie, then she gently flattened shirt go get rid of the creases.

“Look at yourself in the mirror right now, you don’t look like you’re a married person at all.” Lin Chu dragged Yan Beicheng to the entrance and asked him to stand in front of the mirror that was opposite the shoe cabinet. “Look at yourself, then look at me. Don’t you think that there’s a big disparity between us now?”

Yan Beicheng stood behind Lin Chu and peered at their reflection. It was true, Lin Chu’s pregnancy was undeniable, clearly giving away her status as a taken woman. She could almost cover the lower half of his body, but her head only reached Yan Beicheng’s chest. She had a slim physique, so when her belly started bulging out, her upper arms and thighs appeared thicker than before. However, her wrists and ankles still appeared slender.

Her face also seemed little rounder now, but to say that she now had a double chin would be an exaggeration. However, the flip side was that her face now looked rosier as well as more hydrated, almost like an apple.

If you were to look at Yan Beicheng, you would notice that there were no changes in his body. Normally he would be too busy to go to the fitness center, but his body remained in good shape.

Other than the faint wrinkles that would appear on the corners of his eyes when he smiled, there was no giveaway revealing his true age.

This was mainly because Yan Beicheng was always keeping a straight face or would only put on subtle expressions, which made it hard to even see his faint wrinkles. He was someone that could just stand there and ooze a mature and elegant aura that would soon overwhelm everything else. It made others blind to any other part of him, even though they would not be able to tear their eyes away.

She looked down and saw that he had placed his hand on his waist, and that he was now wearing a wedding band on his ring finger. Lin Chu held it gently and rubbed the wedding ring on his finger. He had been wearing it for a long time, so it was almost as if the ring had become a part of him. It would be hard to even twist it if one did not use a little bit of force.

A man like this would probably be in high demand wherever he went. Even without the strong background of the Yan Family, his own appeal was enough to make any women desire him.

Yan Beicheng faintly leaned his head to one side and saw her face flushed red. Then, he placed a kiss on her glowing cheeks. “I don’t know about other men, but I’ll never abandon you. You’ve been pregnant with my child for four months, what nerve do I have to ever abandon you? Besides, only your belly is slightly bigger now, there have been no other massive changes to other parts of your body.”

Yan Beicheng paused for a while and then placed his hands on top of her belly. He rubbed it and said, “I take back my words. The biggest change about you is right here. It’s really huge now. In any case, I really don’t think you look ugly at all right now. On the contrary, I think your appearance now is just right. Once you give birth to the baby, don’t lose too much weight. The extra weight you put on makes your face look really good as well.”

Lin Chu rolled her eyes at him. Naturally, she did not believe him. Lin Chu had to constantly remind herself to not believe his sugar-coated words.

Suddenly, Yan Beicheng pinched her arm and said, “I think that every couple of centimeters of meat that your body put on adds a point to my happiness index. For me, being able to take good care of you when you’re pregnant and ensuring that you stay healthy is my source of happiness.”

Lin Chu looked at the extra meat that she had put on dispiritedly. Then, she began to think about how to lose all this weight after the child was born.

She followed Yan Beicheng out of the house and the two of them got into the car. Yan Beicheng adjusted the seat and put on the seat belt for Lin Chu. Then, he said, “Oh, right, for our wedding that was originally scheduled for March next year, your belly will probably huge by then. I was thinking of waiting until the child is born before holding the wedding.”

“I was thinking the same as well. The measurements for the wedding dress had been taken earlier, so this way I don’t have to change it.” Lin Chu touched her belly and continued, “This will also act as an additional incentive to try and slim back down to my former size.”

Yan Beicheng did not intervene in these matters. Everything would go according to Lin Chu’s wishes. Even if Lin Chu did not manage to lose weight, he still had other tricks up his sleeves to ensure that she would get to put on the dress that she desired.

It just so happened that the child came so suddenly. Yan Beicheng always wanted to give Lin Chu a grand and unforgettable wedding rather than having a child before the wedding. Now it just seemed like the marriage was necessitated by the unplanned pregnancy.

It was not that a marriage due to pregnancy was a bad thing, it was just that up until now, they had taken everything slow and one step at a time in an honorable way. He did not want people to think that they were forced to take this road.

In the end, they had no choice but to bring along a little kid during their wedding. Yan Beicheng felt a bit stifled just thinking about it.

If this was the case, then what was going to happen to their honeymoon?

Then again, Yan Beicheng felt that this was still too far ahead in the future to worry about.


Today, Yan Beicheng was busy with a lot of things. Once he arrived at the company, he had gotten Jiang Changzai on the phone to explain the situation.

Yan Beicheng did not beat around the bush. “It doesn’t matter if she’s a crippled now, the Yan Family doesn’t care. Don’t assume that our family will come forth and handle the situation just because your family ignored her and proceeded to leave her at the hospital with one eye shut. It’s already extremely kind of us not to press legal charges against her. If the hospital throws her out one of these days, the ones that will lose face will be your family.”

Yan Beicheng ended it by saying this. In reality, he did not care about how Jiang Changzai would proceed in this matter.

He was only willing to make this call because he did not want to make things difficult for Chu Zhaoyang. After all. Jiang Changdai was staying in Chu Zhaoyang’s hospital.

After that, Lawyer Zhou and Yu Zi came to Yan Hui to discuss the matter regarding them filing a lawsuit against Lu Zhenting and Lu Zhenghang. Yu Zi represented Jiang Changdai’s lawyer nominally, so she was able to cooperate with Yan Hui this one time.

Yan Beicheng handed the recording over to Lin Chu so that Lin Chu could do as she saw fit. With this, she would be free to make the dialogue between Lu Zhenghang and Jiang Changdai public.

Lin Chu was trying to seize the opportunity as she shared a similar point of view as Lawyer Zhou and Yu Zi. They were probably unable to file a proper lawsuit against the Lu Family father and son duo, but they could use this to cause a blow to their company.

Therefore, after Yan Hui publicly issued a statement stating that they would be filing a lawsuit against Lu Zhenting and his son, Lin Chu seized the opportunity and uploaded the recording to the Internet.


After Jiang Changdai’s second operation, she woke up with her eyes barely open upon hearing some conversation from her bedside.

“Doctor, one of Ms. Jiang’s legs——” The voice of a middle-aged woman was heard.

“Are you one of her family members?” The doctor’s voice sounded quite plain as it began to echo in her ears.

“Oh, no. I’m the caregiver that was assigned to her by her brother. Ms. Jiang doesn’t have anyone to take care of her in the hospital, right? I’m just asking about her condition so that I can relay it to Mr. Jiang.” The caregiver explained.

The doctor nodded and said, “Originally after the first operation, if she was properly cared for, there would have been no problem after the plaster cast was removed. However, Ms. Jiang stepped on the ground after she had just finished her operation, and the wound in her right knee became infected. If she takes good care of it this time, the only issue will be that she’ll be slightly lame in the future. It won’t be obvious if she’s able to conceal it properly. If she hasn’t learned her lesson this time and still tries to make a hash of things, she’ll be lucky to escape with only a limp. There’s a possibility that her whole leg might be crippled if this happens again.”

“Whaft did you say!?” Jiang Changdai opened her eyes fiercely. “My leg? Whaft happened to it? Crippledf?”

As she said the word “crippled”, Jiang Changdai sensed that something was not right. She could not pronounce the word properly, and there was no sensation of her front teeth biting on to the lower lip when she talked.

As she bit down, she realized that it was indeed empty, and that every word she said carried a slight lisp.

“Whaft’s going on!” Jiang Changdai was overwhelmed and did not know what to focus on.

The hand that was not injured had a needle inserted in it. However, she could not care less about that now as she lifted her hand and tried to touch her central incisor. However, the space that her front teeth had previously occupied was now completely empty.

“Mirrofr! Gif me the mirrofr!” Jiang Changdai shouted, the lisp in her pronunciation had begun to irk her as well.

The caregiver took a small mirror and gave it to Jiang Changdai. When Jiang Changdai saw her own reflection, she immediately shrieked. She opened her mouth and stared at the original spot where her central incisor used to be – it had now become a dark hole, making it truly an ugly sight to see.

Just as Jiang Changdai was about to begin shrieking again, the caregiver hurriedly said, “Although the broken front tooth won’t grow back, you can just get dentures so no one can tell the difference. It won’t affect the appearance at all so don’t get too stirred up.”

Jiang Changdai still felt uncomfortable since something was missing from her mouth. “And my leg, whaft about it?”

The doctor was not very patient toward her, so the caregiver explained to her once more.

“How abouft my brother? I had a huge accident and he only senft you here? Where isf he?” Jiang Changdai said in dissatisfaction. She watched as the gaze in the caregiver’s eyes immediately turned to disgust.

When the topic turned to a family matter, the doctor said, “I’ll go attend to my other patients now. If you need anything just call me again.”

“Don’tf go! How dare you leave, you haven’t toldf me anythingf. How’s my leg? What do you mean I’ll have a limpf?” Jiang Changdai asked in a screeching voice.

The doctor furrowed his brows slightly and said, “I’ve told this lady here everything. Just ask her about it.”

“Whaft kind of afttitude are you gifing me? I wasf fine before. How thu people in your hospfital do your jobs, that you’ve even managed to cripplef my leg lame? Chu Tian Hospital’s main goal is publicity. I’m telling you, if my leg doesn’tf heal. You’ll see what will happen!” Jiang Changdai scolded the doctor as she pointed at him.

However, because she was missing her two front teeth, she spoke with a lisp which made her sentences unclear. This severely reduced the ferocity of her scolding.

Even so, the doctor was becoming irritated by her unreasonable attitude and proceeded to be blunt toward her.

He immediately sneered, and said, “After the first surgery, you could’ve recuperated completely without any side-effects, but you refused to listen to the doctor’s advice. As for the second surgery, it doesn’t matter which hospital you go to, there’s no way they’ll fix it better than we did. If you don’t believe in us, then go ahead and test it out! If you can’t just sit back and rest properly, then you might as well just throw this whole leg away.”

The doctor left after saying this. Even though Jiang Changdai was still unwilling to overlook the matter, it was useless as she could not even get down from the bed at the moment.

The caregiver listened to Jiang Changdai’s scolding that was getting more and more unpleasant by the second. Eventually, even she was dragged into it.

She was innocent! All she did was collect a fee to take care of the sick, right? What did it have to do with her!

The caregiver took the phone out with an expressionless face and dialed Jiang Changzai’s phone number. “Mr. Jiang, Ms. Jiang has already woken up.”

Upon hearing this, Jiang Changdai stopped her shrieking and immediately said, “Gif me the fhone, I want to talk to him!”

There was no need for the caregiver to relay the message. Jiang Changzai could hear Jiang Changdai’s screeching from the other end of line and immediately looked displeased. “Give her the phone.”

As the caregiver was about to hand her the phone, Jiang Changdai snatched it from her as if afraid she would not hand it over to her.

The caregiver pouted and thought to herself, ‘This is exactly the morality and attitude the wealthy often have. Their upbringing is certainly no better than that of the common man.’

“Where are you!?” Jiang Changdai asked.

“Ning City.” Jiang Changzai answered impatiently.

“I wasf in a big accident. You didn’t bother to visit me and justf sent a random person over. Doesf that even count as taking care of me? Do you know what kind of condition I am in now?” Jiang Changdai felt that she had been wronged. Not even one of her family members was around, and no one cared about her enough to come to visit her. It was as if they had nothing to do with her.

She thought about when Yan Zhiqing was hospitalized, and the whole family had taken turns to visit her. Jiang Changdai felt that there was a massive difference in the way she was getting treated.

“You still have the audacity to talk this way to me? Because of you, Jiang He is currently facing stigma in Ning City. I know there’s no use talking about business with you, but there’s something you should know: because of you, Jiang He has suffered a huge loss. If I’m unable to withstand this, then Jiang He might be no more next year!” Jiang Changzai was almost out of breath and coughed several times after saying this.

Due to the disaster caused by Jiang Changdai, he had never had the time to go home. He stayed in the company and was on the phone with customers and clients all day long, for many days in a row. Nevertheless, these were still manageable as all it needed was manpower to resolve. However, this was not the same for the stock market, Jiang He’s stock price had fallen straight down; even during the current bull run in the market, it was possible that their stock would fall so far that it would soon become worthless. Jiang Changzai was so stifled by this that he was on the brink of cutting off ties with Jiang Changdai.

“Jiang Changdai, Jiang Changdai. I really don’t expect you to do anything good for the Jiang Family. I already knew I couldn’t count on you after the foolish things you’ve done in the Yan Family so many years ago. You only care about yourself and would never think about anyone else, even your own family members. However, I’m begging you, I’m begging you right now as your big brother. It’s fine if you don’t help out, but please stop causing misfortune for the family all the d*mn time, will you? The old lady is now lying in a hospital bed because she got so p*ssed at you. I’ll not bar you from seeing the Lu Family father and son, but please think about us, your family. Can you please do that? Does the Jiang Family have to cease to exist before you are satisfied? Did you not realize that without the Jiang Family, you’ll have nothing as well?” Jiang Changzai was so infuriated that he continuously slammed his hand on the table.

On the other end of the line, Jiang Changdai could hear the sound of him slamming the furniture repeatedly.

“Why’d you think that you could still live so comfortably even after leaving the Yan Family? It’s all because of our Jiang family. Why do you think Lu Zhenting is still with you? If you don’t have the Jiang Family behind you, so what if you’re Lu Zhenghang’s birth mother? Without the Jiang Family, he would certainly ignore you! All these years, I’ve never really despised you for anything. It didn’t matter how much money you spent, and the fact that besides spending our money on yourself, you’ve went and spent it on Lu Zhenghang and Lu Weining too. I’ve never said anything about this.” Jiang Changzai was quite resentful when he first heard about this but was too busy to care. Even though he occasionally thought about it and reminded himself to bring it up, he would have already forgotten about it the next time he saw her.

He had his hands full with family and company matters, so he had no time to constantly worry about Jiang Changdai’s as well. If he watched her too much it would make her unhappy as well.

Jiang Changzai was gloomy about this. Jiang Changdai was happily splurging his money, yet she was holding him in disdain at the same time. The most unfortunate thing was that when Lu Weining was in college, the girl had wanted to open up a store in order to show her superiority. However, she did not dare ask Lu Zhenting for the money, so she went and asked Jiang Changdai for it, which Jiang Changdai gladly gave to her.

Lu Weining truly had no talent in conducting business. Even if she had been capable of managing Xing Chuang Entertainment in the past, it was only because Xing Chuang itself had a solid foundation. Moreover, they already had a reliable system in place. As long as there were no clear and obvious errors that arose, there was basically nothing to do at the company. It had nothing to do with Lu Weining’s capabilities.

Hence, the store never turned a profit since it first opened. Despite this, Lu Weining refused to accept this fact and constantly invested money into it. Where did the money come from? It was all given to her by Jiang Changdai, of course! Where did Jiang Changdai’s money come from? It had all been given to her by Jiang Changzai!

To put it bluntly, Jiang Changzai was always busting his *ss working himself to death. He had high expectations for his own daughter and son, yet they were never able to flaunt their wealth like they were from an affluent family. Despite this, he had unknowingly been making life easy for Lu Zhenting’s son and daughter. The money that he had earned, which even his own children were unable to enjoy it, had been used to raise other people’s children.

Was such a ridiculous thing even possible?

“Thatf’s also my money!” Jiang Changdai said unhappily. “A part of the company’s share isf mine!”

Jiang Changzai laughed angrily. “If I was not the one handling the company, then how much money do you think you’d have? Recall the money that you’ve given the Lu Family’s children that have been waste away. Do you think your little bit of dividends is enough to pay for it? You usually spend on a lot to pamper yourself, but now you want to raise two more spoilt brats. Even Zhiqing doesn’t spend as much as those two. Do you really think your measly dividends are enough? Wasn’t it all because I put in extra for you? It was only because you decided to p*ss Yan Beicheng off so badly that I cut off your allowance. But even then, you’re not lacking when it comes to food and drinks. You do absolutely nothing, yet you’re able to enjoy well over a middle-class manager’s salary. What are you dissatisfied with and still complaining about?”

“You still havfe the nerve to say it out loud. How is that enuff!” Jiang Changdai became angry just thinking about it.

“Isn’t that your own fault? Beicheng’s such a good child. I would’ve proudly walked everywhere if I had a child like him! I was already so proud that he’s my nephew, but because of you, my relationship with Beicheng is even worse than that of strangers! If only you hadn’t done so many messed up things, then you’ll still be the daughter-in-law of the Yan Family. With such a good son and outstanding husband, you would’ve lived way than you ever would with what that b*stard Lu Zhenting could ever offer you.”

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