
Chapter 1097 - Mother Nature’s Uncanny Workmanship 9

Chapter 1097 Mother Nature“s Uncanny Workmanship 9

The strength of the magnetic field suddenly exploded! The buoy started swaying ferociously, and the thin dangling iron pipes were rippling along with the waves.

Gu Nianzhi’s high-power magnetic field interference meter was no longer working. She and the four frogmen soldiers hid in a cave next to a gorgeous cluster of coral reefs, and from the shadows they observed the situation with their periscopes.

They didn’t know what operation Huo Shaoheng and the others had initiated, but the Japanese frogmen near them couldn’t hold out anymore. They swam towards the center of the turbulence, so whatever Huo Shaoheng was doing must have been working.

Gu Nianzhi immediately started instructing the four frogmen through the communicator in her diving suit. “We have ten minutes to prepare.” She sketched the buoy circle above her head and continued, “The diameter of the circle formed by the buoy here should be about 500 meters. The place we are staying is to the east. Starting from here, you swim 392.5 meters north of the buoy; you, swim 392.5 meters south of the buoy; and you, swim 500 meters directly westwards in the opposite direction.” Such a circle would have four people located in the northeast, southwest, and northwest of China.

Gu Nianzhi took the most powerful magnetic field converter to the center of the magnetic field interference source to install it so it could achieve its maximum potential.

This task was easy in theory but was difficult to apply in a real-life setting. If not for Huo Shaoheng, who had successfully diverted the attention of the Japanese frogmen troops, such a task would be nearly impossible to complete.

However, Gu Nianzhi had more ideas on her mind. She also had another goal, which was to encircle the Japanese frogmen within the buoy circle while their attention was diverted.

Twenty-four of those Huaxia Empire frogmen were carefully-selected elite soldiers, and they were highly efficient at underwater operations. Gu Nianzhi looked around for a while and found that while the four men were already in their respective places, it seemed that the frogman troops lurking on the bottom of the sea still had not noticed them at all. Of course, Huo Shaoheng was causing too much of a ruckus on the other side, so almost none of them noticed that they were skulking around the waters.

Ten minutes later, the four frogmen had finished installing the magnetic field converter under the buoy as instructed by Gu Nianzhi, then they dove to the ocean floor. Gu Nianzhi swam to the center of the circle of the buoy by herself and found the source of the magnetic field emission. This emission source was different from any magnetic field emission source that Gu Nianzhi had previously encountered. It had a disc shape and looked like a boomerang that people would throw around. Even the inward edge appeared similar to a boomerang. Such an innocent-appearing thing emitting such a powerful magnetic field amplified by the buoy circle was what was truly frightening about it.

Gu Nianzhi took a closer look at the magnetic field emission source and tried to pry open the closed disc with the engineering knife that she had brought with her, but even the engineering knife that was sharp enough to cut a tank’s steel plate was unable to pry open the disc the slightest bit.

This meant her previous inkling had been right. It was impossible to destroy the magnetic field emission source there. Energy conversion was the only way to destroy the strong electromagnetic interference on the spot.

Gu Nianzhi put away the engineering knife, took out the maximum power magnetic field converter, opened it for frequency modulation, and adjusted it to the magnetic field frequency there before carefully buckling it to the bottom of the disc. Then, she used black insulating tape to seal it from the outside, ensuring that only the inside was attached to the source of the magnetic field.

At a synchronized magnetic field frequency, the energy conversion began. If they only relied on this magnetic field converter, it would probably take hundreds of years to convert such a high-intensity magnetic field into an electric field, so they couldn’t just merely rely on these instruments alone. In addition to the magnetic field converter installed on the buoy, Song Jinning was busy using the data obtained from the strange magnetic field to break through the hardware limit and was using the new electromagnetic induction method to replenish energy remotely from the scientific research ship.

The energy supplemented in this way was geometrically multiple times more potent than the energy provided by the five magnetic field converters, so a large-scale magnetic field could be converted into an electric field within a short span of time. However, in terms of how much time it would take, Gu Nianzhi and Song Jinning had no idea.

Gu Nianzhi was alone, hovering just below the center of the circle of the submarine buoy, staring at the magnetic field converter above her head and holding a remote control in her hand to view the data. The data flew by so fast that it was practically impossible for the naked eye to see what the numbers were. However, she could feel that the magnetic field interference was gradually decreasing, since a clear voice gradually started to be heard from her Bluetooth headset, and she began to recognize that it was Song Jinning’s voice speaking to her.

“Nianzhi? Nianzhi? Can you hear me?” Song Jinning’s voice was only intermittently heard, but she could still hear it clearly nevertheless.

Gu Nianzhi suppressed her excitement. “I can hear you. Ms. Song, is there any problem?”

Song Jinning became so excited that her voice even sounded different. “Nianzhi, I can’t believe my eyes! Do you know how much energy was lost when the magnetic field here was converted to an electric field?”

Gu Nianzhi glanced at the remote control in her hand, and then shook her head and smiled. “I don’t know. The data here is on the verge of exploding.”

“I’ve already exploded here!” Song Jinning laughed. “Nianzhi, I don’t know where the Japanese obtained this kind of buoy material, but during the energy conversion process, the energy loss was zero! It was zero! Do you understand?!”

Gu Nianzhi laughed first, then she froze.


If there was no energy loss when the magnetic field was converted into an electric field, then how potent would the “electric fence” there be after the conversion process!? Thinking of the blue-violet electric light in the Blue Hole’s waters, Gu Nianzhi turned back and swam towards Huo Shaoheng, anxiously informing them, “Quickly, put on an insulating diving suit! Quickly! Put it on within five minutes! Otherwise, you’ll be electrocuted!”

Huo Shaoheng was holding a QBS06 underwater assault rifle aimed at a colonel in the Japanese frogman unit. When he heard the voice coming from the headset, his heart sank. “Nianzhi?!”

Gu Nianzhi pursed her lips, pretending not to hear, and continued to announce into the communicator, “Have you all heard me? Hurry up and change into an insulating diving suit! If you don’t change within five minutes, just wait to turn into a corpse!”

Huo Shaoheng saw that Gu Nianzhi was ignoring him, yet knew that it was not the time to reprimand her, so he also started issuing commands through his Bluetooth headset. “Hurry up and put on an insulating diving suit brought by the frogmen! Quick!”

The members of the Special Operations Forces who were fighting the Japanese frogmen immediately retreated, retracted into the reef cave where they had previously hidden, and quickly changed into their wetsuits. The four frogmen who had already put on their insulating suits were on guard with their QBS06 underwater assault rifles.

Huo Shaoheng changed into an insulating diving suit and put one on Hong Kangquan as well. Hong Kangquan hadn’t yet awakened during the past few hours. As soon as he started showing signs of awakening, Huo Shaoheng planned on knocking him out again so he wouldn’t be able to cause any more trouble.

Twenty-five minutes later, all of Huaxia Empire’s personnel had changed into the insulating diving suits Gu Nianzhi had brought for them. Song Jinning received the news from Gu Nianzhi, and after confirming that all personnel on their side had changed into insulating diving suits, she immediately increased the energy supply of electromagnetic induction. The strong magnetic field there instantly transformed into a powerful electric field and began to burst out extraordinary amounts of energy.

A team of scientists on the Japanese light destroyer was observing the magnetic field on the buoy there. When they suddenly discovered that their strong magnetic field interference signal vanished from the monitoring instrument without a trace, they started panicking. What on earth was going on?

They checked all the instruments on the ship and confirmed that there were no abnormalities, which meant that the problem was with the magnetic field emission source in the sea.

The chief scientist of the team of Japanese scientists put on a diving suit and said, “I’ll check and see what’s going on.” He was a highly influential high-energy physicist in Japan. The Japanese military valued him so much that they even sent two of the most powerful Marine Major General Frogmen elites to accompany him into the sea.

The three of them sneaked towards the magnetic field emission source in the center of the buoy and discovered Gu Nianzhi’s magnetic field converter installed here. However, they didn’t know what kind of instrument it was. They only knew that the instrument was undoubtedly the reason behind the malfunctioning of their magnetic field emission source.

“What is this?” The chief scientist curiously pulled at it with his hand. “It’s sealed with adhesive tape.”

At that moment, none of them had any idea that this thing was used for magnetic field conversion. Therefore, he didn’t hesitate to tear the edge of the tape with his hand. He had just torn open a small opening when high-voltage electricity no less potent than a thunderstorm suddenly poured out! The chief scientist didn’t even have the chance to utter a word before he was burned to ashes in an instant.

The two Major General Frogmen of the Japanese Marine Corps who were right next to him and witnessed the entire thing were horror-struck, and swimming back quickly, they urgently notified the warship. “There’s a problem with the emission source! The people from the Huaxia Empire must have done something! The chief scientist has been killed in action!”

The commander on the warship was furious when he heard the news and immediately issued orders. “We won’t wait any longer! I want all the Huaxia Empire’s soldiers to be wiped out! Do not leave a single one of them alive!”

The Japanese frogmen unit received the orders to attack and immediately rushed into the buoy circle. At that moment, Song Jinning turned the supplementary energy of electromagnetic induction to its maximum value, which almost reached the threshold of the strange magnetic field appearing in City C. This was a set of critical data that was about to break through the sky, and it instantly stimulated all the remaining magnetic field energy to be converted into an electric field.


Gu Nianzhi checked the data on the remote control and determined that the conversion was complete before heading towards the cave in the buoy circle near the coral reef where Huo Shaoheng and the others were hiding. She calmly directed everyone to evacuate. “You go out first. There are no Japanese out there. Go out here. The buoys are all charged, so do not take off your diving suit at any point, because our diving suits are insulators that enable us to move around the electric field without being electrocuted. The electromagnetic interference is gone, so you guys can leave. You all can contact the scientific research boat and let them send a speedboat to receive you guys.”

The electromagnetic interference outside was now gone, but the electric field in the buoy circle was so incredibly strong, it formed a built-in electromagnetic field that blocked the communication signal, so they couldn’t get into contact with Song Jinning. However, the communication signal would be fine after they left the buoy.

While Gu Nianzhi watched them evacuate, Huo Shaoheng was standing outside the cave on guard. Everyone made a plan for evacuation, then started rushing out after confirming with each other.

The unconscious Hong Kangquan was the first to be carried out. The members of the Special Operations Forces behind rushed out in groups of three. The dead body of the Special Operations Forces member who had been previously killed in action was also carried out, and they planned to give him a proper soldier’s burial.

As they rushed out in groups of twos and threes, they were finally discovered by some of the Japanese frogmen.

They rushed over with their guns, but Huo Shaoheng took the QBS06 underwater sniper rifle that had been hidden by the entrance of the cave and instantly shot a Japanese frogman dead. The remaining frogmen pulled back in fear.


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