
Chapter 121: The Dead End

Chapter 121: The Dead End

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

It was nighttime before everybody got out of work.

It was the Stars Pet Chain Supermarket east district franchise store.

Chen Taitong was reading the sales performance report for the weekend, upset. The staff were all quiet so the boss wouldn’t let his anger out on them.

“Tell me why! We have a 50%-off promotion and sales went down?!” No matter whom he was looking at, that person would bow his head down more.

In fact, the staff weren’t stupid. If the boss could not ramp up sales, they couldn’t really do anything.

The boss is the boss. He had to let it out on someone. No one could help that. The staff were praying that someone else would be the “lucky” one.

A few smart staff, including the one blamed in front of the customers, already knew this store wouldn’t last long so they started looking for a new job. If a 50% off promotion could not boost sales and change the situation, this shop was pretty hopeless.

They were only employees, not the owner of the store. They didn’t really care if the store could stay in business.

Some were even thinking about trying their luck with the Amazing Fate Pet Shop. If Zhang Zian was willing to offer better wages, they would ditch Chen Taitong for a higher salary…

The staff were all bowing their heads down, which made them look like they were repenting; however, their faces showed that they could care less. Who knows what they are thinking about? Probably where to get girls tonight.

Knowing that he could not count on these people and also being extremely frustrated, Chen Taitong waved his arm, “Well, go home. Get out of here!” He suddenly pounded on the table and yelled, “Go!”

“What’s going on? Am I not welcome? Why did you want me to go?” Stars Pet Chain Supermarket’s Regional Sales Director Cao Yong opened the door and entered.

As if he had been hit by lightning, Chen Taitong jumped up and smiled, “Oh no! Of course not, Director Cao! I had no idea that was you. I was yelling at these useless pieces of trash with only food and girls in their mind. I can’t count on them at all! Come, Director Cao. Please have a seat!”

Cao Yong smiled, “I know you weren’t blaming me. I saw that it was quite intense in here so I joked with you. Let’s calm down. Anger won’t solve your problems.”

After comforting Chen Taitong, Cao Yong spoke to the staff, “You guys can leave now. Do whatever you are planning to do. Manager Chen is having a rough day, so he was a bit harsh on you. Don’t take it personally.”

The staff all relaxed and left quickly.

Chen Taitong got even angrier. He pointed at the staff and scolded, “Look at them! They are slower than turtles when coming to work and now they run faster than a rabbit to go home! They will ruin my store!”

Cao Yong laughed and sat down. “Relax! It is not worth it if you get yourself sick from anger.”

Chen Taitong sighed and sat back down into his big chair. At this time, he only felt weak. The big chair was making squawky noises as he sat down.

“Well… nothing can save my business this time. I should just kill myself. What an exhausting world to live in!”

Cao Yong didn’t take him seriously and encouraged him, “It doesn’t help being negative. You should man up and fight.”

Chen Taitong forced a smile and pushed the report in front of Cao, “My negativity was not out of nowhere. I don’t think I can fight back. I am dead!”

Glanced at a few crucial numbers, Cao Yong sighed with knitted brows, “I thought your store was well prepared for the promotion. Why are sales so low?”

“Well, I just want to cry!”

Chen Taitong forced a bit of tears. He was so frustrated that he needed to let it out on Cao Yong.

“Director Cao, honestly, I am so sad! I don’t even know why customers are now so difficult. They come in the store with millions of requirements. Everyone acted like they were pet experts. Other than that, Director Cao, you are aware that among all the pets from Director Qian Fang, only some are healthy.”

Purchasing Director Qian Fang had been competing with Cao Yong for the position of Regional GM. Cao Yong understood immediately once Chen Taitong mentioned her name.

Stars Pet Chain Supermarket centralized their purchasing and delivery system. However, pets are pets. They are different than a product from a production line.

Various batches from different breeding bases usually varied in quality. He knew Chen Taitong was going to complain about the quality of the pets.

“Manager Chen, frankly, I can do nothing about it. She is the one and only decision maker for purchasing. If I interfere, she definitely will report me to management.”

In fact, Cao Yong had always been skeptical about Qian Fang’s source of pets. He was suspicious that she brought in low quality pets on purpose so sales would go down. If sales went down, Cao Yong was the one to blame. Qian Fang would benefit from it no matter what.

Would she really do shameful things like that?

Chen Taitong forced a smile. The customers were picky. The supplier couldn’t send in good quality pets. What could he do? Did they keep the good pets for their directly-operated store and give him the bad ones? He was suspicious and dared not to ask.

A franchise store enjoyed more freedom when it came to operations; however, the support and benefits a franchise store could get from corporate were also considerably less.

He had heard about the rivalry between Cao Yong and Qian Fang before and he chose to be neutral. Stars Pet Chain Supermarket was as powerful as it could’ve been and could defeat any competitors. For the first time, he felt vulnerable about the internal fight that might cost his own store.

“Director Cao, please help me. The customers are very difficult these days. I just can’t handle them anymore…Maybe I should close the store and go back to my hometown…”

Chen Taitong was half serious about what he said but he really wanted to push for more help. If Stars Pet Chain Supermarket decided to let him go, he would do the same!

If the staff could find another job, so could he!

Stars Pet Chain Supermarket was about to go public. If a franchise store closed at this time, it would affect the chain’s reputation for sure.

Cao Yong understood exactly what Chen Taitong wanted. He pulled a long face and said seriously, “Manager Chen, please don’t do something you are going to regret! Remember, you will have to pay for the early termination fee if you close your franchise early.”

Chen Taitong’s heart froze immediately.

Oh no! I totally forgot about that!

Stars Pet Chain Supermarket had its own legal department. Of course, they anticipated that some people might terminate the contract, so they added a clause that an early termination fee would be charged for any premature resignations. Chen Taitong was doing well when he signed the contract, so he didn’t foresee that one day he would consider selling the store.

It was okay to sell his franchise now, but most of the money he made would turn into the termination fee.

He was pushed to a dead end where he had to continue, although vulnerable.

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