
Chapter 986 - The Part-Time Expert (2)

Chapter 986: The Part-Time Expert (2)

When Ming Shu came out of the dormitory, she received a call from her supervisor, asking her to come over.

Ji He was primarily a straight-A student; playing games was just something she did on the side.

“Professor, are you looking for me?”

“Come come come, come in.” The professor was a bald old man and his bald head was like a big light bulb.

The bald old man handed a file bag to Ming Shu. “This is Yunxing Project’s data, go report yourself in a few days.”

Yunxing Project?

Ming Shu searched for information inside her brain. It was also related to the present holographic technique and had been set up officially. It was said that the result would be applied to military affairs in the future.


The Host seemed to have rejected it?


“Ji He,” the bald old man interrupted her immediately, “with your ability, you’re totally competent. Whether the project is successful or not, your future will be promising and assured.”

But I came to collect Hatred Points, not to be a straight-A student!

“Anyway, I finally got you in there, so if you don’t go, I’ll jump down from here.” The bald old man suddenly stood up and began to climb the window.

“...” Is this what a supervisor should do?!

“Will you go or not? If you refuse, I’ll jump.”

“...” Ming Shu’s mouth twitched. “Okay okay, I’ll go. By the way, we’re on the first floor.”

The bald old man stood tall. “What’s wrong with us being on the first floor? I’m just all old bones and could be killed even from jumping from the first floor.”

Ming Shu: “...”

“Go, go now, remember to report yourself.” The bald old man waved to shoo Ming Shu.

How could he bury such a promising kid?

This kid is talented, but a little...unambitious.

He used to ask what she wanted to do in the future, she actually said she wanted to play games!

A playboy without ambitions!


Ming Shu left the supervisor’s office. She opened the file bag to check. It was her data and a pass, and the address where she should report to.

Ming Shu chutted and put away the things.

Ming Shu walked out of the school, bought some snacks, then called a car using her cell phone.

The taxis now were all smart machines that didn’t need a driver. You just needed to pay on your phone and enter the address where you were going.

Ming Shu set the route, then began to eat snacks while enjoying the scenery.

This was not an entirely smart world, but most fields had developed artificial intelligence so as to serve humans more conveniently and rapidly.

But it also faced many problems...

Many of those who made a living in these fields had lost their jobs.

These unemployed people often came together to protest the popularization of artificial intelligence.

Especially for those technology companies, there were always protestors against them.

Ding! Upon arrival, please get off the car at the right side with your belongings, and feel welcome to use the service again.”

The car stopped slowly. Ming Shu opened the door and got off.

The heat and the clamor came over her face immediately.

A group of protesters gathered before a building up ahead. There seemed to be conflicts and a fight was about to begin.

Ming Shu looked at another building beside that one and walked toward it.

The NS Club.

Ming Shu followed the sign and got upstairs.

“Hello,” the front desk’s young miss greeted with a sweet smile as soon as Ming Shu pushed open the club’s door.

Ming Shu went to the front desk. “Are you recruiting for your professional team?”

The young miss nodded. “Yes, we’re recruiting for the Warlords and Jedi Counterattack, may I ask which one you are good at?”

Ming Shu smiled. “Asking Gods.”

The young miss was a little stunned. “I’m really sorry... But we haven’t formed a team for Asking Gods...”

“Can I meet the person-in-charge here?”

The young miss thought for a while. “Please wait for a moment.”

The person-in-charge soon came out. The young miss had told him the situation simply on the phone, and the person-in-charge invited Ming Shu to talk inside, quite politely.

“How do I call you, Miss?”


“Miss Ji, have a seat please. My last name is Wang,” Wang Heyang exchanged some polite words with Ming Shu first.

Then he continued, “Miss Ji, you want to join the Asking Gods team? To be honest, our club did consider forming an Asking Gods team, but we haven’t had specific plans. Asking Gods is a holographic game, and it’s not so easy to find good players.”

Ming Shu drank the tea quietly while listening to Wang Heyang’s long speech.

When he finished, Ming Shu smiled slightly. “I’ll help you find players, you only need to give me enough privilege.”

In a very relaxed tone, she sounded like it was as easy as buying two robots on the market.

Wang Heyang squinted his eyes. “No offense, Miss Ji, may I ask what’s your ID in the game?”

“Wind He Rising.”

Wang Heyang was a little stunned again. “You’re Wind God, I didn’t expect you to be a young girl...”

They might not know the experts in the hot games now, but they heard their names.

Wind He Rising...

This name was quite famous in many hot games.

“Are you sure, Miss Ji?” Wang Heyang asked. “There are only three famous teams in Asking Gods, and all of them are not very strong.”

Many people hadn’t transferred to holographic games from the traditional keyboard games, so the market for competitive teams in holographic games was rather barren.

Their club did want to form a team, but it was difficult to recruit players. Most of those good players in Asking Gods had already joined other clubs.

Ming Shu put down the teacup, tilting her head. “Will the latecomer have a chance to pick up the championship?”

Wang Heyang was startled.

“Sooner or later you’ll form a team, so why not now? Besides, I’ll lead the way. What scares you then?”


Wang Heyang pondered for a long time. “Miss Ji, can you really find players?”

“You want me to show you now?”

“Is it... convenient?”

Ming Shu nodded. She took out her phone and opened a WeChat group.

There were only over thirty people in this group, which was quite few compared to those that may include hundreds of people.

But these people were all experts ranking at the top in all kinds of games, the kind of... everyday experts outside the Esports circle.

The Host knew met people gradually as she had been playing games all this time. Even the club couldn’t necessarily dig out so many excellent players.

The Host had a good relationship with them. But according to the storyline, the Host didn’t ask them to form teams.

Probably she didn’t want to bother them. Their friendship was only limited to the game, and she didn’t want to bother others with her own business.

But Ming Shu was different.

She wouldn’t care much.

Wind He Rising: I’m forming a team for Asking Gods, is anyone interested?

Flying To Heaven: Yo, Wind God, it’s been a while.

A Little Cutie: Wind God, Wind God, have you seen your little fan? Look here.

The Overlapped Moon and Sun: Asking Gods? Wind God, will you play professional?

Qingqiu Zhong: Wind God, are you going to graduate?

Tonight’s Moon: Qingqiu, are you a fool? Wind God said he was studying for a master’s degree, okay?

Qingqiu Zhong: Cough cough cough... I forgot, okay? But forming a team might have too many rules, I’m not really... But since it’s Wind God who’s inviting us, it’s hard to refuse.

Yellow Crane Returning West: Clubs indeed have many annoying rules.

Many people echoed this. They said the clubs were annoying because of too many rules.

Ming Shu looked up at Wang Heyang. “Does your club have many rules?”

“Not... not many...” Compared with other clubs, their club didn’t really have too many rules.

“If they promise that they’ll win games, can you let them do their own things freely at ordinary times?”


“We’ll form the team with our own money.”

Wang Heyang: “...”

Rich players!

Wang Heyang went out to make a call, then came back and agreed with Ming Shu’s proposal. But the contract might require some changes.

Ming Shu related the news to the group and stressed that they would join with money.

Rich players said that wouldn’t be a problem.

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