
Chapter 88 - Evening Banquet of Outcas

Chapter 88: Evening Banquet of Outcasts

Translator: Lei

Proofreader: Imagine

“Not over there, you stupid fool!”

Cl-clunk, cl-clunk.

‘It’s totally a construction site.’

There were no more refugees staying at the covert—instead, the hangars and various buildings were filled up with wyverns, and workers were bustling around making repairs.

‘I need to move soon, seriously.’

But the city of Denfors was old and worn down. Besides the covert, which was taking up the most space in the city, there wasn’t anywhere else I could move to. Of course, there was Gadain Castle, the former base of Viscount Lukence, but I didn’t want to use a castle someone else had used, either.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

“Wyverns are landing!!!”

‘So they’re finally here.’

Ryker and Janice, who stuck together like peanut butter and jelly, were escorting our guests from the Havis Kingdom in a slow fashion, landing in the covert’s central clearing.

‘Hrm? That wyvern, haven’t I seen it somewhere before?’

I was watching the envoys from Havis when I saw a familiar-looking wyvern.


A female Skyknight descended from the familiar wyvern. It was Rosiathe, the woman who had happily eaten roast boar with me.

After Rosiathe alighted, Havis Skyknights fell in behind her with a clatter of metal like inseparable shadows. Considering how practiced their VIP guarding movements were, they were definitely Skyknights of the Royal Guard.

‘A welcome guest has come, huh.’

There was no doubt they had come to discuss the national invasion, so I was prepared for the worst. I was someone who would even shoot magic at the Crown Prince’s wyvern in a fit of pique, so I wouldn’t allow myself to be threatened by a frail kingdom.

However, my feelings changed the moment I saw Rosiathe.

PR/N: Simppppp

As the Havis Kingdom’s knights and Rosiathe headed towards me, my knights ran over and assumed positions next to me.

‘They’ve grown a lot.’

I had no need to envy any territory. Wyverns were milling around the covert like chickens looking for food. The sight of Gold Wyverns among them would instill fear in these ambassadors.

Rosiathe removed her helmet with a click as she walked over.



Stunned by her uncommon, wavy golden hair gleaming in the sunlight and blue, diamond-like eyes, my knights and soldiers exclaimed in spite of themselves, proving without a doubt that Rosiathe deserved the title ‘Flower of the North.’

“Haha, welcome, Princess Rosiathe.”

I bowed towards Rosiathe, who wore a happy smile. No matter how high my rank was now, the other party was the princess of a kingdom.

“We meet again, Count Kyre.”

Since she wasn’t wearing a dress, Rosiathe gave me a slight nod in response.

‘Hmm, she smells good.’

The faint smell of pansies came drifting over as Rosiathe approached.

“What are you all doing! Show your respects to Princess Rosiathe!”


“All, hail!”

Around 20 knights drew their swords in a salute at my command.

“Thank you for the warm welcome,” said Rosiathe in appreciation for greeting her without a single hair out of place.

“It is nothing. You must be tired from traveling so far, let us quickly go inside.”

“I am not tired. The sight of the Nerman Plains full of vitality completely refreshed me as we flew.”

Since everyone was watching, I imitated an old noble’s mannerisms to converse with Rosiathe.

“But where did those Gold Wyverns over there come from…?”

Havis shared a border with the Laviter Empire, so Rosiathe knew better than anyone about Gold Wyverns. She was looking at the Golds who had been reduced to sorry, patchy little mutts from getting their asses kicked by Bebeto and the beastmen. Now, they were even enjoying naps outside of their hangars.

“They were roaming around the Kovilan Mountains like they were homeless, so I picked them up.”

“Huh? P-Picked them up?” Rosiathe stuttered, dumbfounded. Gold Wyverns were the symbol of the Laviter Imperial Family, after all.

‘You’ll get hurt if you know more.’

“Why, shall I let you adopt one?”


Fully aware of what it meant to have a Gold Wyvern, Rosiathe snapped back to her senses and quickly refused.

“Then, let us go inside.”


Maybe because she owed me from the incident in the Bajran capital, Rosiathe followed me meekly.

‘I’m nervous.’

This feeling of inviting a pretty woman to your home…

Only someone who knew what it was like would understand.

* * *

‘It’s overflowing with vitality.’

Before leaving the Havis Kingdom, Rosiathe reviewed all the information they had gathered about Nerman. She had heard that Nerman must be doing a ton of trade with major merchant groups, particularly the Rubis Merchants, because an enormous volume of goods were passing through Havis borders into Nerman.

However, there was more negative information than positive. Everyone on the continent was aware that just a few months ago, the empire had given up on the territory and had pulled out their formal troops. Moreover, it was common knowledge that nearly a million monsters were thriving on the Nerman Plains instead of people. Therefore, Rosiathe didn’t believe the rumors that Nerman had undergone tremendous development in the past few months following Kyre’s appointment as the provisional lord. As the first person in the line of succession for the Havis crown, Rosiathe knew better than anyone that it was impossible to change the administration of a territory or country in such a short period of time.

However, she was shocked by what she had seen of Nerman on the way from Havis to Denfors, the central city. What she saw wasn’t monsters, but cavalry that were moving in groups of hundreds. She did see the occasional monster, but not nearly enough to be much of a threat.

‘They said the territory was low on grain, so where did all these fields around the city come from?’

More unbelievable were the huge farmlands spread out around Denfors. Not too long ago, it was said that Denfors might fall at any time to monsters, but the autumn wheat ripening before her eyes like an illusion were waving in the wind.

‘The eyes of the knights and soldiers are brimming with life.’

As she walked with Kyre’s escort to a building that was lacking quite a lot of class to be called the office of a lord, Rosiathe glanced around, finding out more about Nerman.

“An evening feast has been prepared. Please have a short rest; I will see you again in the evening.”

After reaching the entrance of what appeared to be the covert headquarters, Kyre bid her farewell with a reliable smile.

“See you then.”

Rosiathe’s face reddened at Kyre’s pleasant voice.

She bowed her head slightly, then walked towards the maids who were waiting at the entrance, her heart beating hard with every step.

* * *

“We have almost reached Nerman.”

“Anchor the fleet.”

“Understood, Commander.”

A shore could be spotted far in the distance. Sitting on the deck of a massive wyvern convoy ship holding 10 wyverns, Fleet Commander Chrisia gave an order to anchor.

She was the Commander of the 2nd Fleet and the third daughter of the King of the Kesmire Island Pirates, or rather, the Sea Kingdom that they had declared themselves to be. Her slightly tanned skin from the endless days of life on the sea and curvy body gave her a charming appearance.

‘Contact came later than expected, huh.’

When trading for the top-grade potions, she had thrown out irresistible bait—a mass of treasures, including magic crystals, more generous than other trades. She used goods that a collapsing territory would absolutely need for its development as bait to test the man named Kyre. Back then, Chrisia had no doubt that it would be effective. She thought that with that level of payment, he would quickly contact her again for another trade. She thought that Kyre, who was discarded by the empire and surrounded by enemies in the form of the Temir and monsters, would have no one else to rely on but the Kesmire.

However, contrary to her expectations, Kyre did not contact her for quite a long time. More surprisingly, according to the information that swiftly reached her ears, within just a few months, he had acquired 40 wyverns and built up his military force.

‘Letting down my guard could cause our plans to fail. The kingdom’s desire to gain a foothold on the continent would come crumbling down.’

How long had they waited for that moment?

Hoping for the Bajran Empire’s withdrawal, Kesmire had pressured Nerman, a hot potato for everyone, with force year after year. And then, after cleaning up the regional ruling power left behind, the Kesmire Kingdom had intended to take Nerman for themselves with nary a sound nor rumor.

They could not always make a living by blocking the sea routes of other empires and kingdoms, plundering, and conducting intermediate trade. For the Kesmire Kingdom, which only had islands, securing a source of provisions was their dearest wish.

‘Kyre… Kyre…’

Everything had been going as planned, but then, an unexpected dark horse appeared, a totally green rookie named Baronet Kyre. According to the urgent information that had flown to them a few days ago, he had received a count peerage along with Nerman from the Bajran Emperor.

“Prepare the wyverns!”

“Yes, ma’am!”

The call from a man who had ignored her bait could not be disregarded.


Thinking of Kyre with his striking black hair and eyes, Chrisia let out a quiet laugh.

Even to her, someone who had lived on the rough sea her whole life, he looked manly.

Today was the day she would finally meet him again.

“An evening feast?”

“Is it a burden for you?”

“N-No, that’s not it…”

Aramis devoted herself to God and the ailing everyday, like a Kallian Mother Teresa. Because she had granted God’s grace to hundreds of residents who flocked to the temporary temple, her face was full of fatigue. Seeing that made me think that no matter how much a priestess was loved by a god, bodily fatigue could not be defeated.

“I will wait for you.”


She was really biddable. No matter what I did, Aramis looked on and silently supported me from the side. This time as well, she responded to my invitation with quiet acquiescence.

‘Today is my day.’

I was busy all day, but it was finally time for the evening feast, and it was a meal with three beautiful women who could each outshine a Miss Universe. Just thinking about it filled me with happiness.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

A noisy bell clanged outside.

“Wyverns have appeared!”

Soldiers with loud, carrying voices informed the covert of a new guest’s arrival.

* * *

“I’ll kill him! I’ll rip him to shreds! KEAAAARGHHHHH!”


Inside Second Prince Alskane’s bedroom in Oparn Palace within the imperial castle grounds of the Laviter Empire, the strongest of the three great empires on the continent, a noisy crash and a raw scream of rage rocked the palace walls.

“Please calm yourself, Your Highness. Your body is not completely recovered.”

“Calm? How can I be calm right now?! As long as that bastard lives and draws breath, I won’t be able to sleep at night! So hurry and prepare the soldiers! I will talk to my esteemed Father, so please gather the Skyknights, Grandfather! You must recover my wyvern and honor from that shitty little bastard!”

Trapped in the cave for over a week, Prince Alskane had nearly starved to death. For the first time in his life, he experienced the fear of death. Prince Alskane was born in the Imperial Family of an empire ruling over the continent and grew up treasured and treated with every bit of luxury and love. Alskane, who was widely considered to be the most likely successor of the emperor instead of his older brother, Crown Prince Perfias, was screaming with bloodshot eyes at Duke Yanovis, who had been dragged to the palace from his territory.

“In all actuality, we are already preparing for battle. But the bastard is a noble of the Bajran Empire. If we were to recklessly attack without pretext, war could be ignited between the two empires.”

“Pretext? I, a prince of the empire, very nearly died, so what better pretext could there be?! And since when did our empire tuck their tails in fear facing Bajran?!!!!”

After escaping the deadly crisis, Prince Alskane had become quite a bit more violent. The mana he had used unrestrainedly was fettered and he starved for over a week inside a pitch-black cave, so it wasn’t as if Duke Yanovis didn’t understand the Prince’s pain. However, the Duke knew that war was not something you should immediately ignite because there was something you were unhappy about.

“We need a little more precise information and pretext. Please wait a little longer. This humble one will be sure to create an opportunity for Your Highness to vent the rage inside your heart in one go!”


His wrath filling the depths of his heart, Prince Alskane’s rage rang throughout the Laviter Imperial Castle.

Unbeknownst to him, the person he cursed was currently beaming with joy.

* * *

“It isn’t much, but please help yourself.”

“Thank you for inviting me.”

“Oh my, it looks like food made from newly harvested crops.”

‘Huhuhu, it’s a total bevy of beauties.’

The covert dining hall was incredibly ragged compared to any noble house, but the large table was fully decked with dishes made with the harvest the residents had brought.

The meal, which was prepared by roping in the best cooks from Denfors’ inns, consisted of big potatoes roasted to a golden brown, various kinds of fruits and vegetables, salad tossed with honey and milk, tuna caught from the ocean and roast fish from the river. There was also soft white bread, smoked beef, pork, and chicken.

In my eyes, it was an amazing feast, but that was of course just my opinion. The nicely suntanned lady of a pirate family, Chrisia, looked at the feast with appreciation, but Rosiathe was wearing an unimpressed expression.

“Let us dig in before it grows cold.”

I had run around all day, so I was hungry. If I were still going to school back at home, this would have been the time for night free study. Afterwards, I would have definitely roamed the stores like a ravenous wolf, going all out to buy fast food like cup ramen.

And so, the meal began. With me at the center, to my left were Aramis and Derval, and to my right were Chrisia and Rosiathe.

“Delicious! I think this must be the most delicious potato I’ve ever had in my life.”

Chrisia had a vivacious personality, as expected for a girl from a pirate household. After cutting a potato with her fork and bringing it to her mouth, she repeatedly exclaimed out loud.

“Haha, that is because it is a potato produced through a special method.”

From having tasted it before, I knew these potatoes were clearly different from other potatoes.

“A special method?”

“We planted seeds that were disinfected with top-grade potion.”


Chrisia had purchased that same top-grade potion with an enormous amount of money. After hearing that such a valuable thing was used to disinfect seeds, Chrisia’s expression went from disbelief to dumbfounded.

“That is truly a special method…” said Rosiathe, who had been quiet so far. She looked at a loss for words.

“It is thanks to Priestess Aramis over here.”

The two women turned in tandem to look at Aramis. The pure angel Aramis reddened after suddenly becoming the focus of attention.

“So she is that priestess,” said Rosiathe.

‘Shall we slowly get to the point?’

I would have been happier if Rosiathe had just dropped by for a visit, but I was well aware that she was here to represent the Havis Kingdom.

“Since the topic has come up, let us talk. How does the Havis Kingdom intend to compensate for the damages our territory accrued?”


Rosiathe stared at me as if totally blindsided by my mention of compensation.

“I intend to demand compensation for damages to prevent reoccurence from the Havis Kingdom, or the Calvaron County to be more exact, who harbored criminals who committed an unspeakable act. That is my demand as Kyre de Nerman, a noble granted a territory and peerage from His Majesty the Emperor of the Bajran Empire.”

Because Nerman was formally recognized as my territory, I used Nerman as my last name instead of Adaron.

“T-That is…”

“Impertinent! What station do you have to threaten us!”

Two Royal Knights had been standing with a shocked face that mirrored Rosiathe’s own. The one who looked older flushed as he interjected.

“What is your name?”

He may be a Royal Knight, but I was now a count of an empire. I asked his name with a smile.

“Sir Luchias, stand back.”

“But Princess…”

“Both of you, go outside. I command it in the name of the Havis Royal Family.”

“Yes, ma’am!”

The Royal Knight named Luchias who had flapped his mouth saluted and went outside, but not before fixing me with a menacing glare.

‘Brat, just know how lucky you got. How dare you glare at me so openly!’

If someone dared to pick a fight with me on my turf without reading the mood, even if they were an emperor, I would slap them across the cheek.

“I apologize, Count Kyre.”

“It is nothing. A Royal Knight should naturally have that level of loyalty.”

Rosiathe’s mood had already hit rock bottom. “However, I believe it is excessive to speak of compensation for damages,” she said. “Actually, the reason why I came here today is to amicably settle the matter that occurred on the border. I stopped our kingdom’s nobles from blocking the border and seeking revenge against Kyre-nim. But if you insist so strongly, then…” Rosiathe trailed off, looking at me with a cold but also sad gaze.

‘Hooh, so that’s how it was.’

I knew Rosiathe definitely had an interest in me. But there was too much we had to resolve with Havis to settle things with interest alone. For Nerman’s future development, it was necessary to keep the relations with the Havis Kingdom black and white, no matter what that took.

“I apologize. Because of me…”

Knowing it was something that happened because of her, Aramis uttered an apology with a glum expression.

“Nonsense! It is the fault of the people who kidnapped you, an irreplaceable priestess Nerman cannot do without, and those who protected the criminals, what would Aramis-nim have anything to apologize for? Even if a pontiff, no, ANY empire or kingdom were to threaten your safety… I will throw them into the fiery pit of hell!”

Mana surged up wildly inside the dining hall to mirror my emotions.


The hall instantly became quiet. I had revealed my pure emotions without a filter.

The third wheel, Chrisia, gave Aramis a strange look. “I’m jealous. To be a priestess receiving such protection from Kyre-nim…”

On the other hand, Rosiathe’s expression had grown ice cold. “The Bajran Imperial Family has already given us a response. They said it was an issue related to a lord alone, which they have absolutely nothing to do with.”

‘Of course they did. Huhu.’

It was just as I expected. Nerman was granted to me as my territory, but it wasn’t given out of goodwill.


“So…” Rosiathe was unable to respond.

‘EH? T-That is—!’

I was looking at Princess Rosiathe as if interrogating her when I spotted a small gem sparkling on her cheeks.

She was crying.

Rosiathe’s blue eyes were slowly reddening, and a single drop came running down as if to express her grievances.

‘Why is she crying?! I didn’t do anything wrong!’

Right now, we were settling things between my territory and an official of the Havis Kingdom. But Rosiathe was crying after just a few words.

“Y-You… can’t do this to me. I… I believed in you… Sob sob~!”

Rosiathe suddenly covered her face with her hands, then stumbled to her feet and went outside with lightning speed.

‘Ehhhh? What’s happening right now?’

I suddenly became the worst guy in the world, someone who made a woman cry. The most we had done together was peacefully sharing some boar meat together and me having saved her from the wolf of a crown prince. After Rosiathe left, the two women left in the room turned to look at me.

“I will go outside.”

Aramis must have felt bad, because she also got up and left, following Rosiathe.

“I-I recalled something I have to quickly take care of…”

Faced with the prickly atmosphere, Derval made up an excuse to leave.

‘What, I just spoke honestly, but… Jeez.’

A woman’s heart was already so incomprehensible, but I didn’t know it would be like this.

“To make a woman cry… Hoho, Kyre-nim, contrary to what I thought, you seem to be a bad man.”

‘Geh! B-Bad man.’

Chrisia followed up and labeled me as a bad man.

“Then shall we also talk, Chrisia-nim?”

I was seen as a bad man anyway, so I took the opportunity to turn the fire on Chrisia.

“Hoho, you’ll scare me if you look at me like that. I am a gentle lady.”

‘Uh huh, gentle lady my ass.’

I had happened to hear someone calling her a princess back then. Though they were both princesses, the two women were so different.

“I asked you to come because I wanted to propose a trade, Chrisia-nim.”

“By trade, you mean…”

As expected for a woman with formidable nerves, Chrisia trailed off while flashing neat white teeth at me in a smile.

“Please acquire magic crystals for me.”

“Magic crystals?”

“From what I have found out, most of the magic crystals produced in the Ice Empire Haldrian are taken care of by the Kesmire Kingdom. Please sell a portion of those magic crystals to us.”

“Oh my, where did you hear such a ridiculous rumor? We are barely managing to make a small profit from the magic crystals from the Haldrian Empire.”

‘You pretty fox, at least tell a believable lie.’

The woman in front of me was a coy and dangerous eight-tailed fox.

“I am asking you to give us those barely profitable magic crystals.”

There was no need to draw things out. Going around in circles with a fox would only give me a headache.

“Then what would you give us in return?”

Propping her chin with one hand, the tanned beauty looked me straight in the eye.

“If you tell me what you want, I will do my utmost to provide it, as long as it is within my limits.”

Many magic crystals were necessary for the territory development I was planning. Even the dwarves could not easily acquire magic crystals. Moreover, I had a poor relationship with every magic tower on the continent.

“Can you promise me? With your name on the line.”

‘With my name on the line… She can’t be trying to employ me as a pirate, right?’

“On my name of Kyre de Nerman, I give you my word.”

In any case, it was a promise I was making within my limits. Because I had no other choice, I made the vow with my name on the line.

“Hoho, then the trade has been completed, Count Kyre de Nerman.”

Chrisia the fox put special emphasis on my name and title.


I sent the inscrutable woman a bright smile. We may have become allies, but in the end, we were still just the social outcasts of the continent…

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