
Chapter 500 - Love You

Chapter 500: Love You

At a small villa in Manchester, UK, a person was sleeping on a light purple sheet in a spacious bedroom. On the woman’s wrist, there was a thin needle through which the IV was running, giving her body energy.

It was a dark night.

Spring in the UK was slightly cold and misty, and Mu Qing, who had been used to the pleasant weather of A City felt a bit uncomfortable.

In fact, he had been feeling unwell for a long time. Everything about this country made him feel uncomfortable.

He did not like the UK, he loved A City where he grew up.

But all of the discomfort and unpleasantness had faded away today, only because this girl finally came back to his side.

Mu Qing tucked the blanket around her, in case she caught a cold.

The woman looked a bit different from how he remembered her. She had lost so much weight that her chubby chin had become pointed and her collarbone stood out, making her look even more sexy. Because of being away from the sun for so long, her skin had turned whiter, reflecting smoothness like a jade. She looked ethereal.

Mu Qing did not dare close his eyes, fearing that this was a dream and when he would wake up, the woman he longed for so much would disappear again, and he would fall into misery yet again.

This kind of love in the world is called persistence.

This persistence can exist deep inside a man’s marrow that the man would never be able to get rid of it.

No matter what this woman had done before, how unruly she was and however much she wanted to run away, Mu Qing would forgive her for that.

This was his love. He did not want a repayment and did not care about winning or losing. No matter how much time had passed, he still loved her deeply.

They might not ever have a deep relationship throughout their lives. Maybe they would face bumps, they might quarrel, turn on each other or run away from home...

Just like every other ordinary couple!

The only difference was that Zhao Anan might leave him one day and go somewhere beyond his reach.

Maybe that was one of the reasons why he tolerated so much from Zhao Anan.

But the most important reason why he could tolerate all the unruly tantrums of Zhao Anan was because he loved her way too deeply.

Mu Qing had seen many women with or without clothes. They could be elegant and sexy, but none of them could make him happy as Zhao Anan did.

The other women might be better, but he felt that Zhao Anan was the only one for him.

Everyone had their own choice. He couldn’t come up with a specific explanation as to why he fell in love with Zhao Anan. He had no idea what made him fall for her. All he knew was that he loved her deeply, and it had nothing to do with sex or looks.

They fell in love when they were younger, and after all the mess, they parted. This was a love that had been suppressed for a decade. It had never gone away but kept bubbling under the surface.

He had never thought of himself as a man who could love someone for this long. He thought that he would be able to forget about her but unknown to him, he had been in love with her for ten years!

Rather, for ten plus one years!

Mu Qing would never have believed that a man could love a woman for so long, if it had not happened to himself.

Destiny was written in the stars.

Mu Qing felt that he could have led a life with any other woman, because that was how one lived. He was an easy man who wasn’t that picky, and if a girl had a good personality, he could have lived a stable life with her after a child was born.

But after he met Zhao Anan and fell for her, he did not want to be and could not be an easy man, anymore.

He had been following a fixed routine throughout his entire life, and walked forward according to the plan his grandpa made for him. He never made a mistake and never stepped out of the boundary.

He was an obedient man, not psychologically strong like Jing Yichen who never cared about the principles and moralities. He was a man who cared about his family and thought of the burden on his shoulders.

But during the past six months, Mu Qing’s ideology underwent a tremendous change.

He had stepped out of the boundary, rather redefined it.

He was living a life based on his own will and no fixed routine.

He lacked nothing in his life, no money, no glory, except a woman whom he could love deeply.

Zhao Anan did not want to marry him, right? Then they did not have to get married. As long as they could spend every day together and as long as she was happy, he was happy.

It did not matter what the future would bring, and what cancer would do to them. To hell with all of those things!

He was going to travel all over the world with Zhao Anan and live an easy life with her.

Mu Qing felt both excited and nervous. He felt Zhao Anan’s pulse every now and then, fearing that she might be sick again.

Fortunately, she was doing well, except for some weakness and would hopefully wake up the next day.

Mu Qing lowered his head to kiss Zhao Anan’s dry lips.

Her lips tasted as he remembered them, except for being a bit rougher. That was only because she had not drank water for a long time.

His kiss was full of compassion and love, making her lips turn plump and moist once again.

Mu Qing’s tears seeped out.

As his tears trickled down on Zhao Anan’s cheeks, it looked as if she had been crying too.

Mu Qing did not stop until a long time later.

He touched Zhao Anan’s forehead with his, and cupped her skinny face, feeling her warmth.

Anan, my love, did you know that I have been searching for you for so long? Did you know that I missed you every single day so much that I almost turned crazy?

How could you be so cruel and leave me?

No one loves you more than I in this world, Anan!

You are mine, you always will be. I am not going to let you run away now. You are meant to be mine. I know you love me too. I know it!

Tomorrow, when you wake up and see me next to you, will you be happy?

During the past days, have you missed me too?

You must have missed me, right? You must have known that I went crazy searching for you. I saw the pig you painted!

It was very ugly, it must have been the ugliest pig in the entire world. But I loved it, I was so happy to see it.

You can cry, throw tantrums or get furious, but please, do not ever leave me!

My life has no meaning without you. Any money I make or success that I achieve will be of no use without you being around!

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