
Chapter 321

Chapter 321

Lovr quickly stepped aside, grabbed the unlucky predator by the white tail, pulled her to himself and flicked her forehead: «Wanted to scare me?»

Triana opened her mouth in surprise: «You… noticed me? But how?» – She was careful to pounce off the branch so that it would not creak, using the concealment technique. The master couldn’t have noticed her even if he had eyes on the back of his head.

Kyon snorted coldly: «I see right through you. Every step you take is in my power.»

«You lie as easily as you breathe!» – The tigress snapped in disbelief. – The Rustling of Leaves is flawless! Even lord phasers can hardly notice me, and you definitely couldn’t! I must have activated it too late… Yeah, it makes sense.»

«You’re so stupid and naive… Come on, try and hide again.» – Kyon yawned loudly.

Triana narrowed her eyes to slits. She jumped back and disappeared into the darkness of the night forest. Graceful as a lynx, silent as a shadow, Triana disappeared behind the distant trees when she found out to her shock that the man looked her straight in the eyes.


The tigress ran even further and turned aside, but he slowly turned his head in her direction as if magnetized and laughed loudly.

{It’s impossible! I… I can’t believe it!} – It seemed so absurd and ridiculous that Triana wished it was a bad dream from which she could wake up. The planet’s best predator couldn’t hide from the dirty, ugly second phaser! She was losing faith in her superiority over the man! He was the only one like this, right? Otherwise, the supreme beasts would have died out long ago!

Only a complete fool would not have noticed his incredible skills: he cooks the pheasant from scratch better than any cook in the empire; he moved through the forest faster than an experienced ranger; he had an incredibly developed voice and was tough like a boar in the lord phase; he could regenerate like a thousand newts; he could detect anyone’s presence, including the concealed one, even at night; and, above all, he had harnessed her with his dastardly tricks!

Supreme beasts rarely hid something from each other, but her master deliberately ignored her questions. He brazenly deceived her, hiding the truth, which made her experience absolutely new sensations that surpassed mere feline curiosity. This mysterious man had piqued Triana’s interest.

Triana couldn’t stand it anymore and screamed with impatience in her melodic voice that easily turns into a gentle growl: «How are you doing it? How could you see me from behind?»

«Come here.» – Kyon beckoned her with his finger.

The tigress approached cautiously, ready for any dirty trick.

Kyon whispered in her ear: «You will never catch me off guard. You’re not good enough for this. I can hear, see you, and smell you even when you are completely unaware of it.»

His arrogant statement made Triana tremble from the tip of her tail to her fluffy ears. Her inner competitor was awakened. She wanted him to eat his words.

Kyon added in a condescending tone: «Your master will teach you how to catch people off guard but not now. Later.»

Triana frowned: «You? Will teach me? To catch someone off guard? Supreme guards can’t joke, but I am sure you’re joking now…» – Her voice was clearly mocking, her eyes sparkled with arrogance.

Kyon snorted disdainfully: «Holy arrogance! You’re so self-centered! In fact, you’re an ordinary stupid cat that does not know her place! I will show it to you.» – He put two fingers together and pointed them on the ground, creating a bright dot of light.

Triana stared at the strange creature, mesmerized. Suddenly “it” started moving, awakening her hunting instinct. She instantly rushed in pursuit.

With the ether element of the advanced grade, Kyon could focus energy into a beam, creating a laser. His limit was to temporarily blind someone with no cultivation. However, it was a terrible weapon against a cat, especially at night!

With a guttural growl, Triana chased the bright firefly at an astounding speed. As soon as she “got” it, the prey escaped. It made her mad and caught up in the thrill of the hunt.

{She is so… cute.} – Kyon thought with adoration.

He effortlessly drove the playful cat into the tent and blocked the exit.

«Got you! Аh? Where are you?» – Triana looked around for another half a minute as if in a trance, but she could not find the bright, elusive firefly. It noticeably upset the predator.

«Who got whom?» – Kyon grinned.

Triana stood up and found herself inside the tent. She opened her mouth in shock. It was like a sudden memory loss! How did she get here?

«I have just lured you, conceited fool, into a trap with an ordinary sunbeam. You fell for the easiest trick in the world, pathetic stupid cat. Do you know what I mean?» – Kyon said with a snide look on his face.

«A trap?! You’ve tricked me! It doesn’t count!» – The tigress growled, blushing with humiliation. He manipulated like a puppet, and she did not even notice it! Her inflated self-esteem made a fool out of her over and over again…

{Wait, a trap?!} – Triana tensed. – «What trap are you talking about?» – She had a bad feeling about it. – «Whatever you’re up to, I am sleeping outside…»

«I will decide where you’re sleeping.» – Kyon pointed imperiously at the fur on the ground. – «Lie down.»

Triana obeyed, perplexed: «I don’t want to sleep next to you… I won’t!»

«I don’t give a shit about your opinion! Your words have no weight here. I might listen to them, but the final decision will be mine. Forget your free life. You serve – what did you say back then? – a fat ugly monkey.»

Triana pinned her ears in resentment. He was right. He had warned her that she would serve him as a mount, a protector, and a pillow. It was time for the third point. The princess turned into a pillow… What a shame!

Kyon crouched beside the tigress and ripped off her self-made bra. The luscious soft mounds of her breasts were on full display. Their perfect form could fascinate anyone. His hands reflexively reached out to the stiff peaks…

Triana lifted her tail and jumped to her feet, instinctively covering herself: «What do you think you’re doing?» – She looked both frightened and furious at the same time.

«Today, your boobs will serve me as a pillow. They are… They are soft enough.» – Lovr smiled cunningly. – «Get down and take your hands off, don’t make me order you.»

Triana had a bad gut feeling. She had somehow dismissed the idea that her vicious master with full access to her body would take advantage of her. With their innocence, supreme beasts pledged devotion to their partner, expressed their trust and respect. Those who had lost their virginity would never get accepted into the harem. She could forget about happy-ever-after with Fenrir. What were the chances to keep innocence for the beautiful tigress harnessed by the horny monkey? Next to nothing. She shouldn’t have pinned her hopes on a kind, understanding master. She wanted him subconsciously to destroy her prejudice about humans, but… it wasn’t meant to be.

She tucked her tail and mumbled, arching her graceful eyebrows: «Kyon… You aren’t going to **** me… Are you? Please, don’t…»

Kyon stretched wearily: «I repeat. You will be my pillow tonight. Get here before I change my mind.»

The tigress gritted her teeth. She didn’t trust him. The fear of being raped by the wretched, ugly man was stronger than meeting Empress Hera’s direct gaze. But what could she do if her fate was in the wrong hands? Supreme beasts couldn’t manipulate others or put pressure on their feelings. There was nothing she could do… Why did uncle bring her to this damned forest? Why did it have to be this way…

Triana didn’t want to provoke the master, so she lay down on the leopard skin, obediently baring her enchanting breasts mounds and hoping for the best. The poor tigress kept a close eye on him, praying to goddess Ceres for help.

Kyon quickly stripped naked. He had a habit of sleeping without clothes.

«I knew it…» – Triana whispered in resentment, with tears in her eyes. However, when I took a closer look, she did not find anything worth worrying. She felt bewildered at first, then pleased, and after that, puzzled. How could her gorgeous boobs not excite the lecherous human? Wasn’t she good enough for him?

Kyon unceremoniously plopped his face into her breasts, burying his nose in between them. Her warmth, angelic softness and tenderness tickled his cheeks, carrying him to heaven… He couldn’t deny himself the pleasure of shaking his head, digging deeper into her soft marshmallows. Her wonderful aroma, combining both the musky smell of a predator and the floral freshness of a young princess, made him lose his mind.

Lovr enjoyed hugging her warm athletic body, glowing with power, his eyes half-closed with delight. He couldn’t imagine a man who wouldn’t dream of holding a cruel, dangerous but so attractive predator like this, without any harm to himself? Even gay men wouldn’t say no to this… The strong-willed wild cat would have torn the jerk to pieces had she been given freedom at least for a second. However, she had no choice but to serve as a submissive hug cushion. Gods must be having a good laugh at her.

Kyon noticed that tigers in this world only looked like tigers. Unlike their earthly relatives, they lived a long time, could sweat and were aware of themselves. They purred, and the color of their eyes and fur was different. They had a variety of feline habits that were more common among pet cats than tigers.

Triana wrinkled her pretty face and clenched her fists tightly. How disgusting… It felt like a vicious swamp monster was hugging her. She would better have a lazy male walrus lying on her. The wretched human’s fat, ugly face was basking in her assets… It was unbearable torture. The princess didn’t do anything to inflict upon herself this terrible agony. If only he would keep his word…

Kyon moved slightly aside and stroked Triana’s abs, thinking: {She is impressive… Thanks to their powerful bodies and developed instincts, tigers can kill anyone at least three stages stronger, and given her jade claws and other techniques, this baby tiger might defeat even an imperial phaser in the beginning stages! And she is only sixteen… How strong will she be at the age of twenty? At twenty-five? With her talent, she will reach the sovereign phase! By the way…} – «Triana, is it true that the princess’s number depends on her strength?»

«Yes, it’s true.» – The tense tigress muttered. In the society of supreme beasts, power was everything.

{I wonder if she will rise to the first princess if I make her stronger? She will have full access to resources then…} – Greed woke up in Kyon. If he made her his secret agent, he could easily get the white tigers’ resources and even more.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t turn her into his political instrument anymore. The moment he harnessed the supreme beast, Kyon became the sworn enemy of the entire forest empire. It was a crime for them, worse than killing children. He couldn’t hide it either. The beasts felt it in the gut when someone of their kin had been harnessed. Besides, they always checked everyone who returned from the territories of humans or demons. If not for these precautions, their empire would have been destroyed long ago. This idea might work only if Triana learned to lie. With this in mind, Kyon decided not to deviate from his initial plan: becoming an investigator, putting Valira and Juno to use… But first things first, he had to deal with the Hunters, and before them, with Marina and Flitz.

«Purr for me.» – He asked Triana in a low, sleepy voice.

«You don’t deserve it. I will never purr for a wretched, despicable man like you!» – The tigress hissed through gritted teeth.

As a silent threat, Kyon slid his hand over her tender belly in her panties…

«Stop it! Alright… Just don’t do it…» – Triana begged desperately.

Kyon hadn’t had enough rest since the very first day of the tournament. A kaleidoscope of the recent events kept racing through his weary mind: annoying participants, Demonic mushrooms, the fierce tigress, the hunters following her, the flash of darkness… And finally, the long-awaited sleep. Kyon was too tired to get to know Triana better. Not tonight.

At this moment, a sweet purring sound caressed Lovr’s ears. Making himself comfortable on her tender firm breasts, holding tight Mother Nature’s flawless creation, he instantly plunged into the most pleasant dream ever.

A couple of hours later, Triana got used to the ugly face sniffing on her boobs. She calmed down. The crisis was over. Her master had kept his word. He used her as a pillow, nothing more. She would be only happy if nothing else came out of it. Anyway, the tigress would rather be lying in her royal bed, courted by dozens of servants that treated her like a goddess, not a pillow.

Triana noticed that the man smelled nice, despite his disgusting appearance and rotten nature… His aroma was rather tempting. Were she blind, she would buy such a delicacy on the meat market regardless of the price.

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