
Chapter 12 The Night Is Long And Full Of Horror

Aldrich was halfheartedly munching on bread and dry cheese as he distracted himself with the dancing flames of the bonfire.

On the other hand, Harvick was back on his reclining chair and his tobacco pipe. He blew rings of smoke and a multitude of other shapes.

It\'s been some time since their last exchange which ended on a heavy note. At least to Aldrich, Harvick looked as nonchalant as ever.

As Aldrich finished his meal, he washed it down with hot milk.

Through that talk Aldrich came to understand that Harvick had something to hide but Aldrich had no intention to ask. All people had secrets even Aldrich didn\'t tell the whole truth when he recounted the events to Harvick.

But of course this request was easy compared to the almost impossible task he had ahead of him. But there was a silver lining, he will soon become a Crestmaster.

Meaning that the previously impossible mission was not so impossible anymore, the extended deadline certainly helped.

He had to become an accomplished Crestmaster within two years, then he had to invite an archbishop here or he could search for and find the grade 6 wondrous item. If he had enough money he could buy such an item.

Of course enough coin could perhaps solve most problems. Coins, instead of making more he was lacking more and more everyday.

Now that he thought about it, it wasn\'t such an impossible task after all. Aldrich had no intention to waste even a single day, he planned to leave for Ado\'merin by dawn. Later he\'ll figure out the rest of the plan.

The mare fell asleep and Isger was carried inside Harvick\'s house. Aldrich didn\'t want to wake the poor mare twice in one night, so he was going to leave it along with the wagon here. He\'ll come get them later in the morning.

Aldrich washed his face with cold water and fastened the sword back to his belt, this sword will make him feel safer where he\'s going next.

Aldrich had no plans to go back to sleep, this night was long but it wasn\'t over just yet.

"About to head off somewhere?" Asked Harvick.

"I don\'t feel like sleeping so I\'ll take a walk until sunrise."

"Before I forget, I meant to give you this."

Harvick handed him an unassuming necklace with a tiny square plate at the center.

"This is a mental protection charm, it might come in handy later on. Well it might be useless if you\'re actually being targeted by a specter. You should get a better one when you ignite your first symbol."

Aldrich didn\'t know how to feel at receiving such a precious gift, but at the same time he had to shamelessly accept it.

"Come on, don\'t make that face, out there you\'ll have to learn to be shameless." Harvick laughed as he looked at Aldrich\'s silly face.

"Ah, be careful of how you were able to be lucid within your nightmare. When targeted by such a monster even the strongest grade one Crestmasters have no chance of resistance."

Aldrich nodded and walked slowly outside the area of Harvick\'s house.

Before he left the village there was some accounts to settle, like his mother\'s debts. Traveling is costly, the farther your destination the more coin you\'ll have to fork out.

Aldrich had no intention to travel to Ado\'merin by foot, he planned to hitch a ride on a carriage or a caravan. He also needed to eat and sleep all of which required some coin.

His savings weren\'t nearly enough, his first choice is to borrow from someone, but Aldrich had enough of debt he didn\'t feel right paying off one debt and falling into another.

The only place where Aldrich might be able to make some quick coin is by scavenging the most forbidden area within all of Wakefield, the old cemetery, now said to be haunted by undead soldiers that fight tirelessly in the night.

Aldrich was curious, is the old cemetery really haunted by undead soldiers? Why did the old cemetery of Wakefield turn into a battlefield? How?

Aldrich could only imagine the fear of the people of Wakefield when a battle broke out right above their heads. The tumor could be true. If so then he would gladly turn away. But if not then he might find something of value.

Throughout the last year or so, Aldrich did think of scavenging the old cemetery but in the day he was busy with work and in the night he attempted going there a few time through this very rout.

In the few times he got close enough he couldn\'t see anything because of the thick fog that lingers around the cemetery area but he heard no evidence of an undead battle. Or anything at all as a matter of fact, it was just peacefully quiet but eventually he always chickened out.

Instead of going through the woods and getting lost he found a way to a shortcut. He accidentally stumbled through the thickets by the cliffs walls and found a man made path that was covered by the over grown bushes.

It lead almost straight to the old cemetery, Aldrich guessed that it must have been used by the villagers back when the cemetery was still in use. After all they wouldn\'t take the risk of bumping into a hungry beast while on their way to the cemetery.

Of course despite the relative safety of the path, Aldrich was as quiet as a mouse. Aldrich looked at the sky and judged that it must be a few more hours before dawn.

While Aldrich was crawling quietly, the serene silence of the night was broken. Aldrich thought that he must\'ve imagined it but he heard it again. Now he knew what it was, people.

How could anybody be out here at this hour? Aldrich debated on whether or not he should continue on his way or turn back. But he was curious and he was obscured by the bushes.

But if he were caught trespassing in the most forbidden area, the mayor would lose his mind out of anger and Aldrich would be in deep trouble.

Aldrich marched on, he would be out of the village by this day, what trouble was he afraid of?

p Aldrich glimpsed through the bushes light, by the chatter he now knew it was large group. Aldrich wondered at what could so many people be doing here at such a time? he was not quite there yet but he will soon get as close as possible.

When he was close enough he raised his head to look through the bushes again but he was momentarily blinded by the light.

When he could see clearly once again he doubted his eyes. He saw a group of around twenty men some of which were mounted on horses.

Most of the men were wearing a matching uniform, a mixture of steel plates and heavy leather at the joints. They had muskets slung on their backs and swords hung at their belts.

Some of them that didn\'t wear the uniform, they were three among the ones on horseback. They were wearing colorful doublets and green patterned coats. One was a man the other a woman.

The woman was lively and looked curiously everywhere, the man had a relaxed demeanor, they were both talking quietly. The last man who wasn\'t wearing the uniform rode at the forefront.

The man had dull clothing compared to the two behind him, his clothes were all black and white lining. His face was covered by a silver mask.

His mask didn\'t depict some beast or a moster instead it was a middle aged man with a bountiful beard and a joyful smile.

The three other mounted men wore almost the same uniform as those behind them. Except for some slight differences, some marks on the shoulders and the left chest.

The only man riding on the same level as the masked man had the most marks.

There was another man who didn\'t wear the uniform, he was flanked on both sides by the rest of the men. The man had a sack tied around his head up-to his neck and both his hands were cuffed behind his back.

That man was evidently the source of most of the noise that attracted Aldrich here. He was shouting and purposely bumping into the men that surrounded him. A prisoner.

He walked weird, which lead Aldrich to believe that even his legs were cuffed, the chains clink-clanked as he walked.

Aldrich was fascinated by this scene and got even closer, very carefully. At last he was now directly above the group and now he could hear what the prisoner is saying.

"Fuck you all! You dog like bastards! You think you\'ve got me? Like hell you do! I can still murder everyone of you here-!"

One of the soldiers in the back hit the prisoner with the butt of the musket. The prisoner fell face down.

"Don\'t you understand what shut your trap mean?!" The soldier had enough as he kicked the fallen prisoner in the gut.

"Enough. Don\'t over do it."

The leader of the soldiers, the middle aged man with the decorated uniform turned around, the masked man followed him. The rest of the mounted group followed behind them.

"Oh, what\'s this? The great general defends the likes of me? How ridiculous!" The prisoner, although beaten was unfazed.

The general had a stoic expression but his words were sharp as swords, "I do not defend you, scum. The lord wants you alive and I follow orders unlike treasonous bastards like yourself."

Aldrich thought that he finally understood whatever is happening here. These soldiers were transporting a criminal through Wakefield. But that didn\'t make any sense. Aldrich decided to eavesdrop even more.

The blond man with the rich clothes stepped foreword, he petted the horse as he talked.

"But I am curious, why, Voy? Whats with all this? What makes you care about this village so much? After we took you in and sheltered you from the inquisition, you had nothing! Is this how you repay us? When did you suddenly grow a conscience?"

The blond young man, asked, but Aldrich didn\'t feel any anger or resentment, he was just curious.

The prisoner who was down got up, and was provoked by the young man\'s questions.

"Have you no qualms about what you\'re about to do to that little village?! Conscience? How can you say that to me? I didn\'t agree to any of this! God will smite you all!!"

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