
Chapter 151 - Three Way Clash Part 1

Outside Roland, three large groups of players had gathered. It had been two weeks since Serenity\'s guild meeting, and thanks to the cultivation methods, the members of Serenity were quickly becoming stronger. 

"Ryu, they are staring." GreenHat walked up and said as he looked at the two groups in front of them as they walked out of the town gates. 

"Let them stare. It\'s not like they can do anything to us. Wait, isn\'t that, that new guild?" Ryu looked over and saw a familiar figure and quickly hid behind GreenHat. "Don\'t let her see me, or I might have to kill her instantly."

"Pfft! Haha! Put your cloak on so she can\'t recognize you."  GreenHat suggested. "But yeah, that is the new guild, The Queen\'s Throne. From what I know, she posted a notice on the forums as soon as she created the guild offering one platinum for people to join and stay in her guild. I think they get some kind of salary." 

"Salary huh…. GreenHat, who is the best at finances amongst the generals?" Ryu asked. He kind of liked this whole salary thing. While everyone was working hard for the guild, he didn\'t really have much to give as a reward. So he figured a salary would not be too bad. And the members could do as they pleased with it. 

"Are you thinking of doing salaries as well?" GreenHat asked.

"Mmm… It will keep people loyal to us as well as helping those who might be in bad spots, a bit of relief in their life. The things they farm can also be either donated or sold to the guild for market price. And it is not like our guild is poor. In fact, we have a surplus of money." Ryu replied. 

"That is a good idea. I will put FingerSandwhich on it as soon as we are done with the raid." GreenHat felt this was going to be a very good thing for their guild.

"Thanks. I will leave it to you then. As for the matters at hand, I think I will need to reveal myself. People from the Golden Sword are walking over." Ryu sighed.  He recognized the two walking towards him since he had killed both of them. They were Gene and BurningToast. 

"Where is Ryu!? Tell Ryu to come out right now!" Gene yelled out. He hated Ryu the most. He had a hell of a time getting things together because of the bounty he had put out on him.

"Keep your panties on. I am right here. Why do you gotta yell like I stole your girlfriend or something?" Ryu sarcastically asked.

"Humph! As good with your words as always, I see." BurningToast said with a snort.

"You\'re just mad because you got de-leveled so many times. Look at me. I even gained levels and still have the highest bounty on me right now. If I am right, you guys are the ones who set it. So come on, I am right here, come kill me. Look, I will even shine it for you, see…"Ryu rubbed his cheek and stuck his neck out while mockingly saying:  "What are you waiting for? Come on, hit me!"

"You!" BurningToast really wanted to punch Ryu with all he had! He never met someone so infuriating. 

"BurningToast!" Gene yelled. His yell caught the attention of one particular player. 

Beauty raised her head and looked over in the direction of the yell, her eyes going wide as a smile crept up on her lips. "You two follow me." Beauty pointed to the two burly men wearing full metal armor, and like the name of her guild, she walked over like a queen. Because she had fifty of her own guards help make her guild, she had the protection she needed to finally level up. She was now in the middle of the fortification realm after much work. Out of the entire game, only a few people have found cultivation manuals that people knew of, and not a single one has been put up for sale.  But somehow, Beauty was still able to get her hands on one. 

"BurningToast long time not see." Beauty said as she winked at Ryu. 

Chi had already walked over to Ryu\'s side and almost burst out laughing. She still couldn\'t believe this idiot was still thinking that Ryu was BurningToast. Of course, BurningTaoast wouldn\'t let this slide. "Umm…. who are you calling? That dickshit\'s name is Ryu. One of the most hated players in the game."

"Now, now, MoldyBread, don\'t get mad just because you have been stripped and killed over and over, all due to that small brain of yours. How can I not be named BurningToast? I mean, who would believe your words over mine?"  Ryu said with a big shit eating grin on his face. He was having fun!

"Huh? Ryu? MoldyBread? Hey, what name is the right one?" Beauty was really starting to get confused.

"Does it matter? I tell you what Beauty, was it? If you put a 1000 platinum bounty out on me, I will tell you a secret." Ryu said, doing his best to hold back his laughter. 

"You mother fucker! You dare try to start some bullshit with me!?" BurningToast was having such a hard time restraining himself right now. He couldn\'t believe this bastard was using his name to get bounties placed on him. No wonder he had all kinds of random bounties placed on his head.

"You never heard of borrowing a knife to kill someone? I just don\'t want to waste my money putting a bounty on you so, it is easier if I just ask little miss sheboy to do the work for me. " Ryu spoke honestly. He did not want to waste any more money on these idiots.

"Hey! Who are you calling a sheboy!?" Beauty yelled out. 

"Hmm? She\'s not a sheboy? But there is a lump in her crotch." GreenHat suddenly spoke up. He hated this Beauty girl ever since he found out she argued with WhiteLotus.

"Huh!?" Beauty looked down at her crotch, and only after looking for a few seconds did she realize she was tricked! "You! Damn it!"

"Huh? Why are you yelling at me? You\'re the one staring at your crotch. The more you try to deny it, the more people will think you are a sheboy. Right everyone? How many here think that little miss here is a sheboy? Raise your hand!"  GreenHat started a vote and even raised his hand. Everyone who heard him besides Beauty\'s people all raised their hands.

"You! I shoul..." Beauty was about to rush forward but was quickly pulled back by her guild members. 

"Leader, don\'t let them rile you up. They want you to attack!" Beauty furrowed her brow hearing her guild member\'s words. 

"Fine! Let\'s go kill that damn chicken then! I will not sit here and deal with these lunatics who only know how to anger people to death." Beauty was angry even if she was a closet masochist. Ryu and GreenHat\'s words were pulling on her last nerve. 

"Hold it!" Ryu and Gene yelled out at the same time.

Ryu sneered as he turned to look at Gene. "I do not care what anyone says. My guild will be the one doing the oversized chicken. If your guilds get in my way, I do not mind farming some free items." 

There was no way Ryu was going to let two weeks of planning go down the drain when everyone in the guild had worked long and hard for this.

"Ryu, just because you are the current top guild in Soul Fusion Online does not mean you can do as you please! A world boss is anyone\'s game!" Gene yelled.

"Humph! Neither of you will be putting your hands on what is mine." Beauty had stopped and turned around when she heard the other two guild leaders talking.

"Oh? Do the two of you think your guild is good enough to beat mine?" Ryu asked with a chuckle. "I will say this now. I do not have anything against the players in your guild, but Beauty, BurningToast, and Gene, your three, are what is going to make it very hard for your guild to rise up within the Roland area. If you do not give up today and try to kill steal my guild\'s target, I do not mind going to war."

"Do you think you can threaten me!? You are not the only one with a cultivation manual! Your days of lording over the cultivation world within Soul Fusion Online are over Ryu!" BurningToast yelled. "Half of our guild is already at the peak of the fortification realm with cultivation."

"Hmmm? It seems like you also got the scribe trade skill. That\'s kind of funny since a few of our members have it too. And well, half of my members are already in the soul sensing realm. So do your best LittleBaldy, because as you said, we are the top guild. Now then, my top guild has a world boss to kill."  Ryu leaned over to GreenHat and whispered: "Put all the lowest level players in the middle and surround them with soul sensing players. Don\'t let them die." 

"Got it. I will do it now." GreenHat did not need to question Ryu\'s order. Both guilds had a feud with Serenity so they would not hesitate to take a chance to kill off the lower levels for revenge.

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