
Chapter 383 - Wrong Opponent (2)

By this time, world leaders from all over the world had all of their attention on the battle between Arnold and Hercules. But they weren\'t alone. The battle between a god and a mortal was the only thing anyone was watching while holding on to their breaths. It was a battle that would inevitably define the future of their planet and everyone wanted to know the result of their battle as soon as possible.

That\'s why the S ranked warriors from around the globe were given a secondary task. A task to record the fearless duo battle it out after they were done taking care of the rest of the olympian army. While they failed to do the primary task as Arnold\'s summons were the true heroes of the battle between the Olympian army and them, they could still fulfil the secondary request made by their respective leaders. 

"U-Unbelievable..." Seomun mumbled when she saw Arnold fearlessly bang Hercules head onto the black mountain.

The two of them were like two lions who were fighting to establish dominance over one another. At first, Hercules had been winning against Arnold, but now the warriors soon realised that Arnold had been intentionally taking a beating before.

Arnold allowed Hercules to beat the hell out of him so that Hercules\' sole focus would have been on him and not on the ongoing battle below. With Hercules\' attention on him, Arnold\'s summons along with the warriors easily managed to annihilate Hercules\' soldiers while losing ten thousand or so warriors. The number was large, but still, it was much less than what had been estimated before the battle commenced. 

"Even when he was stuck between a duel to the death, he was careful enough to give us every advantage he could..." Orlov smiled wanly, "How can we ever measure up to someone like that?"

"The answer is simple," Kang You said as he patted the Russian warrior on the back, "We can\'t. the only thing we can do is to follow in his footsteps and hope to achieve a fraction of what he did."

"Wonderfully said... just by feeling the absurd amount of aura those two are leaking. Even as an SS ranker, it\'s safe to say that those two," Johnny pointed at the top of the mountain, "are already way out of our league."

"..." Nicole didn\'t reply and kept watching the two battle it out. She was preparing herself to interfere in the battle despite Arnold\'s wishes. If things started going south, she would not hesitate no matter what Arnold told her.

"He was supposed to be a summoner, right? How can he be so strong?" Carlos asked Johnny as he knew Johnny and Arnold had known each other for a long time.

"Beats me. All I know is that every time I see him, he gets stronger than before. And I\'m not talking about a meagre increase either. It\'s more like exponential increase."

"That\'s just... crazy," Orlov mumbled.

"There\'s something even crazier. It\'s the same for his sister, Nicole is the same. I suspect it might be true for his summons as well." Johnny sighed, but it was a sigh of relief rather than of distress, "I miss the time when I was the strongest amongst them. Thankfully, I\'m not or else imagine me fighting against that monster. We wouldn\'t stand a chance. Haha!"

What johnny said was no exaggeration. Both Arnold and Hercules were leaking crazy amounts of aura that was sufficient to make the low ranked Warriors lose their consciousness. Even the S and SS rankers were having a hard time trying to stay on their feet.

It looked like both of them had finally decided to go all-out. If they wanted to win, they couldn\'t afford to hold back anymore. Hercules now knew that Arnold had played him by letting him think he was nobody special. Hence Arnold successfully managed to distract him from the main battle.

Hercules was once again enraged. Not because he got played by a mortal, but because he got so obsessed with thinking about ways to defeat his opponent that he couldn\'t even listen to the cries of his soldiers. It was a horrendous mistake for a commander of an army to ignore the well-being of his troops. Arnold didn\'t fail to do this and as soon as he noticed his troops were having a hard time against the enemy, he immediately did whatever he could to help them. However, Hercules couldn\'t help his soldiers in time.

Even in Hercules\' eyes, what Arnold did was commendable. Arnold had won quite a big chunk of respect from the demigod. And that meant Hercules was going to kill him. He was a demigod, and he could not allow a mortal like Arnold to live anymore as he would only cause unnecessary trouble for the gods of Olympus later on. But that didn\'t mean he couldn\'t have a friendly chat with him as they duelled to the death.

"I must say you surprised me there. When you slammed my head on the ground and ripped my arm off. I didn\'t expect you were capable of doing that." Hercules laughed before wiping the sweat off of his forehead, "Be proud Arnold! You are stronger than any mortal I have faced till now."

"Huh... I don\'t have much experience fighting against demigods. But I must admit, it\'s quite fun." Arnold smiled back before popping his dislocated shoulder back in its place.

Both of them were getting exhausted after every blow they parried. They both had injuries all over their bodies. Arnold\'s shoulder was dislocated twice already, meanwhile, one of Hercules\' arms was missing and he had a fat, bloody lip and yet both of these crazy basta*ds were enjoying it all.

"If only the circumstance were different, I would have invited you to join me and my fellow demigods at Olympus. A warrior like you is just wasting his time on this wretched planet. You should be around entities who know your worth."

"You were once a resident of this wretched planet as well, remember?" Arnold laughed before throwing yet another punch and the Olympian demigod, "Sadly, I have too much going on in my life so I would have to decline your offer for now!"

Arnold\'s punch threw Hercules off-balance as he fell off of the cliff with a loud bang. Arnold knew Hercules was on the verge of losing the fight. No, it was probably already over. Both of them were running on fumes and if he didn\'t manage to defeat Hercules now, Arnold was afraid he would either have to use Devil\'s rage to subdue the Demigod or use Dragon bone sniper rifle to end once and for all. And Arnold didn\'t want either of these things to happen.

Sadly, Hercules was nowhere near being defeated. He was just getting started as a lightning bolt struck his fallen body and he rose back up once again.

"Playtime is over, Arnold. Let\'s end this duel." Hercules\' voice crackled like thunder as he decided to use his trump card against Arnold. It was an ability even Hermes couldn\'t escape the wrath of. An ability given to Hercules by the king of Olympus, and his father, Zeus himself. An ability that turned him into a god for 10 seconds.


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