
Chapter 635 Mi Luan Leaves

Chapter 635 Mi Luan Leaves

  When Gu Li stepped inside the tent, he saw Mi Luan sitting on the bed as if he had been waiting for him to come to the tent. Gu Li looked away from his clean black eyes that were fixed on him.

  He heard Mi Luan calling him but he didn\'t respond to him. Instead, he walked to the other side of the bed and then sat down on it.

  However, he didn\'t lay down to sleep instead he finally focused his gaze on Mi Luan.

  His hand went to probe his sleeve and a moment later, he took out a silvery shining dagger from there and forwarded it to Mi Luan.

  "Did I not say that I will give you a very good dagger? Here it is for you."

  Mi Luan blinked as he looked at the beautiful dagger and finally picked it from Gu Li\'s hands.

  "Senior Brother…"

  Mi Luan spoke with confusion-filled eyes. According to what he knew, this dagger belonged to Senior Brother.

  Then how could he take it? But Gu Li didn\'t let him complete his question and asked him

  "Why do you call me Senior Brother?"

  "Doesn\'t everyone call you that? Those shadow guard brothers you train…they call you senior brother so I call you the same way."

  Mi Luan answered honestly but Gu Li couldn\'t help but smile bitterly.

  Yes, they called him Senior Brother but he would feel nicer if Mi Luan would call him Elder Brother. However, it seems that he was nothing but Senior Brother to him like he was to those shadow guards but Mi Luan was much more to him than the shadow guards he trained.

  "Sleep now. Don\'t you need to travel for a long time tomorrow?"

  Gu Li said calmly as he hid the bitterness inside his heart and started to spread the blankets for them. However, before he could lie down, Mi Luan suddenly held his wrist and presented a small packet in front of him.

  "Senior Brother, I have nothing to give you right now except for this."

  Gu Li looked at the small packet on his small hand. He didn\'t know why but he suddenly felt an itch in his nose and his eyes went blurry.

  It has been a long time since he had felt moisture in his eyes.

  He blinked them vigorously and took the packet from Mi Luan\'s hands.

  Both of them lay down on the bed. Soon Gu Li heard Mi Luan\'s soft breathing. That night, Mi Luan didn\'t have any nightmares and slept soundly but Gu Li\'s eyes didn\'t find any sleep.

  The morning came very early for him. He closed his eyes when he felt Mi Luan who was sleeping by his side moving suddenly.

  He could feel sitting up on the bed and then getting down slowly and carefully as if he was afraid to wake him up.

  It was only after he had left the tent did he open his eyes.

  His eyes were red as the color of blood but he never shed a single tear. Nonchalantly, he got down from the bed and left the tent a few moments later.




  After a shichen, Mi Luan was ready to leave with his Shifu. 

  Today, Gu Li didn\'t go to train with his shadow guards and stayed in the tents only. That\'s why today everyone was present when Mi Luan was about to leave.

  "Continue practicing every day. Try to learn new things if you can. I am sure that in a few years you will be able to defeat any swordsman who would dare to fight with you, Mi Luan."

  The old master said to Mi Luan with a soft smile on his lips and patted his head gently.

  "Yes, Master."

  Mi Luan said politely.

  Then he suddenly kneeled down on the ground surprising the old master and everyone else. But his next few words somehow won the heart of every person present there.

  "Mi Luan is grateful to the Master for teaching me so many things in the past few days. If it ever came to Mi Luan, Mi Luan would not hesitate to give up on his life for Master."

  In Mi Luan\'s soft voice the words he said already sounded very sincere and everyone believed that he really meant it.           

  Sincerity would always make a heart go soft and that\'s what happened.

  Everyone was suddenly unwilling to let him go.

  In the past few days, they had gotten so used to of having him around. And even if they would manage, the shadow guards wondered how their Senior Brother would be able to handle himself after Mi Luan\'s departure.

  The old master helped Mi Luan in getting up from the ground.

  He patted his head again. After that, Mi Luan bid goodbye to everyone.

  Soon Gu Li picked him in his arm and then with another, he held Master Wong\'s waist and the three of them flew away from there.

  Gu Li didn\'t want Mi Luan to face any danger when he would walk through the forest so he decided to leave him and Master Wong at the boundary of the forest from where the village was very visible from naked eyes. 

  Gu Li had thought that he had prepared himself well but he still felt his heart going heavy when he set his foot down on the boundary of the forest and put down Mi Luan on the ground on his feet.

  "Then we leave."

  Master Wong said as he looked at Gu Li.

  However, Gu Li held Mi Luan\'s small hand in his. He looked at Mi Luan and cleared his throat loudly before he said

  "Take care of yourself."

  "You too, Senior Brother."

  The little fella said to him.

  Gu Li looked into his clean black eyes carefully and gritted his teeth silently when he didn\'t find any trace of the sorrow in leaving him.

  He wanted to be angry but he couldn\'t.

  Instead, he kneeled down in front of Mi Luan. Cupping his face in between his palms, he said very gently.

  "If you ever need me in the future…any kind of help you need then just spread the word or leave some trace of yours at this same boundary. I will find you on my own."

  Mi Luan nodded his head and said

  "Senior Brother can do the same. If you ever needed Mi Luan then find me."

  Gu Li smiled but his smile was still bitter.

  "And how shall I find you? I don\'t even know what you look like."

  He said as he looked at his veil.

  Mi Luan went silent at his words. A moment later, Gu Li saw him raising his hand to remove his veil but he stopped him abruptly.

  "No…don\'t. It is better if I don\'t see it."

  Mi Luan looked confused but only Gu Li knew why he didn\'t want to see his face.

  If he ever saw him in the future, then he might abduct him to take him back to Youxio.

  Gu Li thought silently while Master Wong heaved a sigh of relief.

  "We should leave now, Little Luan. They will be here soon."

  Master Wong said and Mi Luan nodded his head as she stepped backward. 

  Gu Li didn\'t have any choice but to leave him. 

  As he saw his small frame walking towards the village and then disappearing from his sight, it took a great effort in stopping himself from running towards him and taking him back to Youxio.

  The days, then weeks, and the years…Gu Li wondered how he will continue living in the future without the small bundle of joy by his side. 

  It will surely be difficult but life has to go on…just like it kept going on after he had lost his mother and younger brother.

  With a bitter heart and cold eyes, he finally flew away from there.

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