
Chapter 240 - 239 - The Attack Commences

Chapter 240 - 239 - The Attack Commences

Point-of-View: Fuo Wesroh


Today was the 1st of March...yeah, that\'s right, it was the day of the attack. It was currently around 11 AM, and so far...so good. All the S-Ranked Adventurers and the strongest of the A-Ranked Adventurers were spread throughout the streets and atop the walls, keeping an eye out for any sign of the enemy. Yeah, the latter was technically the job of the guards, but...in the past, they had proven to be kinda bad at their job.

The rest of the Adventurers were all patrolling the streets, and they were equipped with a tool called a flare gun. They were to fire those weapons straight up into the air if they encountered any enemies. Additionally, a few A-Ranks were at the palace to guard the king, royals and other important figures, who were holed up inside a hidden basement in the castle.

And as for us higher-ranked Adventurers, we each had a spell on us, a spell that, when activated, would summon the ten Adventurers closest to our position. Every one of us was carrying a receiver spell for that spell, which is what would activate the teleportation.

We were only supposed to activate the summoning spell if we ran into what looked like a significant amount of the enemy force, so it was possible that it wouldn\'t be used much. If the enemy does show up, I hope it\'ll be sooner rather than later...with every passing hour, the anxiety and restlessness among the Adventurers would keep rising.

Now I get why logical Kuro waited so long before attacking and finishing off Shiro, this is pretty nerve-wracking...and speaking of Kuro, there was still no change in his state, he was still comatose. Still, it wouldn\'t be a bad thing if we were able to repel the attack without his help...relying so heavily on one person was far from ideal.

"Hey, Fuo!" Called out a familiar voice, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hm? Oh, it\'s you, Selesa. What is it?" I replied, as she bounded over to me.

"Well, I\'m getting all jittery and nervous...I think a quickie would totally ease my nerves! You\'re into girls, right? Wanna fuck?" She proposed with a seductive smile.

H-huh? Wow, there\'s blunt, and then there\'s this...

"Uh...no thanks."

She\'s very pretty and attractive on the outside and all, but...on the inside, she was kinda, uh...hm, I don\'t really know a nice way to put this...

"Why me, anyway?" I added with an inquiring look.

"Hm? Oh, well I didn\'t decide on you specifically, I just figured I\'d try to seduce the next attractive person I run into, that\'s all. So, sure you don\'t wanna ride my face or have your face ridden on?" She added hopefully.

...what kind of question is that?

"Yeah, I\'m sure..."

"Aw, for real? That\'s too bad, you\'re so slender and sexy that I-."

"Okay, you don\'t need to finish that sentence! I\'m, uh, going to keep patrolling around, you should too," I responded, clearing my throat as I walked past her.

"I guess you\'re right...oh, well, I\'ll ask you again after the attack, \'kay!? Hope you change your mind!"

Hm, regarding that...yeah, no, I don\'t think so. How does she do it...how is she seemingly in a constant state of arousal, is that even humanly possible...?


Point-of-View: Shiro Blanc


"So, uh...today\'s the day, right?" I inquired with a raised eyebrow.

"Yup, today\'s the day!" Grinned Belia in reply.

"Okay...so then why are we still in Silvland!?"

It was the 1st of March, the day of the attack. A total of over five thousand of Silvland\'s citizens had volunteered to fight...well, actually, a lot more had, but many were too weakened by Vampires draining their life force and would be useless, even with the effects of Corruption Magic strengthening them. And there were several more that were excluded simply because there wasn\'t enough time to power them all up.

As for the five thousand, Belia and Hacte has spent nearly six days powering them up using Hacte\'s Corruption Magic, and Hacte slept for two days straight after that, waking up just earlier this morning. We were ready to attack, but we should have headed out already.

Oh, and as for the execution, I really enjoyed testing out my Obliteration Magic on the literal hundreds of people, it literally erased them completely.

"Chill out, Shiro. I can teleport everyone there using my Dimensional Magic, we\'ll go there in the evening, around 5 PM. You\'re so restless."

"...I wouldn\'t have been restless if you\'d just told me that before! Why do you never tell me anything unless I explicitly ask!?" I snapped in exasperation.

"Um...because you didn\'t ask?" She replied sheepishly.

"Damn it, you owe me a boobie fondle for this!"

"Hell no!"



At 5 PM, everyone was gathered in the clearing outside the castle, all five thousand plus of them.

"Finally, we attack the Rustlands...I have been waiting for this!" Remarked Hacte, bloodlust emanating from him.

"I don\'t like agreeing with you, but yeah, same here," I replied with a sigh.

"Alright, time for my big speech," Grinned Belia with a gleam in her eyes.

She then flew up and above the crowd, using a spell to make herself glow brightly...she really knows what she\'s doing with this whole act, huh?

"Citizens of Silvland, you are all the holy servants of God, and I am but his humble messenger, the Head Archangel Belia, and my aides and I will lead and assist you in this holy crusade! In order to grant this nation salvation from the accumulation of sin, you must execute the blasphemous former princess! One of you must do so, it would be meaningless if I or my aides were to do so. And until the princess is found and executed, you must slaughter as many of the Rustlands\' heathens is possible, my aides and I will take on their strongest Adventurers in the meantime. And after the princess is executed, I shall safely bring you all back here in an instant. And now, I will transport you all to the heart of the Rustlands through God\'s Holy Gate of Light...now, fight, dear faithful servants of God, for the Salvation of Silvland!"

Long speech...and the mindless sheep below her were eating it up with stars in their eyes. The let out a loud, unified cheer as Belia opened a massive portal gate below them using her Dimensional Magic, along with an illusion spell to make it all bright and sparkly. God\'s Holy Gate of Light, huh...nice, that definitely sounds all divine and shit. They all disappeared into the portal in an instant, presumably reappearing in the Rustlands.

"Nice speech, Demigod of Chaos...can we go too now?" I inquired impatiently, as she descended back down.

"You know, I really like that title, but everytime you say it, it feels sarcastic..."

"No idea what you\'re talking about, must be your imagination, Boobs. Can we go now?"

"I agree, we have remained idle for long enough!" Chimed in Hacte.

"...yeah, okay, let\'s go," She grumbled, opening another portal for us as she undid the illusion that made her wings looks white and her halo golden, before pulling off her long white dress with a sigh of relief, revealing the outfit she\'d previously worn, "That dress was so stifling, I should have just used an illusion. I\'ve cast an illusion spell on the eyes of all the Silvland troops, so when they look at me, I\'ll still look like what they think is their God\'s Head Archangel or whatever."

"Hey, can\'t you use those illusion spells of yours to make the Rustlands\' Adventurers see each other an enemies and kill each other off?" I suggested.

"No, I can only cast minor illusions that pose simple suggestions, like \'those wings are black instead of white\'. But making allies look like enemies is beyond my ability, unless I pour in some Divine Magic, I suppose, but I don\'t want to waste any. Chaos Magic can pull that off, but as you know, even the weakest Chaos Magic illusions take a toll on the user. What Demonic Magic do you have, again, Shiro?"

"Obliteration and Alchemic. So I can destroy and transmute, no illusions though."

"And you\'ve only got Corruption Magic, huh, Hacte?"

"Indeed...however, since you had me use it on myself to power myself up, I am quite pleased with my current level of power."

"Alright then, once we get there, you two find take on their strongest Adventurers. I\'ll do the same. Remember, though, we don\'t want to wipe out the Rustlands, that nation is crucial for my future plans to cause more chaos in the world...even setting Kuro aside, that nation is filled with irregularities and outliers."

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"Right now, I\'d say that the strongest ten to fifteen or so humans in history...are all currently alive in the Rustlands as active Adventurers. Don\'t kill them all, it\'ll be boring if no one\'s left to oppose us, so just knock them out or something, and leave Kuro alone if he remains in a coma. As for the civilians, leave them to the Silvland troops. And if they do find Agatha Silvland and kill her, we\'ll leave...I think these Silvland idiots can be useful as long-term pawns, so we\'ll keep up this farce for a while longer."

"I think I can get behind that...watching you manipulate an entire nation so seamlessly is honestly kinda entertaining," I admitted wryly.

"Really!? Are you saying that you\'re acquiring a taste for chaos!?" She exclaimed excitedly, grabbing my shoulders.

...from this close up, I was getting a generous glimpse of her ample cleavage...

"Sure...chaos is great," I responded in a half-trance, my eyes glued to her chest.

"What are you looking at-...oh. Let\'s go," She sighed in exasperation, opening a portal and nodding at us to go through it, "Let\'s move out, Chaos!"

Finally...it begins...


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